S1E4: New job
Underneath Pentagram city is the sewer and we see Y/n making his way through the sewer, looking for the weapons that Satan has so he can arm himself with weapons to protect himself and others.
He walk through an acid filled lake as he turn around corners, making sure nothing will not jump at him but once it was close he continue on walking as Y/n ask Satan.
Y/n: So why did you leave weapons in a sewer?
Satan: Don't blame me, thete use to be a room that stores a lot of weapons. They must have build a sewer here after my death.
Y/n: So how can we sure the entrance isn't blocked off?
Satan: Don't worry, it's not. In fact, I think we might be close.
Y/n: That's good to hear.
He keep on moving through the sewer and after a while sees a ancient door which he walked up to the door and once there he try to find a key or something to get in but nothing.
Satan: Place your hand onto the door. Trust me, it will work.
Y/n: Well....if you say so.
He place his hand onto the door and suddenly the door shine a red glow and seconds later the door slowly opens with dust coming down as Y/n peaks inside to see lockers that contain some old weapons that he can use.
Y/n enters inside and look around as he opens his first locker and pulled out an assault rifle as he looks at the rifle for a bit while Satan ask him.
Satan: Do you know how to use these weapon?
Y/n: Yeah. I know how to use them.....I think.
Satan: Thought so.
Y/n slide the rifle onto his back and pulled out a pistol that looks badass. He then pulled out a shotgun and a machine gun as he finds them cool then suddenly they disappeared in a buff of flames.
Y/n: Wow! Where did they go?!
Satan: Calm down you can summon them whenever you needed them.
Y/n: Really? How?
Satan: Just think of a weapon like a Assault rifle or a pistol.
He nodes and thinks of a assault rifle and his assault rifle appears on his hand.
Y/n: (smirk) Awesome!
Satan: Yep! Pretty neat. Now let's get out of here before sewer creatures find us.
Y/n: Good idea.
He make his leave and seconds later we see Y/n lifted off the sewer lid and exiting out of the sewer and walks into the footpath as he walk through and then his stomach started to growl.
Y/n: Man I'm hungry. I could get something to eat.
Satan: Well good luck using human money because they don't do those in this world.
Y/n: Oh so what money do they use here?
Satan: Soul dollars and Soul coins.
Y/n: And how do I get them?
Satan: Getting a job.
Y/n: Oh right.
He walks by a demon selling out Newspapers so he take one and reads through the job section as he sat down on a bench next to a demon looking down at his phone as Y/n looks through the jobs but nothing suits him.
Y/n: Man none of these jobs suit right for me.
Satan: Yeah no kidding. You got jobs that are embedded while some lame.
Y/n: So what's your idea?
Satan: No clue man. Best you find a job otherwise you won't have any money to go by.
Y/n: I guess but damn it's difficult to find a job here I hell. (Sigh) Wish there's something come by and offer me a job.
???: I hear you wanna job huh?
He turn only to be startled back to see the same demon next to him was getting too close to him as Y/n reply.
Y/n: Um yes? Who are you?
Blitzo: (smirk) Glad you ask human the names Blitzo (whisper) with a slient o (talk normal) and it's your lucky day because I.M.P could really use a bodyguard right about now.
Y/n: I.M.P?
Satan: I think it's that TV program we saw last night remember?
(I.M.P TV ad scene)
(End of flashback)
Y/n: Oh yeah. I had a feeling there was more to that child getting shot in the head and what you do with hi-
Blitzo: Yeah we can't talk about that however what we can talk about is your working with us as the first fucking human working for I.M.P.
Y/n: Huh....Well your guys jobs are basically going into the human world and kill them so your clients have their revenge on those who wronged them?
Blitzo: (smirk) That's right kid and I can tell your one powerful son of a bitch so how about it kid, you wanna work with me at my company?
Y/n: Well.....its not like I have a choice so sure, why not.
Blitzo: (smile) Perfect! (Gives him his card) Here's my card, it has my address and phone number so call me and my daughter may or may not pick it up but see you there tomorrow kid.
Then Blitzo walked off as Y/n watch him leave while he look down at the card he was given and find it a bit interesting.
He arrived back to the hotel and show Charlie and Vaggie the card of his new job while Angel Dust is at the bar with Husk as Angel is "having a nice chat" with Husk while Husk was attending to kill him.
Vaggie: I don't know about this. I mean Killin humans in the human world seemed to be wrong.
Y/n: True but we needed the money. Its not like this hotel is gonna be free every month.
Charlie: (smirk) You don't have to worry about that! My parents will help us pay the hotel.
Vaggie: And have you spoken to them about it?
Vaggie: Yeah but still, you sure it's a good idea? Are you even fine killing humans?
Y/n: Some are jackasses who does deserve to die. Besides think about it. This place is the first floor they go to when they first came to hell right? So if we invite them into the hotel, then we will have new customers and more sinners to be redeemed.
Vaggie: Well guess you have a point there. Besides they are going to hell either they you kill them or get old and died.
