S2E4: Shatter on the stars
Y/n exit out od the elevator and make his way to the I.M.P and when he opens the door he quickly dodges a incoming phone. He sees Blitz being chased around by Loona as Loona throws different objects at Blitz while Blitz tries to tell her something but kept running.
Satan: Seems like another normal day.
Y/n: Yeah.
He noticed Moxxie and Millie sitting on the couch together and watching this happen. Y/n walks over to them and the trio watch Loona chasing Blitz around until Y/n ask.
Y/n: So what is this about?
Moxxie: Blitz finally have a chat with Lonna about the way she treats her clients.
Y/n: Really? Aren't most clients dicks?
Satan: And some who are perverts and looks at Y/n like they want to fuck him.
Moxxie: Yeah but we rarely have clients cause Loona scares them away.
Y/n: Really? I thought it was Blitz poor ad that he place around?
Blitz: I heard that!
He then gets tackled by Loona and soon Blitz gets behind Y/n while Loona approaches them while growling in anger.
Y/n: Okay let's just all calm down here. Loona, I think Blitz wants you to improve your......um....your skills with client.
Loona: (angry) Really? If I'm so bad then how about he replace me!?
Blitz: W-Well!.......Maybe I might.
Loona: What?
Y/n: What?
Satan: What?! Oh come on people love Loona.....Well those outside of this story.
Blitz: Y-Yeah, maybe I will! Yeah that right, it is tough love time so now....you....you can go to your....desk!
She growls but surprisingly she goes to her desk.
Y/n: Huh....I can't believe that worked.
Satan: Yeah usually she would fuck him up six ways to Sunday.
Moxxie: Sir, if I have to say you did the right thing. If we can't hire a cheerful front desk person, then how can people trust us.
Y/n: Moxxie most of our clients don't trust us. Like they don't trust us at all.
Moxxie: Still we can't have someone like Loona scare away our clients right?
Y/n: Well yeah but still Loona is apart of our team. Sure she may not be perfect but to be honest most of us ain't perfect.
Millie: I mean.....he's got a point.
Blitz: (sigh) At least that's over and done with. So Y/n how is you?
Y/n: Busy.
Moxxie: On what?
Y/n: Well me and Charlie talk to the high ranking angels about the hotel but this dick head of Adam disrespect us and it was only when Eric cuts him off and told us he'll talk to someone to discuss about the hotel. Then the Extermination day is changed to 6 months and now Charlie is in a panic trying to get the hotel ready before the Extermination day would begin.
Blitz, Millie and Moxxie:.....................
Blitz: Wait, what was that part about the 6 month thing?
He was about to explain once again when suddenly a light came out of Blitz of room so they quickly rush in. Then Y/n is shocked to see Octavia holding the book with a portal open in front of her as she turn back and then goes through and the portal closes in front of them.
Y/n:......Um this can't be good.
Satan: Yeah she might be fucked.
Loona: You have a guest!
Satan: Probably a bit too late.
Blitz: (panic) Oh fuck what should I do!
Y/n: Let's just calm down. Maybe we should tell Stolas what happen.
Blitz: (panic) What so you want me to call him and tell him "Hey Stolas-"
(Five seconds later)
Blitz: (On the phone to Stolas) So your daughter came by and teleport where the fuck knows where she ended and we have no way to get her back! Okay? Bye~!
He puts down the phone and waited for the phone to ring back but nothing. Blitz let's out a sigh and turns to everyone and proudly said.
Blitz: (smile) Huh that actually went better as I thought.
Satan: 3......2.........1.
Then the entrance door blows up and Stolas enters in a demonic owl like form as Stolas said in rage tone.
Stolas: (angry) BLITZ!!!!!!!!
Y/n: Oh shit.
(5 minutes later)
After Stolas let's out his rage he begins to panic not knowing where Octavia might go.
Stolas: I don't understand why she would do this?! How can we possibly find her!?
Y/n: I think the important thing to do is to calm down and think. From anywhere in the human world, where would she be?
Loona: (sniff) Well it smells like desperation. (Sniff) Ew, LA.
Satan: LA? Fuck yeah! I love that place! I can watch all their hopes and dreams are all shattered.
Y/n: Well let's go there and find her.
Luckily for them Stolas opens a portal to LA and once they step through they step into an alleyway. Once at LA they can hear gunfire, screams and explosions which Blitz said with a bit of surprise.
Blitz: Oh, this is kinda similar to hell.
Y/n: She must have come here for a reason. Let's split up and find her. Loona, your with me. Millie and Mox will check the streets and Blitz and Stolas will check the neighbours.
Blitz: Hey! I'm boss so I'll be the one who is giving out orders. So follow what Y/n said cause his plan is actually good.
Y/n: Um....thanks? I guess.
Satan: Looks like we're the leader od this team! Yeah!
Then Loona and Stolas change into their human forms to disguise themselves.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow Stolas you have a human form too?
Stolas: (smile) How else can I walk though the human world without being seen.
Y/n: That's true.
Blitz: I suppose you can give us some human disguises as well?
Stolas: Unfortunately I can't. Without Grimorie my powers is only limited.
