S1E16: Hell on the beach
It was a sunny and warm day at the beach as we see people at the beach as teenagers and adults are they enjoying the beach and having some fun. However under the wooden walk path we see Blitz, Millie, Moxxie, Loona and Y/n poking their heads out behind the rocks and seeing a lot of people.
Y/n: Man who knew our targets will be at this one location for us to kill.
Satan: Very convenient if you ask me.
Blitz: Okay remember the plan. Me, Millie and Mox will wait for Y/n and Loona take our targets somewhere quiet and we take them out.
Y/n: Sounds sorta easy enough. (Turn to Lonna) Ready Loona?
Loona: Yep. Let's do this.
Then she changed into her human form and once completed Y/n is stunned about her human appearance and how amazing she is.
Y/n: (surprised) Wow Loona your human forms looks amazing.
Lonna: (little blush) Just shut up and focus on the job.
Y/n: Oh right.
The two split off as Loona pick up some guys while Y/n approaches a group of girls sitting on the towl and laughing.
Y/n: (whisper) Yo Satan, got anything that can help me?
Satan: I gotcha homie.
All he did is increase his dick of his underwear as he checked and then ask him.
Y/n: (whisper) sorry but how the fuck increasing my dick can help?
Woman 1: (smirk) Oh my look at hottie there.
Then a group of the same girls approaches him after seeing his big dick and immediately find him attractive which surprised Y/n a bit.
Satan: Your welcome. I mean not that easy in this state.
Y/n: Right.
He took the girls somewhere quiet for Blitz team to take them out. He did so without any problem and they dumb the bodies as Y/n leave the area as he took out a list of targets and cross four off the list.
Y/n: (smile) Well let's move to our next target.
And so he and Loona lower their targets into private spots for Blitz team to take out as they shoot, stab, strangle, drown them and so much more. It seems like they are gonna beat Verosika for sure.
(Hours later)
Afternoon came as we see Blitz and everyone else tie up some bags filled with body parts and piling them up.
Y/n: Man we have been killing a lot and there is still half of them to go.
Blitz: Fuck yeah we are! We are totally gonna win this challenge for sure!
Moxxie: Not to sure sir. I mean all we know she could be killing more targets then us.
Y/n: He has a point there. She could be anywhere with her team.
Blitz: (smile) Well just as long she is out of my face, then I'm happy.
???: Hello there you sick sons of bitches!
The crowd of people cheered as they all turn to see a stage and a human form Verosika appeared on the stage after the smoke cleared up.
Y/n: She too have a human form?
Satan: Well no shit. Succubus also have human forms.
Verosika: (smile) Whose ready to this year's spring break party!
They all cheered for their love for Verosika and she begins to sing follow by the message on the screen that said "Fuck you Blitz" which make Blitz mad.
Blitz: (angry) God damn it, that bitch started her godish mating call! Now she's gonna win all these sex maniacs! We gotta pick things up guys.
Blitz walked off as Satan tells Y/n.
Satan: You know I love stage shows especially when it comes to a sexxy girl but duty calls. Let's kills soke more targets shall we?
But Y/n doesn't move but instead staring at Verosika in a trance as Verosika noticed him in the distances as she smirk and singal him to come here. This made Y/n to move but towards the stage show.
Satan: Um dude what the fuck are you doing? Hey! Dude! Can you hear me! Hello! Hey dude!
He walk through the crowd of people who were enjoying the party and making out as Y/n walk pass everyone, walking towards Verosika as Satan try his best to snap him out of it.
Satan: Fuck I never suspected Verosika's powers to be that strong! I mean whose the idiot that didn't train him to resist seduction powers!.......Wait......oh shit, its me. DAMN PAST ME!
We see Blitz killing a drunk guy and once done he called out to Y/n.
Blitz: Yo Y/n help me out with this guy.
Lonna: Um Blitz. He's not here.
Blitz: Huh? (Look around) Where the fuck did he go!
Millie: I think he went into the crowd of people.
Blitz: Fuck! Verosika has him! Lonna your with me, Millie and Mox, continue our job!
