Thought about Elrond & Elros #2

I just noticed, that the dragon-oneshot doesn't have a title. This was planned. It definitely was...

Anyway, for reasons (!) I am thinking alot about Elrond and his brother lately. And I was thinking this:

Don't you agree, that the two of them must be really f*cked up by the Valar (that's me trying not to swear and failing)? I mean: 

They made Earendil stay in Valinor, without telling him, that his children were alife, even if they knew! They are Valar! Of course they knew! How could they not know!? But they didn't say a damned word, because they wanted the Silmarill for themselves! In Valinor. Under heir controll. Out of the elves' reach.

Second: They had the Silmarill after the War of Wrath, which is fine. But Maedhrol literally send them a message  asking them to return the Silmarill TO PREVENT A BLOODBATH! He literally has given them a chance to make this a good ending for everyone! And what did they do?! They DEMANDED the Silmarill for themselves! They seriously told the sons of Feanor that they wouldn't have the right to posess them! As if they did! The Valar who have never before in their lives moved a finger to regain those jewells! Who have never spilled a drop of blod to get, what they wanted, but carefully waited for others to give their lifes for it. Why not? Let the elves try to regain the Silmarill and then take them from them. And if it doesn't work, we can still come, after they have weakened Morgoth enough. 

And then demanding they were better than the sons of Feanor, than all the Noldor, who fought for their freedom and peace and their jewells. I don't say kinslaying or sacrifying hundreds of warriors in a battle for a few stones is good or even forgivable. But watching hundreds of elves and men being SLAUGHTERED by Morgoth only because they were in his way or even tried to do something against the dark lord, THEY failed to keep under controll is just evil.

And they are calling Morgoth evil?! For killing elves?! As if it was any better to let elves die, because helping them was "out of their power". THIRTEEN Valar and ONE dark lord?! Are you kidding me! It was out of the Noldor's power to defeat Morgoth in the first place! It was out of Fingolfin's power to hew his foot! It should have been out of Feanor's power to reach even to the doors of Angband! And guess what: THEY STILL DID IT! While the Valar were chilling in Valinor, enjoying their light and whatnot and not giving a damn about suffering elves, because they themselves were safe.

And then claiming their right to the Silmarill? Do you know what they are? Damned hypocrits are they with their useless decisions and their greed for bright jewells and the light they have lost because of their lazyness and their habit of  looking away and of ignoring the darkness as long as it doesn't trouble them in their bliss!

But, I quite missed the point.

Actually, I only wanted to say, that - keeping the Silmarill and not giving them to the sons of Feanor after the War of Wrath - the Valar are also responsible for Maedhros' and Maglor's death (I know, he didn't really die, but he disappeared anyway). And they are responsible for Earendil staying in Valinor. So Elrond and Elros lost their parentes because of the Valar. TWICE. And, seriously, I do want a scene, when Elros screams exactly that into great, good, flawless  Manwe's hypocritical, egocentric, ignorant face! Damned!

Wow... I never expected me to become THAT aggressive. That's weird. But PLEEEEEAAAAASE, tell me, I'm right. Or I'l start feeling bad for the Valar, even if they don't deserve it AT ALL.

By the way: I don't say, EVERYTHING the Valar did was evil or unjustified. Ulmo for example. I like Ulmo. He cares about Middle Earth. And they were right, saying, that the Noldor didn't behave very diplomatic. And the Noldor weren't completely right about everything as well. And trying to forgive Melkor was very nice too. 

Even if: Did you notice there was one scene where Eru told Ulmo, that Melkor would burn his waters, while through the clouds he could reach Manwe? He literally set them agains Melkor! 

 Damned, I can stand on my head and not find any good in this.

I think, all in all, the Noldor behaved like defiant children and the Valar like ignorant, incapable parentes.

Anyway, You'll read from me (If I'm not killed by one of Manwe's eagles for that 😅)

Alice 🙃

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