I Would Do Anything For You

"And he said to me 'Please, Loren! Let my band play at your wedding!'. So I said yes," Loren giggled as she helped me zip up my dress. We were in a boutique trying on dresses for her wedding. Not bridesmaids dresses, unfortunately, but just ordinary dresses. I mean, it makes sense that we aren't bridesmaids. Loren only found out we were coming not too long ago.

"I can't believe you're gonna let Uncle Steve sing at your wedding!" Lucy chuckled as she looked at herself in the mirror. "He's certifiably crazy!"

"Now that is not true." Loren argued.

"Sorry, Lor, but I'm with Lucy on this one," I said as I walked over beside Lucy and looked at myself. "Remember when he stole the Thanksgiving turkey? He told everyone that it had flown away!"

"Oh yeah," Loren laughed. "I forgot about that. That was five years ago and he was just being silly."

"Sure, sure," I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "And it isn't his band a bluegrass band?"

"Ricky and I love bluegrass! I think it'll be cute. Anyway, let me get a good look at ya," Loren smiled. Lucy and I turned to face her. "Aw! You guys look so pretty!"

  I looked over at Lucy who was wearing a minty green, one-strapped dress that went to about mid-thigh. I was wearing a royal blue strapless dress that ended about where hers did. Yeah, I suppose we look pretty good.

  Loren went out of the dressing room and into the sitting room where all the boys were waiting.

"Okay, I think we found the perfect dresses," Loren said.

"It's 'bout flippin' time," Alex laughed. Me and Lucy made our way over to them. The second Alex saw me his mouth dropped open. I gigggled and walked up to him.

"You'll catch flies," I smirked. He closed his mouth and pulled me close to him.

"You look so beautiful," he whispered to me, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh you," I said, blushing like crazy. I pulled myself from his arms and looked up into his blue eyes. I couldn't help but smile at the love for me I saw in them.

"I absolutely, one hundred percent mean it," he grinned. I felt my face heat up as he pulled me into a kiss.

"Aw, you guys are so cute!" Loren exclaimed. I turned around and looked at her. She had her phone up as though she'd just taken a picture.

"You took a picture, didn't you?" I sighed.

"You know me so well!" she grinned. "Oh and don't worry. I already sent you the picture."

  I turned back to Alex, who I'd given my phone to while I tried on dresses. He pulled my cell phone out of his pocket, handed to me, gave me another kiss, and walked over to talk to Ross and Ricky. I checked my texts to that Loren did in fact send me a picture of me and Alex kissing. I looked at it for a while, just taking it the fact that I had such a wonderful boyfriend, who just so happened to be Alex Smith. 

  I looked to my left and right before setting the picture as my phone wallpaper.

"Nice wallpaper," Loren smirked from over my shoulder, causing me to jump.

"You know me so well," I laughed, repeating her words from earlier. She smiled at me before pointing over to the cashier.

"Y'all go pay for your dress. The boys are getting antsy," she chuckled.


  I sighed as jumped onto the bed in Alex and I's guest room. Alex walked in a few seconds later, holding a garment bag with my dress in it. He hung it up in the closet and looked over at me. I rolled over, making room for him to lay down next to me, and patted the space beside me. He smiled lazily and laid down next to me.

"Thanks for carrying my dress. It was very manly of you," I giggled.

"I live to carry your dresses," Alex joked.

"Nice to know I've got a pack mule whenever I need one," I said sarcastically. I turned onto my side and looked at him. I wriggled closer to him. I got closer and closer until our noses were touching. He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose.

"How mad you be if I shaved your hair off in the middle of the night?" I asked randomly, ruining the moment. He scooted away from me a bit and started laughing pretty hard.

"I imagine I'd be pretty upset," he said after he sobered up from his laughing fit. "Why? You weren't planning it, were you?"

"Oh no," I denied. "Just, ya know, wonderin'."

"You're very strange," he laughed lightly.

"Look who's talking, Kermit,"I joked. "We're both strange. Perhaps that's why Alena is the world's greatest OTP."

"Perhaps," he agreed.


  I was awoken by the annoying light of sunshine on my face. I yawned and rolled over to my side to see Alex was already awake and doing something on his phone.

"Good mornin'," I said quietly, yawning once again.

"Good morning, sunshine," he smiled, setting his phone down on the bedside table.

"The wedding is today," I said plainly.

"Yep," he said.

"Yay," I said, attempting to sound excited but that's kinda hard to do when you've just woken up. "I'm excited for my aunt's wedding, I swear."

"Don't worry," Alex laughed. "I believe you."

  I sat up and smoothed my hair down a bit. I reached over Alex and grabbed my phone from the bedside table.

"Holy cow!" I exclaimed. "Alex, why didn't you tell me it was 12:34?"

"Was I supposed to?" 

"Well, duh. The wedding is in, like, four hours!"

"Well, d*mn Lena," Alex laughed. "Do you need four hours to get ready?"

