Thirty-Three: Proposal In A Broken TARDIS

Amy sat next to me on the railing chair, glancing between the Doctor and me anxiously. The Doctor himself was under the console tweaking a few parts of the mechanisms. He allowed Rory to help, something Amy was not yet aware of as Rory was helping by being under the glass floor messing with the engine.

I sat reading a nice memoir from Earth titled; The Glass Castle. It was a wonderful story about a woman who grew up living on the road with her three other siblings and parents.

Amy continued tapping her foot impatiently, biting her nails as she looked to the Doctor expecting something. When nothing happened she groaned, making me look at her with a raised brow. Amy didn't react to my look, only standing up walking over to the Doctor moodily.

"Hey." She crossed her arms, the Doctor rolling out from under the console for just a second giving her a bright smile.

"Hey." He replied before rolling right back under the console, continuing on with his tinkering.

Amy scowled at him, bending down aggressively pulling the Timelord out from under the console. I watched them in amusement, folding the page I was on, setting it down in the space next to me.

The Doctor gave her a questionable glance, Amy looking over at me quickly before meeting eyes with the Doctor once more. "Listen..." She started nervously, silently motioning me to the Doctor. "Can we talk?" By the panic that flashed through the Doctor's eyes, it was obvious he knew what it was she wanted to talk about.

"RORY!" He yelled, trying to skillfully avoid any confrontation.

The Doctor was quick to roll right back under the console hoping their conversation to be finished. I watched them in confusion, not understanding what it was Amy was trying to speak with the Doctor about.

With a huff, Amy gripped the lapels of his tweed jacket and pulled him back out. "No, shut up! I just want to know why you're taking so long, it's been over fifteen minutes since you said you were going to do it!" The Doctor looked at me nervously, gaze shifting back to Amy.

"Be quiet!" He hissed, myself raising a brow wandering exactly why it was they kept looking at me.

The Doctor swallowed, his and Amy's conversation was cut off by Rory. "Everything okay up there?" He yelled, the Doctor reluctantly turning his head down to look through the glass floor at Rory.

"Yes, everything is just peachy other than your wife harassing me." The Doctor snidely commented, Amy, scoffing while looking down at Rory.

"What are you even doing down there?" She questioned him, Rory giving her a sheepish look, myself answering for him.

"He's helping the Doctor with the TARDIS," I explained, Rory quickly asking the Doctor a question to get the attention off that fact.

"Doctor, it's humming, is that okay?" He spoke, myself hearing that the TARDIS was in fact humming.

"Yeah, it just means we're entering conceptual space." He suddenly sat up from his little roller, looking down at Rory. "Imagine a banana, actually don't, it's nothing like a banana. Forget the banana." The Doctor cringed at himself, rolling back under the console.

"Uhh..." Amy narrowed her eyes threateningly toward the Timelord. "Is he helping you fly the TARDIS?" She accusingly scowled, the Doctor making it a point to not answer that question, instead commanding Rory to do something.

"Attach couplings two, seven, and eleven. Like I showed you earlier." He got out from under the console, looking down through the floor to Rory who was wearing a pair of gloves and protective goggles.

I stood from my seat, leaving; The Glass Castle, in my place. Walking over, I comfortingly rubbed Amy's shoulder. "Nah, he's just helping him fix her up a bit," I told her, Amy nodding in response.

A small laugh escaped me when I noticed Rory looking up through the glass floors, his gaze set intensely up Amy's denim skirt.

I didn't blame Rory, if Amy was my wife, I would be looking up her skirt every chance I got too.

"How come he gets to help you, you never let either of us help you fix the TARDIS." The Doctor threw his head back letting out one of the most obnoxious laughs in the world.

My mouth dropped open as I waltzed forward hitting his shoulder. "I'm sorry it's just..." He pretended to a wipe a tear of amusement from his eye as he laughed. "You two fixing the TARDIS, good one!" He slapped his thigh, beginning to fidget with a few of the gears on top of the console.

"Screw you," I turned away from him with a scowl, joining Amy's side once more.

"We can do it!" Amy defended us fiercely, her Scottish accent ringing thick with pride.

The Doctor gave us a long disbelieving stare from where he stood messing with the gears.

"Doctor, seriously don't let Amy ever pilot the TARDIS. You remember what she did in Dubai? Yeah, that's nothing compared to when I once let her drive my car. According to Amy, there was an unexpected house. That's right, Dubai isn't the first time she's ran through a wall!" Amy narrowed her eyes at Rory before smirking tauntingly.

"Oh, he's jealous because I passed my driving test first time." Amy laughed with pride, Rory shaking his head in amusement.

