S2E6: Trying to Forgive?
The sound of a clock ticking is heard as everyone sat at the main lobby, complete silence while Martha and Mayberry sat in different couches, facing each other and giving each other glares of angry.
It was awkward as they just sat and not say anything. Charlie stood in front from the group and having enough of the silence she clear her throat and finally broke the silence.
Charlie: Okay. So, does anyone wanna take a guess what are we doing today?
Martha and Mayberry: Killin this bitch. WHO ARE YOU CALLING BITCH! YOU ARE DUMB BITCH! OH YOUR DRAD!
They were about to fight but Angel and Husky hold them and sat them back down.
Angel Dust: Well this is going to suck.
Satan: Told you locking them up into a small room is a good idea.
Y/n: (clear his throat) We are here because there are two people of this hotel that hated each other due to them what happened in the last.
Mayberry: Yeah and she's sitting right in front of me.
Martha: Up yours!
Mayberry: Fuck you!
Charlie: That's correct Y/n. In hell, there are people that hate each other because what they did to the victim and thus the victim seeks revenge. But today we are gonna learn "forgiveness." Forget is when someone or two people forgive each other and move on. They even became good friends.
Martha: Well I'm not forgiving her. She try to kill me one time and then sent his assassins and my Lord to kill me. Which I have no anger towards Lord Y/n and will pleasure himself no matter what.
Y/n: Thanks?
Mayberry: Well you dated my husband and ruined my life!
Martha: You ruined your own!
Charlie: Hey, Hey! Let's just calm down. Here, let me show you how to forgive each other. Vaggie?
Vaggie: (smile) Sure.
She came up ans stood next to Charlie and then Charlie goes on to explain.
Charlie: To forgive someone, you must understand their reason for doing it. Let's say if Vaggie ruined my life and then I ruined hers. It won't be right to still hate each other. The first solution is to find the reason and once we have our reason, we talk for a bit and then we coke to agreement and then forgive each other. For example, Vaggie I wish to apologise for ruining your life and I wanted to forgive you for ruining mine.
Vaggie: (smile) I appreciate the apology and in return I will forgive you as well.
Then the two hugged and only Y/n clapped but stop when he noticed no one isn't clapping.
Charlie: Martha, Mayberry, your turn. Talk it out and come to agreement.
Martha and Mayberry look at each other, stare directly at each other and open their mouths.
Satan: Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
Martha: Crazy bitch.
Then Mayberry tackles Martha and the two fight while Charlie just sighs to herself.
Y/n: Don't worry. I'm sure we'll find a solution.
Charlie: I know I can do this. We just need to try something.
Vaggie: Although I will hard. Those two hate each other so much.
Husk: Tell me about it.
Justice: Want me to "straighten" them out for you?
Charlie: No! I'll see I can come up with something. If only there is someone who can talk them out of it.
Angel Dust then has a clever idea and then rasied his hand.
Vaggie: What?
Angel Dust: (smirk) I may have an idea that would obviously work.
Vaggie: Whatever it is then no.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Fine but if you want those two to keep fighting them be my guess.
Vaggie looks over at the two fighting then groans and gives in.
Vaggie: Fine! What is your idea?
Angel Dust: It's it obvious?
(Short moment later)
We see the group at Martha's room as he tossed Martha, Mayberry and Y/n into the room, lock the door and throws the key away.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Done.
Vaggie:.......Angel, this is exactly the same plan you suggested.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Yeah but it's a bigger room and Y/n is in there.
Modeus: (pulls out a knife) Why did you throw Y/h into the room?
Angel Dust: First of all; Settle down yandere. Second; Both girls do love Y/n, they may make up after they fuck him.
Husk: Sounds like a bad idea.
Angel Dust: Well what other choose is there!? Look they may not forgive each other now but at least they would be calm and not go to war towards each other until we try out something so they can completely be friends.
Charlie: Guess so. Y/n, will you be okay in there?
Y/n: (other side of the door) Yeah. We'll be fine.
Angel Dust: Good. Now let's get the fuck out of here.
With no choice they walk away all awhile we cut to the trio sat in separate seats and far from each other. Y/n looks at the two then he gets up ans said.
Y/n: I'm just......I'm just gonna make some drinks. Be right back.
He leaves to the kitchen while Martha and Mayberry just glare each other until they couldn't take it anymore and look away.
Then Mayberry noticed something and picks up hell's version of a road country music album then she ask.
Mayberry: You like road country music?
Martha: Yeah? What about it?
Mayberry: Psst. I have this same album when I first came here.
Martha: Why did you buy that?
Mayberry: Kinda reminds me of my father. He use to love road country music. He was a horse rider and loves to take me on horse rides.
