S1E12: The daughter of a prince

We see Y/n at his hotel room as he is cleaning up his room while Modeus was in the shower cleaning as Y/n is vacuuming the floor around his room and after he was done he heard his phone ranging so he walks over, picks it up and answer it.

Y/n: Hello?

Blitz: (phone) Hey there you busy?

Y/n: Not really just cleaning my room. Why, you got a job for me?

Blitz: (phone) Yeah I got a call from Stolas that he is taking his daughter to Loo Loo land and he called me requesting that we should be body guards.

Y/n: Body guards? We don't do body guard jobs?

Blitz: (phone) That what I've said but he'll pay us a lot of money if we do this job, you in?

Y/n: Well if its just a simple job then sure. Sent me the details and he'll head there right away.

The call ends as Modeus came out with a towel around her and then she ask him.

Modeus: Who was that darling?

Y/n: It's Blitz, he's asking me to join him for a body guard duty.

Modeus: Sounds hot. Say, wanna have sex?

Y/n: Um.....maybe later.

Modeus: Okay. Good luck my love.

She kiss him on the lip and then gate changed as Satan tells him.

Satan: She is one hot son of a bitch and I love it.

Y/n: Let's get ready to head out.

Satan: Good idea.

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n standing at the entrance of Loo Loo Land as he looks at the theme park as he look at it for a bit and then ask.

Y/n: Wait. Isn't there another theme park with a familiar name?

Satan: Yeah but no one gives a shit about who copy I or not. It's hell after all.

Y/n: Wait so companies can just take names from other companies so they can gain more money?

Satan: That or to piss each other off but either way it's enjoyable to see two companies battle each other for my entertainment.

Y/n:......You really are evil.

Satan: I know but whose gonna stop me!

Then Blitz's van arrived and parked near Y/n as he walk over while he said to Satan.

Y/n: You know this could be the first time I meet this Stolas person. I wonder what he looks like?

Satan: Well Mox did say he is from a royal family.

Y/n: True but he can't be soo sca-

He opens the side door to meet Stolas only to see four red eyes glowing as a very tall humanoid owl came out of the van as Y/n look up to see a very tall owl looking down at him.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow.

Satan: I know. I can't believe he is wearing a shirt that is in his perfect size. Who knew.

Y/n: Um hi there sir, it is nice to meet you.

He look at Y/n while he is a bit nervous but then he let out a joyful chuckle that sounded like a owl and said.

Stolas: (smile) Your a very interesting human. I've heard many things about you from Blitzy and I must say, I am interesting that a human is in hell.

Y/n was caught off guard that he is suddenly nice but he snap out of his surprise and clear his throat.

Y/n: Um yeah. Can't really blame you. Names Y/n, a hearr a few things about you.

Stolas: (smile) I bet some are from Blitz, he sure loves to talk about me to others.

Blitz: No I don't!

He exit out of the van and then his daughter came out as she stare at him.

Y/n: (smile) Oh hi there! You must be Octavia, nice to meet you.

She had a "Don't bother me face" and walks off as Satan said.

Satan: Boy she may have problems.

Y/n: Yeah let's just get this done.

The group head inside as Y/n sees its similar to other theme parks in the human world but without a possible hazards that may kill people. He was with Moxxie, Millie and Octavia as they watch as Stolas flirts towel Blitz while he is doing his job.

Octavia: I'm going to be sick.

Y/n: Well if you now Blitz then you may get used to him.

Satan: Yeah. I can imagine playing toy versions of  Millie and Moxxie doing a threesome.

Octavia sighs and walks odd while Millie looked around in amazement.

Millie: (surprised) Whoa! I haven't been to this place since I was very young!

Y/n: (smile) You really like this place do you Millie?

Millie: (smile) Yeah! My family comes here whenever we afford enough. This place is expensive.

Y/n: Yeah kinda noticed that when we walked in. But besides that I can see why you like it. (Turns to Moxxie) You ever come here often Mox?

Moxxie: No. Theme parks sometimes freak me out. Especially the mascots.

Y/n: Well the mascots can't be all that bad.

He then turns only ti be jumped by a creepy apple like mascot who calls out.

Loo Loo mascot: Well hey there!

Y/n: (jumped) Unholy shit!

He accidentally pulled out his pistol and fired a shot but missed and bounce around the theme park until it hits one assassin at the roof in the head and falls onto the ground dead.

Blitz: Huh. (Turns to Y/n) Nice shot Y/n!

Y/n: Thanks.

Moxxie: You were saying?

Y/n: (sigh)

Loo Loo Mascot: Welcome to Loo Loo Land! If you get hurt, just try to sue us.

Y/n: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Stolas: (smile) Oh look Octavia, it's Loo Loo!

Octavia: I have a question?

Loo Loo Mascot: (Turns to her) Well ask away little girl.

Octavia: Is it true this park is just a shamless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Loo Loo World?

Loo Loo Mascot:.......No.

Octavia: This place reeks of insecure corporate shame.

Y/n: Not to mention dead crops. (Sniffs) Shit, did some people die?

Loo Loo Mascot: No.....not too many.

Y/n:.....We should probably leave.

Moxxie: Good idea.

Moments later they keep going and during the walk Blitz tells Moxxie and Millie to have fun with Y/n and Blitz take over and so the two did. Now we see Blitz securing the two, appearing places while Y/n walks with Stolas and Octavia.

Y/n: So can I ask you something?

Stolas: (smile) Of course, ask away.

Y/n: Loona told me you and Blitz made this deal a while back? What was the deal?

Stolas: Oh nothing important but if you really wanna know, Blitz will spend some "quality time" with me and he can use  my Grimoire.

Satan: The Grimoire!?

