S2E2: Meeting with the angels
(Hazbin hotel commercial scene)
Y/n stood behind while Charlie and Vaggie sat on the couch as there was a moment of silence only when Vaggie said.
Vaggie: Sorry but what the fuck was that?!
Satan: I'll give it 7 our 10. He shouldn't have mention the upcoming new rulers of hell.
Charlie: Alastor I just want to thank you for making this, seriously amazing! But um...maybe the tone was a bit....off. we want people to fome here. This makes us look.....um...
Y/n: Kinda slightly bad. After all we wanted guest to come here at their free will, not by forcing them.
Alastor: Funny because I figure you Satan friend who has been living in your head would love that.
Satan: That is true I would like that very much.
Y/n: Besides it didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save the citizens of hell from extermination.
Vaggie: Which is all the fucking point!
Charlie: Vaggie and Y/n are right Alastor. The commercial was to let Sinners know we are trying to help them.
Alastor: Well my dear I haven't been active in hell for sometime and everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself. But you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement. So I had a little fun with it.
Vaggie: Oh fun, you had a little fun with it?! Well this is not what we want to represent us. When you showed up here, you told us you would help run this hotel and instead you're mocking us!
Satan: Huh. Yo know I'm usually the one that mocks those with theie silly dreams.
Y/n: Okay I see everyone is a bit.....intense but we can find ways to get guests in. So any ideas?
???: Yeah I have one.
Then they turn to Angel Dust who is sitting on a chair this whole time has his hands up which Y/n said.
Y/n: Yes Angel? You have a plan?
Angel Dust: Well if we do want guests then we not you and Alastor use your powers and force them in.
Satan: Huh not a bad idea. Let's do that!
Y/n: No. Look me and Alastor maybe powerful but I refuse to use my powers to force others to obey.
Alastor: As for me (chuckle) Trust me, I can.
???: Why do you think I'm here?
They look over to Husky at the bar. Then Charlie's phone rang so she heads off to take the call while Husky said.
Husky: You actually think I'll be here cleaning bottles and listening to fuck's bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcin' me?
Niffty: (appear next to Husky) I like being forced.
Husky: Keep that to yourself, Niff.
Y/n: Look we are giving sinners a choice if they want to be here. Forcing them is just make us like the other overlords.
Angel Dust: I'm choosing to be here, and I think it's stupid. We're in hell, that's kinda of the end of the road.
Y/n: Sure maybe hell is filled with bad people but there are some good in this place. (Sigh) How's about we fix up the commercial. Vaggie I'm gonna leave you in charge of making a new commercial. Angel Dust, Husky and Niffty will help and Angel....try not to make the commercial porn like okay?
Angel Dust: (smirk) I can't promise that but I will not try.
Vaggie: (sigh) If he does anything then I will kill him.
The group heads off and Y/n turns to Alastor but he disappeared which he sigh.
Satan: I have a feeling things may not gonna go well right?
Y/n: Yep. If only there is some good news for us.
Charlie: Y/N!!!!!!!
He jump when Charlie rushes over to him and he turn to her and ask her.
Y/n: What's wrong?!
Charlie: (smile) You won't believe this but I'm getting the opportunity to spoke with the high ranking angels of heaven to discuss about the hotel.
Y/n: (surprised) Wait seriously?! That's wonderful!
Charlie: (smile) I know right! This is going to change everything! I can't wait!
Y/n: (smile) I'm glad your happy. So when is this meeting?
Charlie: 10 minutes! We should head there right now!
Y/n: (smile) Awesome!......wait where?
The two arrive at what seems like a heavenly like tower that has the timer that shows how long till the next Extermination.
The two twin doors open and they step through and walk down an empty lobby which is kinda creepy to them.
Satan: Huh looks like no one hasn't been in here for a long time.
Y/n: No kidding.
Soon they approach the front desk but there was no one there. They look around snd Charlie noticed a small bell so she rang the bell and suddenly a large paperwork appear along with a pen.
Charlie: (surprised) Oh!....um okay.
She takes the pen and she sighs it. Once signed a door on their right open and they walk in and the room was dark.
Satan: If this is where we get jumped then so much for our lives.
???: Welcome. We have been suspecting you two.
Then the room lights up and they were met by what looks like a knight Angel as he stood in front of them and he approaches the two.
???: It is a pleasure to meet the princess of Lucifer along with her friend. Nice to meet you two.
He lend out his hand to the two which they each shake his hand as Charlie introduced herself.
Charlie: (smile) It's an honour to meet you. My name is Charlie and this is my boyfriend Y/n.
Y/n: Hey man. You look really cool.
???: Thanks.
??? 2: He's talking to me.
They look behind the knights and sees two other angels one an Exterminator with some blood on her mask while the other a large Angel as the two don't seem....."Angel" like.
