7. Lights, Camera, {Redaction]?.
A/n: Hey, I know it's been two months, sorry, I had some severe writer's block when it came to the next original chapter, so, here's another episode of the show...we're now at the halfway point!.
Charlie wanted to have everyone do a special show-and-tell activity, where everyone could show off their unique talents!.
Husk showed off his amazing bartending tricks while you showed some of your marksman skills, shooting empty bottles that were thrown into the air while you were blindfolded, and Nifty...well...let's not talk about that...then there was Angel's.
You were all sitting on the couch, watching a movie that Angel had starred in.
"Finally awake, Angel Dust?." A gangster walked around Angel who was tied to a chair.
"Yeah, and what's it to ya?." Angel glared.
"I want you to tell me where your boss stashes his vault." The gangster smirked.
"Hehehe!." Angel laughed. "It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything."
"Fine." The gangster pinned him and the chair to a wall. "I guess I'll just have to fuck the information outta ya."
"Do your worst, daddy." Angel moaned before the gangster started...well...you know. "...Ohhhh, yeahhh, baby!."
"Ya know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-x-i' award!." Angel chewed on some popcorn, watching the show.
"It's, uh... very... honest?." Charlie looked at the screen and quickly covered her eyes. "Oh."
"Ew!." Vaggie covered her mouth. "Okay, Enough of that!."
"Angel, what the fuck?." You looked over at him, covering Charlie's eyes.
"What?!." He put his hands up defensively. "You said it was "Show n' Tell" day."
He gestured to the TV with a shit-eating grin.
"I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin' you that it scored me a win over that bitch, Tiffany Titfucker."
"You know, not a very convincing interrogation scene." Husk groaned as he was cleaning bottles behind the bar counter.
"Alright dickhead, what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?." Angel glared at him from the couch.
"You really going to sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?." Husk fired back.
"Fuck you." Angel gasped. "This is classy art."
"OH!." Angel on the TV shouted. "FUUUCK!!."
"That's bullshit." Husk walked up to him. "You get drunk and bitch about them all the time."
"That's true." You added. "You bitch about them to me as well, and expect me to have sex with you."
"See, and everyone likes to bitch to the bartender." Husk pointed at Angel. "I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point."
He pointed to Sir Pentious.
"That one, that one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep!."
Sir Pentious blushed and shrugged nervously as Husk pointed to Charlie.
"Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own."
"What?!." Charlie gasped. "No, I... what, pffff, no, no-"
"This one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself!." Husk pointed to Vaggie before pointing to you. "And this one's daddy issues still haunt him, influence his behavior and his burning desire to be loved!."
"Hey!." You shouted in protest. "That's-"
"And Niffty." Husk shut you up and pointed at Nifty who put a finger to lips. "Hehhh...you don't even wanna know what her deal is."
"You weren't kidding!." Angel laughed. "Haha, wow!."
He then leaned into Husk's face.
"Kitten's got claws!." He continued to laugh. "Meow!."
"And you!." Husk glared. Don't get me started, I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are."
"Oh, Me? Fake?." Angel feigned a gasp "Wow, I had no idea...guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass, and..."
He stopped speaking as he heard his phone ring from his pocket.
"Hold that thought." He put his phone to his ear. "Hello?."
You all waited as Angel started talking on the phone with someone.
"Uh, yeah I'm-I'm...No, No, I just, I...No, I-I'm not...But, uh... Yeah, I'll be right there." He quickly hung up his phone and put on his coat and shades. "Well, uh, looks like Val needs me for an...uh... emergency shoot."
He started walking towards the door.
"Uh-uh, Sure." Husk rolled his eyes.
"You know what?." Angel turned around, glaring at him. "Fuck you."
He then got right up in his face.
"I don't give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks a' me." He growled. "So why don't you just crawl back to whatever cave you came from, porn critic."
He started walking to the door.
"Angel!." Charlie ran after him, blocking the door with her body. "You can't leave yet, we haven't finished our exercises for the day."
"I'm sure you'll manage without me." He tried to get past the princess who frowned.
"There isn't much time left for the hotel to prove itself-"
"Dollface, it's my job." Angel adjusted his shades. "I know you want to fix everything, but unless you can fix my boss, there's nothing you can do."
With that, the pornstar walked out of the hotel and Charlie frowned.
"Uuugh, why is this so haaaard?." She slumped against the door. "What am I doing wrong?."
"Well, I mean...you're the princess of Hell, so?." Vaggie shrugged. "So, you don't really use the power that comes with that, which I and Y/n love about you, but maybe you can...I don't know, command a little more... authority."
"But that's so mean." Charlie frowned, and Vaggie looked at you with a "talk to her, now" look.
"It's not mean, exactly, Charlie." Your mind scrambled to think of something. "it's... uh, aggressive kindness."
"Okay..." She looked up at you and nodded. "I could be so aggressively kind to Angel's boss...that I convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!."
"Sure." Vaggie nodded. "Whatever gets you there, babe."
Charlie smiled and fixed her jacket but Vaggie grabbed her shoulder.
"Hold on, there's no way in hell you are going to a porn studio alone!." She shook her head before looking at the others. "Anyone mind going with her?-"
In the blink of an eye, Husk, Nifty and Pentious had all high-tailed it upstairs, leaving you standing beside them.
