S1E3: The Radio Demon

Charlie and Y/n arrived back at the Happy Hotel as the two enter inside while we see Vaggie locking a door to the cafeteria which is where the homeless people were in while she is breathing heavily and trying not to throw up from the horrible smell while we see Angel Dust laying on the couch and look at his phone and looking over to see Charlie and Y/n back.

Angel Dust: Ah your back. Figured you both would be killed out there, especially you human.

Y/n: Thanks.

Charlie: (smirk) So how's our new visitors doing?!

Vaggie: Fucking awful if you ask me. Lock them up in the cafeteria with tones of food so that will hold them there for a while.

Y/n: (smile) See, I knew this plan would work.

Vaggie: Don't push yourself too much.

Y/n: (nervous smile) R-R-Right.

Vaggie: (sigh) Look I'm glad we have visitors but how can we work on the hotel with four of us? We need a lot more demons working on the hotel and I refusing to let those fucking dirty ass creeps do all the work without making the towers smell like shit.

Y/n: Well maybe we can hire more employees to work on the hotel.

Angel Dust: Who? It's not like no one not gonna be bother working at this shit.

Then there was a knock at the door which surprised them a bit as Charlie approaches the dooe while she said.

Charlie: (smile) Looks like our luck is on our side. (Open the door) Hello sir and welcome to-

When she open the door she was face to face with a demon wearing a suit, s microphone like staff and have a creepy smile when looking down at Charlie while she stare up at him just as Y/n walk up to her.

Y/n: Hey is everything oka- (noticed the demon) Wow.

Alatsor: (smile) Greetings, the names Alatsor (shakes both Charlie and Y/n's hand) It's a pleasure to meet you both, what a fin hotel you have!

He then walked inside while the two stood there abit and then Y/n turns to him and ask.

Y/n: Well it's nice having you here sir but how do you know about us?

Alatsor: (smile) I've watched both of your Fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn't resist what a performance!

Y/n: Oh right, the news.

Alatsor: (smile) Indeed, well I haven't been invited attain since the stock market crash in 1929 hahahahaha!

Y/n: Uuummm right.

Alatsor: (smile) Your a interesting fellow I gonna say! A human with powerful demonic powers. I gonna say that must have been a shocking performance you did!

Y/n: You.....sure talk a lot.

Alatsor: (smile) Hahaha I know!

Vaggie: (points hee spear at him) Stop right there! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here you pompous cheesy dog show shit lord!

Alatsor: (smile) Heheh if I were to harm anyone here (demonic smile) I would have done so already.

They stared at him for a bit while Y/n tells Satan.

Y/n: Damn he's one creepy demon right Satan? Satan?

Satan: ............

Alatsor: (smile) But no, I came here to help!

Charlie and Vaggie:.............

Charlie: Say what now?

Alatsor: (smile) Help! Hahaha, hello? Is this thing on? (Tap his microphone) Testing, testing?

Microphone staff: (opens eye) Well I heard you lord and clear!

Y/n: (shocked) Did that thing just talk back? Wait a minute, you wanna help us? So does that mean you believe in Charlie's cost of redeeming other sinners?

Alatsor: (smile) Ha! What a joke there! Redemption, that's a funny one there but no no no, I don't think there's anything that could save (glance over to Angel dust) such loathsome sinners. (Looks at Y/n) The chance given was the life they live before the punishment is this! There is no one doing what is done.

Charlie: So then, why do you want to help me if you don't believe in my cost?

Alatsor: (smile) Considered an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself! I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment, only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pits of failure.


While both Charlie and Alatsor chatted to each other, Y/n goes over to Vaggie and Angel dust as he tells them.

Y/n: That guy is kinds creepy to the other demons I've seen.

Vaggie: He is no normal demon.

Y/n: What make you say that?

Vaggie: He's one od the most dangerous and most deadly demons within hell and he's apart of the Overlords.

Y/n: The Overlords?

Satan: They are powerful demons within hell. They ranks her higher to other demons nor sinners within hell and they each have terrorist of their own. They are kinda like gang leaders or mafia bosses.

Y/n: So what does Alatsor do?

Vaggie: Alatsor can get into demons radios and broadcast his chaos, madness and other horrible things which give him the nick name. "The Radio demon."

Y/n: Sounds like a lazy name.

Vaggie: Yeah but he's extremely powerful then the other Overlords of hell.

Angel Dust: Sounds important.

Vaggie: You sound like there is no fucking problem! He can't be redeemed! Plus he may have plans that we may not know of and it may involve the destruction of the hotel.

Y/n: I see. Maybe I go over there and see what I can do. Maybe we can redeem him if we try.

He walk away while Vaggie fold her arms and then said.

Vaggie: (sigh) I still can't trust him or Alatsor.

Angel Dust: (smirk) To be fair do you not trust any men?

Vaggie just simply ignore him while Y/n gets up to the two and tells Alatsor.

Y/n: (smile) Hi there Alatsor, even though you maybe creepy, untruthful and thinks Charlie's plan may not work, I think there is a chance od making this hotel great right Charlie.

Charlie: (smile) Yeah so disbite your thoughts, we be glad if you can help us. As long there ie no tricks or anything suspicious alright?

Alatsor: (smile) So it's a deal then. (Lend out his hand to Charlie and Y/n).

Charlie: No! I mean....um......as Princess of hell and heir to the throne. I here by order that you help with this hotel....as long as you desire.....sound fair?

Alatsor: Hhhhmmm, fair enough.

He then look around the hotel for a bit, suspecting everything around him whike the rest look at each other until Alatsor says.

Alatsor: (smile) Well this won't do! I suppose I can cash in a few favours to liven things up.