Martha: Bet he left cause you became a teacher instead right?
Mayberry: No. He passed away. Cancer got him.
There was a moments of awkward silence and then out of nowhere Martha then said.
Martha: My daddy was a teacher. Great father. That was until got into a road accident and died.
Mayberry: Oh........sorry.
Martha: Why are you apologising?
Mayberry: I don't know. I guess I still have some good within me I guess. Unlike my husband. He was always lazy, rude and drinks a lot.
Martha: Yeah. I never liked my husband. In fact, he wasn't my husband.
Mayberry: How many men have you dated?
Martha: Not much as a counter. But maybe a lot. I guess its just something so I won't forget my daddy's death. In fact, I wasn't this so call "hero" I'm actually an awful person. I hated myself and I just want to punish myself by being hated more. I've hated so many man just to fill some joy I have and yet I feel nothing. That was until I met Y/n.
Mayberry: Yeah. I think he has more troublesome life then I have. Maybe that's why I love him.
Martha: Same.
Rather than fighting or arguing they stay silent until Martha finally gets up, walks over to Mayberry. Mayberry gets up when Martha came up to her.
Martha: Look I........I just.......(Sigh) I'm........I'M SORRY! Okay! Maybe I did got what I deserve. Maybe I I deserve to be here after everything I've done to you and to everyone I've wrong!
Mayberry stare at Martha for a moment and she wanted to respond something rage full however she couldn't. She looks at Martha and she really ment that. She then sigh while she look down and then said.
Mayberry: No. I shouldn't hold my rage towards someone who did me wrong. I'm a teacher after all, I should have know what is right and what is wrong and yet I try to kill you. (Sigh) Maybe I shouldn't have reacted and just move on. Martha.....I'm sorry as well. Let's just end this hatred and just move on, shall we?
Mayberry then lend out her hand towards Martha and then Martha takes her hand and they shake on it.
Martha: Agree.
Then Y/n came out of the kitchen with drinks and looks over and to his surprise sees them shaking hands. He is pleased and they sat down and chat and the two came to an understanding.
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad you two came together and accept each others apology.
Martha and Mayberry look at each, smiled and turn back to Y/n.
Mayberry: Hey, I also want to apologise for the trouble.
Martha: Yeah, in front of you is disrespectful.
Y/n: No its okay. Just glad you two settle your differences.
Satan: And no one fucked. DAMN THIS!
Martha: Can I ask you something Lor- I mean Y/n?
Y/n: Shoot.
Martha: Mayberry told me you have a rough life before you came here. How rough was it?
Y/n: Well I've been betrayed by someone, bullied my life, that some person who betrayed me killed my parents and.....Well.....life was rough until I came here.
Martha: And have you ever gotten a chance to get revenge on the person who wronged you?
Y/n: I had. But I just scare him and walked away.
Mayberry: May I ask why couldn't you kill him?
Y/n: I figure there will be no point. He'll just ended up in hell and I have to deal with him for the rest of my life. But.....I guess the main reason why is because I wanted to be better. You two know what happens when you two seek vengeance towards each other. It ruined your lives. I wanted to be better. Normal sinner or hell border would just kill the person who wronged him but......I choose to let him life cause......I want to proof that if I can show mercy to those who are my enemies, why not the rest.
Mayberry: That's actually a surprising reason, and I respect that.
Martha: Not to question you but would this redemption be possible?
Y/n: (smile) I have faith with Charlie and I will make sure it will goes through.
Mayberry: (smile) Well...if we can change, so can the rest. Thanks for helping Y/n.
Martha: (smile) Yeah.
Y/n: (smile) Your welcome.
Martha: (smirk) Hey Mayberry, how about we agree to share Y/n whenever we can. Deal?
Mayberry: (giggle) Deal.
Satan: Well at least they be willing to do a threesome with you and let me tell you, this will be spicy.
Y/n: Well at least they are friends at least.
Angel Dust (other side of the door) Hey. Don't hear any moans. You three fucking or what?
Y/n: No! We found another way around the situation and these two are good.
Angel Dust: (other side of the door) Oh......Well that's a problem.
Y/n: How is that a problem? They are friends now.
Angel Dust: (other side of the door) No not that. I lost the keys to the door and I was hoping you three would fuck while while go and find it.
Y/n: Oh.
Angel Dust: (other side of the door) Yeah. Be right back.
Angel Dust heads off to find it and then Martha ask.
Martha: I just noticed he's a spider.
Y/n: Yeah. A spider that Vaggie might kill when she finds out about it.
Satan: Yeah...........Well, see ya folks!
To be continued...........................................
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