Chapter Eighteen

"I'm going on another date with Zack tonight," Brooke said. "And oh-so-conveniently, Nattie planned another breakfast outing with the girls tomorrow morning, and we all know what they're going to want to talk about."

As Brooke contemplated whether the amount of makeup on her face was enough or not, there was a knock on the door. She let out a small sigh of relief, picking up her phone and walking over. She took a peek through the peephole, and once she was sure it was Zack, she opened the door.

"Hey!" She greeted, smiling.

He matched her smile. "Wow, you look great."

No matter how many compliments he gave her, Brooke always blushed. "Thanks..." She exhaled. "So... Where are we going?"

He moved out of the way as she stepped out of the room.

"This probably isn't a surprise to you, but there's not a lot to do in Ohio," Zack informed her. "So, I asked Mike what there was to do in Columbus. Well, he yelled at me and told me he was from Cleveland, not Columbus." Brooke laughed. "So I had to figure everything out on my own."

"I still don't know where we're going," Brooke reminded him, as they both stepped onto the elevator.

"I'm getting there!" He told her, but she just laughed at him. "We're going to a museum. If that's all right..." He suddenly seemed unsure of his date plans, and Brooke took notice.

"It's fine," She told him. "I love museums. Actually, when I was younger, I wanted to work in a museum."


"Yeah." She nodded. They stepped off the elevator. "I didn't even want to do something cool; I wanted to work at the front desk."

Zack laughed. "Why?"

"I honestly have no idea," She replied, shrugging. "I was, like, five at the time, though. A few years later, I realized I wanted to wrestle, so it all turned out okay."

"Well, I'm glad," He said.

They stepped outside.


"He took you to a museum?" Nikki asked, scrunching up her nose.

Brie frowned. "I think it's sweet."

"That's because you're a nerd," Nikki told her twin. Brie just shot her a look.

"It is kind of sweet," Nattie said, agreeing with Brie.

"My date last night with Zack was great," Brooke said. "But now I'm eating with Nattie, Eva, and the twins, and Nikki's making it seem like the worst date ever!" She frowned. "But I don't really care what she has to say."

"Yeah, you're right..." Nikki finally relented.

"So, um..." Eva spoke up. They all looked at her. She raised her hand, showing off a new ring, and smiled. "Jonathan proposed!"

"Oh my god!" Nikki and Brie exclaimed at the same time.

"Congratulations!" Brooke told her, smiling.

"That's great!" Nattie added.

They all began talking about Eva's engagement, and Brooke was glad that the focus was no longer on her.


Brooke, AJ, and Trinity walked out of Hunter's office, all of them with wide eyes and smiles.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening," Brooke finally spoke, once they were further down the hallway.

"I've waited my whole life for this!" Trinity agreed, grinning.

Once they turned the corner, they quickly spotted Zack at the end of the hall, walking their way. He smiled when he saw them.

"You guys look happy," He observed. The girls just glanced at each other, the smiles never leaving their faces. Trinity and AJ said their goodbyes, and it was just Brooke and Zack.

"That's because we are," Brooke simply said.

They began walking. "And why is that?"

"It's a secret," She replied. "You'll have to wait and see."

"But I want to know now," Zack whined.

She rolled her eyes. "You have to wait to find out, just like everyone else."

"Fine..." He mumbled.

"You won't have to wait too long, though," Brooke assured him. "If you watch the show, you'll find out exactly what's going on."

"I always watch the show," He said. "My girlfriend is the Divas Champion. I've got to see what she's doing in the ring, and make sure it's not too obvious that she's better than me."

Brooke just shook her head and rolled her eyes, but on the inside, she was melting. They'd been dating for a little while now, but this was the first time that Zack had referred to her as his girlfriend. It was such a nice feeling, and she loved it, so she wasn't going to bring it up. She didn't want to worry him.

"I'm not better than you," She said. "You just don't wrestle as much as I do, and I just look better by comparison."

"That reminds me," He brought up. "You'll have to watch the show, too, because I might be making an appearance."

"Of course I'll watch," Brooke said, smiling. She checked the time on her phone. "I have to go get changed. Make sure you're watching!"

"My eyes won't leave the TV," Zack said, watching her walk down the hallway toward the Divas locker room.

After putting on her gear and grabbing her title, Brooke left the locker room and headed to Gorilla.

She was defending her title that night against AJ, who was invoking her rematch clause, and unlike their last match, this one was televised, as it was on Monday Night Raw.

She smiled at AJ just as her music hit.

"The following is a Divas match and it is for the Divas Championship! Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan: the Divas Champion, Brooklyn!"

Brooklyn walked to the ring, the Divas Championship around her waist. She was smiling.

"And the challenger, from Union City, New Jersey: AJ Lee!"

Once AJ skipped down the ramp and made it into the ring, the match started.