Charlie: (smile) Well if you wish to do that then I'll support you with it!
Y/n: (smile) Thanks Charlie.
Angel Dust: Yo so who is this demon who give you that card?
Y/n: A small demon with long horns.
Angel Dust: Oh he's a Imp then.
Y/n: Imp?
Angel Dust: Yeah. Imps are like the lowest or the low to other demons like Hellhounds. They are basically use for services workers or waiters.
Husk: Yeah they're not much as important to hell but they know how to do their work.
Y/n: Huh....Well this Blitz guy isn't so bad when I first met him. Plus, he does say he has a daughter so that's good right?
Charlie: (smile) Yeah. You know, this is a great week for all of us. The hotel is perfect, we have customers and nothing is not gonna ruin this day.
There was slince as Y/n looked around and more importantly look at the entrance as he stare at it for a bit and after a while there was nothing which confused him a bit as he said.
Y/n: Huh.
Charlie: Usually somethings bad would to come but I guess it's just all in my-
The door blows open, sending flying and hitting Niffty as they peak out to see a blimp floating in front of the hotel.
Satan: Well crap. Looks like we have company and not the good kind.
Sir Pentious: (poke his head out of thw window) Ha! Well, Well, Well. We have meet again human. It took me a while but I have finally found you. You try to hide from me but not I found you!
Y/n:........Um I wasn't hiding from you. I mean, I was in the city so you've could have attacked me there.
Sir Pentious: You were?! Fuck! Oh well I found you anyways and now it is time to have my revenge!
Vaggie: You have to piss this creep off didn't you.
Y/n: (nervous chuckle) Yeah sorry.
Then a hatch open and his Sir Pentious egg henchmen came out with weapons and they charge towards them. Vaggie was ready for action but Y/n step forward as he pulled out his sword.
Y/n: Don't worry. I got this.
Satan: Yeah time to have some action going on!
Y/n charge towards Sir Pentious henchmen and starts cutting them down with his sword as he blocks their shots and then he cuts them down as their souls were sucked into the sword as he continues to cut them down while everyone watches, even Angel Dust videos the whole thing and sent it to his friend as Y/n summon his pistol and fired at three Sir Pentious henchmen while he easily cuts them down with his sword.
He finish things up as he spins the blade around and then stabbed his sword onto thr ground, creating a blast of fire that burns Sir Pentious henchmen as they melt. Once that was clear he turn and look up at his blimp as he ask him.
Y/n: (smirk) Is that the best you got?
Sir Pentious: Actually no. This is!
Then a hatch below opened and a large laser came down and stop right in front of Y/n as the laster starts to charge up.
Sir Pentious: (smirk) Hahahahah! This lasted can easily to kill any strong demons such as yourself! Now beg for your life now as I, Sir Pentious will destroy you and your fucking lame friends once and for al-
Then Y/n kicks the laser cannon once and it immediately falls apart. It shut down as it crashes onto the ground and then immediately blows up while everyone were stunned by this as Y/n looks up at Sir Pentious and ask him.
Y/n: Anything else you got?
Sir Pentious: (mutters) For fuck sakes! (Sighs and talks normally) No that's it but this is not over! I will return and I will have my revenge.......again!
He then flies away as Y/n watch Sir Pentious leave as he puts away his sword and Pistol while he said.
Y/n: What a weirdo.
Satan: Yeah but a least we made an enemy today.
Y/n: True.
Charlie: (smile) Well just glad no one didn't get hurt.
Angel Dust: Was Niffty not hurt?
Husk: I don't know and I don't care.
Vaggie: So when is your new job for I.M.P?
Y/n: Tomorrow. Guess I need to get ready for tomorrow.
Charlie: (smile) Oh I'll help you! I know the perfect suits you can wear!
She takes Y/n back inside while Vaggie sighs to herself and goes with them while Husk follows along including Angel Dust as his friend sent hi a text to say how cool he is and wishing for him to be apart of them which Angel Dust smirked all awhile we see Alastor on top of the Happy Hotel and watched everything as he have a even more creepy smile.
He turn to the sign above him and with a snap of a finger, he changed the "Happy hotel" into the "Hazbin Hotel" as he find it suitable to him and allows them to have more customers as he turn back with a creepy smile on his face and then he walked away.
Alastor: (smile) Can't wait to see what other things a human like you....can do.
At the Lust ring we see a bar and at the alleyway next to the bar we see a demon being grabbed in the neck by a mysterious women who is chocking him as she ask him.
???: What did you say earlier?
Demon citizen: Wh-What are you talking about you crazy bit-
???: I wanna know if this is true. I wanna know if he is really reborn as a human with demonic powers?
Demon citizen: I think so but that's what I've heard, that's all.
There was slince for a moment and then she let's him go as he runs off while she leaves the alleyway as we can see her with white hair with small horns and eyes with hearts on them as she look around for a moment and then said.
???: My darling Satan. I knew you will be back. Don't you worry, I will find you and we will be together again....forever.
To be continued.......................................
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