Welcome back to Hello Charlotte I hope that you guys are enjoying the chapter. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT. It means a lot to me plus I like talking to you guys. Remember to click the video it goes with the chapter. The song is Young God by Halsey. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~
Dedicated to Netflix_and_Manga
I stared down at my small arms and hands riddled with bruises and small scars.
"These should disappear with time like they always do," I mumbled.
I turned my gaze to my old house, a deep frown on my face. After a moment or two instead of my parents walking out, it was Ivo.
He grinned at me as he approached. "Oh little, little Charlotte. Are you already missing your parents? It's only been six months since our deal."
I looked away from his judging and piercing gaze. "Maybe, but only my dad. But he was bordering on worthless too, after all, he only watched."
Ivo let out a snort. "Well, he would've been on your mother's side the second someone from the Aveon organization tried to question him. People are like that whether they're human or paranormal. They only look out for themselves when the pressure's on them. And to tell the truth you should do the same."
I looked away from Ivo and down at the ground but at this time of night, it was hard to see, even with my eyes. "You mean all people act like you?" I asked with a slight smile. Then I scowled, my teeth clenched because it wasn't like I didn't have good memories of me and my dad.
He shook his head. "No, because I have to look out for you. And I do my job correctly. You already trust me though, right?"
I stared at him, looking into his eyes as I touched my markings. "After the things you did for me? Yeah, I will admit you might be starting to win me over."
He grinned at me and for the first time I took notice of his teeth.
He has the teeth of a predator.
"Come inside Charlotte, I cooked dinner."
Silently I followed him inside the house.
I slowly opened my eyes, my skin felt sticky and slick. Suddenly my throat started to itch almost violently, which caused me to begin coughing. My chest felt heavy almost like it clogged up.
"Here drink this, it should open you up."
I quickly looked in the direction of the voice to see a guy holding out a small flask toward me, and from it, I smelt whiffs of rum and warm honey.
I narrowed my eyes as I stared at him. "Who are you?" I asked as I massaged my chest.
"Your therion knows my nature nymph. So I'm a friend apparently," he said as his red eyes bored into mine.
I bit my lip as I took the flask from him. I took a quick drink feeling the heat of the liquor burn down my throat as it opened up my chest. If I could've managed it I would've sighed in relief.
That's when I got a good look at the guy. Ivory horns curved out from underneath his blonde hair, black tiger stripes ran up and down his throat disappearing underneath his shirt. Semi-long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail.
His pupils were shaped like a cat's and due to his dark red eyes, it was easy to see them expand and shrink in size. His wings were feathered and bigger than my scale covered ones. However he didn't have a tail, but he did have talon-like claws.
"Okay, so you're a chimera? And you know Ivo?" I asked slowly as I rubbed my throat.
He sighed as he placed the cap back on the flask and placed it in his pocket. "My name is Atlas, and I don't know your therion. Like I said my nature nymph, Delilah knows him. Delilah's usually friendly, but she's acting like she just met a family member."
For a moment I sat there frowning then I looked around. I was in some type of well-kept cabin. Atlas chuckled then held up both of his hands showing me the glowing contract markings that were on his palms.
"Okay...um, I'm Charlotte and do you mind telling me where I am?" I asked.
"Of course, you're in a Chimera village. Well, on the outskirts honestly," he told me with a slight smile on his face.
"You live on the outskirts of your own home town?" I asked as I briefly looked out the window.
"Lots of supernatural creatures dislike people who make contracts with as they put it strange demons. Some say it's a sign of weakness, others call it an egregious sin against the gods. You should know that considering you're also a chimera, so you probably should've heard it a lot," He explained with a shrug.
I crossed my arms as I looked away. "I didn't really know that. I met Ivo when I was twelve, and before that, I grew up in a very closed community." I said softly.
Atlas nodded. "The summoning ritual, a different price for each creature and a different marking for each person."
I felt him look me up and down, his eyes staring at my markings. "Although yours are possibly the largest ones I've ever seen," he sighed.
A strange uneasy feeling prickled across my skin causing the fur on my tail to bristle slightly, as a cold chill settled in my chest. "Have you seen Ivo, usually he's here. Did he leave after making sure I was okay?" I asked as I quickly changed topics.
I hate it when people stare at them. It feels like they're trying to pry into my soul.
I briefly glanced looking for Ivo, however, I didn't see him.