The Doctor continued running around the console, around Amy and I as he pulled different levers testing a variety of functions.

"Yeah, because you cheated. You wore a skirt." Amy gasped dramatically at Rory's words, looking down at him through the glass stomping her foot.

"I did not wear a skirt!" Her face turned red, but she looked as if she was thinking about it.

My attention drifted from the couple's arguing to the Doctor whose gaze was solely focused on my ass currently. He was squatted down a few feet away to mess with one of the circuits, but instead of his focus being on the circuit, it was on my butt which happened to be within perfect view.

"Amy's driving instructor didn't even see her drive he was so concentrated on her legs!"

The Doctor realizing I caught him suddenly blushed brightly throwing a sheepish grin my way.

Clearing his throat he stood fully, rocking on his heels. "New tight cargo pants, eh?" He scratched the back of his head, eyes wandering over my legs once more. "They make you look fantastic! Delicious even..." He choked on his own words realizing what he said, myself raising a brow not expecting that to leave his mouth. "Forget I said that!" He yelled, frolicking about the TARDIS some more before it suddenly shook wildly causing for us all to go flying.

"Ahh!" I yelled, the railing stopping me as the Doctor and Amy clutched the console panel.

"Okay, love?"

"Fine," I answered the Doctor's question, looking around the now darkened TARDIS. "But what's wrong with the TARDIS?"

The Doctor eyed me over quickly, confirming I was fine before sliding his gaze down below where Rory stood. "Rory? Did you drop a thermal coupling?" He asked Rory who was scratching the back of his neck.

"S-sorry!" He answered making the Doctor groan, hitting the panel. "How did you manage to do that? I told you not to drop them, I specifically said do not drop them!"

"It was my fault," Amy piped up making me smirk.

The Doctor looked at her shaking his head as he tried a few different levers trying to fix the TARDIS. "Don't be ridiculous, it wasn't your fault." The Doctor told her in between his button pushing.

"It kind of was her fault, though." I snickered, the Doctor looking at me questionably.

"Okay," He threw his arms up sarcastically, flustered with the TARDIS breaking down. "How was it her fault?"

I looked to Amy motioning for her to explain to the semi-naive Timelord. "Because it was my skirt, my husband, and your glass floor." Amy flushed, the Doctor looking down seeing Rory flat out staring up Amy's skirt alike to before.

"OH!" He groaned in disgust, running his hand down his face. "Rory." I rolled my eyes, laughing at the Doctor.

"You were just doing the same thing with my tight pants, Timelord." I taunted the Doctor who blushed, slapping my butt just get a reaction from him.

The Doctor's cheeks went even brighter as he quickly turned away from me, desperate to get his mind off that and back onto the TARDIS failure. Amy laughed high-fiving me while Rory made his way up here.

"Well, we've landed. The emergency materialization should have locked onto the safest space available." He pressed a few buttons before pulling a lever.

As soon as the lever was pulled the lights in the TARDIS came back on, and something very odd happened. All our heads turned only to see something I never thought possible standing proudly by the doors of the TARDIS.

Standing by the doors was a big blue box, the TARDIS stood proudly somehow inside of itself. Slowly, the four of us made our way closer to the TARDIS inside the TARDIS, careful not to get too close in case it was dangerous.

Standing at the edge of the stairs leading down, the Doctor stood next to us his hands up to his face as he pondered on what to do.

"Doctor, what happened?" I asked, the Doctor rubbing my hand before leaving my side getting even closer to the big blue box.

"The safest place available, the TARDIS has materialized inside itself." He answered, circling the TARDIS inside the TARDIS.

Rory stepped forward, looking to the thing in shock. "Is that supposed to happen?"

"Take a guess." The Doctor sassed, Rory simply scratching his hair.

"No?" Amy slapped his shoulder at his answer.

I gasped as the Doctor suddenly walked inside the TARDIS in the TARDIS, the door to our TARDIS opening as he came in through the front entrance. My eyes went wide, as Rory scoffed in amazement.

"Okay, a bit weird." Amy agreed as the Doctor went back through the doors appearing out of the other TARDIS once more.

"That is actually pretty cool." I laughed at Rory's words, the Doctor finding no amusement in our situation as he started walking toward us with a serious look.

"Oh, I'm glad you're entertained, Rory. Now that we're stuck here for all of eternity, at least you won't be bored." My mouth fell agape at what the Doctor said, slight panic eating at my chest.

"We're stuck!" Amy cried in equal panic, the Doctor nodding calmly to her.

