8. Close Call!. (Original Chapter)

It was another normal morning in hell, the skies were red, and demonic birds were flying around Pentagram City, you were woken up by the best thing in the world...kisses!.

Your eyes snap open to see Charlie giggling as she kisses your face.

"Good morning, honey." She blushed before kissing you again. "Did you sleep okay?."

"Yeah." You nodded, smiling. "Why do you ask?."

"Well, you slept in quite long this morning." She ran a hand through your hair. "Vaggie tired you out, huh?."

"Seems so." You nodded again before sitting up. "Jesus, my legs hurt."

"There's a reason for that, sweetie." She giggled. "Come on, breakfast is downstairs."

After she helped you downstairs and to the couch, she let out a tiny giggle seeing your messy hair and red face.

"You look so cute in the mornings." She giggled as she ran a hand through your hair. "Hang on, let me get Vaggie, she's been dying to see you up!."

She kissed your cheek and walked into the kitchen while you leaned back in the chair, trying to relax, you started scrolling through your phone, looking at the news before you felt someone walk up behind you and start playing with your hair.

"Hey, hun." Vaggie whispered in your ear. "How'd you sleep?."

"Just glorious, Vaggie." You turned to look at her, then your jaw hit the floor. "Holy shit..."

"You like it?." She smiled. "Is it too much?."

"Humana, humana, humana, humana, humana, humana, humana." You stuttered. "Humana, humana, humana, humana, humana, humana, humana-"

She looked away as her cheeks turned gold, trying to hide her blush from you.

"Um, so is that a yes?." She smiled. "Do you like it?."

"I love it!." You smiled at her. "You look amazing!."

She kissed you on the cheek before setting a plate in front of you on the coffee table.

"I, uh, made breakfast like I promised." She smiled. "It's just some eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast."

You smiled as you saw everything on the plate before you started eating and as she ran her fingers through your hair.

"Mmm." You looked up at her. "This is really good."

"Good, I'm glad you like it, sweetie." She smiled. "And just wait until you find out what's for dessert."

"What, Ice cream?." You asked raising an eyebrow. "Cake?."

"Heh." She smiled. "You could say it's a type of cake."

"What kind?." You bit into a piece of toast. "Vanilla, no wait, Chocolate?."

"Let's just say, it's one you're familiar with." She whispered. "Now, hurry up and finish eating, we've got things to do today."

With that, she started walking away, swaying her hips as she walked up the stairs.

"Aww, don't go..." You frowned. "Please..."

She looked at you over her shoulder and smirked.

"Aww, don't want me leaving you?." She asked. "Like what you see, huh?."

"Yes." You nodded again. "I love what I'm seeing."

She lightly blushed and walked over to you, slowly caressing your cheeks.

"Mm, okay, I'll stay with you while you eat." She kissed your nose. "But only because you're so damn cute."

With that, she sat on your lap and played with your hair as you continued to eat breakfast, she giggled as your face was bright red.

"You look adorable when you're blushing, you know that?." She smirked. "I could stare at that face for hours."

"Thanks." You blush harder. "I, uh, I could stare at you for hours-"

Immediately upon realizing what you said, your face turned red as the hotel walls, which only made her smile widen.

"Oh, really?." She ran a finger through a lock of your hair. "Hours, you say?."

She let out a tiny giggle seeing you a blushing mess.

"Well, why don't we head back upstairs and continue from where we left off last night." She whispered into your ear. "Does that sound good, baby?."

"Yes mommy-" You stuttered. "I mean Vaggie-I mean mommy-I mean-"

"Ah, ah, ah." She put a finger to your lips, quieting you. "What did you call me, hun?."

"Mommy..." Your face turned into a literal tomato as you looked down, embarrassed. "I called you mommy..."

She smirked at your embarrassment before gently lifting your chin, making you look into her eyes.

"Well, It seems like mommy needs to spend some time with her good boy..." She kissed your lips. "Is that what you want?..."

"Yes." You nodded before she gripped your chin tighter. "Ow-"

"Yes, what?." She raised an eyebrow. "Use your words, sweetie."

"Yes..." You blushed. "Mommy..."

"Speak louder, hun." She commanded in both a seductive and authoritative tone. "I didn't hear you."

"Yes, mommy..." You quietly said.

"Louder, babe." She commanded again.

"Yes, mommy." You spoke louder.


"Yes, Mommy!." You spoke even louder.


"YES MOMMY!." You shouted before Angel and Husk looked at you from the bar, Nifty stopped chasing bugs, Pentious and his eggs looked confused and even Alastor looked over from his radio.

"Good boy..." Vaggie snickered and got off the couch, taking your hand in hers. "Come on, follow me...follow mommy-"

"Shut up." You looked down as she led you up the stairs to the bedroom.

As she led you up the stairs, Charlie was reading something on a sheet of paper before she noticed you two and smiled.

