9. Hell Hath No Fury Like A Man Scorned. (Original Chapter)
It's been a whole day since that assassin tried to kill Charlie...You haven't come out of the bedroom to eat anything, not even to talk to anyone, including Charlie and Vaggie...you didn't even sleep last night because you believed it was your fault that Charlie was nearly taken out....after all, if you never attacked Killjoy, then he wouldn't have found out about You and Charlie...and you could only drown your sorrows the only way you knew how...getting drunk...
You were in the bedroom, staring at yourself in the mirror, the events of yesterday remain swirling in your head...how Charlie nearly died...knowing it was your father that put a hit out for her...your breathing quickened as you gripped the edges of the desk.
"You think you can do that shit?." You asked out loud. "Sending a hitman after her and trying to ruin my life again?."
You let out a growl of anger as your grip on the desk tightened.
"You think you can try and make me feel worthless again, well news flash old man, I'm going to make you regret ever creating me!-"
You were interrupted by the sound of knocking at the bedroom door.
"Y/n?." Charlie knocked on the door again. "Are you okay...you haven't come out of the bedroom all day, we're all worried about you..."
You turned your head at the door, and hearing Charlie's voice made you stop completely, you wanted to open the door and wrap your arms around her and tell her everything that's been going on...but simultaneously, you didn't want to...after all, you were a drunken mess...something that she and Vaggie both frowned upon deeply...furthermore, you're supposed to be trying to redeem yourself...and what you are planning to do is the exact opposite of it.
"I-I'm fine, Charlie." You spoke, trying to sound as sober as possible. "I'm fine...I'm just...I just need some time, after everything that happened yesterday..."
"Well, can you at least come down and eat something, please?." She asked from outside the bedroom. "Please, we-we're worried about you...We want to know if you're okay..."
Hearing that made your heart shatter...you knew you were hurting them, and you knew that sooner or later you'd have to explain why you've been so isolated, but you didn't want to tell them...you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.
"Can you please just come downstairs and eat something?." She asked again. "Pretty please?."
"Charlie," You looked down at the desk. "I'm just not hungry, okay?."
"Can you please just come down?." She knocked again, sounding worried. "Please?."
You knew Charlie wouldn't stop until you came downstairs, so you sighed deeply and ran a hand through your messy hair.
"Alright, if it'll make you happy..." You complied. "I'll be down in a few minutes, okay?..."
You quickly straightened up and combed your messy hair before popping five mints at once to cover the scent of any alcohol on your lips, you went into the bathroom and quickly splashed some water on your face.
"You think you mean something to me?." You heard a voice speak through the room. "You believe that you matter to me, boy?."
You looked up from the sink and instead of seeing your face, you saw your fathers, staring right back at you.
"You're nothing...in fact, you're less than nothing to me...you're just a mistake that I'll have to live with for the rest of my damn life until I kick the bucket..." He stared into your eyes as you backed up from the mirror. "You are nothing, boy, and that is all you ever will be!..."
Your breath quickened and your eyes at first showed fear, then they showed anger as you quickly reeled your fist back and punched what you thought was your father, instead the sound of glass shattering sounded through your ears and you felt a swarm of pain throughout your hand, after blinking a few times, your eyes widened as you saw your hand, covered in blood and bleeding and then the now shattered and destroyed mirror.
"AGH!." You gripped your bleeding hand tightly. "FUCK!."
You bit your lip as you quickly opened up one of the cupboards and wrapped some bandages around your hand to try and stop the bleeding and even put a glove on to hide it before walking downstairs and joining the others in the dining room of the hotel.
Angel was smoking a cigarette and Husk was drinking while also watching Nifty tearing into a slice of pizza and start chowing down like the little gremlin she was, Sir Pentious was having his egg bois cutting him a slice of pizza, to which he proceeded to swallow it whole while Alastor was sitting at one of the ends of the table, not eating pizza but rather cutting into a deer, humming a tune as he took a bite, finally Charlie and Vaggie were on the other end with the princess sitting across from Alastor and her girlfriend sitting in the chair next to hers.
