S1E11: The deal
We see Angel Dust driving through the streets of Pentagram city with Y/n on the passage side with the two being slinet during the drive. Angel Dust glance over to Y/n and then smirked.
Angel Dust: (smirk) So, you may probably wondering why I'm bringing you into this hideout.
Y/n: Uuummm just so you can rape me?
Angel Dust: Hahahahahahahah!!! (Sigh) Your funny but close but not really. I've set up a deal with a mafia gang at the Greed ring and I figured I'll bring you into the picture.
Y/n: What sorta deal is it?
Angel Dust: (smirk) Nothing important just some drugs.
Y/n: (sigh) You do realise Vaggie will kill you if she finds out your doing drugs.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Well that one eye bitch can't do anything if I keep the drugs at my hide out.
Y/n: You have a hide out? Scene when?
Angel Dust: Figured I have a hide out so i can store in my "important" stuff without anyone at the hotel knowing about it.
Satan: Huh copy my idea. Very good.
Y/n: And your telling me this because?
Angel Dust: (smirk) We're friends after all. Besides with those over powered powers you have and the lack of action you have ever Scene you first got here, I figured I let you join in on the fun.
Satan: Finally! I've been waiting to rip off some heads and drink theirs blood.
Soon they arrived at the docks and parked at a storage house which they approach the door and then Angel Dust opens the door and step inside.
Inside were tons of boxes stacked up to each other that contains a lot of things such as weapons, drugs and money. At the far back was a living place where there is a TV a couch and a table at the middle with a small kitchen at the left side as Angel Dust walks over and pull out a beer from the fridge.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Like it? This is me and Cherri usually hang out. (Drinks the beer)
Y/n: (looks around) Pretty nice place. So is it just you two or is there more?
Angel Dust: (smile) Yep. Me and Cherri are BFFE.
Y/n: And that stands for?
Angel Dust: "Best fucking friends ever!" Trust me, I like a bit of chaos but Cherri is upsets with chaos. Trust me, she loves to blow shit up!
???: Did someone say blow shit up?
Y/n look around to see where that voice came from only for Cherri to fall and landed on top of him. Y/n slowly open his eyes only to be met with Cherri's eye as she let out a soft giggle.
Cherri: (smirk) Hey there handsome. See you're here to join the fun.
Y/n: (nervous) Um yeah?
Cherri: (smirk) Awesome! (Gets off of Y/n) Names but you may probably already know me and I definitely know you, we met a while back didn't we?
Y/n: (gets up) Yeah, that's right.
Cherri: (smile) Man you were soo cool when you introduced yourself to all those in hell, I nearly wet myself when you first make yourself known to all of us.
Y/n: Um.....thanks?
Cherri:......Hey Angel is it alright I fuck him.
Y/n: (shocked) What?!
Satan: Well he did lost his virginity to another girl but he can fuck another one.
Y/n: (mutter) Not helping?!
Satan: Oh come on, you wanna fuck a one eye hot demon do you?
Y/n: Are you seriously asking me that?
Angel Dust: Maybe later but right now we have a deal to do.
They gather around the table as Angel Dust place down the location in Greed where the deal with be taking place which was in the park near the city.
Angel Dust: Okay so according to our contactor, the deal will be taking place at the park, all we need to do is to hand them the money, they give us the drugs and then.....we back stab them and take both the drugs and the money.
Y/n: Yeah I kinda knew you would say that.
Cherri: (smirk) Can we blow some shit up?
Angel Dust: (smirk) Oh course! Blow some shit, break one of their legs, probably suck some dicks and then we get out of here. Any questions?
Y/n: Well how can we be show they won't come back and get revenge?
Angel Dust: (smirk) Oh please, they won't do any shit and besides, with you with us, nothing will not stop us.
Cherri: (smirk) Yeah! It will be extremely awesome not to mention hot with you with us.
Y/n:.....Right can I have a moment to myself here.
He then leaves and gets behind some boxes and then ask Satan.
Y/n: So what do you think?
Satan: I think you should join them.
Y/n: I don't know. I mean I promise Charlie to help her reform sinners and help them get to heaven, if she finds out about this she'll-
Satan: Oh please it will be fine. Besides it will be fun.
Y/n: Still not too sure we should do this.
Satan: Dude I'm tired and bored being at the hotel and helping out while waiting for our next job with blitz, I might die of boredom. After all this is our chance to show others from different rings who we are.
Y/n: True you have a point.
After a while of thinking he came back to Angel Dustband Cherri and tells the two.
Y/n: Alright I'll come along under one condition, you'll take full responsibility if any of those mafia guys came up to the hotel and trash it, deal.
Angel Dust: Fine, Fine deal now let's go and fuck things up!
Cherri: (smirk) Yeah!!!!!!
(A while later)
They were at the Greed ring as they drive through the city as Y/n look around to see people out there selling items that are too expensive and a lot of gangs and mafias wondering through the streets with some assassin each other within alleyways.
