S1E23: The Harvest moon Festival
We see the IMP van driving along the dirt road within the ring of Wrath. Y/n looks out of the window to see everything looked like a warzone which Satan likes it.
Satan: Boy I miss this place. Although things have changed to the rest of the rings, at least this one hasn't changed.
Y/n: Looks nice.
He looks over to see Moxxie looking kinda nervous while Millie looking exciting as Y/n ask Millie.
Y/n: So your family lives here?
Millie: (smile) Yeah! It's been a long time since I see them so it will be great to see them.
Y/n: (smile) I bet they will be great to see you two as well.
Moxxie: Well not exactly.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Moxxie: Ever since I first met them they kinda dislike me because I'm not as strong as Millie.
Y/n: Oh well I'm sure they are long pass that right now. Besides if they are not nice people, they wouldn't allow us to stay at their place for the the harvest moon festival.
Millie: (smile) He's got a point.
Moxxie: I suppose so.
Soon the gang arrived at Millie's family farm where Millie's parents are waiting as Bliz Park the van and Millie was the first to came out as she runs over and hugs her dad and mum.
??? Yeehaw! How is my beautiful killer doing?
Millie: (smile) I'm doing fine pa. Thanks for letting us stay here.
??? 2: (smile) It's no trouble. We know your not making as much as much anymore since y'all went "freelance."
Millie: (smile) Freelance pays fine ma. We're fine....its fine.
Moxxie and Y/n pull out the luggages as Millie walks over to Moxxie.
Millie: (smile) You remember my husband Moxxie.
Moxxie turns to see their disapprove look as Moxxie nervously clear his throat.
Y/n: Man they really do disapprove him.
Satan: Can't really blame then since Mox is weak as fuck.
Moxxie: (smile) Greetings Lin, Joe, how are you been now with all the flaming twisters and stuff around here?
Joe: We lost our old farm head to one of them tarots last week.
Moxxie: Oh crumps....i am so sorry. I didn't mean to open that wound sir.
Blitz: Hey watch it, I'm the sir here bucko!
Y/n: Probably best not get involve with this Blitz.
Blitz: I can get involve anyway I like.
Millie: Oh yeah! You all never met my boss Blitz and her hellhound.
Loona: I'm not just his Hellhound.
Blitz: Yeah she's my daughter.
Loona: Only on paper.
Millie: And this is Y/n, he's our body guard of the company.
Y/n: Greetings. Its nice to meet you two.
Joe: (smirk) And nice to meet you as well. I heard a lot of things about you at Pentafram City with all of those gangs and your power. Now that's what a man does.
Y/n: (surprised) Oh.....Well thanks. But again it's nice to meet you two.
Lin: (smile) It's nice to meet you as well. Besides our daughter told me great things about you and how you help around her and her husband with a lot of things. Now that's a strong man.
Satan: (chuckle) Now she's just flirting.
Y/n: (whisper) Shut up dude.
Joe: Speaking of strong man, you should meet our helper. Hey! Striker!
Moments later a fire like horse charges towards them and immediately stops in front of them as a cowboy like imp is seen on top of the horse as he climbs down and said.
Striker: (smirk) Well, Well, Well, you must be the first human in hell. Heard a lot of things about you.
Y/n: Thanks. You must be Joe and Lin's helper.
Striker: (smirk) Indeed. I help around the farm trying to keep it away from the elements. But heard some good things boy.
Y/n: Thanks I appreciate with it.
Striker: (Turn to Millie) And you must be the famous mildred. Heard some good things about you from your folks little lady.
Millie: (giggle) Thanks.
Striker: (smirk) So what y'all doing here far away from Imp City? The free work finally slowing down?
Y/n: Oh no we are just attending the Harvest moon festival because our number one Clent is here who is a Prince name Stolas.
Millie: (smirk) And he's the bosses boyfriend.
Blitz: Millie I'm not above hitting a female in front of her daddy.
Y/n let's out a chuckle while Striker turns to Blitz.
Striker: So you must be the boss who started its own killing business. That's pretty impressive sir.
Blitz: Oh......yeah.....I guess it is.
Joe: You know y'all enter the pain game.
Satan: Oh fuck yeah is that still alive! Yes!
Y/n: What's the pain games?
Lin: Every harvest festival there is a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Warth.
Y/n: Oh.....that sounds like fun.
