S2E5: The great Sir Pentious strikes

At the Hazbin hotel we see Y/n scrolling through TV at the main lobby and sees a lot of of people talking about the next Extermination day and it will happen earlier.

Y/n: Man has this ever happen before?

Angel Dust: Nope this is the first. But hey, at least people will be desperate enough to try and fuck me.

Then Angels Dust phone goes off and he pulls it out, looks qt it and then puts it away.

Y/n: Who is it?

Angel Dust: My boss. He keeps texting me to do some shitty show.

Y/n: You mean Valentino?

Satan: Oh yeah I remember that moth man guy. I also remember those two sexxy cat girls you could have take.

Y/n: This again Satan?

Satan: Yes, again.

Angel Dust: I'm not in a mood to deal with him. Lady bitches.

He then gets off the couch and then walks away while Charlie and Vaggie watch him walk away while Y/n came up to the two.

Y/n: If this keeps up sooner or later Valentino will see Angel in person.

Vaggie: Yeah and I do not want to deal with him.

Y/n: Because he's powerful?

Vaggie: No, he's just a creep.

Y/n: Can't argue with that logic.

Charlie: (sigh) I don't know what to do. Angel Dust needed to be redeemed but if Valentino keeps making hin do all of these weird shows then there is no chance.

Vaggie: Don't try to push yourself on Angel Dust. Besides, we have a few in the hotel.

Y/n: Yeah like Mayberry. She seem doing well.

Charlie: Your right! I bet she's doing fine what now.


Vaggie: Crap.

Satan: Looks like someone spilled her coffee on the floor.

Y/n: I'll go up and see what's up.

Vaggie: Good idea.

He make his way up and once on the floor where Mayberry was at, he turns  a corner and sees her trying to break down the door which Y/n rush up to her and calls out to her.

Y/n: Wow, Wow, Wow! Calm down Mayberry! Let's take it easy.

Mayberry: (angry) Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! Why the fuck is she here?! I'm not staying here with her in there!

Y/n: Let's just calm down. Whoever she might be, I'm sure we can sort this out.

He then knock on the door and seconds later the door open and he was about to apologies when he looks at her and she looked familiar. She only had one eye and her clothing looks familiar.

???: My lord?

Y/n:.....Um hi?

Satan: She looks familiar.

???: (excited) my lord! I knew you'll be here!

Then she pull him for a breast hug while pisses off Mayberry even more. Then Y/n pushes away and ask the woman.

Y/n: I'm sorry but have we met before?

Martha: (smile) Oh yeah, I suppose you don't recognise me because of my demon form. It's me, Martha!

Y/n: (surprised) Martha?!

Satan: Holy shit! That's the super sexxy mum who is back shit crazy but super attractive and hot!

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Martha: (smile) What does it look like I'm doing. I came here to serve you my, Lord Y/n.

Y/n: Oooooohhhhhhh I guess you found out I'm not Satan. Sorry about that.

Martha: (smile) No need to apologise my lord. The moment we met change my life forever.

Satan: For like a few seconds until you were shot from behind.

Martha: When I came here and heard about your ultimate power, I came here to wait for you so I can serve you.

Y/n: Um right? Hey, where is your husband and kids?

Martha: Oh my husband dumb me and took the kids somewhere I will never see them again.

Y/n: I'm sorry about that.

Martha: Nah, I never love them anyways. I only love you....my lord.

Mayberry: (smirk) Really? You got divorce? That's funny.

Martha: (angry) Oh, your still here. How's about you fuck off!

Mayberry: (angry) Oh I fuck off! You steal my previous lover, you will not have you steal Y/n from me!

Martha: (smirk) Sorry but I'm more attractive than Y/n. Your just a teacher.

Mayberry: (angry) At least I have a job unlike you.

Martha: (angry) Wanna go bitch!

Mayberry: (angry) Yeah, i wanna go!

Y/n immediately gets in between them so things won't erupte into a fight.

Satan: Oh come on man! I wanted to see two sexxy bitches have a cat fight. Whoever wins gets Y/n.

Y/n: We're not doing that. Let's just calm down, remember this is the Hazbin hotel, a place where sinners can be redeemed and the only safe place away from violence outside of this hotel.

Suddenly there was a explosion that open a hole through Martha's room.

Satan: You were saying?

Y/n came up to the hole and sees an air ship with Sir pentious on board.

Sir Pentious: (speakers) Bring me Alastor! Where is Alastor!?

Y/n:.......I'm sorry but who are you?

Sir Pentious: (speaker) Who I'm I? Who I'm I! I am the great Sir Pentious! Face my wrath!