Y/n: It's alright Stolas, I'm sure Blitz, Millie and Mox will find some disguises. Surprisingly enough no other humans haven't noticed how different they look.
Satan: Yeah like why did they not ask abiut their legs or horns? Or even their skin! Why are humans soo stupid!
Blitz: We're wasting time people let go and find Octavia!
(Sometime later)
We see Loona and Y/n walking into the city searching for Octavia. Y/n looks around of LA which Loona ask him.
Loona: So...you wanted to be here?
Y/n: Not really. LA isn't my taste.
Loona: Right.
Y/n:......Hey Loona? Your not hurt abiut what Blitz told you right?
Loona: No? Besides i don't care he might do that. I'm not his daughter after all.
Y/n: Come on you don't really think that. I know Blitz may treat you like a little girl but he really does care about you. After all I care about you, right?
Loona: Yeah. Look I'm sorry for acting like a dick head I just don't understand why Blitz always treat me like I'm his only family.
Y/n: Well......maybe you are. In fact....I think I.M.P is his only family he has in his life. I'm not sure abiut his real family but he doesn't seem to talk about it. Which is sad if you think about it.
Loona: Well we don't know about Mox's family.
Y/n: I'm gonna take a guess that his family is a mafia.
Loona: (snicker) Yeah right.
Y/n: Just a theory.
They then walk pass a window with a poster on it which Y/n stop and walk back and looks at the poster of the stars. Then he thinks about it and then he realised.
Y/n: That's it!
Loona: What?
Y/n: I think Octavia came here to see the stars!
Loona: Really? Why?
Y/n: Octavia loves to see the stars and I think she came here just to see them.
Loona: Huh so any idea where she might be right now?
Y/n:.......I think I know one place.
(Sometime later)
It was close to night as they arrive at the Griffith Observatory and the two split off to find her. It wasn't long for Y/n to find Octavia and hears her crying. He came around and sees Octavia at the veiw od the city crying when she stop when Y/n clear his throat.
Y/n: Hey Octavia.
She turn to see him as she then wipe the tears away and looks at the city while Y/n walks up next to her.
Y/n: You okay?
Octavia: No (sniff).
Y/n: Well how's about we talk about it.
Octavia: (sigh) My dad promised me to watch the shooting stars but he couldn't even talk to me due to this divorce with my mum. I was angry so.....I took apon myself to get the Grimorie so it can take me to see the stars but.....it too me here. I tried everything to see the stars and yet there was still no stars.
Y/n: Damn.....that must be hard.
Octavia: (tears) You have no idea.
Y/n: You know I'm here and you should have talked to me.
Octavia: I know. I realised how stupid I am.
Y/n: Hey don't say that. Everyone can make mistakes and that's okay. Even Stolas makes mistakes.
Octavia: Then why does hate her more than he loves me?!
Y/n:......I.....I think he wants to protect you from your own mother. Have you noticed that Stolas is the only one that take care of you while your mother just yells and argues with Stolas?
Octavia: Yeah.
Y/n: I think Stolas just wants to protect you from the hardships of reality and what's you to be happy. Look, not every father is perfect, sometimes they can spoiler their children too much they became bullies while some treat them like shit and either became like their fathers or be depress. There is no book to guidd fathers to be perfect but.......if they show care towards theie children then that's what makes them good fathers. Even if we dislike our fathers, they never give up on their own.
Octavia take a deep breath. The two fall silent and then Y/n had an idea. He snap his finger that shut off all the cities power and revealing the stars.
October is amazed while Y/n smiled. Then Octavia looks over but really Stolas is not with her. Disbite Y/h being with her, she really wanted to be with her father watching the stars.
Y/n: Wanna go and find your father?
We then see Loona around the corner as she begins about Blitz. She then sighs as the trio use the Grimorie to teleport where Blitz and Stolas where and they found them with Blitz wearing a ridiculous disguise.
Blitz: Loona! I am so sorry for treating you so badly!
He rushed over and hugged her and at first she wanted to beat him but decided to let him hug her one time. Stolas also hugs Octavia and Y/n explain what happen which Stolas felt extremely guilty.
Stolas: Oh Octavia I am truly am sorry. I should have remembered.
Octavia: No it's fine. After all I seen the stars.
Satan: Thanks to us mother fuckers!
Stolas: (smile) Thank you Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No pro-
Suddenly there was a large explosion and they turn to see fire works going off to which Y/n ask.
Y/n: What on earth did we miss?
Blitz: My acting career.
Y/n: You really are pure evil.
Satan: Not all pure evil. Just some.
They watch the fireworks and Y/n felt a hand and looks over to Octavia as she smile which he smiles back. Then Loona came over and also grab his other hand which Blitz is surprise that Loona has a lover which he cannot help but be proud while Stolas smiles as they continue watching the fireworks.
However we then see a mysterious armor figure standing on the roof looking at the four as the mysterious armor figure then gets on radio and spoke in a deep robotic voice.
???: Command, I found them. They have their guard down. Should I engage?
Command: (radio) Negative. You got orders to gather information and see what they are planning.
???: Seems like they're not doing anything.
Command: (radio) Roger. Return to base.
???: Roger that.
To be continued.............................................
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