"Pretty much, yeah," I said, laughing as well. I got out of bed and stretched.

"Yo, I'm going downstairs to make breakfast," I announced. "Wake up Lucy and Ross and come down when you're ready for food."

  I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. I went over to the refrigerator and saw a note.

   Lena, Lucy, Alex, and Ross,

Ricky and I are at friend's houses. Wouldn't want the groom to see the bride before the wedding, now would we? Please don't be afraid to help yourselves to the foods and stuffs.

  -Loren xx

"Swag," I muttered to myself. I grabbed some whatnots from the fridge and started cooking.


  After we ate breakfast, we all had 3 hours to get ready. Not that Alex and Ross were worrying about being ready, it'd probably take them thirty minutes at most. Lucy and I, on the other hand, was a whole different story.

  I went back upstairs and into the guest room's en suite. I plugged in my flat iron and used my phone to play some Area 11. I got my makeup bag out and waited for my flat iron to heat up.

  After I did my hair and makeup I put on my dress and heels. I did some final little touches and went downstairs where Ross and Alex were waiting.

"Holy sh*t," Alex said in awe. "And I thought you looked beautiful yesterday."

"Alex," I whined. "Quit with the compliments. I'm going to turn into an actual tomato."

  He walked over to me and leaned in close to my ear.

"Do what I want," he whispered. He pulled away with a goofy grin on his face. I just stood there with a confused expression on my face.


"Lena, he said he does what he wants, don't be so confused,"  Ross said.

"Yeah, Len," Alex smiled. I just shook my head and waited for Lucy to come downstairs. A few seconds later, Lucy appeared at the top of the stairs. I looked over at Ross who was gazing up at Lucy. He seemed to be at a loss for words as he watched her move gracefully down the steps. Lucy walked over to him and smiled. Ross returned it and whispered something to her that I couldn't quite make out.

"Okay so it's wedding time!" I exclaimed. We made our way outside and into the car that was waiting for us.


  We pulled up to the church and got out of the car. We made our into the building and looked around in awe. It was a very beautiful church, one of the ones with big stained glass windows and high ceilings. I smiled, remembering that when I was little, I said I wanted to get married in a church just like this.

  We spent quite a while chatting with family until my little cousin Jacob ran up to me.

"Psst Lena," he whispered. I looked at him in confusion. "Why are you and Lucy here with Smith and Ross from Hat Films?"

  Oh yeah, he's a massive fan...

"I'm dating Al- Smith," I said simply. "And Lucy is dating Ross."

"Really?" he asked in amazement. I smiled and nodded.


"Holy crap, I've got the coolest cousins ever!" he grinned.

"And don't you forget it," I chuckled. Alex walked over to us and Jacob stared at him with wide eyes.

"I can't believe your dating my cousin!" Jacob said excitedly. "Oh! Does this mean I could visit YogTowers?"

"Um, I don't think so, mate," Alex chuckled.

"I'll take that as a maybe!" Jacob said before running off, presumably to bug Ross and Lucy.


"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said. Ricky pulled Loren into a kiss. Everyone in the pews gave loud applause for the newlyweds. After that, everyone made their way into a ballroom-ish type place where the couple would have their first dance as husband and wife.

"And now give it up for Uncle Steve and his band!" Some random family member I've never met before announced from a little stage. Band members came up but Uncle Steve did not. The violin player whispered something into my relative's ear. "Oh. It seems Uncle Steve is having tummy trouble and is glued to the john."

  An uproar of 'aw man's and 'oh come on's erupted from the wedding guests. I gotta admit, I was pretty bummed too. It must suck to not be able to have your first dance at your wedding. Oh, wait a minute.

"Alex," I said in a singsong voice, turning to face him. He looked at me. "Could you sing, please?"

"Um, no," he said flatly.

"Oh come on! Please," I whimpered, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He held his stern expression for a whole of two seconds before giving in.

"Fine," he sighed. I cheered and fist bumped.

"Yo we got a temporary replacement right here!" I called out. Alex sighed and started toward the stage. He told the band members something before grabbing a guitar and taking a seat on the stool by the microphone. He shook his head and mumbled something like 'I can't believe I'm doing this'.

"I have called you children

I have called you son," he began singing. I cracked a smile at the pleasant sound. All the couples began slow dancing. Though I suppose it is an odd song to slow dance to. He continued on singing the song, verse after verse, beautifully.  Truthfully, I believe that song. Alex would do anything for me


Whoops, that chapter wasn't supposed to be so long. Oh well. 

Also, if you haven't heard The Tin Box Boys do For the Widows in Paradise, do it right now. It is soooo good.

K, so here's the deal: I wrote something about Lucy (it's kinda sad but also really cute at the same time. I dunno) and I was wondering if you guys were interested in reading it. It's all written up and it's about, I dunno, 1,500 words or something. I can post it at pretty much any time so just let me know if you're interested.


Banana shoes.

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