Y/n:.........Have we met before?

Sir Pentious: (speakers) You....Your joking right? I attack you a few months ago!

Y/n: Wait? Oooooohhhhh now I remember you. Your that snake dude. Sorry man, kinda forgot.

Niffty: Ooohh, he's a bad boy.

Y/n: (jumped) Where did you come from?

Alastor: (smile) Seems like there is a little trouble.

Y/n: (turn to Alastor) Okay I'm not gonna ask you where you come from cause you can just appear out of nowhere.

Sir Pentious: (speakers) Alastor! Finally, now I will end you for sure!

Y/n looks over to see Martha and Mayberry glaring qt each other which Y/n ask Alastor.

Y/n: Can you deal with him while I go ans sort something out.

Alastor: (smirk) Oh course. I don't mind to break a few eggs.

Y/n walks over while Alastor summons demonic arms and begin to wreck his airship. He came up to Martha and Mayberry.

Y/n: Look how's about we go our separate ways and sort something out tomorrow.

Mayberry: Fine. As long I'm not with her, I'll be most grateful.

Mayberry walks away while Martha smirks while Y/n sighs and turns to Martha.

Y/n: Look Martha do you not feel any guilt for what you did to Mayberry? I mean she had a perfect life until you ruin that.

Martha: Please it's her own fault that fucked up her own life. I mean she tried to kill me.

Y/n: Still she ended in hell because of you. Maybe try to rethink your past action and have some guilt.

Martha:......Fine but only because for you my lord. (Smirk) But perhaps you can punish me for my sins my lord.

Y/n: (blush) No thanks! Maybe later!

He quickly step out and close the door. He let's out a sigh and he walks away.

Satan: Duds you have to admit she is hot. Plus, she's singal! That's even more good news!

Y/n: I don't want those two to fight each other. Especially since Mayberry is doing so well. We can to make these two come to peace.

Satan: I have an idea. Lock those two within a small and cramped room, leave them for a few hours, they let everything out, they chat and soon they no longer fight each other.

Y/n: Huh, that's actually not a bad idea you ever have. I mean the ramped room part is a bit weird but maybe we can do tha-

Satan: Then they have sex and make sexxy moans and when you go in and check on them, they pull you and you three have a threesome! It will be so hot!

Y/n: Okay, I kinda knew you would say that.

Satan: Yeah, I know.

Soon they find Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust qt the front with Alastor as he step out and sees Alastor giving Sir Pentious hell.

Y/n: How long has this been going on?

Angel Dust: 10 minutes.

Charlie: So did you calm Mayberry?

Y/n: Yes but we have a big problem. Martha is here.

Vaggie: Who?

Y/n: The woman that ruined Mayberry's life. She's here and if those two keep fighting, then redemption for Mayberry will be impossible. I was hoping you have an idea in mind Charlie.

Charlie: (excited) Oh, I have an idea! Tomorrow afternoon, get Mayberry and Maryha down at the lobby.

Satan: So we can lock them in a room?

Y/n: No.

Satan: Shit!

Then Sir Pentious crash through the window and hit the ground along with his egg bio fall and splat onto the floor. Alastor came up to him.

Alastor: (smile) Well that was fun. Now, what are you gonna say?

Sir Pentious: I'm sorry......for letting you guard down!

He reach over, grab a bit of his clothing and torn it off. He laughs victories however it didn't last long as Alastor grew bigger and let's out a wendigo like noise.

Sir Pentious: Oh shit!

Then there was a explosion and Sir Pentious was sent flying away while the rest watch gin fly off.

Y/n: You think his dead this time?

Satan: Unless he had an important role for season 2, then probably.

Alastor: (smile) Oh darn, I looks like my clothes is ruined. Time to get a new one.

Vaggie: Wait your leaving?! Alastor your job is to protect thsi hotel!

Alastor: (smile) Of course! Can't leave this hotel defendless now would we?

He snap his finger and demonic beings came into of the ground with melee and guns and after that Alastor turn and left.

Y/n: Well at least we're safe.

Vaggie: I really hate that guy.

Angel Dust: (smirk) Don't forget about me.

Vaggie: I hate you the most.

Niffty: I wish the bad boy will come back.

Y/n: Hey Niffty can you see if you can fix Martha's room?

Niffty: On it!

Niffty rushes inside and then Y/n turn to Charlie.

Y/n: I know your idea would work. Let's hope we can bring Martha and Mayberry together.

Charlie: (smile) Don't worry, I'm sure we can find redemption within both of them!

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Satan: So we're not gonna do the cramped room door idea, right? Damn it.

To be continued.............................................

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