He snap a finger and a fire place lights up ans suddenly a small body came down and land onto the fire as Alatsor takes it out of the fire place while the rest stare at it.

Y/n: Is it.....alive?

Then a singal huge eye open, making Y/n jump a bit as the ashes puff away to reveal a cyclops little girl who looks at everyone in the room.

Alatsor: (smile) This little darling is Niffty!

Y/n: Well she looks.....friendly.

Satan: More like a little girl you should not to mess with.

Niffty: (puts down) Hi! I'm Niffty, it's nice to meet you. Been a while since I have friends.

Y/n:.....Well glad to have you here Niffty. So what can to do-

Niffty: Oh my gosh this is filthy!

She then goes around, cleaning up everything very fast while everyone watch her do her cleaning.

Angel Dust: Huh.....guess we know what she does.

???: Ha! I win, full hou-wow!

Suddenly a male cate demon appeared along with a table with money and cards as he look around a bit freaked out that he was teleported into a hotel.

???: What the fuck is this shit?

Alatsor: (smile) Husker my good friend!

Husk: (noticed Alatsor) You! Don't Husker me you son of the bitch! I was about to win the whole jackpot!

The money and cards disappeared from sight while Alatsor goes on to say.

Alatsor: (smile) Good to see you too.

Husk: What the hell do you want me now?

Alatsor: (smile) My friend I'm doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. I hope that's okay?

Husk: Are you shitting me?!

Alatsor: (smile) Hhhhmm no I don't think so.

Husk: You thought it would be some kind of big fucking riot just to pull me out of nowhere, you think I'm some kind of a fucking clown?

Alatsor: (smile).....Maybe.

Y/n: Those two have some sort of a interesting relationship.

Satan: Yeah but can't blame him.

Husk: I'm not doing any fucking charity job.

Alatsor: (smile) Well i think you will be great as the hotels bar! With you charming smile and welcoming engery, you'll fit right in for the job!

He snap his finger and a bar suddenly appear including a cheap booze as Alatsor shows it to him while he said.

Alatsor: (smile) If you are willing to work with us.

Husk: (looks at the cheep booze) You kidding me right? (Walks towards the bar and grabs the booze) You think you can buy me with cheap booze? (Glance at the booze) Well you can! (Take a drink)

Vaggie: Hang on fucking minute here! There ie no way we are having a bar here in this hotel! We're suppose to redeem sinners, not as a hang out place.

Y/n: Yeah she may have a point. I mean bars maybe great to hang out but when it comes to alcohol, it may have problems to sinners that may have alcohol problems. Maybe we should-

Angel Dust: (immediately grabs Y/n) SHUT UP! We are keeping this. (Points at the bar)

Y/n: (freaked out) S-Sure....okay man.

He then let's go of him as he breaths in a sigh of relief.

Satan: Here I thought he was gonna rape you for that.

Y/n: Note to self; Don't cross paths with Angel Dust and his addictions.

Satan: Noted.

Alatsor: (smile) Well what do you all think?

Charlie: (smile) This is amazing! I think we're gonna make a difference.

Alatsor: (smile) I'm glad for that as well. (Turns to Y/n) So tell me human, how did you get those overpowered demonic powers.

Satan: Don't say shit to him.

Y/n: Oh that's a long story that I may tell you that later or.....a long while.

Alatsor: (smile) Understandable! Now how's hungry!

Vaggie: (sigh) I'll clear out the cafeteria. (Mutter) Hopefully they don't trash anything inside.

Niffty: (smile) I'll help!

Husk: Good luck or....whatever. (drinks his booze)

(Hours later)

We see Vaggie showing Y/n to his room as she open the door for him as the door swing open and Y/n walks inside and his room was not as bad as his previous room he had back at the human world.

Vaggie: Here, Charlie told me to bring you do this room for free as a way to say thanks.

Y/n: (Turns to Vaggie) Well you can tell her thanks and I'll be looking forward helping you all.

Vaggie: Right. Look try not to do anything otherwise tomorrow you'll find yourself on fire, got that.

She then shuts the door and left. Y/n understood as he set his sword cover with cloth onto the bed and stare out at Pentagram city while a mirror beside him shows Satan as he tells him.

Satan: Looks like we finally got a room.

Y/n: Yep. Say early you were slient when Alatsor first came in. What's with that?

Satan: (sigh) Look there's more about these Overlords you or the others may not know.

Y/n: And that is?

Satan: The Overlords well back in the day were actually the council of governments of hell. For years each member of the Overlords take control some parts of hell while I rule them and everything in hell. No demons or anything couldn't stand up against us or any of my Overlords.

Y/n: Huh so what happened?

Satan: Over time the members of the Overlords wishes for more powerful and so they try to kill me and take over as ruler of hell. Of course I did defeat them all but soon I was killed but without me they fight each other until most of the members go their separate ways, turn to becoming Crime Lords or mafia bosses, believing that one day, one of them will rule over hell once and for all.

Y/n: Okay so what does all of this have to do with Alatsor?

Satan: Alatsor was the only one who is loyal to me. Disbite his loyalty towards me, I find it suspicious and I was sure he may try to overthrow me. Then after my death he disappeared. I still believe that Alatsor was the one who killed me but didn't take the throne. Either he wishes to see all those in hell suffer or something else.

Y/n: So what should we do?

Satan: Well first you need some fire power.

Y/n: But I already got this sword.

Satan: Yeah but you need more weapons in hopes to survive hell and be ready for anything. I know one place we can find some strong weapons for free.

Y/n: Where?

Satan: I'll tell you that tomorrow but for now get some rest. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

To be continued......................................

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