"You get him to say it?." She looked at Vaggie.

"Yep, I've got him wrapped around my finger." She looked at you. "Isn't that right, sweetie?."

You muttered something as you looked down and they both chuckled.

"Come on, lover boy." Vaggie led you down the hall to the bedroom. "Lay down and let mommy take care of you!."

Timeskip...also skip the lovemaking.

You were panting, completely spent after your second round with Vaggie who was smiling as she rested on the pillow.

"Did you enjoy that, love?." She started caressing your face. "Did mommy make you feel good?."

"Yes..." You muttered as she stroked your cheeks. "I love you..."

"Aww..." She kissed you on the lips. "I love you too, my strong and sexy good boy..."

She slipped her tongue into your mouth and started pinning you down on the bed as your tongue wrestled hers for control, unfortunately, hers had yours pinned in a matter of seconds.

"Mmm..." She pulled her tongue out and licked her lips, looking right at you. "I love doing that with you...it shows I'm the dominant one around here."

She giggled and kissed you on the lips again before ruffling your hair with her hand.

"Now, we have to get up and shower soon." She then buried your head in between her chest. "But for now, I can tell you're still tired, so I'll let you lay here for a few minutes."

You let out a muffled groan as you wrapped your arms around her body and she kept your head between her chest.

"That's a good boy..." She ran her fingers through your hair. "That's my good boy..."


After a few minutes of cuddling and a quick shower, You, Charlie, and Vaggie (now in her normal clothes) were in a limousine, driving to the heart of Pentagram City.

"Why are we going to the city?." You asked, adjusting your suit tie. "And why do I need to be wearing this suit?."

"Because Charlie has another speech." Vaggie held your hand. "And you're her bodyguard and professional bodyguards wearing snazzy suits."

"And you look great in that suit, babe." Charlie smiled. "It's making it hard to control myself from pouncing on you..."

She looked up and down your body before licking her lips, eyeing you like you were a juicy steak.

"Oh, well if that's the case..." You smiled. "I won't stop you from pouncing, princess..."

As Charlie scooted over to you, Vaggie shook her head and separated you from her.

"Charlie, you need to focus more on your speech and less on Y/n and his body." She quickly looked at you and licked her lips before shaking her head, snapping herself out of a trance. "You two can go at it later, but for now, try to focus on your speech."

She kissed her on the cheek and Charlie sighed but nodded as the limo stopped, the door opened and you were met with the flashing of cameras as Charlie stepped out and waved, You and Vaggie followed her.

"Wow...this is a bigger crowd than I was expecting." Vaggie looked at the huge crowd in shock, seeing so many sinners gathered in the city's center. "Be prepared for anything, hun, this could go south very fast."

"Don't worry, doll." You nodded as you twirled your guns. "I'm locked and loaded."

"Good." She smiled at you. "Also, your fly's unzipped."

You looked down and quickly looked red in the face as you realized that she was right.

Charlie slowly walked up to the pedestal and took a deep breath before looking out into the crowd.

"People of Pentagram City..." She began. "I understand that you are unhappy that the extermination date has been shortened, believe me, I am too..."

She frowned, remembering how her meeting with Adam went.

"But I'm here to tell you that we shouldn't panic or give up and wait for the angels to come down and slaughter us all...there is a way to save your souls...The Happy-I mean-Hazbin Hotel is a place where you all can redeem your souls and reach the skies of Heaven..."

As Charlie spoke, you noticed something on her chest...a red dot...

"I will help anyone and everyone who comes to the hotel in seek of the redemption that they deserve, because you are my people, and are worthy of a second chance...because in my eyes, no sinner is truly evil...not if you give them the chance to change their life around-"

You quickly tackled Charlie down as a bullet hit the tree behind her, people started screaming as all hell broke loose, you were shielding Charlie from any shots as Vaggie came over, her spear in hand.

"Are you guys okay!?." She shouted with worry.

"I-I'm fine!." Charlie gasped worryingly before you helped her up and quickly carried her to the limo, throwing her in the backseat. "Thanks Y/n-"

You nodded and looked around the area before seeing someone standing on a building holding a rifle, without warning, you ran through the crowd.

"Y/n!." Both Charlie and Vaggie shouted. "Where are you going!?."

You pushed through the crowd and ran inside the building, quickly pushing past people and climbing up the stairs at Mach speed before kicking open the door to the rooftop.

"Show yourself motherfucker!." You shouted as you drew your guns, however, nobody was there. "What the fuck?..."

You saw something left behind, it looked like a bandana of some sort, as you walked over to grab it, you felt something strike you in the back of the head and you went down.

"Well, well, well..." A deep voice laughed. "Seems like someone wanted to be the big hero..."

 You quickly looked up at the figure and your eyes widened.

"What's the matter, partner?." The man smirked. "Scared?."

"I've heard of you..." You glared. "You're that Striker guy that people talk about..."