???: He was talking to me Adam. Besides who thinks your cool?
Adam: Um everyone I know. Who would find the great Knight Eric cool.
Y/n: Wait? Eric? Is that your name?
Eric: Yes it is.
Y/n: (surprised) Holy crap! I can't believe I'm speaking to a legendary hero ever.
Charlie: You know him?
Y/n: Yeah! Eric was this legendary Knight during the Knight era and fought bravery against evil. He was viewed as the most bravest and most honourable hero that has ever been seen. There was even a statue to honour you at my town.
Eric: I'm pleased that you remember me.
Y/n: My father told me stories about you when I was a child. You were awesome.
Eric: (little chuckle) Thank you. Anyways let's begin this meeting shall we?
Eric came over and sat down next to Adam which he rolled his eyes to his second in command as Charlie then clear her throat and then says.
Charlie: Sir Eric, Sir Adam.
Adam: (smirk) Call me Dickmaster.
Satan: He doesn't deserve that title.
Charlie: You two are the most high ranking commanders in heaven and I figure we can discuss ways to solve our biggest problem.
Adam: Yeah herps is just the worst.
Charlie: No our other biggest problem.
Adam: Oh uh....ugly people? Math!?
Eric just sighs while he shake his head with disappointment while Adam keep on guessing until Y/n spoke out.
Y/n: No! Our biggest problem is hells over population.
Adam: Ooh! Well, that's not a problem! We have that covered! Lute, how many have you killed this year?
Lute: Got a good 275 this year, Sir.
Adam: 275 whoa, badass! Awesome job, danger tits! Pound it!
The two pound it then Y/n said.
Y/n: So what your proud that you are killing Charlie's people?!
Adam: Well it sucks for you.
Eric: Adam please just shut up.
Charlie: But they are souls. Human souls, just the same as ones you have up in heaven.
Lute: They are not the same. They had their chance and they earned damnation.
Y/n: So you think just because they were sent down to hell because of one mistake you just label them no different to those up in heaven. Everyone make mistakes.
Lute: We don't make mistakes.
Adam: (smirk) Yeah I never made a mistake in my fucking life.
Eric: (mutters)? Except one time.
Adam: Huh?
Eric: Nothing. Look I don't want to sound rude here but what does overpopulation have to do with anything.
Charlie: (smile) Glad you ask! I have created a hotel that can rehabilitate sinners and once redeemed they can go to heaven. Here, these are the drawings.
She show her drawings which Eric takes a look and although they are maybe drawn by a child Eric can see and find it a but interesting while Adam laughs and said.
Adam: (smirk) Sorry but that's not gonna happen. You see, hell is forever and there isn't a second chance for them. They have their chance and now they will suffer down here forever.
Y/n: That isn't fair! People can be redeemed. Just because they did a bad thing doesn't mean they can make things right. It may take long but with trust and effort there is a chance. You may say you never made a singal mistake but I know that is bullshit. We make mistakes but that's what makes us perfect. It's not just the sinners but others out there. IMPs, hellhounds, succubus and any race out there may seem bad but there are some that are good. If there is some good in hell then maybe just maybe there is a chance there are a few that can be redeem themselves.
There was a moment of silence and then Adam burst into laughter as he slammed his fist onto the table and laughs more while he said.
Adam: (laughter) You really think they can be redeemed?! You must be one stupid fuck to think that! Seriously that must be the most stupidest speech I have ever heard I'm my entire li-
Suddenly Adam and Lute glitches out and disappeared which surprised them and turn to see Eric as he explain.
Eric: They were never here. They were using a hologram so they will not step foot here. I'm 100% real. I cut Adam off so we can talk privately.
Charlie: Oh......Well sorry if this idea is-
Eric: Oh no your idea is really interesting. In fact I like the idea.
Charlie: (surprised) Really?! You do?
Eric: But I have one thing to ask. Is there a bar at your hotel?
Y/n: Um....yes?
Eric: That's good, because I miss drinking at a bar. Up in heaven isn't much the same. I would have to speak with Sera about this idea but it would make a difference.
Charlie: (smile) Thank you so much! Thank you so much!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah thanks man.
Charlie: Come on! Let's tell everyone about this!
He agree and the two were about to leave when Erix call out.
Eric: Hey....I would like to talk with Y/n. Can you hang back.
He was confused but he ensures Charlie to go on which she did. Once gone he turn back and he was surprised to see Eric appear right in front of him.
He then grab his head and then Eric said using his mind.
Eric: Hello Satan.....been a long time hasn't it?
Y/n is shocked that he knew Satan and knew he was in his mind while Satan was silent for a moment and then he spoke.
Satan: I'm sorry but who the hell are you?
To be continued........................................................
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