S1E13: Octavia's family

We see Y/n standing in front of the gates of Octavia's home as he sees her room and it looks very nice as the gates open and he step through the gate. He look around the front entrance and then climb up the steps and stood in front of the door as he rang the doorbell.

Y/n: (smile) I know Octavia's family are royal but this place ie pretty nice.

Satan: Meh it's alright. Mines better.

Y/n: Sorry but the last time I saw your place it's nothing but dust.

Satan: Fuck you dude! Back then, ladies would fuck me anywhere in my castle. You know the favourite room they like the most?

Y/n: What?

Satan: Every room in the castle.

Y/n: (sigh) Why I'm I not surprised.

Then the door open and Y/n was face to face with Octavia's mother who just look at him in disgust.

Y/n: (smile) Hi you must be Octavia's mother. Names Y/n, I came here to hang out with-

She then slammed the door on him which he stood there for sometime.

Satan: Man people love to slame doors on you.

Y/n: Apparently so.

Suddenly there was screaming at the other side and hears objects being move and even a imp waiter was throne out of the window which Y/ sees Stolas has a rough life with his wife.

Short while later Stolas open the door and let's Y/n in.

Stolas: I'm so sorry about my wife Stella.

Y/n: Oh no that's okay Stolas she seems.....in a bright mood.

Stolas: Yes she's always in a mood. But anyways I am glad you came here. Please allow me to give you the tour.

He nodes and the two walk through the mansion and soon walk down a hallway filled with paintings mounted on the wall as Y/n looks at them and then sees Stolas as a child.

Y/n: (smile) Aaww is that you Stolas? You were cute.

Stolas: (smile) Yes I was such a cute little one back then.

He looks a long line of paintings and sees one with Stolas with his father.

Y/n: Is that your dad?

Stolas: Indeed. He used to live here until he left me with this place and the responsibility I was given.

Y/n: You have a interesting family life.

Stolas: Yes i have. But enough about me what about you? I heard all across the media that your going to be rule over hell I'm I correct?

Y/n: (smile) That's correct. I maybe just a human in hell but I do have demonic powers.

Stolas: How interesting. Also how is Blizty doing?

Y/n: Well......he'll be in the hospital for a week. Along with....Millie and Mox. So what's the thing between you and Blitz?

Stolas: (smile) Me and Blitz are great friends. He'll come by whenever my wife is not here, we get comfortable and talk about how our lives been.

Y/n: Oh well that sound go-

Stolas: And the he'll pinned me into my bed, shove his d*ck into my *ss, thrusting his d*ck into me soo hard I cry out like a girl being f*cked by her boss, and then he sucks my d*ck with his juicy lips and the he-

Stolas noticed Y/n looking at him a bit stunned as Stolas clear his throat and said.

Stolas: My apologies, got carried away. (Nervous chuckle) So allow me to take you to see Octavia.

Y/n:....Um okay?

Satan: Man he really loves Blitz.

Y/n nodes while Stolas takes him to her room and once there he leaves Y/n be as he knock on her door and soon she came over and open the door.

Octavia: (small smile) Oh hey there Y/n. Thought you'll never come.

Y/n: (smile) Of course I will, what are friends for.

Octavia smiles a bit more and allows him in. He enters and he looks around her room and sees some posters of stars which he smiled.

Y/n: (smile) You really do like to see the stars do you?

Octavia: (smile) Yeah they are soo beautiful. My father used to tell me about them and how beautiful they are.

Y/n: (smile) He sounds like a great father.

Octavia: (small smile) Well he's not perfect but he's trying.

He smiled as she noded to her and then we see the two listening to some music that Y/n picked which was from the human world as Octavia find the song interesting and ask.

Octavia: (smile) This is really good music. I never know humans can make such great music.

Y/n: (smile) There are some good music in the human world.

Octavia: (smile) Cool. Say tell me about the human world? What things is there up there?

Y/n: Let's see. Well we have what we call an ocean. The best part about it is how beautiful underwater is. It was many fishes, sea plants and so much more.

Octavia: (surprised) Whoa!

Y/n: (smile) We also have a forest's that have beautiful landscapes with mountains, lakes and animal life. We call it "mother nature."

Octavia: (smile) Amazing! The human world sounded like a nice place.

Y/n: Well its in between. There is some bad things about it but my father told me to enjoy the world we were born with. It may not be perfect but we can make it perfect.

Octavia: So it's kinda like hell but less of the killings and chaos?

Y/n: Yeah. It's like that.

Octavia: (giggle) Your very interesting to talk to. I never met a human who is this nice.

Y/n: (smile) Well not all human ain't assholes or jerks. Some are nice.

Octavia smiles as the two stare at each other and then Y/n had an idea as he pulled out his phone and open a video.

Y/n: Hey cone here.