Satan: Fuck yeah it's fun! I always watched as they get brutal killed in unimaginable way possible.
Millie: Yeah! Wish I can play.
Lin: Millie we know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in 15 separate funerals.
Satan: 15? Bitch please i saw one Imp killed more then 15 and it was fucking badass.
Millie: I'm aware but I only caused 9 of them. How cam Sally may still gets to compete?
Lin: Your sister doesn't have a neighbourhood head count.
Millie: She so does.
Then Sally appears behind them carrying two dead bodies while being helped by a imp.
Sally: Doesn't count if you find the body~!
Millie growls at hee while Sally turns to Y/n and winks at him which made Y/n blush but simply waves.
Joe: (smirk) I see you have an eye on our other daughter?
Y/n: Oh no I was just-
Joe: Ha! You'll be a great man for her.
Y/n: Um.....thank you...sir?
Joe: (smile) Please call me Joe. A man like you deserve to be welcome here in our family.
Y/n: Thanks Joe.
Lin: Besides you and your boss will be supported by Millie during the pain game.
Moxxie: Well she can also support me as well.
Joe: (smirk) Ha! You?
Y/n: Yeah I mean Moxxie is good at killing as well. Trust me....Mox is the best killer at IMP.
Satan: Even though he gets us or himself into trouble.
Y/n: (whisper) Not everyone is perfect you know.
Striker: Well in that case how's about you wrangle one of them hogs with these.
Striker hands Moxxie a knife and a rope. He swallow his nervousness and goes over the fence and make his way over to the hog. He slowly walks over and then he leaps on top of the hog as the hog goes nuts as Moxxie goes to stab it but it didn't work.
The hogs moves around like crazy with Moxxie riding on top of it as everyone watched. Loona pulls out her phone to record while Blitz laughs. Soon Striker pushes Moxxie turn while he took the knife and perfectly stab the knife into the hogs neck.
Y/n came over and help Moxxie up while Striker picks up the hog and turn to Moxxie.
Striker: (smirk) Don't worry little one, you never stood a chance.
Striker walks away as everyone begins to go inside while Moxxie sat down as Millie patches up his wound while Y/n as Moxxie.
Y/n: You alright bud?
Millie: You know you don't have to impress my parents.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah your good at other things besides fighting.
Moxxie: I know but I can't stand them not liking me because of what I am. I'm taking part of that game.
Millie: (sigh) Y/n keep an eye on Mox will you.
Y/n: Sure thing.
Sally: (smirk) Aren't your a cutie there.
He jump and turn to see Sally as she let out a flirty look as she walks up to him.
Sally: (smirk) I like your strong body. Wanna see my body?
He blushes bright red while Millie just sighs.
(Sometime later)
We see the harvest moon festival as all the competitors standing in front of the stage with Stolas within a tent while Blitz, Moxxie, Striker and Y/n are within the crowd. Then Wally came up on stage to welcome all to the Harvest moon festival.
Y/n: Say isn't that the guy from the TV ad?
Satan: Huh well can't really blame the guy who wanted him up I stage. He's does have a neat voice.
Wally: (smile) Welcome all to the Harvest moon Festival! To kick things off with the games, we have the great Prince here to usher in this here!
Everyone called as Stolas leaves the tent and Wally step aside as Stolas begins to say.
Stolas: (smile) Greetings tiny wrath imps. I hereby welcome you all here to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor that continues to feed the citizens of hell. I'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest imps to show their skills and dominance. Goof luck to you all especially that sexxy imp among the crowd.
He waves to Blitz which he sighs while Y/n let's out a small and quiet laugh. Once the games begin the competitors took part with many challenges as they climb over walls, catching each one with a rope, tug of war and lastly a mud fight.
Y/n seem to handle these challenges very easily while Blitz and Strikee are doing well however Moxxie is having some difficult time. Although he tried to help him, Mox lose challenge to challenge and in the end the winners go to Striker, Y/n and Blitz while Moxxie sat down with Millie as Y/n walks over to Mox.
Y/n: So even if you lost the competition so what? Your good at other things like singing. Ladies like that?
Moxxie: Yeah.....I guess your right.
Striker: I would like to sing a song for winning today's competition.
Moxxie: What the fuck!
Y/n: Okay I think he's just being an asshole now.
Satan: At least he's cool.
Moxxie looks disappointing which Y/n feels bad for snd wishes to make things better for him.