"The outside is now joined to the inside of the TARDIS. Worse than a Timeloop, even a Spaceloop. Nothing can enter or leave this ship ever again." As soon as those words left his lips, the TARDIS doors suddenly burst open causing us all to turn to them in shock.

My jaw nearly hit the floor as the one and only Amelia Pond looking just as she did now stroll in like a badass. Her red hair fanned her face, lips pulled into a confident smirk as we all gaped at her.

Looking next to me, I saw Amy the present Amy standing right there. In this TARDIS, there were now two separate Amy's who looked completely identical to the other.

"Okay, kids, this is where it gets complicated." The Doctor's eyes bulged. Rory looking ready to faint, and Amy, our Amy on the verge of a breakdown.

Unable to stop myself, I leaped up in excitement, an almost crazy laugh escaping me. "FUCKING HELL, THERE'S TWO AMY'S!" I cheered, spinning around and patting her back. "Congrats!"

The Doctor went ridged, his shock ending as he flapped his hands about. "No, Effie..." He scolded, causing me to roll my eyes. "This is not good, definitely not good." Both Amy's also rolled their eyes, the future Amy putting her hands on her hips while pursing her lips.

"Oh-" The Doctor waved her off, instead taking a step closer to the future version, our version standing still next to Rory, eyes wide.

"Who the hell are you?" Our Amy asked, still not understanding this was herself from the future.

"That's you, from the future." I answered causing Amy to gasp, all of us taking a step down the railing nearer to future Amy.

The Doctor began circling future Amy, shaking his head. "Tell me exactly what's happened." He ordered, future Amy taking a few seconds to think about her answer.

"Well..." She bit her lip, trying to think about it. "I'm pretty sure the exterior shell of the TARDIS has drifted forwards in time. If you step into that box now," She pointed toward the TARDIS inside itself. "You step a tiny bit into the past." Our Amy looked confused, the Doctor beginning to panic.

"I don't understand..." Our Amy trailed off, earning a small smile from her future self.

"Neither do I." Her future self admitted, making Amy looked even more confused.

"But you just said it." Our Amy accused, tilted her head, causing the future Amy to laugh.

Gods, past? Future? This was confusing.

"No, I'm just repeating it, I'm just remembering what I heard myself saying when I was standing where you are now..." The Doctor slowly nodded his head, looking all the more panicked. "I'm just repeating it, and I'm repeating this too. And this..." Future Amy sighed to herself. "And this."

"Okay," The Doctor clapped his hands, looking at all five of us. "When does this Amy step inside the box? We need to maintain the timeline." He explained, future Amy suddenly smiling.

"Right after she slaps, Rory." I burst out laughing at that comment, Rory looking offended.

"What! Why do I get slapped?" He asked, the Doctor looking off in space as he answered.

"Because we need to stick to the established chain of events, one mistake and the whole timeline could collapse." He started motioning back and forth between Amy in rushed motions. "Then, we'd have two Amy Ponds forever, what would we do then?"

Rory smiling slightly, chuckling as his face gave away the rather inappropriate thoughts he was considering. Our Amy's mouth fell agape as she slapped him knowing exactly what he thinking.

I threw my head back in amusement watching as the Doctor jumped for Amy, gripping her arm walking her the TARDIS inside our TARDIS. "Okay, you, into the police box now."

Amy froze outside the police box looking back at the Doctor, who now stood between Rory and I.

"Wait, so I become her?" She motioned to her future self, the Doctor frantically nodding.

"Yes, now go!" He shouted, motioning her to leave.

Right before she left, she turned to her future self with a proud smile. "Do I really look like that?" She asked, the future Amy nodding back.

"Yeah, you do." The future self purred, both Amy's checking the other out.

"This is how it all ends, Pond, flirting with herself." The Doctor drawled with a slight disgusted look as he watched his red-haired best friend.

I laughed winking at both Amy's, our Amy prancing in the police box becoming the future Amy to our past self.

The future Amy who was now our present Amy bounced over, looking to the Doctor hopefully. "Is it fixed now?"

"No, we're still trapped." He sighed, Amy pouting.

"But you still haven't pro-" The Doctor cut her off by throwing a hand across her mouth, eyes comically wide.

"Don't say it around her." The Doctor scolded.

Assuming her was me, I placed my hands on my hips, eyeing the Doctor suspiciously.

"Don't say what around me–?" Before I could finish my sentence, the TARDIS doors opened making us all look to them in shock.

I coughed down my laughter at the sight of both a future Rory and Amy entering the console, both with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor asked with a confused expression.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled to the future couple.

"You and Effie told us to get into the police box!" Future Rory explained. "Well, I guess from your point of view you're about to tell us to get into the police box, but from our point of view you just told us to get into the police box. Which is why we're standing here..." Future Rory sighed at his long explanation, our Rory pointing to his future self.

