021┊chapter twenty-one
021, breaking the code
ASPEN RUSHES out of Jason's house after pecking his cheek and leaving Bowie with the male to head to school and update the others about Spencer and her getting the money for Jonah.
"We're giving him all of it? $2,000 is a lot of money!" Emily voices after Aspen explained the plan to each of them.
"Emily, if he can finally tell me who A is. I would hand over a million." Spencer states looking at the brunette.
"Yeah... and not ask for change." Aria mumbles, "How'd you both get the money so fast?" Emily asks looking at Spencer and Aspen who bite their lips anxiously.
"What? Um— I have a relative." Spencer quietly voices, "Which one?" Emily wonders.
"We promised that we wouldn't say." Aspen speaks up looking at Spencer who nods thankful for her butting into the conversation.
"What time did Jonah say to meet him?" Emily asks dropping the subject and facing Aspen.
"Six. But, um, look. Not all of us are gonna go. It's just me and Spencer. So we'll meet up with you afterwards." Aspen explains knowing that the others won't like the idea.
"Why just you two?" Hanna questions, "Because I'm the face that he knows. And she's the bank." Aspen shrugs.
"If we crowd him... he's gonna think something's up." Spencer mumbles with a shrug.
"Something is up. We're finally gonna find out who's been torturing us since Ali's funeral. And, hello... I kind of wanna be there for that." Emily states raising her voice.
"Volume!" Spencer hums looking at the brunette wide eyed, "Hey ladies." Mona voices coming to stop beside Hanna.
All but Aspen respond unenthused, "Hey Mona." Aspen smiles getting one in return before pulling Hanna off to the side to speak to the blonde privately.
"God. I'm starving." Aspen groans hearing her stomach growling for food.
"Well if you didn't sleep in with you know who. You would've been able to eat breakfast." Spencer smirks seeing the glare Aspen sends her.
"Well sorry... we were up late," Aspen shrugs seeing the confused looks off both Aria and Emily.
"I was with Jason." Aspen explains shrugging, "Oh!" Aria and Emily both gasp and smirk at the blonde.
"No! No. Nothing like that happened. We talked and maybe even cuddled a little bit." Aspen mumbles the last bit quietly seeing Spencer smiling at her actually happy for her friend for once.
"Okay... we'll go to lunch. Don't eat yourself," Aria taunts hearing Aspen's stomach growling, "Han? We're gonna go to lunch." Aria voices capturing Hanna's attention.
"We'll meet you there." Aspen comments walking off with the others towards the cafeteria grabbing some lunch and smiling at her phone seeing the text messages she received from Jason.
After lunch everyone agrees to meet up layer for the meeting with Jonah.
Aspen chuckles not noticing the others smiling at their friends cheerfulness and leaving the school towards their own vehicles leaving Hanna walking alongside the blonde since the two of them planned to hang out for the rest of the day.
"Seems like he likes having Jason back almost as much as you." Hanna voices seeing the photo of the puppy on Aspen's screen.
"Yeah. He hasn't left Jason's side since last night. Thought I might as leave him there since I stayed at his house last night." Aspen shrugs.
"You stayed at Jason's last night?" Hanna shrieks missing the conversation before lunch since she was with Mona.
"Yeah. We talked. Nothing happened Han. Stop giving me those goo-goo eyes." Aspen states getting into the passenger seat of Hanna's car and driving towards the Marin household.
Aspen follows Hanna into her house hearing Mrs Marin talking to someone in the kitchen.
"What's he doing here?" Hanna questions making herself and Aspen known to the detective talking to her mother.
"Hey, Hanna and... Aspen. I just have some follow-up questions about your dress-up day at the morgue with your friends." Detective Wilden explains.
"Coming here like this is harassment." Mrs Marin voices, "I'm just trying to get to the bottom of things." Wilden shrugs.
"Unless you're charging my daughter with something. We have nothing else to talk about." Mrs Marin states.
"I thought it would be nicer to talk here. But... if you prefer the station, that's fine. I'll see you there. Goodbye Aspen." Wilden smirks sending a chill down her spine.
Aspen grimaces in disgust facing Hanna while Mrs Marin closes and locks the backdoor, "You've told me everything, right?" Mrs Marin questions.
