S2E7: Can you believe a snake?
Y/n, Moxxie and Millie enter the Hotel and when they walk up to the main lobby the two couple imps are amazed of the Hotel.
Millie: (surprised) Wow! This plac is so big!
Moxxie: (surprised) Yeah. Makes me think our place is shit.
Millie: (smile) Thanks for letting us stay here for a couple of days.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Can't believe a gang try to Rob your place last night.
Millie: Well let's just say they won't be doing that again.
Moxxie: Might take the cleaners a long time to clean up the blood.
Charlie: (smile) Hey Y/n.
Charlie and Vaggie came over as Y/n walk up to them.
Y/n: (smile) Hey girls. These two are Millie and Moxxie from I.M.P. They are just gonna stay here for a bit, hope that won't be a problem?
Charlie: (smile) You kidding? Of course not. Y/n has told me about you two, how cute your relationships are.
Millie: (bow) It's an honour to meet the princesses of hell.
Moxxie: (bow) Same here.
Charlie: (smile) No need for a bow. We see each other as equal here.
Vaggie: Just be carful around the gusts.
Millie: (smile) Don't worry, we'll be fine.
Satan: Hey look, there's a snake.
Y/n: Snake?
He looks over and to his surprise sees Sir Pentious with his egg bios. He then ask Vaggie.
Y/n: Hey Vaggie, can you show these two to their room. I want to talk with Charlie for a moment.
Vaggie: Sure. Come on you two.
Vaggie takes the two away then Y/n pulls Charlie over and ask her about Sir Pentious.
Y/n: Why is he here? Didn't he not try to blow up this Hotel one time?
Charlie: I mean yeah but he came here to want to be redeemed.
Y/n: Oh....huh well okay then.
Charlie: Is there a problem him being here? Vaggie and Angel Dust don't seem to trust him and-
Y/n: No it's okay. I'm just a bit surprise he's here. You know what, never mind, I'll go over and talk to him.
Charlie: (smile) Great! Now I'm gonna ask Moxxie about his wonderful song you told me about.
Charlie heads off then Satan ask him.
Satan: I can't believe you told her about his singing?
Y/n: What? Moxxie is good with music.
Satan:......Good point, can't argue there.
He walks over to Sir Pentious and his Egg bios as heclear his throat then greets him.
Y/n: Hi Sir Pentious.
Sir Pentious: Ah! Greetings human! I suppose you are surprise of want of redemption. Now I am here and-
Y/n: Okay, Okay. Just want to come here to see we can patch things up.
Sir Pentious: Oh, of course. So I saw you have two imps. Are they your minions?
Y/n: No they are my friends from work.
Egg bio 1: Man they both are attractive girls.
Y/n: Mox is male.
Egg bio 1:........What's male?
Y/n: So I figure we take a walk and chat? Maybe get to know each other more?
Sir Pentious: Um of course. Minions, let us walk and talk with our former enemy.
Egg bios: Okay boss.
Satan: Man he's lucky to have idiotic but loyal Minions. Hey if we kill him, would they follow us?
Y/n: We're not having Egg bios.
Satan: Oh cone on!
(Sometime later)
They walk down the hall with the egg bios behind them as Y/n and Sir Pentious start a conversation.
Y/n: So what where you like before you die?
Sir Pentious: Ah so you want to know my origins?! Very well then! I was a great inventor and the greatest supervillian at my time!
Y/n: What time was that?
Sir Pentious: in the 18th century.
Y/n: (surprised) Huh that must be cool.
Sir Pentious: Indeed! I'm glad that you recognise my talents!
Egg bio 3: We recognise your talent was well!
Egg bio 4: Yeah they suck!...Oh wait, which world that builds up his confidence?
Y/n: So do how many do you have of these Egg bios?
Sir Pentious: Unfortunately they are the only few left. I can never forgot the once I have lost. Such tragedy.
Y/n: (mutters) Now I feel bad for his Egg bios.
Satan: Yeah but on the other hand, they are satisfy to break.
Sir Pentious: I was also told you have this being in you that grand you powers, correct?
Y/n: Yeah? Why do you wish to know that?
Sir Pentious: Oh um......no reason. Oh look I gonna go and....um.....to the bathroom. Yes! Back shortly!
Then he heads off with his Egg bios behind him. He stood there for a moment and has a feeling something isn't right. He decided to follow him to see what he is up to.