"Hey..." You spoke quietly as you entered the room, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at you.
"Well, well, well." Alastor smiled. "Look who finally decided to come down and join us for supper, and here I thought you were going to spend the entire day in your room!."
"You alright, kid?." Husk raised an eyebrow. "You don't sound like yourself."
"I'm fine..." You nodded, before taking a seat at the end beside Charlie and across from Vaggie. "Hey, girls..."
"Hey, Y/n." Charlie smiled. "Glad you could join us."
"Yeah, I was worried about you the whole day." Vaggie nodded. "Well, you must be hungry, we ordered some pizza-here-I'll get you a slice-"
"No." You shook your head, which made everyone stop and look at you, surprised. "Thank you for offering, Vaggie, but I'm just not hungry."
"Are you sure you're okay, toots?." Angel asked. "You ain't acting like yourself!."
"Yeah!." Nifty nodded her head, looking up from her pizza. "Which is weird because you normally aren't weird at all!."
"Are you s-s-s-s-sick or s-s-s-s-something?." Sir Pentious asked as his egg bois cut him another slice of pizza. "You're looking unwell."
"I'm fine!." You spoke slightly louder. "...I've just needed time to process everything that happened yesterday..."
"Yeah, I know." Charlie looked down, still concerned. "I-I can't believe someone would try to...to...assassinate me!."
You heard the softest sniffle from her and it made your heart shatter again as you bit your lip, trying to stay composed.
"All I want is for sinners to be given a second chance, I've devoted my life to try and redeem their souls and people try to assassinate me!." She buried her hands into her head as she started to cry, Vaggie immediately comforted her, wrapping her arms around her. "I-I-I just want to help people!."
"It's okay, Charlie." Vaggie shushed her, running her hands through her head affectionately. "It's going to be okay...you're going to be okay...I will find the person who tried to end your life and make sure they regret being born!."
"Well, technically it was some dickhead being paid to kill her, right?." Angel took a puff on his cigarette. "That means the bastard who tried to take her out had cash and power...you think one of the overlords was the hiree?."
"Why, that is quite the accusation, my feminine fellow." Alastor continued to cut into the deer." However, I do believe it is unlikely that one of my fellow overlords would try to take out Charlie here, they all have their hands full with their own problems and territories as it is to focus so much on the princess!."
"So, who the hell could it be?." Husk asked taking a sip of his bottle. "Who else do you know has money and power here that ain't an overlord?-"
"Guys, can we all stop talking about this, please!?." Vaggie shouted, continuing to comfort Charlie. "I don't want to hear anyone speak of this shit right now, not while Charlie's in this state!."
You saw Charlie's eyes leaking with tears as Vaggie continued to comfort her, the more time passed, the more it was eating at you to speak up...but you couldn't...you couldn't say anything for that matter.
"E-excuse me..." You slowly got up from the table. "I-I need to use the bathroom..."
You quickly walked towards the foyer of the hotel but before you could, someone spoke up.
"What's with the glove, toots?." Angel raised an eyebrow. "Planning on going somewhere?."
Hearing him mention the glove, everyone looked at the glove covering your hand, and all of them looked confused.
"It's nothing, Angel." Your voice got quiet. "My hand is just cold, that's all-"
"Cold, in hell?." Husk scoffed. "Don't bullshit us, kid, it's never cold here!."
"I agree with them, dear boy." Alastor nodded. "So, mind telling us the real reason?."
"It's none of your business..." Your voice got quieter and your voice slipped out a slurring sound. "It's nothing, alright, don't worry about it..."
"Y/n is something wrong?." Vaggie looked over at you. "Did something happen?."
"I'm fine, Vaggie!." You suddenly snapped, your voice slurring more. "I'm fine, okay, I'm fucking fine!."