"Yeah. Of course." Hanna nods, "Okay, we have nothing to worry about." Mrs Marin states walking out of the kitchen leaving Hanna and Aspen downstairs in the kitchen.
"He creeps me out so badly." Aspen mutters looking at Hanna who's staring at doorway the detective was previously standing at anxiously.
Aspen gently grabs a hold of Hanna's hand and motions upstairs to her room to study for the next few hours before meeting up with Jonah and hopefully finding out some answers from the sketchy male.
Hearing a knock downstairs and Mrs Marin letting the person in.
Aspen plumps down on Hanna's bed tiredly hearing Mona coming into Hanna's bedroom with her hands and arms full of multiple shopping bags.
"Shopping spree! Oo yes." Aspen exclaims happy to see what Mona got from the mall.
"So, I know we're both violently opposed to poly blends. But this— made me a believer." Mona voices pulling out some cute material items.
"It's cute." Hanna responds with nod, "Very cute." Aspen confirms.
"Cute? Mittens are cute. This is fabulous! And this— cost more than my mother's car. But, hello! Raw silk. You can't go wrong." Mona exclaims holding up a pretty top that Aspen finds gorgeous.
"Yeah. They're both cute." Hanna voices, "Gorgeous!" Aspen responds firmly.
"What did I say about that word? And thank you Aspen." Mona smiles looking at the older blonde girl before facing Hanna with a frown.
"Did I catch you in the middle of a nap?" Mona questions frustrated with the lack of her friend's excitement.
Aspen and Mona's phones by chime with text messages
Aspen quickly responds with a thumbs up and smiley face ready to rush downstairs to get into Spencer's car to meet up with Jonah.
Mona sighs reading her text message with a huff, "This is getting really boring." Mona states, "What's going on?" Hanna wonders.
"I'm getting texts from that same freak who sent me the one about your liposuction." Mona explains shocking both Hanna and Aspen.
"What? Wait, Mona, when did this start happening again?" Hanna quizzes, "Few days ago. It's so creepy. Like I'm being watched 24/7." Mona sighs.
"What do the texts say?" Aspen questions looking at the brunette, "First it was dumb stuff. Accusing me of stealing this necklace." Mona exclaims.
"Did you?" Hanna shrugs, "Duh! Yes! But why is it their business? Like I'm gonna be scared into returning it. Guess again." Mona mutters.
"Maybe you should return it." Hanna voices looking at Aspen who nods agreeing, "I know we aren't close Mona. But I agree with Han." Aspen mumbles.
"Fine. Then you have to return half the things in that closet," Mona responds gesturing to the closet full of stolen clothes and sending a small smile to Aspen.
"We are close. You never— not once bullied me while Alison was around. Thank you." Mona voices seeing Aspen smile and nod back at her.
"You didn't deserve any of what she did to you." Aspen states firmly looking at Hanna, "Mona, are there texts about me too?" Hanna asks.
"More about your mom. Ready for this one?" Mona questions clicking onto one of the texts showing Hanna what's on her mobile phone.
"This A creep expects me to believe that your mom slept with this goon to save your ass." Mona states showing Hanna and Aspen a picture of Mrs Marin and Detective Wilden in Mrs Marin's bedroom undressing one another.
"Okay. No, Mona... this is totally photoshopped." Hanna scoffs, "I figured. People have way too much time on their hands." Mona mumbles.
"Does this A person want you to do something with that picture?" Hanna questions, "No." Mona mumbles confused, "What if he or she starts threatening you?" Hanna shrugs.
"Oh, please. If I could live through Alison DiLaurentis and her nonstop torture. I can handle some radioactive texting." Mona scoffs before standing up with Aspen— who just got a text message off Spencer stating that she's waiting downstairs.
"Screw it! I'm going with the raw silk." Mona states, "Good for you! It'll look absolutely stunning on you. Han, I gotta go. Love ya." Aspen explains motioning to her phone showing the text message off Spencer.
Hanna nods and smiles watching Aspen rush out of her bedroom and downstairs closing the front door softly to the Marin house.
ASPEN HUFFS sitting beside Spencer waiting for Jonah to show up, "What time is it?" Aspen asks anxiously, "5:58." Spencer responds checking her watch.
