S1E27 A Hellhound party (Lemon)
We see Loona and Y/n in a taxi as they are at the Gluttony ring as Vortex has invited both Y/n and Loona to a party. The two of them sat there in silence with Y/n a bit excited to be invited into a party and when he turn to Loona she looked nervous.
Y/n: You okay Loona?
Loona: Yeah I'm good.
Y/n: You sure? I mean you didn't have to come.
Loona: No its good. Besides I figure we can spend some time since we have a week off of work.
Y/n: Yeah your right. I'm happy that Moxxie and Millie is gonna have their anniversary of their wedding.
Loona: Yeah lucky them.
Soon they arrived at their destination and once the Taxi stop Satan said with joy.
Satan: It's party time bitches!
Y/n just roll his eyes as the two climb out of the taxi and is amazed of the house where the party is taking place. It looks fancy with hellhounds and some imps around as Loona text Blitz just to tell him that she arrived at the party.
Once that is done Vortex came out and calls out the two of them.
Vortex: (smile) Y/n! Loona! Glad tou have you two here! (Approaches them) So what do you think?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty cool man. You said this belongs to your girlfriend right?
Vortex: (smile) Yep. She always throws parties here. But hey come on in.
They follow Vortex and when they enter inside Vortex calls out to the helhounds.
Vortex: (smile) Yo everyone! Y/n and Loona are in the house!
He then begins to howl follow by the rest as Vortex heads off to get them some drinks while Y/n is surprised seeing so many hellhounds in once place.
Y/n: (surprised) Look how many they are.
Satan: No kidding. I know the Gluttony ring is where Hellhounds are but this is really cool.
He turn to Loona and walks over to her.
Y/n: (smile) This is cool right Loona?
Loona: (small smile) Uh yeah sure is.
Y/n: Hey not to try to annoy you but you sure your okay? I can call Blitz and he can-
Loona: N-No its fine. Just a bit nervous that's all.
Y/n: Yeah I mean I'm also kinda a bit nervous. No one never invited me to a party.
Loona: So this is your first time?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. But we're gonna have a lot of fun right?
Loona nodes with a bit of comfort and Vortex came back and gave them drinks which Y/n takes a drink and it was surprisingly good.
Y/n: (surprised) This is good drink.
Vortex: (smile) Yep. So what has been happening?
Y/n: Nothing much just getting away some stress that's all. Yourself?
Vortex: (smile) You know me. Veroskia and the others are also having a week off of work.
Y/n: Huh I'm surprised she hasn't texted or come over and.....you know.
Vortex: Well Verosika and other are attending something but nothing serious. I believe most are in the list ring.
Y/n: Make sense.
Vortex: Hey Loona how is your pa doing?
Loona: Oh he's doing fine. Just fine. As usual.
Vortex: (smile) Cool.
Then the music begins to change and all the hellhounds begin to move to the middle which confused the two.
Y/n: What's going on?
Vortex: (smile) Looks like she's gonna begin her show. Come on!
Vortex heads off so the two follow and when they arrived at the middle of the house it was a massive room with a huge ball containing the same juice above them as well as some below them as hellhounds begin to cheered as a voice is heard.
???: Alright who is ready to party because the honey is flowing tonight!
Satan: That voice......can it be?
Y/n: You recognise that voice?
Satan: Y-Yeah but can't be sure.
Then the music begin to start as they soon see a figure above the gaint glass ball that looks like a hellhounds as the show start.
(Queen Bees music scene)
(Queen bees music scene ends)
Everyone cheered and many hellhounds howl while Y/n is amazed while Satan's mutters in disbelieve.
Satan: Beelzebub.
Y/n: Huh?
Satan: That's Beelzebub. I can't believe she's still alive after all these years.
Y/n: Let me guess she is your lover?
Satan: No! She's like a sister to me.
Y/n: Oh......Really? I didn't know you have a soft side.
Satan: Fuck you!
Then she came down to Vortex and hugs him while she said.
Beelzebub: (smile) Vortex! The party is buzzing now! Fuck! I feel like i went a little too hard with the confetti this time though. I have like a rainbow. In my vigina right now.
Loon and Y/n look at each other thinking "What the fuck" and then Beelzebub noticed the two.
Beelzebub: (smile) Oh hey! You two are friends of Vortex I'm I right? Aren't you both so cute.
Y/n: (nervous smile) Thanks. Names Y/n and this is Loona. It's nice to meet you.