Everyone looked surprised and even shocked that you snapped at Vaggie before they heard the slurring tone in your voice.
"Y/n?..." Charlie stood up from her chair, her tears stopped flowing as a shocked expression appeared on her face. "Are you...are you drunk!?."
Your eyes widened, your mind was now racing at a million miles as several thoughts or explanations ran wild, trying to pick the best one to say.
"Charlie-" You tried to speak before she started walking towards you, causing you to back up. "Look, just listen to me-"
"Why...just why!?." She asked in a hurt tone. "Why are you...what caused you to get drunk in the first place!?."
"Why do you think, after everything that happened yesterday!." You responded, now backing up against the wall. "You nearly lost your damn life!."
"Yes, but I didn't get myself drunk!." She walked up to you. "So why did you?."
Hearing the hurt in her voice, and seeing the look in your eyes...you couldn't put up with a facade anymore...you let out a soft sniffle and everything went quiet.
"Y-Y/n?." Charlie looked concerned. "What-"
Before she could even ask her question, you quickly broke down, tears falling from your eyes as you slumped against the wall and sat with your hands covering your face, everyone, even Alastor looked shocked seeing you bawling your eyes out.
Charlie and Vaggie immediately ran over to you and wrapped their arms around you as you sobbed louder and louder, wanting to know what had made you like this.
"I'm-I'm sorry!." You bubbered. "I-I'm so sorry!."
"Sorry?." Vaggie looked confused. "Sorry for what, Y/n, you didn't do anything!-"
"No, no!." You shook your head again. "It's my fault, it's all my fault, If I didn't attack Killjoy then this wouldn't have happened!."
Everyone looked even more confused as your crying only got louder.
"What-what are you talking about?." Charlie asked. "What do you mean-"
"I didn't tell you what that assassin told me!." You sniffled as your tears continued to fall. "I...I...I..."
You couldn't even speak as you continued to leak like a broken faucet, and everyone could only look on in shock.
"He-he-he told me that he saw me on the news, the day that Killjoy brought you onto her news station and attacked you, and then I attacked her...he told me that I had a temper...and that my old man was right about me..."
Everyone looked confused at what you said, not being able to put the pieces together.
"What do you mean?." Sir Pentious asked.
"What do you fucking think I mean!." You shouted with tears in your eyes. "The person that hired the assassin...was...it was..."
You stuttered as you took a deep breath to calm yourself.
"It was my father...he saw the news and knows that I'm dating you, Charlie, and he paid that guy to try and kill you!."
Everyone once again looked shocked by your words, Husk's bottle slipped out of his hand and shattered on the floor, however, he didn't even react to it and just stared at you with wide eyes.
"Your father?." Charlie's eyes widened. "What-why-how?-"
"He's a fucking piece of shit!." You shouted as tears continued to flood down your cheeks. "An abusive, sadistic, murdering piece of shit!."
Hearing those words come out of your mouth, Vaggie's eye widened, as she had a mental flashback to her conversation with you on the rooftop.
"Y/n." She spoke quietly. "Y/n, hey, look at me-"
"I was abused by that piece of shit for years, all he ever did was drink, complain, and beat the shit out of me!." You sobbed. "He told me I was a mistake, I was a failure, that I would never amount to nothing in life...he haunts me in my sleep-in my dreams-to the point where I saw him in the mirror and this happened!."
You shouted as you threw your glove off your hand, showing it still bleeding and wrapped in bandages, you continued to sob more and more as the memories of your horrible childhood began replaying in your mind, all the things he put you through were coming back in one emotional tidal wave.
"He beat me so bad that I tried to run away with my mom when I was done with high school...but he found out about our plans and dragged us into the basement of the house...where he beat both of us for over two hours!."
It was just pure silence in the hotel, as everyone looked on in shock and horror, even Alastor's permanent smile couldn't hide his widening eyes.