Aspen fidgets sighing, "Okay. What time is it now?" Aspen asks, "Aspen... it's still 5:58." Spencer sighs looking at the blonde biting her lip before Aspen jumps seeing Jonah walking towards them.
"He's coming." Aspen voices standing up, "Who's this?" Jonah asks.
"I'm the money." Spencer states standing up beside the blonde, "She is. She's the money" Aspen confirms looking at the male.
"So where is it?" Jonah scoffs, "Uh— uh. Not until you hand over the info." Spencer snaps.
"No way! I've already been burned once. It's not gonna happen again." Jonah states.
"Here's half for now. And then if I'm happy with the information you give me. I'll give the rest... no complaints." Aspen states holding out $1000 to the male who rolls his eyes annoyed.
"Hear from Vivian yet? You don't owe me answers. But she does." Jonah voices handing Aspen a card with the information on it.
"This is it." Aspen whispers looking at the paper frowning seeing an address and nothing else.
"Hey, wait! No! Whoa! Wait! There's no name, there's no number, this is just an address. Where's the rest of it?" Spencer snaps.
"The text came from a burner phone. I was only able to trace the location." Jonah explains.
"I-I don't believe this." Spencer mutters, "That's all I gave Vivian. She was happy with it." Jonah shrugs.
"Yeah. Well we're not, okay? You're lucky she only gave you 1000 dollars because that's all you're getting!" Spencer exclaims.
"That was the money that was owed to me. The way I look at it... you got the address for free." Jonah snaps looking at Aspen.
"I'm not Vivian. For all I care you can keep that 1000 but you're not getting this unless you find us something more important. Nice doing business with you." Aspen mocks with a smirk seeing Jonah snarl something under his breath but walk away from the two girls.
"At least we got something." Aspen voices while Spencer scoffs looking up the address on her phone.
"It's 20 minutes from here." Spencer mumbles looking at Aspen who shrugs before stopping noticing Garrett watching them with a creepy smirk on his face.
"How long do you think he's been there for?" Aspen wonders, "I don't know but there's no way that we're going to that address right now." Spencer responds.
Aspen sighs grabbing her phone from her pocket sending Hanna and the others messages stating the plans changed and she'll explain later.
Aspen waves goodbye to Spencer walking towards the DiLaurentis house ready to see her puppy and Jason after a long day.
Bowie barks happily seeing his mother walking into the living room sitting by his father's feet.
"Hey." Aspen smiles sitting down on the sofa beside the male.
"Hey Asp," Jason voices pausing the show his been watching and facing the exhausted blonde.
"You okay?" Jason frowns seeing the sleepiness laced behind Aspen's eyes.
"Just tired. But I've got to get to Hanna's." Aspen explains reading the SOS from Hanna and looking up at the male.
"Walk me? Please?" Aspen pouts seeing Jason nod and get up from the sofa.
"Only because I love you." Jason smirks seeing Aspen blush, "I love you. Thank you." Aspen giggles following him and leading Bowie outside so Jason can walk her to Spencer's house.
"Thanks for walking me." Aspen says patting Bowie's head, "You okay with having him still? I can take him otherwise?" Aspen wonders.
"No. I'll have him. Gives me an excuse to see you again." Jason smirks.
"Okay. I'll see you later?" Aspen states sharing a loving gaze with the male who nods.
Aspen walks towards the Hastings front door smiling watching Jason walk away once she's inside.
Aspen meets the others in Spencer's bedroom motioning for Hanna to start explaining the SOS text message.
Aspen looks at Hanna shocked hearing about what Mrs Marin did to stop her daughter from being charged with shoplifting.
"So— that's why you were never charged with shoplifting?" Aria quizzes shocked.
"Okay, you know what? Please. No jokes, no judging." Hanna states pacing in circles, "All of this was over a pair of designer sunglasses," Spencer frowns receiving a glare from Hanna.
"I'm sorry. I'm just still processing!" Spencer mumbles.
"God, if my mom knew that I told you guys this..." Hanna exclaims, "We'd never judge her! She took me in. She's amazing. My mom would have driven me to the station and offered to take the mug shot." Emily explains looking at Aspen who shrugs.
"The real question is... why is A suddenly going after Mona? What? We're not enough?" Spencer questions the thoughts coming from everyone's minds.
"A knows we're getting closer." Emily voices, "They can't turn us against each other. So they're using our friends to hurt us." Aria mumbles.
