Chapter Twenty-One
It was 4 AM on Sunday.
Zack had his alarm set, as he liked to wake up early to work out. He quickly shut it off, so he didn't wake Brooke up. Once he was awake and sitting up, though, he noticed Brooke wasn't in her bed. He turned on the bedside lamp, and he realized she was pacing back and forth.
She stopped, looking up. She hadn't noticed he'd woken up, and she was surprised.
"Oh," Brooke said, softly. "I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?"
"No." He shook his head. "Brooke, what are you doing up? It's four in the morning."
"What if I mess up?"
"Mess what up?"
"My match," She replied. "It's the first ever Divas Extreme Rules match, but what if I mess up? What if I ruin it for all the future Divas of the WWE?"
"Brooke – "
"What if I accidentally hurt AJ or Trinity so badly they have to stop the match?" She continued. She'd started pacing again. "What if they take my title away because of it? I'll be the reason the Divas don't get chances like this anymore, and – "
She stopped talking and walking. Zack had gotten up at some point, and he was now standing in front of her, blocking her path.
She ran a hand through her hair. "I'm going to mess everything up."
Zack set his hands on her shoulders, and she visibly relaxed.
"Brooke," He said. "You are not going to mess up. You, AJ, and Trinity have been practicing every chance you get. You guys have this down. Hunter wouldn't have given you this match if he thought you were going to mess it up. When people think of Brooklyn, they're going to think of the revolutionary match you put on tonight. I swear to god, you're not going to mess up."
Brooke buried her face in his chest. "I just don't want to fuck this up."
"I believe in you." He wrapped his arms around her. "AJ and Trin believe in you. Hunter believes in you. The WWE Universe believes in you. The whole roster believes in you. The only person who needs to believe in you is you."
She took a deep breath, then backed up. "Okay. I believe in myself. Everything is going to go fine. I'm not going to fuck anything up."
"I'm making history tonight," She said, softly. She was so busy worrying about her performance, that she'd completely forgotten how groundbreaking and historic this match was going to be. "I'm putting women's wrestling on the map."
"That's the spirit." Zack smiled at her, and she returned it.
"Tonight is the first ever Payback pay-per-view," Brooke said. "It's also the first Divas Extreme Rules match, between me, Trinity, and AJ Lee. I'm both nervous and excited for this match, because I'll be making history, but a lot is riding on this match. I can't mess it up."
The backstage area was buzzing with excitement.
The main event for the night was John Cena vs. Ryback in a Three Stages of Hell match. Everyone was discussing who they thought would win.
Not only that, but there was the Extreme Rules match between Brooklyn, Naomi, and AJ for the Divas Championship. Brooke had been approached multiple times that night, by people she didn't usually talk to, with good luck wishes.
Her match was right before the main event, and as it got closer to it, her nerves were turning to excitement.
The match before hers, The Shield vs. Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton, was nearing the end, so she, Naomi, and AJ were waiting in Gorilla. Zack was also there, but would be leaving to find the nearest monitor to watch his girlfriend make history once she walked down the ramp.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this is really happening," Brooke said, grinning.
Seth Rollins pinned Daniel Bryan, winning the match.
"You're going to do great," Zack told her. As the tag teams arrived backstage, he kissed her. "Good luck."
"The following is a triple threat Extreme Rules match for the Divas Championship!" Lillian Garcia announced. "Making her way to the ring, from Planet Funk: Naomi!"
The crowd was louder than Brooke had ever heard it. She watched as Naomi walked to the ring, wearing new ring gear made specifically for this night. Unlike her usual Funkadactyl gear, it did not look sparkly or have pom-poms.
"And her opponent, from Union City, New Jersey: AJ Lee!"
AJ skipped to the ring, gaining just as much cheers as Naomi, even if she was a heel. Both women stared each other down, but once new music began playing, they eyed their opponent.
"From Detroit, Michigan, she is the Divas Champion: Brooklyn!"
As Brooklyn walked out, holding her championship in the air, the crowd somehow grew louder. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she walked down the ramp and got into the ring.
"Brooklyn doesn't have to be pinned to lose her title tonight," Michael Cole pointed out.
"That means AJ and Naomi both have the chance to leave Payback as the Divas Champion," Jerry Lawler said.
Once all three women were in the ring, Lillian Garcia stepped out, and the bell rang.
Immediately, Naomi and AJ both pounced on Brooklyn, trading punches until the champion was sitting in the corner.
AJ grabbed her arm, dragging her to the middle of the ring. As she began trying to lock in the Black Widow, Naomi stopped her, pulling her off of Brooklyn. Naomi began punching AJ, and Brooklyn discreetly rolled out of the ring.
She stepped away from AJ, running toward and bouncing off of the ropes, hitting her with a dropkick. Naomi went for the pin, but AJ kicked out at 2.
AJ slowly got up, and as Naomi wasn't looking, she kicked her in the back of the leg. Naomi fell to her knees, and AJ quickly locked in the Black Widow.
Naomi waved her arms around, but she couldn't reach the rope, and even if she could, there was no rope break. She struggled to get out of the submission.
Suddenly, Brooklyn slid into the ring, a steel chair in her hands. The crowd cheered as she hit AJ with it, releasing her hold on Naomi. Both women fell to the ground, and Brooklyn dropped the chair. Since she was closest to AJ, she went for her finisher – the moonsault.