Octavia moves over close to Y/n and watch a video of him visiting some amazing places in the human world. Octavia is amazed of the nice places while Y/n watch and noticed his parents in every video smiling and laughing along as he watch this as Octavia says.

Octavia: (smile) Wow these videos are great Y/-

He turn to Y/n and sees him in tears as he continues looking at the video and then she asks him.

Octavia: Hey? You okay?

Y/n: (tears) Huh? Oh sorry. (Wipes the tears away) Sorry about that. It's just......watching my parents there, having fun.....it reminds me how much I've miss them. It reminds me the hard times in the human world but knowing I have my parents always with him but.....that all changed when they die.

He turn of his phone as he feels kinda sad but then Octavia hugs him which surprised him a bit.

Octavia: I'm so sorry for your lost. Being alone must be a nightmare for you. I understand your pain.

Y/n smiles and hugs her back. The two embrace and then they look at each other with Octavia's heart racing a beat to see the two locking eyes as Octavia blushed but couldn't look away. Their heads gets closer and they were about to do it when a knock is heard at their door which made the two blush and pulled away quickly.

Octavia: (blush) S-Sorry about that.

Y/n: (blush) N-No. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight.

Satan: Well I cane hear the viewers is gonna be like "Oh come on!" Right now.

Octavia gets up and open the door to Stolas with some snacks.

Stolas: (smile) Hello sweetie, I figured you two needed some snacks.

Octavia: Um sure dad.

Stolas walks in and set the sacks down as they begin to eat.

Y/n: Hhhmm this is really good. What is this Stolas?

Stolas: Those are worm cookies.

Y/n:....(swallow) Tasty.

Satan: Ha! That's a reference alright!

Stolas: Oh I have been meaning to ask you. Your staying at a place called the Hazbin Hotel correct?

Y/n: Yeah. Charlie is the owner and wishes to redeem sinners so they can go to heaven.

Stolas: How interesting. Although that will be impossible?

Y/n: (smile) Well Charlie has a good will and never gives up.

Stolas: I see. Perhaps i can come and visit the hotel whenever I have some time. It really does sounds like a nice place.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. The place is open to anyone and it will be great.

Stolas smiles and sometime has passed and we see Stolas and Y/n at the balcony looking at the veiw of the city as Stolas tells Y/n.

Stolas: Y/n, I just wanna say thank you for being friends with Octavia. I've never seen her soo happy. The last time I saw her smile was when she was little.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem Stolas. I'm just glad Octavia is happy.

Stolas: (smile) You know how to make people happy.

Y/n: Say Stolas. Can I ask you something?

Stolas: (smile) Of course. Ask away.

Y/n: Your wife seems angry the first time we met. Was she always like this? Not to sound disrespectful or anything.

Stolas: No No, you are okay to ask me that. Me and Stella were forced to get married.

Y/n: Why?

Stolas: You know how royal family is like. We were married but before I cheated on her she always talks things behind my back. Mocking me to her family and even to my face.

Y/n: She sounds.....pretty toxic.

Stolas: I know.

Stella: Who is toxic?

They turn to see Stella glaring at the two as she stumps over to them.

Stella: You dare to talk about me?! I should have known!

Stolas: Stella please stop!

Stella: No! Just because you have a guest here doesn't mean you can say bad things about me! You know your place Stolas!

Y/n: Leave him alone! Listen Stella I don't know why you bully your husband like this but I can understand why he cheated on you with a imp.

Stella: (angry) How dare you! I would have you killed for this!

He then smirked as he such his eyes and then open them, having demonic eyes as he glare at hee which stunned her a bit.

Y/n: You would wish that do you?

Stella doesn't say nothing as he turn and glare at Stolas and then storm off. Y/n eyes changed back to normal as he apologies to Stolas.

Y/n: Sorry about that Stolas.

Then Stolas smiled as he turn to Y/n and place his hand onto his shoulder.

Stolas: (smile) I see why Octavia likes you so much. Make sure she is safe.

Y/n is surprised but he smiled and nodes to him. Sometimes later he leaves the mansion when Octavia came over to him.

Octavia: Hey! I heard about my mother did. I'm so so sorry for my mother.

Y/n: (smile) Nah that's alright. So, I'll see you someday.

Octavia: (smile) Yeah! I mean we have our numbers so we can call.

Y/n: Oh right. I forgot about that. Well, Goodbye Octavia.

Then Octavia came over and kiss him on the cheek. This made Y/n blush as she pull back as she smile while she blushes ans said.

Octavia: (smile) Goodbye Y/n. Hope to see you next time.

Y/n was blushing but he smiles with a node and then he leaves. We see Stolas looking out of the window as he smiles with joy and disappeared from the window as Octavia heart skips a beat that she did that.

She couldn't stop thinking about Y/n but she likes it. She hopes to see him again as she turns and goes back inside her mansion as the gates closes behind her.

To be continued.............................................

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