"How much did you tell Mona about A?" Emily asks looking at Hanna, "Nothing. I didn't— say anything. I feel like I should. We all know what A's capable of." Hanna says.
"Yeah. That's exactly why the less Mona knows... the better." Spencer responds.
"Guess you're right. I just feel bad lying to her." Hanna voices looking at Aspen and motioning for her follow her downstairs.
Aspen sighs tiredly getting off the bed beside Hanna, "Where are you two going?" Spencer frowns.
"I haven't eaten anything all day. I'm starting to get a twitch." Hanna explains seeing Aspen's face light up at the mention of food.
"When you go down there... could you look outside and see if Garrett's car is still out front?" Spencer questions looking at Aspen.
"Wait, he followed you home?" Aspen mutters creeped out, Spencer nods anxiously, "Yeah. I'll look." Hanna nods leading Aspen out of the bedroom and downstairs.
"Gimme food." Aspen pleads smiling at Hanna, "So are you and Jason back together? I saw him walking you." Hanna asks.
"I don't know but we're still saying I love you to each other." Aspen shrugs snacking on some pretzels Hanna handed her before.
"You're so gonna get back together. I mean— the way he looks at you Spen. He adores you." Hanna beams.
"I love and adore him." Aspen explains with a red crimson blush on her cheeks frowning hearing Hanna's phone chime.
"What? Is it A?" Aspen questions, "Nope, Caleb. You guys! Come down here!" Hanna shouts for the others upstairs.
Seeing them hurrying down the staircase looking at Hanna and Aspen sitting on the stools in front of Spencer's laptop.
"Caleb sent me an e-mail. He told me to open the attachment immediately. Can I do it on your laptop?" Hanna explains, "Yeah... what is this about?" Spencer asks.
"Did he crack more of A's phone?" Emily wonders watching Hanna pulling up the videos Caleb's managed to crack from the corrupted files.
"If he did... I want $2,000 back." Spencer states, "Uh, $1,000. You're welcome for that by the way." Aspen speaks up seeing Spencer smile at her thankfully.
"What are we supposed to be looking for?" Emily frowns watching the video change on the laptop screen hearing Jenna questioning Ian and Garrett on the video.
"Are we about to see Alison get killed?" Hanna asks freaked out sharing a look with Aspen who bites her inner lip anxiously before the door is slammed open revealing Melissa on the video.
All five girls gasp shocked at seeing Melissa on the laptop screen, "Where is she?" Melissa's voice is heard snapping at the others in the video.
"Oh my god!" Emily voices, "It's Melissa!" Spencer states in shock, "Guys... we need to give this to the cops like. Like now." Aria suggests looking at the others.
"I agree!" Emily and Aspen state, "Yeah. Me too!" Hanna nods agreeing with Aspen, Aria and Emily, "No!" Spencer mumbles.
"Why?" Aspen asks confused, "I-I need to talk to Melissa first. We need to find out what she was doing in Alison's room." Spencer explains.
"Isn't it obvious? She was a part of that night. They— they were all after Alison." Emily voices.
"You don't know that. She— she just... she could have just been looking for Ian. Look, okay... I know that Melissa had her issues with Alison. But I'm not about to turn in my pregnant sister." Spencer exclaims.
"I will. Watch me." Hanna snaps, "Hanna! You just asked me not to be so quick to judge your own mother. And now you're ready to throw my sister behind bars!" Spencer snaps looking at the Marin girl.
"Spencer! Melissa has lied to you so many times. Why do you think she's gonna tell the truth now, huh?" Aria quizzes.
"Because I haven't always been so honest with her either. But maybe if I come clean and I tell her what we saw..." Spencer voices.
"She'll come up with a bigger lie!" Emily exclaims, "Not if she knows what's at stake! Please, okay... just— give me this one night to talk to her." Spencer begs.
"Fine. Fine! Go to Melissa, okay. And— we'll try to figure out where A was sending those texts from." Aria states nodding at everyone.
Aspen sighs grabbing her phone from the table and standing beside Hanna.
"Spence, talk to her. Now." Hanna demands looking at the laptop screen with Melissa on it in the room Alison was murdered.
ASPEN WALKS into Jason's house once again smelling something amazing cooking from the kitchen.