They agree as Loona and Blitz finds Y/n as Millie and Moxxie continue killing their targets. We cut back to Y/n approaching the stage and was about to get near to her but only to stop mid step and starts to fight it.
Y/n: No! Focus on the job. Focus on the job. Focus on the-
Then Milly came up in her human form llicking on a ice cream and turning to see Y/n and give him a smirk. This turned him on and was thinking having sex but he shakes it off and slap himself.
Y/n: Come on dude! Just snap out of this! You should be strong to resist it. Come on, fight it! Fight-
He turn only to see Kiki making out with three women and once she noticed him she let out a giggle and singalong him to join them.
Y/n wanted to join in but he resist it and he stumble backwards only to accidentally pushed a guy, making him drop his drink which makes him mad and turn to him.
Y/n: Oh shit sorry dude.
He goes for a swing but he dodges it as he slowly walk backwards. He gets ready to get violent ad the guy charge towards him when suddenly he was punched in the face and fall onto thr ground. Y/n turn to see a large black man who turn to him and ask him.
???: You okay dude?
Y/n: Yeah thanks. Whoever you are.
???: (chuckle) Guess you never see my human form.
Y/n: Huh?
Vortex: (smile) It's me. Vortex.
Y/n: (surprised) Vortex?! I'm so sorry I didn't know.
Vortex: (smile) Your all good man. Hey, wanna have a break with me?
Y/n: Um sure?
They have their break while Verosika takes a sip of her flask and then she tossed it into the crowd that bounce through the crowd until it splashed into the ocean. The liquid from the flask gets all over a fish that started to turn.
We then cut to Vortex and Y/n standing at the sidelines and begin talking.
Y/n: (smile) Wow I never know your a fan the same hell show as me.
Vortex: (smile) What can I say? After a hard day of work, you needed something to laugh.
Y/n: (smile) Huh. Well not to sound rude but the first I met you, you were ready to rip me apart.
Vortex: (nervous chuckle) Yeah sorry if I scared you. I was just doing my job.
Y/n: (smile) Oh no that's alright. So how is you working with Verosika?
Vortex: (smile) Pretty good. Got a roof over my head, food and people to talk to. Pretty good if you ask me. You with your boss?
Y/n: (smile) Same. I mean he's determin to beat Verosika while Verosika is mad at Blitz for reasons.
Vortex: Huh, so Blitz never told you about him and Verosika?
Y/n: Well he told me he and Verosika dated before in the past.
Vortex: Well there's more to the story.
Y/n: Huh?
Vortex: Before I came as a bodyguard, Blitz was a bodyguard to Verosika.
Y/n: (surprised) Really?! I have no idea.
Vortex: Yeah. According to her closes friends. Blitz became her bodyguard after the "incident" that happened to Blitz many years ago when he was young. Not sure what incident it was but it cost Blitz to be somewhat of a unwanted imp.
Y/n: Unwanted?
Vortex: Well none of his family never came to visit him. Not a singal one.
Y/n: That's......That's sad. Its no wonder he never told much about his past.
Vortex: Yeah. Perhaps that's why he break up Verosika and she hated him since. It broke Verosika.
Y/n: Broke Verosika?
Vortex: Yeah. On that stage right now, she's wearing a mask to hide hee deep depression of the break up and betrayal. She truly love Blitz but he pushed her away which she was filled with hate towards Blitz.
Y/n is shocked as he turn to Verosika on stage and understand why she hated Blitz. He was about to ask Vortex something else when suddenly there was a huge shake and a gaint sea monster came out of the ocean and start attacking everyone, killing them as him and Vortex sees this.
Y/n: Looks like break time is up. Duty calls!
He rushed over to find Millie and Moxxie as he pulled out his rifle and sword as he slide between them and ask him.
Y/n: (smirk) Miss me?
Moxxie: (smile) Oh~! There you are. I thought you were in a magical land with Unicrons and rainbows.
Satan: I would kill myself if I was in that world.