Y/n: What's that?

Stolas: It is a powerful book that holds secrets of the universe. Spells that is never been seen and the only thing that I or anyone included my darling Blitz can travel to the human world.

Y/n: Huh that's pretty interesting. And you allow Blitz to have it?

Stolas: (smile) Of course!

Y/n: Well that's.....cool.

Soon they arrived to the circus within the Park which both Blitz and Octavia were not happy with but they head in ans sat down with Blitz at the back ground while the show begins.

(Loo Loo Song scene)

Y/n: That clown.....is kinda freaky.

Satan: Mah, I give it a 4/10. The song is good but might need some work. Plus, the children needed to scream in fear.

Y/n: You are terrible.

Satan: (chuckle) I know, deal with it.

Y/n: Right.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out as another assassin falls onto the ground while they turn to see Blitz with a rival.

Stolas: (smirk) Oh may Blitzy such good aim you have.

Octavia: I can't take this anymore!

Then Octavia storm off as they see hee run out of the circus.

Stolas: Octavia wait?

Stolas and Y/n go after her but once they exit out of the tent she was no where to be seen and Stolas is getting worried.

Y/n: Let's split up and find her.

Stolas: Good idea.

They split up as Y/n goes around, calling out to Octavia and soon sees her going into the fun house as he follow after her and once inside the place was filled with fun themed things as he looks around and soon go through a tunnel and once at the other side finds her on a slow circular ride and crying so he walks over ans sat next to her.

Y/n: Hey there?

Octavia: (Turns to him) Oh. It's you. What do you want?

Y/n: Your father is worried about you.

Octavia: Why should he. He never cared about me.

Y/n: Well....I think he still does.

There was a moment of silence from the two and then Y/n asked Octavia.

Y/n: Is.....Is there something going on within your family? You can talk to me.

Octavia: Why? You don't understand my life.

Y/n: True I don't. But, I can tell your unhappy and.....I wanna know why. If you don't want to tell your father or Blitz....then maybe tell me.

Octavia stared at Y/n and then let's out a sigh and wipe the tears off of hee face and then tells him.

Octavia: My mother and father have been arguing ever since dad cheated on her with a imp. The two have been arguing for a long time and I feel like they didn't spent time with me. Whenever they are in the room together, they argue and complain while here I am, sitting there in the room and just want to have a normal life! But no. Years gone by ans still argue about it. I feel like they push me aside and once day I'm worry if they (sniff) If they abandon me.

Y/n: (shocked) Octavia. I'm.....I'm truly am sorry for what you are going through. Truly, I am. I know Stolas did a mistake but I can see he is trying to make you happy. I mean, he did brought you here just to make you happy right?

Octavia: Yeah.....its only because I was young but.....not anymore.

Y/n: Well.....what do you like?

Octavia: You.....You really wanna know?

Y/n: (smile) Sure.

Octavia: Well......it may sound stupid but.....I like the stars.

Y/n: Stars?

Octavia: Yeah. Whenever I have a nightmare, my father shows me the stars and the universe we live in. The beauty of the stars is the only thing I like. But you think its stupid.

Y/n: Oh no its completely cool! In fact, I've seen the stars when I was in the human world.

Octavia: Really? What was it like?

Y/n: (smile) Beautiful. You can see millions of stars in the sky, meteors passing by and if you were in space.....its really beautiful.

Octavia: (surprised) Whoa! You must be very lucky.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Hey Octavia?

Octavia: Yeah?

Y/n: I know your scared of being alone and.....I know how that feels of being alone. I was alone after my parents died. I feel like I have no one to turn to but being here, in hell. I made new friends and be apart of new family and I wanna let you know that....if that ever happens, I'll be there to help you. You don't have to be afraid no more, I'm here to support you.

Octavia is surprised of the kindness of Y/n as he smiled at her which made hee blush and her heart skip a beat but smiled a bit which Y/n find it cute. The two exit out of the ride and leave the fun back.

They were about to leave when suddenly an assassin came out in front of them which Y/n pulled out his pistol while Octavia was behind him.

???: Hey!

The assassin turn to see Stolas as he give him a glare that turned the assassin into stone. It surprised Y/n that Stolas can do this.

Stolas rushes over and hugs Octavia.

Octavia: Dad, I'm sorry.

Stolas: No. I'm sorry. This was all my fault. Forgive me.

Octavia: Dad.

The two hug while Y/n sees this and then Y/n noticed that he is crying so he wipes away the tears as it reminded him of his father.

Then the two leave while they fail to notice the chaos happening at the background cost by Blitz fight with a robot Frizzarolli as they leave the park and Stolas turn to Y/n.

Stolas: (smile) I can't thank you enough for finding my sweat daughter. How can I ever repay you.

Y/n: (smile) No need to repay me. I'm just happy to help.

Octavia: Hey dad? Would I fine if I hang out with Y/n. I wanna get to know him more and I find him a nice person to hang out with.

Stolas is surprised as she made a friend as he smiled and says.

Stolas: (smile) Of course my sweat daughter. (Turms to Y/n)  Would that be okay with you?

Y/n: (smile) Of course. I would love to.

Octavia smiled which Stolas smiled as Y/n and Stolas shake hands and then both Stolas and Octavia leave as Y/n watch them walk off.

Satan: Even though Stolas made some mistakes, he is a good father.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. He is a good father.

Suddenly there was a explosion at Loo Loo Land as Blitz, Moxxie and Millie were went flying and land hard onto the ground behind Y/n which he sighs and asked.

Y/n: Okay whose wants to go to the hospital?

The trio rasied their hands as he sighs once again and said.

Y/n: I'll get the van started.

To be continued.....................................

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