"Oh, you're a fan?." He chuckled. "How kind...unfortunately, I don't do autographs with a pen..."

He dropped his rifle and took out a revolver, aimed right at your head.

"I like to leave a personal touch." He laughed then paused. "Hmm...you seem familiar...can't put my tail on it but I know I've seen your face before..."

It took him a few seconds before he flashed a sadistic grin.

"Ah, now I remember...you're that guy who attacked that one bitchy news reporter all those months ago...which makes you...the princess's lover, right?..."

He then let out another chuckle.

"And I thought this couldn't get any better..."

"Who put you up to this, asshole?." You growled. "Because trying to assassinate the princess of hell...that's a death wish itself..."

"And why should I tell you?." He laughed. "You gonna hurt me if I don't?-"

You quickly stomped on his tail which made him shriek in pain and back up, you quickly got to your feet and grabbed his arm as he fired his gun, the shots rang out into the air, and you bent his arm backward and forced him on one knee.

"Tell me who sent you!." You shouted. "And I might just let you live!."

"Ooh, threatening me now are ya?." He smirked. "I'd be more concerned for your princess...after all...what makes you think I'm the only one after her?..."

Hearing that, your eyes widened as you looked back over to the limo, which gave him an advantage as he wrapped his tail around your neck and threw you backward against the door to the rooftop.

He fired a shot at your head, however, you moved out of the way and dodged two more shots before his gun jammed, he rolled his eyes and holstered it before taking out a hunting knife and ran at you, swiping at your arm.

You avoided several of his stabs before he got a good slash on your chest, making you grunt in pain as you felt the blade pierce through your suit and cut your flesh.

"ARGH!." You clutched your chest as he went for another stop but you moved out of the way and grappled him in a headlock, tightening your hold on his neck and cutting off his air supply. "TALK MOTHERFUCKER, WHO PUT YOU UP TO THIS!?."

He tried to use his tail to free himself but you stomped on it, pining it to the ground as he screamed out in pain, thrashing around trying to get free.

You took out your instigator gun and pressed it against the back of his skull, taking the safety off quickly.

"TALK!." You shouted again. "WHO THE FUCK SENT YOU!?."

"That's quite the temper on you..." He huffed. "Seems your old man was right about you..."

Your eyes widened at what he said, you were confused.

"What the hell are you talking about!?." You tightened your grip. "What do you mean my old man was right!?."

"Put it together, bucko..." He huffed again. "Who do you think hired me for the contract?..."

Your eyes widened again at his words...your jaw dropped and your grip slowly loosened...no...surely not...

"N-No!." You shouted again, tightening your grip on his neck once more. "You're lying, you're fucking lying!."

"Hahahahaha!." He laughed. "I've dealt with a lot of clients like him, but he must really hate you if he's hiring me to take out your lover, cruel world, ain't it?."

Your anger and sadness were getting the better of you as you pinned him up against the door and started laying your fist into his face, landing several punches, one of which knocked his cowboy hat off.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!." You shouted as you saw nothing but red as you landed another punch, this one causing a tooth to fly out of his mouth. "I'LL KILL YOU AND HIM, YOU PAIR OF ASSHOLES!-"

However, your words were cut short when his tail shoved you away and he quickly used his other gun to fire a bullet, sending it right into your leg and making you scream in pain as you fell onto the roof, blood pouring out of your wound.

"You've got a lot of fight in you, boy." He snarled as he picked up his hat. "But, I'm afraid this is where we part ways... permanently..."

He raised his revolver, aiming it right at your forehead.

"Don't worry...I'll take care of the princess once I'm finished with you...she'll be in good hands!."

You glared at him as you clutched your leg, as he pulled the hammer back, the door burst open and a spear was shot at the assassin, who barely avoided it as it landed beside him.

He growled and looked at you before grabbing his bandana and high-tailing it, scaling down a nearby ladder and into the darkness of an alleyway.

"Y/n!." Vaggie ran over towards you, wrapping her arms around you. "Baby, are you okay, what happened!?."

You didn't have a response as all you could let out was a slight quiver from the pain in your leg, and the pain in your heart...your father was an asshole...but you never thought he'd go as far as to send an assassin to kill one of the women you loved, who was also the princess of hell!.

"Come on!." She helped you up and picked up her spear. "Come on, come on, let's get back to the hotel!."

She helped you down the stairs, out of the building, and into the limousine that quickly started driving back to the hotel.

"Is he okay!?." Charlie looked at Vaggie worryingly.

"He hasn't answered me!." Vaggie looked back at her before looking at you. "Y/n, can you hear me!?."

You didn't respond, you couldn't only think about your father and how much you wanted to do what you did to him on earth...but you were also upset...realizing that if you hadn't attacked Killjoy then he wouldn't have known about you being with Charlie...and he wouldn't have sent that assassin after her...it's your fault that all of this happened...and that's all you could see it as...


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