"He-he-he was going to shoot me!." You sniffled. "Then, my mother got in front of me and took the bullet instead...after that...I felt nothing but anger and without even thinking, I tackled him to the ground, beat the shit out of him, took his gun, and blew his brains out, leaving a hole in his head!."
Your tears started to dry as your fists clenched in anger, remembering the moment clear as day.
"Then...I fucking shot myself...because I didn't want to live anymore after what I went through and wanted to be with my mom...now...now I'm in hell, because I killed him and took my own life-I'm in hell with all the actual bad people and scum of the fucking world, with him!!!."
You stood up, your fist clenched in rage.
"I-I-I'm in hell because I watched my mother die in front of me and killed the man who made my living a living hell-now I'm stuck in it for all eternity!."
You screamed before your anger got the better of you and you freed yourself from the girls before flipping the entire table, sending the pizza crashing to the floor.
"Y/n!?." Charlie looked horrified, seeing you like this.
"Y/N!!!!." Charlie wrapped her arms around you. "DON'T SAY THAT, PLEASE, STOP!!!!."
She started crying into your neck and your anger slowly began to fade, you looked around the room seeing everyone looking at you, beyond shocked, and the table that was now flipped over.
"PLEASE DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!." Charlie sniffled as she clung to you. "PLEASE!."
You felt her arms around you in an iron grip, like you were going to disappear if she let go, you very slowly wrapped your arms around her and looked down.
"I'm-I'm so sorry you went through all of that!." She cried. "You-you didn't deserve any of that...you don't deserve to be here at all..."
"But I am..." You frowned. "I'm stuck here, in hell, with him..."
"N-no, you-you don't have to be." She shook her head. "We can save you...I can save you...from the angels...from Adam...from your father...."
"I know you can, Charlie..." You ran a finger through her hair. "But...what if there is no way to be redeemed?-"
"Then I'll find one, goddamnit, I will find one to get you out of this literal hellhole and up to heaven where you belong!." She looked you in the eyes. "Because I love you...more than anything...and I will do whatever it takes for you to be redeemed!."
Hearing that, your eyes teared up again and you hugged her tightly to which she threw her arms around you again, Vaggie smiled seeing this, as did everyone else.
"I'm sorry about the table." You frowned. "I'll pay for a new one-"
"No, what you need is some rest!." Charlie shook her head. "You're still drunk and I can smell the alcohol on your breath, along with mint."
"Fuck, I knew I should've had ten of them instead of five." You said as she punched you lightly in the arm.
"Stop it!." She giggled lightly. "Come on, let's get you to bed so you can sleep it off!."
After a few minutes, she along with Vaggie got you upstairs and into the bed, tucking you in with the covers.
"Comfy?." Vaggie asked as you simply nodded. "Here, let me wrap up your hand."
She smiled as she went into the bathroom, looking at the shattered mirror for a second before wetting a cloth in the sink before coming back and wrapping it around your hand. "You really did a mess on that mirror, hun...are you sure you're okay?."
"I'm feeling better, now that you two are here." You smiled at her. "Can you two lay next to me?-"
Before you could even finish speaking, the two of them got in bed next to you, wrapping their arms around your body.
"I love you both, so goddamn much." You smiled. "I really do."
"We love you too, Y/n." Charlie smiled and pecked you on the cheek. "Now, go to sleep, okay?."
"Yeah, don't think about that Bastardo sin corazon again." Vaggie pecked you on the other cheek. "Just think about us and how much we love and appreciate you, and please, talk to us if there's an issue, I don't ever want to see you like this ever again."
"Understood General." You gave her a mocking salute which made Charlie giggle.
"Shut up." Vaggie rolled her eye and snuggled closer to you. "Just get some rest, okay?."
With that, the three of you slowly drifted to sleep...however...you couldn't get a thought out of your head...you knew what you needed to do to get your father out of your head and out of your life, and to keep your girlfriends safe...you needed to kill him...once and for all...
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