He turn the corner to see the bathrooms and he goes in to check to see if he is in there. However he opens the door and sees that the boys bathrooms are empty.
Then he hears a voice that is coming from the library so he goes over and poke his head into the library and finds him talking to someone in a watch.
He step out and immediately Sir Pentious hangs up and turn to Y/n.
Sir Pentious: Oh hey Y/n! What are you doing her-
Y/n: You were talking to Vox, where you?
Sir Pentious: (surprised) Impossible?! How did you know??
Y/n: Mind reading. You were working for Vox, are you?
Sir Pentagram panics then he sighs then says.
Sir Pentious: Yes. I am. I only told him about Alastor being here and little detail about you.
Satan: That piece of shit! I knew we should never trust him!
Sir Pentious: But I suppose this will be it for me. If you wish to end me, then do so.
Egg bios 1: No boss! Please don't go!
Sir Pentious: Do not fear my little Egg bios. As long you are safe, then I will be in peace.
Egg bios begin to tear up and hug their boss while he hugs them back. Y/n sees this as he then tells him.
Y/n: No. I'm not gonna kill you.
Sir Pentious: What?
Satan: What?
Y/n: Look, even though you just betrayed us and been lying to us.....I can see you care for your Egg bios. Normally Supervillians don't give two shits about them but I see you really care for them.
Sir Pentious: Well of course I would care for them! Imagine maybe a super villain but at least I have a heart.
Y/n: (smile) Maybe that just proofs you can be redeemed. I know you don't think strongly about redemption but think about it, you can live a better life up there in heaven. You and your egg bios.
Sir Pentious: Do you think I can change?
Y/n: (smile) If you are willing to do so, then yeah. I know others may not trust you from all the things you base done, but stick with me and maybe others can trust you.
He then lend out his hand to Sir Pentious, he is surprised as he take Y/n's hand and stood up.
Sir Pentious: Does this make us friends?
Y/n: (smile) Sure, why not.
Sir Pentious: Then......Then I am honoured to be your friend.
Egg bios: Yeah, new friend!
With that Sir Pentious hands him the watch like device to Y/n and walks out of the library.
Satan: So guess we have a snake friend. Too bad he isn't female, if so Oh boy.....sex is going to be wild.
Y/n: Don't make me picture that in my head.
Satan: Too late.
Then the watch device begins to ring so he answered it and it Vox.
Vox: (screen) Sir Pentious what hap- Oh.....it's you. Long time hasn't it? How are things?
Y/n: What do you want Vox?
Vox: (screen) Oh nothing much, just want to see what Alastor is up to and how I wish to end his life.
Y/n: Well that's not gonna happen.
Vox: (screen) Oh so your defending him huh?
Y/n: No because Alastor is pretty brutal and powerful. Not to mention kinda insane. Trust me, you may not survive if you do decide to fight him.
Vox: (Screen) Still you shouldn't have trust with that radio demon. He has many secrets.
Y/n: Oh really? Like what?
Vox: (screen) Like he gone a meeting with other powerful overlords about an exterminator being killed.
Y/n: (surprised) What?! How can you possibly know that?
Vox: (screen) Velvette told me. What? I don't always use screens to know information. Anyway gonna go, tell Alastor to gi fuck himself.
The watch blows up as Y/n quickly drops it to the ground and is left surprised.
Satan: An exterminator dead? Impossible?
Y/n: Maybe it is possible. Maybe this might be a chance.
Satan: Explain?
Y/n: If we just find a way to extermination then we can use that for the next extermination day. There is only 4 months left till it happens. We got to be ready when that comes.
Satan: Can't we not contact Eric?
Y/n: One: How? I don't think hells phone singal can't reach heavens. Second: If we tell Eric about this then he may try to stop us.
Satan: Sounds reasonable. Right then, what should we do?
Y/n: We need to head to the V tower and get to Velvette.
Satan: Think it might be hard?
Y/n: Well woman seem to fall for me so......probably 45% chance she might tell us.
Satan: Low.....but fuck it! Let's go!
Y/n: Right. Tomorrow, its straight for the V tower.
Satan: Hell yeah!
They leave the library however little did they know we see a mysterious woman outside od the window spying on Y/n.
She had black angel wings that allows her to fly as she move away from the window and then flies away as she leaves the city and to the open landscapes of hell.
To be continued...................
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