Chapter Three

Brooke would've assumed the hotel accidentally gave her a room with two beds again, but someone had their things on one of the beds. There were pink suitcases and makeup bags.

"I was kind of confused," Brooke confesses. "I've had my own hotel room for almost two years, so it was weird to see someone else's stuff in my room."

A few seconds later, the bathroom door opens and Natalie Neidhart - or Nattie - walks out. When she sees Brooke, she smiles.

"Hey, Brooke!" She exclaims. "I didn't know we were rooming together."

"I didn't either," Brooke admits. "I normally get a room by myself."

"I do too."

"I thought you roomed with TJ?" Brooke says, confused.

"Nattie and TJ have been together for as long as I can remember. They're engaged now, which is great, but why isn't he rooming with Nattie?"

"TJ's been off the road for a while," She says. "He's injured. What about you? I figured you roomed with someone."

Brooke shakes her head. "Nope. I used to room with Eve, but she left, so it's just been me."

Nattie and Brooke talk some more until Nattie gets a call and has to talk privately.

Someone knocks on the door, so Brooke answers it.

She smiles. "Hey, Zack!"

He looks slightly taken aback by the cameras, but quickly recovers. "Hey, Brooke! Are you doing anything right now?"

"Like I said earlier, I'm single, so no, I'm not dating Zack. We're just friends."

"Actually," Nattie says, appearing behind Brooke. "We have to go talk to Mark and Jane. Sorry, Ryder, maybe next time."

He shrugs. "It's cool. Work's important, I get it. I'll see you later, Brooke."

"Bye, Zack."

Zack walks away as Nattie says, "Oh, bye Zack! Sorry, I must've missed you saying bye to me!"

He continues walking and laughs. Without turning around, he says, "Bye, Nattie!"

Brooke gives her a confused look, and Nattie laughs.

"What?" She asks, innocently. "It's rude not to say bye to someone."

Brooke rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just come on."

The two women walk down the hallway and get on the elevator. Once they're in the lobby, they see Mark and Jane waiting for them.

"Hi, Mark! Jane!" Nattie says, smiling.

"Hope we didn't keep you guys waiting," Brooke adds.

"Not at all," Mark says, shaking his head.

"So what's up?" Nattie asks.

"As you guys know, we have two newbies," Jane explains. "We were hoping you two could help them out, show them the ropes of the WWE. Just until WrestleMania."

"I'm sure some people wouldn't want to help out the newbies," Brooke says. "But I love helping out the new Divas! I'm down at NXT all the time, helping the girls out."

"Of course!" Brooke says.

"Sure," Nattie adds, not as enthusiastically as her friend.

"Oh, here they come now," Mark says.

They look toward the hallway, where two girls are walking toward them. One of them is tall, with brown hair and is really pretty. The other one is shorter, with curly black hair. When they reach the group, Mark smiles.

"Nattie, Brooke, this is Eva Marie and JoJo." He points at each girl as he says their name.

"Eva Marie looks like one of the model-turned-wrestlers that we see too much in the WWE. I hope she does something to stand out.

JoJo looks like she's still in high school! I don't know what's going on, but she is definitely going to need a lot of training if Mark and Jane want her on the main roster."

"Well, that's all for now," Jane says. "You girls get to know each other."

Mark and Jane walk away, and the cameras stop filming.

"I love you guys!" JoJo admits. "I can't wait to work with you!"

Brooke smiles. "Thanks! It'll be fun working with you too, I'm sure!"

Eva sighs. "JoJo and I need to go. We'll see you later."

JoJo frowns, but follows her friend.

Nattie rolls her eyes and looks at Brooke. "So what are you doing now?"

"I actually wanted to go workout," Brooke says. "Why?"

"Nikki, Brie, and I are going shopping and we wanted to know if you wanted to come," Nattie explains.


"Please?" Nattie begs.

Brooke laughs. "Fine."

"Great!" Nattie says. "I already told them you were coming. Now, come on, let's go."


"You know you love me."


Brooke, Nattie, Nikki, and Brie were now at a boutique, shopping. The cameras were back.

"I honestly don't know Nikki and Brie that well," Brooke admits. "Besides the occasional match, I've never really talked to them. I hope Nattie doesn't make me regret this!" She laughs.

"See anything you like?" Nikki asks Brooke.

She shrugs. "I don't normally wear dresses, so I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be looking for..."

"Girls!" Nikki snaps. Brie and Nattie look at her. "Brooke doesn't wear dresses. We need to help her!"

Nattie and the twins quickly get to work finding dresses that would look good on Brooke. Once they're done, Nikki makes her go to a dressing room and try them all on.

Eventually, everyone has found the perfect dresses and they check out. They get their bags and start heading to the parking lot.

"Do any of you guys want to workout with me?" Brooke asks.

"Sorry, but Nikki and I have to go film some things," Brie says, frowning.

"I actually have to make sure Eva and JoJo aren't getting into any trouble," Nattie says.

"Oh, do I need to come?" Brooke asks.

"No, it's fine." Nattie shakes her head. "You can workout. I don't mind."

"Well, okay..."


Brooke was now at the hotel, by herself. She had already put her bags in her room and was now looking for a workout partner.

She saw a small group of Superstars talking in the lobby, and Zack was one of them, so she walked up to him.

"Hey!" She says, once he finishes talking. "Are you doing anything right now?"

"Not really, no." He smirks. "Why?"

"I want to go workout out and no one will go with me."

"Say no more," He says. "I will be your workout buddy."

"Thank you!" She says. "I have to go change, but I'll meet you back here, okay?"

"Can't wait!"





I just wanted to thank you guys for reading! I hope you're liking the story so far! If you are, let me know by commenting and voting! :)

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