Y/n: Um Mox? You okay?
Millie: Those human put him into a container filed with alcohol and god drunk.
Satan: Lucky.
Y/n: Well maybe you can sit this out Mox.....Mox?
Theu turn to see him gone and they see him being dragged and eating by the sea monster.
Millie: Well time to save my husband. Ready?
Y/n: (smirk) Ready.
Satan: Fuck it up!
The sea monster try to land his tentacles at the two but the two dodge as Millie up on top of a tentacles run up to its more while Y/n open fire at the sea monster with his rifle and then cut down some tentacles with his sword.
Then he shoot out fire balls at the sea monster. The sea monster roared. While opening his mouth Millie gets there and see the drunk Moxxie punching its tentacle as she reach out her hand to get him and he does so as well.....for a five high which Millie just grab his arm and pulled his out.
She leap away along with Moxxie on her hand and it was all on Y/n. He swap out his two weapons for his double sided scythe as he throws it, cutting down the sea monster tentacles and once he catch it he rushes towards it and then leaps up really high into the air.
He then came down and cutting the seas monster with a singal slash. He cut it in half and begins to cut it up either pieces and once done there was nothing but cubs of the sea creature which he eat one.
Y/n: Hhhmmm, delicious.
He return back to shore as he walk up to Millie and Moxxie.
Y/n: How is Mox?
Millie: (giggle) He's fine.
Moxxie: (chuckle) This is funny. I am ssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo.....drinky.
Y/n smile while Blitz and Loona came over.
Y/n: Hey you two. Sorry about it earlier, I didn't know how powerful Verosika was.
Blitz: Well at least we kill some targets.
Verosika: Blitzo.
They turn to see Verosika and her group as Blitz rolled his eyes ans said.
Blitz: Well if ain't you........... (Mutter) Shit, can't find s insulat thing to say.
Verosika: (smirk) I gonna say your body guard was very impressive. Most impressive.
She gives him a look which made him blush while Millie pulled out the same flask she thrown at the ocean and tells her.
Millie: I don't think this belong to us.
Blitz: (smirk) Oh crap. Just you wait if hell fonds outs bout this.
Verosika: (shocked) W-Well.....you all will be deep trouble for not using human form!
Blitz: Oh Bite me bitch!
Y/n: Okay that's enough! I know we have some business rivalry going on but can we sort things out so we both can be happy.
Verosika sees his point and then she had an idea as she tells Blitz.
Verosika: (smirk) Okay Blitzo, here's the deal. I will keep silent on this and hand over your parking spot.
Blitz: (smirk) Fuck yeah!
Verosika: If! You also keep silent on this and allow me to have "fun" with your bodyguard.
Satan: Huh wonder which bodyguard she is talking about.
He then noticed the look at Y/n's face which confused them and then he realised.
Satan: Oh yeah it's you. Shit.
Blitz: Ha! You think I'll hand over my bodyguard to you?
Verosika: (smirk) Don't think of it as me "stealing" your body guard. Think of it as a sign of peace. As long I have my way with him, we be at peace. Sound good.
Blitz: So you won't bother me or my team forever as long you fuck him. (Points at Y/n)
Verosika: (smirk) Yes.
Y/n: (shocked) Wait what?! That's it!?
Blitz: What I'm doing you a favour. We make peace and you fuck this bitch. I mean as long you be at work, there is no problem.
Y/n: And your not bothered that I'm fucking your ex?
Blitz: Nope. Okay lets go team.
Blitz opens a portal back to the office as the four go through and once they were gone it was now Y/n as he let out a sigh.
Y/n: Well.....looks like I have another ner job which is making sure two rival companies are at peace.
Satan: I mean how bad can it be.
Police: Put your hands up in the air!
Then they see police officers there surrounding Verosika's group. Seeing this he use his Reality hallucination powers to trap the police into a hallucination of their greatest dreams which surprised Verosika's group as Verosika turn to Y/n doing it and smirked.
Verosika: (mutter) I'm gonna love this handsome human soo much.
To be continued..............................................
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