AJ rolled out of the way, and Brooklyn hit the mat. She frowned, and with AJ still on the ground, Naomi went for the pin on Brooklyn.
"1...2 – "
Brooklyn kicked out, and Naomi sighed angrily. She was on her knees, looking down at Brooklyn, so she didn't notice AJ running toward her. She hit the Funkadactyl with a Shining Wizard, and went for the pin.
Naomi kicked out at 2, and Brooklyn slid out of the ring again.
AJ stood up, smirking. She walked over and grabbed the chair Brooklyn brought in. As Naomi began standing up, AJ hit her with it. Naomi fell to the ground, but AJ hit her again. After hitting her a few more times, it didn't seem like AJ would stop any time soon.
Brooklyn slowly climbed to the top rope, the one behind AJ. As AJ hit Naomi with the chair again, Brooklyn jumped off, hitting AJ with a moonsault. She quickly went for the pin.
AJ kicked out at 2.
Brooklyn stood up, walking over to the chair AJ had been using. When she turned around, AJ was right in front of her. She tried taking the chair from her, but Brooklyn gripped it tight, refusing to let go.
Finally, Brooklyn let go, letting AJ fall down with the force of her pulling. She quickly stood back up, but when Brooklyn suddenly rolled out of the ring, she turned around.
Naomi had gotten up, and she ran at AJ, hitting her with a spinning heel kick. AJ fell to the ground, and as Brooklyn began searching underneath the ring, Naomi was distracted.
She slid out of the ring, grabbing Brooklyn's arm and pulling her away. Brooklyn turned around, punching her. Naomi and Brooklyn took turns punching each other, but when Naomi kicked her in the shin, she was quickly brought to her knees.
AJ had gotten up. She ran from one side of the ring to the other, performing a suicide dive and landing on Naomi and Brooklyn.
They all laid on the ground, not moving. Slowly, AJ stood up. She grabbed Brooklyn by the hair, standing her up and shoving her into the ring. She went for the pin.
"1...2 – "
Brooklyn kicked out, and AJ stood up, frustrated. While Brooklyn stayed down, AJ paced the ring, trying to figure out what to do.
She quickly noticed Naomi slowly standing up, so she slid out of the ring. Once Naomi saw her, she slid back into the ring. Brooklyn, once again, slid out of the ring.
Once AJ was in the ring again, Naomi grabbed her arm, Irish whipping her into the ropes. As she bounced off of them and came running back, Naomi hit her with the Rear View. After hitting her with a leg drop, she went for the pin.
"1...2 – "
Brooklyn grabbed Naomi's leg, dragging her out of the ring. Naomi landed on her feet, but before she could react, Brooklyn hit her in the knee with a kendo stick. She fell to the ground. Brooklyn hit her with it again, and the stick broke. She dropped it, and slid into the ring.
AJ was still on the ground, so Brooklyn hit her with a moonsault. She went for the pin.
"The winner of this match, and still the Divas Champion: Brooklyn!"
Brooklyn ran a hand through her hair as she was handed her title.
"These women made history here tonight at Payback," Cole said, and there was pride in his voice.
Brooklyn had started crying at some point, but she wasn't sure when. The crowd was deafening, and she was smiling now. She clutched the title to her chest as her hand was raised in the air.
She looked at the crowd one last time before sliding out of the ring.
Brooke was the first one backstage, and everyone erupted into applause. She just grinned, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"In Rosemont, Illinois, I made history tonight," Brooke said, smiling, even as tears began falling. "Brooklyn, Naomi, and AJ Lee fought the first ever Divas Extreme Rules match, and no one can take that away from us. I walked away as champion, and I've never been more proud of this division."
People began congratulating her, but she was too busy searching for her boyfriend to respond.
Someone put a hand on her shoulder, and she turned around. Nattie was looking at her, smiling. She wrapped her in a hug.
"You did great!" She told her friend. When she let go, she added, "He's down the hall. You should have seen him when you won. He was going crazy."
Brooke thanked her, then headed down the hall. She quickly spotted Zack, who was still looking at the TV, even though they were advertising the WWE shop.
He hadn't noticed she was there, so she began talking.
"And still your Divas Champion..." She said, in her most announcer-esque voice.
He spun around when he heard her. He grinned when he saw her tearstained face.
"That was amazing!" He exclaimed. He hugged her tightly.
"Zack. Can't breath."
He let go. "Oh, sorry. I'm so proud of you! I told you that you weren't going to mess up!"
"I know..." She looked down, smiling.
"And you didn't!" He continued. "That was the match of the night – the match of the year." He paused. Brooke was smiling, but she seemed uncomfortable. He was overwhelming her, he realized, so he made sure to watch his words. "Trinity and AJ were great, too."
She looked up, a genuine smile on her face. "They were, weren't they?"
Zack was part of the Three Stages of Hell match as a lumberjack, so they talked about Trinity and AJ until a backstage guy came and said he was needed.
"Good luck!" Brooke called out as he walked away.
She couldn't see his face, but he was grinning.
They had the Extreme Rules match! :D I usually doubt my match writing skills, so please let me know what you thought of the match!
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