"Do I need to remember all of that?" He asked, the future version of him simply shrugging.

"It just sort of happens." The future version explained looking confused with himself.

At that moment the door burst open once more, my face lighting up at sight of a future version of me hoping in looking slightly frazzled.

It was odd seeing myself from this perspective, and might I just say—I am fucking hot.

Like wow.

Okay, I sound really full of myself, I should probably stop. Seriously, though, I didn't realize how good the short black hair actually looked.

"Wow..." Me from the future trailed off, while smiling and looking around. "I feel so badass!" Her eyes locked with the Doctor's. "Heya, Timelord." I rose a brow at my own flirting, not exactly sure how to respond to this.

The Doctor seemed to be thinking the same, his eyes darting between my future self and me right now in shock. He looked a bit dazed, mouth opening and closing alike to a fish as he held a hand up.

"What's wrong, can't handle two of us?" I teased the Doctor, who nervously fixed his red bowtie.

The Doctor didn't reply, future Amy popping out a hip. "What took you so long? We thought you were right behind us." Future Amy asked my future self who shrugged.

My future self's eyes suddenly brightened as if she remembered something. "Oh, that reminds me!" My future self walked up dragging our Amy and Rory by their hands to the doors of the TARDIS.

"It's time to become the future! Go, go, go!" The Doctor nodded along with my future self.

"She's right, get into the police box!" I watched as the future Amy and Rory became the present, my eyes still on myself.

"Should I go now?" I awkwardly asked myself, she shook her head.

"Not yet, and yes, we are gorgeous." She smirked, the Doctor groaning from the side.

"Why do woman always flirt with themselves?" Both myself and future me held our middle fingers up at the Doctor who made a noise of offense.

Future Effie screeched in horror, eyes going huge. We all looked to her frightened of her sudden behavior.

The Doctor was the first to react, looking at her worriedly. "What's wrong, love?" Watching this from an outside perspective was so weird.

"I've missed it I think, you need to go now!" She gripped my arm dragging me towards the doors. "Please don't let me have screwed up the timeline's, wait, I'm pretty sure future me did this too, never mind we're fine!" Future Effie wasted no time in shoving me through the TARDIS in the TARDIS with a wave. "Bon voyage, have fun!"

My eyes widened as the door shut behind, a frazzled look upon my face as I turned seeing the star struck past version of ourselves.

Past me looked at me with huge eyes, the Doctor looking the same. I sighed in relief seeing Amy and Rory standing there, both of them looking relieved as well.

"Wow..." I couldn't stop the grin from forming on my face as I stood straighter. "I feel so badass!" My eyes locked into the Doctor's causing me to smile widely. "Heya, Timelord." I greeted the shell-shocked looking Doctor.

I snickered silently seeing my past self raise her eyebrows, I was her just a few minutes prior. Now I was future Effie, that was so strange to think about.

"What's wrong, can't handle two of us?" My past self playfully teased the past Doctor who fixed his red bowtie.

"What took so long?" My Amy–the who came in a few seconds before me–asked. "We thought you were right behind us." She motioned to Rory and her causing me to shrug.

My eyes brightened at her words, remembering this was about the time my future self had pushed past Amy and Rory into the TARDIS. "That reminds me!" I walked up dragging past Amy and Rory by their hands to the doors of the TARDIS. "It's time to become the future! Go, go, go!" The Doctor nodded along with my words.

"She's right, get into the police box!" I watched as my Amy and Rory became the present, my eyes moving to my past self who looked to the door awkwardly.

"Should I go now?" She asked me, making me shake my head.

I just need to wait like thirty seconds to send her.

"Not yet, and yes, we are gorgeous." I told her with a smirk as I remembered my future self's earlier words, the Doctor groaning from the side.

"Why do woman always flirt with themselves?" Both myself and past me held our middle fingers up at the Doctor who made a noise of offense.

However, I realized I may have waited a bit too long send my past self. Oh no! I've screwed up the timelines!

I screeched in horror, eyes going huge. Everyone looked to me frightened of my sudden behavior.

The Doctor was the first to react, looking at me worriedly. "What's wrong, love?" I bit my lip nervously, running my hands through my hair.

"I've missed it, you need to go now!" I turned to my past self, gripping her arm dragging her towards the doors. "Please don't let me have screwed up the timeline's, wait, I'm pretty sure future me did this too, never mind we're fine!" I wasted no time in shoving past me through the TARDIS in the TARDIS with a wave. "Bon voyage, have fun!" I shut the doors behind her, smiling when I realized she was now essentially me.