Beelzebub: (smile) Same here! (Little giggle)
Loona: Is there something funn-
Y/n: Your very joyful throwing this party.
Beelzebub: (smile) Yeah just really the high on all of this tasty energy right now! Tex says you both don't get invited out much. I hope this itty bitty get together can serve as a fun first time.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah in fact this is a perfect timing cause let's just say I met someone I really needed a happy time right now.
Beelzebub: (smile) Yeah everyone likes to have a day off from stress I'm I right Tex?
Vortex: (smile) Yeah. Anyways this is my girlfriend Beelzebub.
Y/n: (smile) Huh well your a lucky girl to have someone like Vortex there.
Beelzebub: (smile) Aaaww your too sweet. He's sweet. Vortex told me about you and the fact you two are like BFFs. You two are made to be friends.
Y/n: (smile) Well bros stick together right Tex.
Vortex: (smile) Yeah man.
Beelzebub: I would have thrown a bigger one but I couldn't convince Belphegor to let me break into her stash of party drugs. So fucking lame.
Satan: I agree with her alright. Belphegor is such so lame.
Y/n: So you usually steal drugs from Belle?
Beelzebub: Oh yeah but Belle changes the locks. She says I'm a total "jackass" for trying but hey I'm proud to be a total jackass.
Satan: That's may girl.
Y/n: Say how about we sit down and chat.
Beelzebub: (smile) Sure thing! Come I know a perfect spot!
(Short while later)
The four of them is seen in a room chatting as Y/n gets to know Beelzebub and share some laughs while Loona sat there awkward with her drink.
Beelzebub: (smile) OMG Tex you didn't tell me he is hilarious. Your so funny. And you said your helping out the princess of hell with this hotel?
Y/n: Yeah it's in a working progress but we can't give up.
Beelzebub: (smile) That is so cool. I mean I don't really much care about this redemption thing but you don't give a fuck whoever says to you.
Y/n: Well haters gonna hate. So what was your relationship with Satan like? Out of curiosity?
Beelzebub: Well I still miss him. He was generally really good and always attend my parties and always bring the good shit. You know it reminds me that one time invested him without his shirt on.
Vortex and Y/n look a bit surprised while Beelzebub gose on to say.
Beelzebub: I was like, "Oof boy! You are hot as hell!" But then I wanted to die, cause it was so awkward cause he is more like a brother to me, you know.
Y/n is still silent and wanted Satan to explain which he immediately explain.
Satan: One: I was changing after I came out of the shower and second: I did not want to fuck Beelzebub! I may have fucked all ladies but she is like a sister to me and I'm not that type of guy!
Y/n: Right.
Beelzebub: I mean not actually my brother but you know so I guess.....it was fine. I COULD hit that.
There was a bit of awkward silence as Loona and Y/n once again look at each other and then Y/n clear his throat and said.
Y/n: Well I'm honoured to meet one of the seven deadly sins.
Beelzebub: (smile) And it is great to meet you! Anyways I'm gonna join the party but feel free to enjoy yourselves. The drinks are all me!
She then flies out of the door as the trio walk out and look at the veiw on the third floor. Loona begin to have second thoughts and said.
Loona: H-Hey I think I might leave.
Y/n: Wait? Why? Loona?
She then walk away so he goes after all as he turns corner to see Loona and he catches up to her.
Y/n: Hey Loona you okay? You can talk to me.
Loona: I-I-
Y/n: Loona. I'm here for you.
The two then sat down as Loona looks down and then explain.
Loona: I just feel like I'm not fit to be here.
Y/n: Is there a reason why?
Loona: (sigh) It's just.......I'm not use to people liking me. When I was young.....nobody cared for me and those who do care would betray me. The pain I've gone through, the trust that were broken. I always let out my aggression apon everyone and it made me to be either be feared or hated.
Y/n: I understand. If you don't want to be here then let's go home.
Loona: N-No I should go. You seem to be having fun here.
Y/n: Yeah but I can't stay here knowing that your upset. If anything I would rather go with you then being in a party or anything that is fun because you know why?
He then takes Loona's hand which made her blush a bit as he tells her with a warm smile.
Y/n: (smile) Because I care for you. I don't want you to feel alone.
This made Loona to tear up and then started to cry. He pulled her for a hug as he comfort her while Vortex is seen around the corner smiling as he then left.
The two get up and Loona said.
Loona: You know what. I change my mind. I want to give this a chance.
Y/n: You sure?
Then a waiter was about to walk by them with two drinks so Loona take two and hands one to Y/n.