Y/n: Man there is a lot of mafia gangs out there.
Cherri: (smile) Yeah this is where a lot of mafias hang out or stayed. There is also loan sharks.
Y/n: Loan sharks?
Satan: They mostly serve as body guards or hitman to any mafias in the Greed ring.
Y/n: I see. So what mafia are we meeting?
Angel Dust: Some guy named Crimson but he's just like many others in the Greed ring. But it will be fine.
Soon they drive up to the park and once there they enter the park and soon met up with five mafia members with the loan shark in front as the trio walked up to them with Angel Dust has the case with money inside.
Angel Dust: So you must be Crimson?
Butch: No. Names Butch, our boss is busy so he hired me to do with the deal.
Angel Dust: (smirk) I see, you look like a kind of shark who wishes to have his dick sucked at by his boss.
Butch: Do you have the money or not?
Angel Dust hands him the suitcase which he opened to see the money. He close the suitcase, snap his finger and another member hands Angel Dust the suitcase filled with drugs.
Butch: (smirk) Pleasure doing business with you.
Angel Dust opens the suitcase and smirks as Butch and the rest were about to leave when Anegl Dust stops him.
Angel Dust: Hold on a minute. There is one thing i forgot to give you.
Butch: (smirk) Ah yes I remember. You forgot to give us a tip but don't worry, we already have our tip.
Angel Dust: Say what now?
He then snap his finger once more and then more mafia soldiers came out of the forest as they aim their guns at them.
Cherri: Shit! It's a set up!
Butch: (smirk) Do you honestly think we be fooled to not see what you are doing here? We already know your game and we're ain't gonna fall for it.
Angel Dust: (smirk) So what are you going to do with us huh? Something kinky~?
Y/n: Seriously?
Butch: (smirk) We're gonna bring you three to the boss and he'll do something to you three. Trust me, he's not a type of person to mess with.
Y/n: Well too bad that's not gonna happen.
Then he slammed his hand onto the ground and seconds later a burst of flames came shooting out, burning the surrounding mafia soldiers as they scream before they were turn into ashes.
Then Butch and the rest draw out theie weapons while Anegl Dust pulled out four Tommy guns and open fire which they grab cover while Y/n summon his assule rifle and fire at them while he grab some cover.
Satan: Now this is fun! LET'S KILL SOME FUCKERS!!!
Butch and his forces keep firing at them with some get shot while seom get blown up by Cherri's bombs as she throws them while laughing like a psychopath.
Y/n turns and spotted one aiming his gun at her which he rushed over to her and then get in front of her and summon his sword and block the bullets. Then he reach out his hand and lifted the mafia soldier up as he scream in pain and then was thrown away.
Cherri: (smirk) Thanks, that was hot.
Y/n: Do you always get turned on whenever there is action?
Cherri: Not always.......Well....(smirk) Sorta.
Butch sees that he had no match and decided to run away with the suitcase which Y/n takes aim and fired a shot that hits Butch in the leg and he fell. Angel Dust walks over to him and grabs the suitcase filled with money and said.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Sorry I couldn't suck your dick but many next time, okay? (Turns and walks away) Bye~!
Butch: (growled) You'll regret this! Once Crimson finds out about this, you all will be sorry! You'll hear me! Sorr-
Butch's head gets blown up and falls onto the ground as Angel Dust have his gun aimed at his head as he smirked and said.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Sorry sugar, but I afraid you won't tell your boss anything if you don't have a head.
He chuckled as the trio leave the area and leave the Greed ring and head back to their hide out.
Once there we see both Angel Dust and Cherri celebrating their success while Y/n is seen sitting on the couch and taking a sip of beer.
Satan: Boy that was fun. We should do this again.
Y/n: And make more enemies. No thanks you.
Cherri: (sat next to Y/n) Boy that was the most awesome thing you did back there, I didn't even see that coming but you sure impress me. Maybe...impress me a lot.
Y/n: Um thanks?
Cherri: (giggle) Your such an awkward piece of shit but I love awkward pieces of shit like you.
Y/n: (nervous smile) Guess I've never done something like this in the human world.
Angel Dust: (smile) Well since your in hell now you can do it! Besides, it's great to do some bad in your life. I mean sure, hell is filled with pieces of shit people but hey, there is some that are sorts good right? I mean what's wrong doing some bad in your life right?
Y/n:.....Well....I suppose you have a point there.
Angel Dust: (smirk) Exactly. So How's about your be apart of our gang? You'll be our third member to the team.
Cherri: Yeah and that means we can hang out more! What do you say?
Y/n:.....Yeah why not, but let's not do somethings that may result to the hotel being trashed or destroyed.
Angel Dust: (lifted her drink) Deal.
The trio clash their drinks and they continue to drink and hang out as Y/n never hanged out with anyone in the human world and disbite Angel Dust and Cherri doing some crime, he find it nice to be apart of something that welcomes him in.
To be continued.................................
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