AJ and Brooklyn quickly locked up, neither of them gaining an upper hand until Brooklyn managed to grab one of AJ's arms. She brought AJ down to her knees, twisting her arm the whole time. AJ turned her body so that she was facing Brooklyn, and punched her in the head, making her let go.

Brooklyn backed up, grabbing her face. AJ stood up, running at her and hitting her with a clothesline. She tried to lock in the Black Widow, but Brooklyn managed to get out of it rather quickly.

"What is Naomi doing?" Michael Cole asked, watching as she walked down the ramp. At first, she didn't do anything, she just stood and watched.

"I'm not sure, but it can't be good," JBL replied.

The match continued, and Naomi just watched. Suddenly, after hitting Brooklyn with a shining wizard, AJ tried for the Black Widow again, and once it was locked in, Naomi ran to the ring. Instead of sliding in, though, she began searching underneath it. Once she found what she was looking for, she emerged and got into the ring. AJ still had the Black Widow locked in, so Naomi ran at her, hitting her with the steel chair in her hands.

AJ released Brooklyn, who quickly rolled out of the ring. Naomi stood in the ring, watching as Brooklyn got her title and a microphone.

"The winner of this match, as a result of a disqualification: AJ Lee!"

Brooklyn's eyes never left the ring as she headed to the top of the ramp. Naomi glared at her, while AJ remained on the ground. Finally, Brooklyn brought the microphone to her lips.

"You two just never know when to give up, do you?" She asked. Naomi began yelling, throwing the chair on the ground. Brooklyn smirked. "You want this title so badly? Fine. At Payback, I will defend my title against you and AJ in a triple threat match." She turned around and began walking away, but abruptly stopped and turned around. "Oh, did I mention that it's an Extreme Rules match?"

As she walked away, the crowd began cheering. Brooke couldn't help but smile as she walked backstage.

She expected to see Zack, but the first person she saw was Nattie. The third-generation Diva rushed up to her, wrapping her in a hug.

"This is great!" Nattie exclaimed, grinning. "This is absolutely amazing!"

A few seconds later, Trinity walked backstage, and she was quickly wrapped in a hug.

"I'm defending my title in an Extreme Rules match at Payback," Brooke explained. "Which is a huge deal! I can't remember the last time the Divas had an Extreme Rules match, or if there's ever even been one before!"

Once Nattie was out of the way, Brooke spotted Zack, who was standing by a monitor and still looking at it. His mouth was slightly open in shock and amazement, which is exactly how Brooke looked when Hunter told her about the match.

As Brooke approached him, he finally noticed her. He got over the shock, and was now smiling.

"You're in an Extreme Rules match!" He exclaimed.

"I know!" She was smiling.

He gave her a quick kiss. "I'd love to talk about this more, but I have a match!"

"I'll be here," She said, pointing to the TV. As he walked away, she looked at the screen, where they were now talking about the next match.

Number One Contender Battle Royal for the United States Championship.

Her eyes widened. She didn't know Zack was going to be in this battle royal, or that it was even a thing. If he won this, he'd be facing Dean Ambrose at Payback. And if he won at Payback, he'd be a two-time United States Champion, and she couldn't be more excited.

It had gone to commercial after her match, and a few people had come to talk to her during that time. Once the match started, though, she made sure not to talk to anyone.

As the match went on, she kept her eyes on Zack. One by one, Superstars were being tossed out of the ring, but Zack was still in it. Sure, he was currently in a corner, not a part of any of the action, but he was still in it.

At some point, he had slid out of the ring under the bottom rope, which meant that he hadn't been eliminated and was still in the match. Currently, there were two people still in the ring: Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater. Jinder Mahal, the other member of 3MB, had been eliminated early on.

At first, neither of them knew what to do. They didn't want to eliminate their friend. But, suddenly, Drew ran at Heath, clotheslining him over the top rope, eliminating him. Heath began yelling at him, but Drew had already started celebrating.

Then, Zack got back in the ring, running at Drew from behind and hitting him with a Rough Ryder. He picked him up, and began trying to eliminate him. At first, Drew started fighting back, but Heath, who hadn't left, began helping Zack, and Drew was eliminated.

Heath and Drew yelled at each other as they began walking away, and Zack stayed in the ring. The surprise on his face was clear, as he still couldn't believe that he'd won.

"The winner, and the new number one contender for the United States Championship: Zack Ryder!"

Brooke rushed to Gorilla, waiting for Zack to walk backstage. Once he was in front of her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Once the kiss ended, he smirked. "Today's my lucky day, isn't it?"

"It won't be if you don't take a shower," She warned him, taking a few steps back.

He laughed. "All right. I get it."


I don't think I could have done the date justice, so instead of writing it, I just had Brooke talk about it with Nikki, Brie, Nattie, and Eva. xD

I decided to include Brooke's dress and her gear because why the hell not?

As always, let me know what you thought! :)

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