"Jace?" Aspen frowns seeing the candles placed on the living room's small table.
"Hey. I didn't think you'd be back so soon. I'm making your favourite." Jason states seeing Aspen's gaze looking at him in shock.
"You didn't have to do this." Aspen mumbles sitting on the sofa beside Bowie's sleeping small body.
"I wanted too. I needed something for the occasion." Jason states walking back into the kitchen carrying two plates of Aspen's favourite spaghetti dish along with mineral water for her and ginger ale for himself.
"Occasion?" Aspen hums grabbing the plate off the male.
"I know things haven't been easy between us by any means but Aspen Harley-Fields... I love you and I know that for a fact. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want you to be mine again. Please, can we try us again?" Jason questions seeing Aspen smiling at him and placing the plate and glass on the table and sliding herself closer to him.
"I'm always gonna be yours. So yes Jason DiLaurentis... we can try us again." Aspen states lovingly leaning forwards and closing the space between to the two of them pecking the males lips passionately.
"God. I missed you." Jason mumbles breaking the kiss repeating what he told her last night.
"And I missed you, Jace." Aspen responds passionately kissing him again before moving her body around to be comfortable feeling his hands place themselves on her waist bringing her into to straddle him on the sofa while passionately making out.
Aspen breaks the kiss with a breathless giggle and moves herself around so her butt is against his crotch and picks up the plate once again moaning in delight at the taste of Jason's delicious home cooked meal.
Jason watches the blonde with sparkle in his eyes and finds himself growing sexually excited from the moans of pleasure with his girls butt rubbing itself on his excited crotch.
"Baby. Asp, you've gotta stop moving like that or I'm afraid I'll lose control." Jason explains feeling Aspen grind herself against him this time on purpose.
"What if I want you to lose control?" Aspen questions with lust filled eyes.
Jason grunts picking up the blonde bridal style leaving the food on the living room table and placing Aspen's delicate body on his bed sheets undressing himself and slowly undressing her leaving love bites against her collarbones and shoulders.
LAID IN one another's arms with Bowie at their feet.
Aspen draws circles on Jason's sweaty chest managing to snuggle closer to the male with the tangled chests surrounding them.
"That was unexpected but amazing." Aspen giggles blushing seeing the piercing green eyes watching her fingers tracing circles on his chest.
"It really was. But we both know I can't control myself around you. Especially when you're rubbing against me." Jason responds groggily.
"Go to sleep, handsome." Aspen suggests soothingly running her hands and fingertips along his bare chest and torso looking up at the males eyes drooping and humming a gentle lullaby to sooth the male into sleep.
Hearing her phone chiming with a text message, Aspen sighs reaching for the phone seeing a text from Hanna wanting to know where she is.
Aspen gasps quickly getting into her clothes with a limp from the previous activities her and her boyfriend did.
"Hey Jace. I'll be back later, okay? I love you." Aspen whispers.
Jason groans mumbling the words I love you before softly snoring into the pillow once again.
Aspen sighs leaving the DiLaurentis house and meeting up with Hanna, Aria and Emily who look at the girls state.
"Let's go," Aspen demands softly seeing Hanna smirking at her noticing the small limps in Aspen's steps.
"Don't say anything!" Aspen voices pointing at the blonde who raises her hands in surrender walking towards a gated area.
"This is it." Aspen states looking at the dark house inside the area.
"There's no way we're gonna get in here." Emily voices while Hanna notices the latch on the gate isn't locked and unlocks it with a smile.
The four girls walk up onto the patio of the house looking around with frown on each other their faces.
Aria tries to open the front door but has no luck leaving the others standing together confused, "Now what?" Emily asks.
"Let's look around?" Hanna suggests shrugging shining the flashlight around with Aspen and Emily beside her hearing Aria scream and step off the front porch into some bushes.
"Aria!" Emily shrieks rushing towards the injured brunette while the alarm goes off around them.
"That's definitely not A!" Emily states seeing the old man coming out of the house looking around alarmed.
"Come on. Let's go!" Aspen demands rushing off towards her vehicle with the others running behind her.
Quickly parking her car at Hanna's house and rushing inside seeing Aria sitting on the bench top cleaning her wound.
