S1E17: Hang out with a pop star (lemon)
We see Charlie with Y/n's clothes to his room and once there she unlocks the door and then open the door as she called out.
Charlie: (smile) Don't mind me I'm just dropping your clothes-
She looks over and stunned to see a Hellhound standing in front of mirror and he turn to see her which she scream and ask while in the panic.
Charlie: (panic) Who are you! Get out!
???: Wow wait Charlie it's me!
Charlie: Wait? Y/n? Is that you? How?
Y/n: (smile) Well I remember how Loona has a ability to disguise herself as a human so I wanna try out this transformation powers and look at me now! I'm a hellhound. Pretty cool right?
Charlie: Huh that is pretty interesting. Is that you all you can turn into?
Y/n: (smile) Nope. I can transform into other things. Like this.
He snap his finger and immediately transforms into a IMP which surprised Charlie.
Y/n: (smile) Now I'm a IMP! Pretty cool right?
Charlie: (surprised) Very cool. Only the overlords who those who are powerful can have that ability.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Satan: You know I taught you how to do that right?
Then Y/n's phone beeped which he picked up and looks at the message on his phone.
Y/n: Well looks like I'm off.
Charlie: Another Job?
Y/n: Not really. Let's just say.....I'm gonna hang out with Verosika.
Angel dust: (kicks the bathroom door open) YOUR WITH VEROSIKA?!
Y/n: Yeah. Wait, why are you in my bathroom?
Angel Dust: Oh......Well if you find white dust at the kitchen sink, you wee why.
Charlie: Angel.
Angel Dust: Hey! At least I'm doing it once a week.
Charlie: It's kinda surprising that you made friends with Verosika.
Y/n: Yeah well I'm gonna go now but rang you.
He left his room and heads off as Angel Dust then ask Charlie.
Angel Dust: So.....How's your day?
We see Y/n at the Lust ring as we also see him within Verosika's limo with Apple, Coco, Kiki and Milky as all girls were looking at Y/n at the far end of the limo with Verosika sitting next to him with her arm over his shoulder as there was a moment of silence and then Y/n ask Verosika.
Y/n: So Verosika. This is the Lust ring. Pretty.....nice.
Verosika: (smirk) Yep. Home to all the succubus. You like it?
Y/n: I mean it's a pretty nice place.
Satan: The the most hottest place in hell. Oh yeah!
Verosika: (giggle) Your cute and we love that, right girls?
They all agree and then Y/n ask.
Y/n: Say I know you may not want to talk about it but I gonna know. What did Blitz do that gets you to hate him.
Verosika: Well if you must know about him well let me tell you. He was my bodyguard and I fall for him due to his badass attitude and his cool nature. That or he's really good with sex. Anyways we were a couple for a few years that is until he abandon me, made me pay the metal bills, steal my car, run three rings around hell and max my credit card on shitty house riding lessons! (Clear her throat) But yeah, that's why he's my ex and I hated him since.
Y/n: Wow. That must be painful I'm sorry.
Verosika: Meh, I'm over him. Besides I have you and we're gonna have the biggest time in our lives.
Satan: Wait. Limo with five succubus girls and one dude. Oh god its a orgy! Dude, your gonna have a orgy with five fucking succubus girls!
Y/n: (mutter to Satan) Dude seriously? (Clear voice) So where are we going?
Verosika: (smile) I figure I show you my home and where you can meet up so we have "play" together.
She gently stroke his chin making him turned on and fall attractive towards hee which Verosika let's out a giggle and soon the Limo arrived at the place which was a large tower. Vortex gets out and open the door as the girls and Y/n climb out and go into the building.
They arrive at the top as Y/n looks around in amazement as Verosika tells Y/n.
Verosika: (smirk) You wait here handsome. I'll call you when we are ready.
Verosika and her girls go into another room leaving him and Vortex as Y/n step out to the balcony and looks at the wonderful veiw.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow! This is cool!
Vortex: (smile) Yep. It's a pretty nice place.
Vortex came up next to him and the two stare at the veiw together.
Y/n: You know Vortex. I've met many weird and scary friends. But your the first person you ever met who is chill and normal.
Vortex: (smile) Thanks man. Your pretty chill yourself. I'm sure your old friends in the human world misses you.
Y/n: Oh....actually.....they don't. I.....I never have real friends in my life. They all bully me or betray me. Especially one who ruined my entire life. He was my best friend and yet he betrayed me and my life was ruined all became of him.
Vortex: Damn dude I'm truly am sorry. No other person doesn't deserve to be on their own without any friends. Hey, what about you meet my girl and my friends sometime?
Y/n: You sure? Would it be weird for me to be hanging out with Hellhounds? No offence.
Vortex: (smile) Nah I understand what you mean and don't worry about it. My friends are chill and in fact, they are interested meeting a human.
Y/n: (surprised) Really? You sure?
Vortex: (smile) Sure I'm sure and hey, maybe you can bring your other hellhounf friends from I.M.P.