Loona: (smile) Does this answer your question?
He smiled and takes the drink as they tap theie glass to each other and said.
Y/n: (smile) Let's enjoy the parry!
Loona: (smile) Yeah!
Satan: Let's get this party started!
And so they drank the glass and we see them having fun as Y/n shows off hid break dancing skills while the crowd cheered along with Loona. They play some games like beer pong as Y/n and Loona take drinks every each shot.
More and more drinks later they begin to get tipsy and before they know it they get drunk. We see the two sat on the booth drinking away and after Loona drank her last drink she let out a howl and said with a drunk like tone.
Loona: Fuck yeah this party is awesome! (Hic)
Y/n: (laughter) Yeah! (Hic) I never have this much fun in (hic) my life.
He slammed his hard onto the table ans stared at Loona and then he tells Loona.
Y/n: H-H-Hey Loona (hic) you look.....really attractive.
Loona: (giggle) (hic) And your just so fucking cute acting like that. (Hic) Look how silly you are.
Y/n: (laugh) Well your more cute and sillier then me. (Hic)
Loona: (giggle) I'm glad I'm (hic) with you. Your such (hic) a nice person.
Y/n: (smile) And your (hic) your such an amazing person. I would (hic) kiss you.
Loona: (smirk) Really?
Y/n: (smirk) Yeah.
Loona and Y/n look at each other and they couldn't take it anymore and they dash off to find somewhere private.
(Lemon start)
Once they did the door open and Loona is seen holding Y/n as they begin to make out while they walked into the room and slam the door behind them while they lock it.
They moan Loona takes Y/n to he bed and then throws him onto the bed and she too jump herself into the bed as the two continue making out with Loona on top of him.
Y/n: Damn Loona your so sexxy moaning like that.
He slap her butt which made Loona moan more and find it hot as the two continue to make out while they begin taking off their clothes and throwing them across the room.
Soon they were naked and soon Y/n insert his dick into her and they go at it as they let out hard and loud moans.
Loona: (moaning) Unholy fuck this feels amazing~!
Y/n: (breathing heavily) God is so horny~!
Loona: (moaning) AAAHHH~! That is so hit~!
He kept going while the bed moved left and right as he goes faster as Loona grabs tightly on the blanket as the two keep letting out moans of pleasure until.
Y/n: Here it comes~!
Loona: I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!
Y/n and Loona: (moans) AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH~!!!!!
The two of them are sweating as the two look at each other and then Y/n came down and begins kissing Loona and the two go back to making out.
Sometime later Y/n is groping on Loona's breast while placing his face between her breast while Loona is letting out moans of pleasure.
Y/n: (smile) Your so fluffy Loona.
Loona: (giggle) Don't sleep on me Y/n.
Y/n: Who says I am.
He then begins sucking on her breast while twisting her nipple which made Loona moan. She keeps moaning while he continued and then he crawl down to her vigina and begins sticking his tongue into her.
Loona: (moaning) Damn~! you know how to turn me on~!
Y/n spread her legs wide and keeps going, making Loona letting our moans as she begins to grop on her own breast and soon she can feel it coning and then she let's out a scream of pleasure.
Loona breaths heavily as Y/n crawl up to her and gently stroke her left cheek and stare at.
Y/n: (smile) Love you Loona.
Loona smiled and gently touch his cheek and suddenly she rolled herself and him off the bed and they begin doing it on the bed as they keep making moaning sounds as they kept going throughout the party.
(Lemon ends)
(Next day)
We see everyone laying around the house being hungover after the party and we see Y/n slowly waking up and his vision was all a blurr and he had a massive headache.
Y/n: (Sat up) Fuck what happened last night? I feel like shi-
He then froze up when he sees Loona laying next to him naked and sleeping peaceful and soon he sees himself naked and realised the two slept together.
He panic a bit and then Loona woke up and sat up as Y/n slowly move back against the bed.
Y/n: (panic) Loona please don't kill me. I-I don't know what came over me! Please forgiv-
Then Loona lend over and kissed him. This surprised him and once Loona stop she smiled which is something he never seen ans said.
Loona: (smile) Relax I'm not gonna kill you. Damn you are an idiot. But......a cute idiot.
He is surprised that Loona isn't mad but happy. Then Loona throws him back onto the bed and then begins to cuddle him as she lick his face and nuzzle him.
Loona: (smirk) Love you Y/n.
He blushes but he also smiled as he cuddle Loona ans said with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) Love you too Loona. Always will be.
To be continued.....................................................
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