(Sometime later)
Y/n is at the farm helping out Millie's parents and Sometime has passed and we see him talking to Sally who is flirting him. Y/n get blushed but soon he realised that Millie and Moxxie isn't around.
Y/n: Odd where are they?
Satan: Probably inside having sex.
Y/n: Why?
Satan: I mean Millie wants to cheer her husband up right?
Y/n: That's true.
Then he felt something odd. He turn to one of the windows that had something sticking out. He turn to where it is pointing at and it was pointing at where Stolas is at.
He decided to heaf inside and find out what it is. He make his way up the steps and soon reaches Strikers room as he opens the door and finds Striker aiming down a rifle as Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Striker?
Striker turn to see Y/n as he smirks ams says.
Striker: (smirk) Well if ain't Y/n.
Y/n: Um yeah....is that a angelic sniper rifle?
Striker: (smirk) Yes indeed. Pretty cool right?
Y/n: Yeah but what are you pointing at? Are you pointing at hog?
Striker: (smirk) Not exactly.
He looks over and finds Millie's knife with seme blood on the floor. He also noticed Striker has a wound so he ask.
Y/n: Where is Mox and Millie?
Striker: (smirk) I'm sure they are close by. Don't worry....they are perfectly safe.
Y/n slowly reach for his pistol behind him as the two of them look at each other and quickly Y/n draws out his pistol only for Striker to throw a angelic knife that knocks the pistol off of him and also cut his hand.
He looks at the open wound on his hand as Striker quickly tackle him and slammed him onto the wall.
Y/n: Your not Joe and Lins helper! Your an assassin sent out to kill Stolas!
Striker: (smirk) Yep. I only took this job just so I can get close to the price. My client pays me a lot to kill him.
Y/n: You won't hurt Stolas!
Striker: Oh look at yourself. Your friends with a royal who never cares about you and always use you for things they like.
Y/n: True some are like that but Stolas is different. He really does care and I won't let you kill him.
Striker: Then looks like i have to kill you.
He goes to stab him only for Y/n to kick Striker off and he quickly pick up Millie's knife and throws it which Striker dodges and the two have a brawl. Striker pulls out his angelic knife, trying to stab him but Y/n dodges his swing sand blows land some blows.
Striker rushes over and kicks him back against the wall and goes to stab him but immediately Y/n summons his shotgun and fires two shots which Striker dodges.
He tries to swing his blade at Striker but he dodges his swing and then manages to stab Y/n in the stomach. He groans in pain as he stumble backwards and looks down at his wound as Striker says.
Striker: (smirk) You know....I like you. Too bad i have to kill you.
Strikee goes to stab him but immediately the door kicked open and Moxxie jump out and tackle Striker as the two fight. Moxxie pushes Striker back as Striker grabs his rifle and goes to shoot only for Y/n to summons hell bats and the hell bats surround Striker and making him drop his rifle and falls off the window.
Striker then escapes and was gone from sight as Moxxie breaths a sigh while Y/n breaths heavily and collapse on one knee while holding hid open wound ad Moxxie rush over to him.
Moxxie: You okay?
Y/n: Sorta. Damn Angelic weapons is fucking painful. But thanks Mox.....you sure proof everyone wrong.
Moxxie: (smile) Yeah. Thanks.
(Sometime later)
We see Y/n sat on the van having his wounds patched up by Lin as he looks at the rare mirror to see Lin at first scolding Millie for losing to Striker but them Moxxie confronts her and Millie's dad and after he told them off about Striker, Joe nodes to him and the two heaf inside.
Y/n smiled after seeing that and then Loona climb inside and sat next to him.
Loona: You okay?
Y/n: Yeah I'll be fine.
Satan: Yeah the next time we encounter anyone with a angelic weapon. Let's just shoot them.
He just smiled and out of nowhere Loona hugged him which surprised him.
Loona: Just don't scare me like that ever again, okay?
Y/n: (blush) Um.....sure?
And so IMP finishes packing and then leaves the farm as Joe, Lin and Sally wave to them goodbye as Y/n finds something inside his pocket and it is Sally's phone number with a heart on it.
Satan: At least you got Millie's sisters phone number.
He just sighs and decided to a nap all awhile we see Striker on top of a hill and watching the van drive away as he smirks as he turns around and disappeared into the landscapes of Wrath.
To be continued...................................................
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