Y/n: You mean Loona? I mean, I'm not sure she'll be interested.
Vortex: (smile) Nah I'm sure she'll join.
Y/n: Okay. I'll try. Say you said you have a girlfriend right? Who is she?
Vortex: (smile) Her name is Beelzbub.
Satan: Bee is still alive?!
Y/n: What is she like?
Vortex: (smile) She make some parties the best one yet! She loves the party and hang out with everyone and that's why she's my girl.
Y/n: (surprised) She sounds very friendly.
Vortex: (smile) Yep. Trust me, your gonna love her!
Verosika: Ooohhh Y/n~! We're ready~!
Vortex: (smile) Well time for you to go but hey, see you in an hour.
Y/n: (smile) For sure man.
The two hand shake like bros and Y/n heads off and while heading to where Verosika and the girls were at, Y/n ask Satan.
Y/n: You know Vortex's girlfriend?
Satan: She's.......She's the only one that shows care towards me and happiness when I was down. She was like a sister to me and I was worried that she could have died but guess she's alive.
Y/n: Huh, so you do show care.
Satan: Hey I maybe evil most of the time but I'm not heartless! I do care!
Y/n: (chuckle) Whatever you say.
He approach the door where he heard the voice and he goes inside and shut the door. The room was covered with pink smoke which make Y/n cough.
Y/n: Where is this smoke coming from?
Satan: Dude. That's not smoke.
Y/n: Then what....What.....wow. I feel.....kinds funny.
???: (smirk) Hello Y/n.
Then the light came out and it came out dim red as he sees all the girls only wearing their bra and underwear with Verosika on the bed looking sexxy as Y/n is in a trans as he approaches Verosika.
Satan: Well looks like he's gonna have some fun. Good luck my dude.
Verosika: (giggle) Come here sexxy.
He then climb onto the bed and was all fours on the bed as Verosika gently touch stroke his chin and stared him in the eyes.
Verosika: (smirk) You have been waiting for this, do you cutie.
Y/n: (breathing heavily) Y-Y-Yeah.
Verosika: (smirk) Lucky I make the air around us a bit more easier for you to get turned on. After all, you can't resist these things, do you?
She giggle her breast which Y/n stared at them while he nodes to her. Verosika smirks more and he looked up at her and then they begin making out.
(Lemon start)
Verosika and Y/n let out moans of pleasure as they make out in front of the other girls as they too get turned on. Coco came up behind Milky and grab her breast and slide her hand under his panty that make her moan while Kiki lifted Apple up off the floor and the two made out.
Y/n and Verosika soon lay on the bed with Y/n on top of her as they make out and soon he gets down to her legs and after taking off her underwear begins to lick her pussy which makes Verosika let out moans of pleasure as the other girls start taking off their bras and underwear and collapse onto the floor.
Their moans are hearr outside where Vortex is seen watching TV as Y/n continues doing it to Verosika as Verosika getting on moving and moaning until she let's out a loud moan of pleasure.
Soon Milky gets on the bed and gets up behind Y/n as the two make out and soon they collapse off the bed while Kiki came onto the bed with Verosika and the two of them make out until Coco join in and the two girls begin sucking on Verosika's breast while Y/n and Milky made out on the floor and then he insert his dick inro Milky and begins thrust it.
This cost Milky to let out moans of pleasure and then Apple sat on Milky's face and Milky begins licking on her pussy while Y/n continues thrusting his dick into her and he and Apple made out.
Then Kiki and Coco were licking on Verosika pussy with Coco on Verosika with her butt at her face as Verosika digs her finger into her which cost her to moan as the trio have their thresssome on the bed while Y/n pinned Apple into the wall and made out rough as they let out loud moans until he insert his dick into her and starts doing it to her while Milky kneel down between Y/n and starts kissing his ass and licking his butthole which makes him moan with pleasure.
He keeps thrusting harder and faster until Apple let's out a loud moan and then she pulled him and Milk back down to the ground as all three made out with their tongues out as they share each others kisses and letting out moans od pleasure.
After a while all the girls and Y/n were on the bed and piled up together as they let out moans of pleasure as they all have a huge dog pile as Y/n keeps on going and never felt this much good in his whole life as he keeps going. Soon Verosika has him and the two made out and then Y/n insert his dick into her and she let's out moans as he keeps on going and after a while her, Y/n and all the girls let out a loud yell of pleasure and soon silence.
(Lemon ends)
We see all the girls passed out and laying on the bed or off the bed as Verosika nuzzle with Y/n which his face on her breast while Y/n was extremely tired and couldn't move anything, even his eyes but he didn't care. Verosika open her eyes to see his pleasure smile which she let out a soft giggle and she kissed him on the forheard.
Verosika: (smirk) Your just so cute Y/n. If you ever wanted to do this again just let me know or when I call, you come okay?
He node while he nuzzle between her breast which Verosika smirked, finding it cute and soon she falls asleep as Y/n had the greatest day in his whole life.
Satan: Damn dude......your one lucky human. What a man.
To be continued..............................................
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