"Oh, so that's his name. Yeah, for a while he stayed by your side watching you then said he needed rest. When I came back after a bit he wasn't in the room." Atlas told me.
I let out a relieved breath I didn't know I'd been holding. "So he's sleeping, that's good," I whispered as I rubbed my markings on my arm.
"I'll leave so that you can shower and brush your hair," Atlas informed me a smile on his face as he walked out of the room.
"Ivo, are you alright?" I whispered.
After a moment or two, he answered as he appeared sitting on the edge of the bed. He yawned before he spoke. "Yeah, I was just resting after I carried you here. Delilah wanted to talk my ear off about her new contract Atlas."
Ivo rolled his eyes and I caught sight of the gray half-circles under his eyes.
"Wait, you're not sick too are you?" I asked as I stared at him. A strange ache rose in my chest as I bit my lip.
Wait, I didn't even know creatures like him can get sick. Actually I just never thought about it.
Ivo shook his head. "I can't get sick like you do. I'm like this because you didn't take better care of yourself like I told you to. You're my vessel, I live in both your soul and body. I feel what you feel. That's why I always tell you to be careful. If I can't help you, who will?" He let out a snort. "Then again day you stop being stubborn is the day I become human."
I bit my lip. "I'm sorry Ivo. I admit that I should've just cuddled up next to you." I admitted softly.
Ivo looked at me and smiled slightly. "It's okay just be careful. Also, the way your hair is standing up looks really weird almost like a pile of hay."
"That's why I'm going to brush it after I take a shower," I told him as I got up carefully.
He let out a chuckle, a moment later his face turned serious. "I saw you dreaming about the old days."
I shrugged as I gathered the clothes Atlas had left for me on the nightstand. "Yeah, I do it frequently."
"I won't let anyone hurt you like that. Never again. It is why you summoned me after all," Ivo promised.
I looked at him meeting his eyes. "I know, it's not like I would forget our contract agreement just because I'm a bit stuffy at the moment."
He nodded as I headed toward the shower. When I entered the bathroom I saw my hair in the mirror, it was sticking up in every direction a lot of it though was either clinging to or curled around my horns.
Huh, he didn't follow me. When I turned eighteen he started following me even if I walked into the bathroom...maybe he really isn't feeling too great.
"I escaped from prison only to end up in a place where people hate me before even knowing me. Just wonderful," I sighed as I showered.
I could feel everything just washing away and for a brief time, I could only feel peace.
If Ivo is still awake when I finish I need to ask him what exactly a Therion is. The only answer he's given me is that he eats people but that summarizes a lot of supernatural creatures. Besides, I could've sworn that I've heard it before in the past.
I exited the bathroom wearing a towel in search of a hairbrush.
"If you're looking for a hairbrush it's, in the cabinet right there," Atlas informed me.
I jumped slightly as I looked at over at him, in one hand he held a liquor bottle and in the other a bow and arrow. I noticed the quiver full of arrows on his hip.
"So you came back," I said with a small smile as I flicked my tail out.
Atlas shrugged. "I came back to get my bow and something to drink while I'm busy."
"You're a drinker and a hunter. At least the flask full of brandy and honey makes sense," I said as continued to smile.
"Nah, I'm not exactly a hunter. I use the bow and arrows to gather meat but everything else, I kill using Delilah's power over nature. Once you finish up I'll show you around," he informed me.
"I thought supernaturals hated people like us," I reminded him.
He smiled at me. "That doesn't mean we can't take a walk around the village. Even the elder isn't that obtuse," he said as he once again left me alone.
I opened the cabinet that Atlas had pointed out and got the hairbrush before heading back to the bathroom. After getting dressed, I brushed my hair and braided it so it would at least look as neat as possible.
As I stepped outside of Atlas's house, I looked around, my tail wagging and thumping against the porch floor.
Ivo is sleeping, I'm free from prison. While this village isn't my first choice. It is nice to just be out here in the fresh air.
I looked toward what I assumed was the center of town especially considering that there was a giant tree there.
"It's either the town square or festival ground. Welp, time to go sightseeing," I muttered as I began walking toward the giant dark wooded tree.
As I began to walk through the actual town I noticed a livelier feeling. Despite the fact that I was getting death stares and appalled looks from other Chimeras.
Maybe I should've asked for a sweater or something with long sleeves. These people seem like they'll be worse than the humans I've met in the past.
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