"Okay..." I sighed, standing by Amy and Rory the three of us now officially becoming present. "What now?"

The Doctor quickly held a hand up, racing around the console like the madman he was. "You all stay there!" He yelled, the three of us complying.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked him, myself crossing my arms as I watched him flip seemingly random levers.

"I'm setting up a controlled implosion, it's the only way to fix the TARDIS, but unless I find exactly the right lever to control the implosion... well... we're all going to die..." I nodded at his words trying to stay calm.

Amy's right eye began twitching aggressively. "You don't know which lever?" She questioned slowly, causing the Doctor to turn to us with a small smirk.

"No, but I'm about to find out..." I furrowed my brows at his words, gasping when the door behind us suddenly opened.

From the doors came the Doctor looking exactly the same, wearing a cocky smirk. "The wibbley lever!" His future self called, the four of us watching as the present Doctor smiled.

"The wibbley lever!" Our present Doctor shouted in glee, pulling down the wibbley lever.

The TARDIS made its usual noise of wheezing, our current Doctor quickly stepping into the TARDIS inside the TARDIS before it disappeared making the future Doctor become our present Timelord.

"Okay, we're back in business..." The Doctor his arm over my shoulder, pulling me against him. "We're back in normal flight, the TARDIS is not longer about to implode, but just in case," He looked at Amy's skirt in disgust, shivering. "Pond, put some trousers on." He kissed the side of my head before leaping back up the steps examining the TARDIS console for anything he may have missed.

"Oi, sure, right after you do what you were supposed to." The Doctor bit his lip gazing at me softly, causing my eyes to narrow.

What were Amy and the Doctor talking about?

With a sigh, the Doctor turned back to Amy shaking his head. "Always get your way, don't you, Pond?" He asked her, earning a large grin in return.

"Yep." She happily cheered, grabbing Rory's hand as the Doctor spun, turning his attention toward me.

The Timelord took a deep breath, myself only looking confused. Slowly he walked over to me, taking my hands in his.

Tilting my head I didn't understand what was happening as he gazed into my eyes, steadily dropping to both his knees. His green eyes appeared all the more bright with a twinkle as they wandered over my face, almost as if trying to drink in this very moment.

Clearing my throat, his hands rubbed small circles over my fingers, his head bowing to me. "On Gallifrey..." The Doctor started, only making me more confused, but I listened nonetheless.

Amy stood to the side, excitedly gripping Rory's hand, watching the scene unfold.

"When you want to spend the rest of your life with the person you love, propose marriage, you are to drop to both knees and keep your hands connected with the person you love most," My breath caught in my throat when I realized where the Doctor was going with this, tears beginning to swim in my eyes. "The first time I saw you was during my tenth regeneration and we went on a ghost hunt together. When I first laid eyes on you, I swore you had to have been the most beautiful creature I had ever laid my eyes upon, and I have lived for a very, very long time."

"I remember wanting to take you with me, but I knew that I couldn't because you were my future. We spent the whole night dancing, and it was the best night I had in a long time. After that adventure, you slipped my mind until I found you in that junkyard just over a year later. I didn't think I was capable of loving anyone else after Rose, but you put that thought to rubbish because I love you more than words can describe. And so, I ask you this; Effie Quill, will you marry me?"

He had taken out a smooth velvety ring box, opening it to reveal a gorgeous ring. It was different than most, with its base being a gold-black, markings I recognized from Gallifrey coating the sides, and shining red rubies studded around leading to a large diamond. Definitely my type of ring, I couldn't help but wonder what the markings said.

By now, tears were falling down my face as my hands covered my mouth. The Doctor's eyes glazed over with unshed tears, his voice creaky as he spoke.

My throat was tight as I gave him the answer, my inner conscience screaming with guilt at the fact he had to propose with a false name. That was all thrown out the window.

"Yes," I whispered, watching the Doctor place the magnificent ring around my ring finger, giving a small kiss the palm of my hand as he stood back up. "A thousand times, yes!" The Doctor laughed in joy, wrapping his arms around me as he spun me around.

Amy and Rory clapped from the sides, Amy giggling about she had to start planning the wedding. Nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck, the tweed jacket brushing against my cheek, I hummed. The TARDIS even reacted happily, giving off small whirrs and glowing brighter.

"My Doctor," I mumbled, the Doctor kissing my head affectionately.

"My Effie." He murmured right back, causing another spike of guilt to shoot right through my core.

Ignoring the guilt, for now, I allowed my myself to bask in this moment of happiness. To just enjoy the moment when the Doctor proposed.

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