"Ow. Remind me to never run backwards on a porch ever again... please." Aria begs wincing while cleaning the wound.
"FWL law firm. Have you heard of it?" Hanna questions, "No. It's a dead end." Aria shrugs smiling at Aspen.
"I don't think so. I'm gonna google it." Hanna shrugs typing the name into her laptop.
"So what? What A's a lawyer now? Give me a break! Everybody that works here has got to be over 30." Aria voices placing the letter on the counter.
"Found it. It... closed down three months ago." Hanna explains seeing Aspen leaning in behind her reading the laptop screen frowning.
"Where is Emily with our food? I'm so hungry." Aria mumbles, "I'm not. I had the best dinner... although I didn't finish it." Aspen whispers the last part but Hanna still catches it smirking at her.
"Here's a list of employees. 'Charles Lang'. Isn't that, um... Crystal's father?" Hanna asks.
"No. Crystal's last name is Lee. Not Lang. Hanna, face it. We got scammed." Aspen explains with a muttering tone.
"So that's it? A wins? Either my mom goes down or Mona does." Hanna mumbles.
"Look, I'm sorry." Aria states hearing Hanna scoff in disbelief.
"I'm gonna go." Aspen states grabbing her keys and smiling at Hanna and Aria.
Hanna laughs noticing Aspen wince getting up too quickly receiving a glare from the blonde in response before she walks out of the Marin household.
Driving back to Jason's house and sleeping for the remainder of the night alongside her boyfriend and puppy.
HANNA, ARIA, Aspen and Emily walk beside each other in the schools hallway noticing Mona walking towards her locker.
Hanna walks towards the dark haired girl knowing it's past the deadline of A's request.
Aspen sighs in sympathy watching Mona looking at Hanna with tears in her eyes and embracing the blonde in a much needed hug.
Hanna and Aspen walk beside each other holding onto their lunch seeing Mona looking around afraid.
"Everything okay?" Hanna asks being handed the note off Mona's apple.
— A
Aspen sighs reading the note and frowning noticing Mona packing all of her belongings up from the table.
"Mona, where are you going?" Aspen wonders.
"I'll take the rest of the day off. I'm not gonna be a sitting target." Mona responds not noticing the looks Hanna and Aspen are sharing.
"Just come eat with us." Hanna suggests, "I'm not sure your friends..." Mona mumbles.
"I'm down for you to sit with us. Come on Mona." Aspen firmly states smiling at the girl, "Trust me... they're cool. Come on." Hanna states.
"Okay." Mona quietly says walking beside Aspen who sits down beside the girl, "Hey, Mona, how's it going?" Emily politely asks.
"Told you. You're always welcome to sit with us and me... anytime." Aspen smiles seeing Mona smiling at her in response and continuing eating her lunch alongside the others.
ASPEN SIGHS entering her apartment immediately smiling seeing Jason waiting for inside sitting beside Bowie.
"How did you know I was gonna come here instead of your house?" Aspen wonders with a tilt of her head.
"Since you don't have clean clothes and I also needed to get some puppy food for this one." Jason explains gesturing to Bowie sleeping on his lap.
"Well, I'm so glad you're here. I'm gonna shower and freshen up and then watch a movie. Would you like to join?" Aspen explains.
"The shower or the movie?" Jason smirks, "Both?" Aspen shrugs smiling at her boyfriend.
"I'm coming." Jason confirms placing Bowie's body on the sofa and following Aspen into the bathroom and showering with his blonde girlfriend.
"What movie?" Jason questions watching Aspen doing her skincare in her bathrooms mirror.
"Oo. Let's do horror. Scream?" Aspen suggests wanting the excuse to snuggle against her warm and cosy boyfriend on the couch while a classic horror movie plays.
"Scream... it is then." Jason smiles walking out of the bathroom into the living room and setting up the television for their movie night.
Immediately bringing Aspen onto his chest when she sits on the sofa beside him snuggling into his side, before pressing play.
Aspen focuses on the movie while feeling sleepy feeling Jason's fingers rubbing soothing circles and running through her hair.
Eventually the couple fall asleep on the sofa snuggled in each other's arms with their puppy on Aspen's lap on top of the blanket wrapped around them.
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𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖘 ⛧
it's a long one! yay
they're officially back together
but for how long? oop
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pin: hellfiresoulss
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