"Y/n..." Vaggie put Charlie in front of you. "Take her and don't let anything happen to her!."
"Why do I have to be the one taking her everywhere?." You complained. "If anything, you're more protective of her than I am-hell-you've threatened me on multiple occasions-"
"I'm not stepping into a gross porn studio!." She flipped her hair. "And you're her bodyguard as well as our boyfriend...look, just do this for me and I promise you that I won't yell at you, alright?."
"Not good enough." You crossed your arms. "You can make better offers than that, Vaggie."
"Fine." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'll make dinner for you tonight, give you a shoulder massage, and have sex with you until I pass out...that good enough?."
"I guess that's fine." You nodded then looked over at Charlie. "Come on, Charlie."
"Okay!." She smiled then took your hand and walked outside. "Maybe we can find some toys while we're there if you know what I mean!."
You and Charlie had found yourself in the largest porn studio in hell, owned and run by Valentino, who you don't know much of other than the fact he's Angel's boss.
"Jesus Christ..." You look around the entrance seeing a bunch of dildos on the walls, some of them looked...wetter...than others. "Who the fuck enjoys this kind of place?-"
"Ha, there's cocks in the walls!." Someone in another room laughed. "That's fucking hilarious!."
"Seems someone's having fun!." Charlie smiled at you. "Come on, honey, it'll be fine, we just have to find Angel and tell his boss that he's coming back to the hotel...how hard can it be?."
"Probably pretty hard." You sighed and took her hand. "Let's just get this over with...and don't touch anything."
You walked past all the...decorations...and opened the door to the shooting area, where Angel was lying on a bed.
"Ohhh!." He moaned. "Daddy, I... uhhhh?."
He reached under his pillow and took out his script.
"Do you really expect me to memorize this whole script?."
"Just improv it." Valentino smiled. "Do you think anyone watches for the dialogue?."
He then clapped his hands together.
Suddenly, a door opened and a bunch of wolves wearing bugler outfits came into the room.
"Oh, no." He spoke in horny voice. "So many burglars...and only one me!."
The wolfs got closer to him and pinned him on the bed.
"Whatever shall I do?." He moaned. "I guess I'll have to do all of you!."
One of the buglers started licking him, making him moan louder.
"Ohh!." He smiled. "So what are you gonna do ta' me?-"
He looked over at the camera and his eyes widened when he saw you and Charlie...Charlie gave him a little wave while your eyes were as wide as they could be.
"Charlie, Y/n?." He gasped.
"Uh, my name's Rocky." One of the buglers spoke up.
"No one gives a shit."
"Oh, so this is where the magic happens." Charlie looked around at all the lights and cameras before seeing the entire set. "Oh, wow, that is...that is a lot."
"No shit." You look around, seeing one of the chairs was an inflatable dildo. "Who in the fuck would think of something like this?."
"What in the ever-loving fuck are you two doing here?!." Angel walked over to you, looking shocked.
"I am the Princess of Hell, Angel." Charlie smiled. "And I go where I please..."
"We're here to get you some time off so you can return to the hotel." You looked at Angel. "Now, where's your boss?."
"Oh, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no." Angel shook his head. "You are going nowhere near Val..."
"Angel!." Valentino shouted. "What is the fucking hold up?."
"I'm coming!." He quickly shouted back.
"Not off camera, you're not!." Valentino shouted.
"Please, please, just wait, wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this, I promise." He begged, looking at the both of you. "But first, you've gotta go-"
"Aaaah, Your Majesty." Valentino smiled walking up to Charlie.
"Oh, shit." Angel looked worried.
"Welcome to my humble sex dungeon." Valentino smiled. "What can I do for such a...lovely specimen!.
He started licking her arm and you quickly took out your gun but Angel stopped you, shaking his head rapidly.
"Uh, no, thank you." Charlie pulled her arm away quickly.
"You don't want a role, do you?." He smiled. "Because I could make you a star...Make us both richer than, well, your papito..."
"Fuck No!." Charlie shouted, backing up towards you. "Uh, I-I'm sorry, I'm taken and happily in love...uh...this is my boyfriend...Y/n."
"Oh, well it's nice to meet you Y/n." He offered a hand to you before licking his lips. "I must say you look very...succulent...have you acted before?..."
"I did some theater work in high school." You nodded. "And I'm not touching that hand, I know where it's been."
"Well, since you have experience, maybe you could be in a new project of mine." He smiled. "I need a strong-looking man to play a villainous cowboy...sound interesting, baby?."
"One, I've already been a villainous cowboy in a different show." You folded your arms. "Two, no amount of money is going to make me want to be in one of your weird porn movies-"
"I'll pay you five million to start," Valentino smirked. "Then if it does well, you'll be given a bonus for a squeal."
"F-F-Five million?." Your eyes widened. "Now, hypothetically, say I agree to this...will I be fucking a woman at least?-"
Charlie cleared her throat, wanting to get back on track.
"I have come to aggressively, kindly speak with you about Angel." She put her hands together. "Later, of course, I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your work."
"Well then, make yourself and your little friend comfortable, Your Majesty, and enjoy the show." He smiled at her and then at you before sitting in the director's chair. "Well, let's take this shit from the top...action!."
Angel was thrown onto the bed and the buglers pinned him down, all of them looking at him like he was a piece of meat.
"Oh, wow, mister robbers, I sure hope you don't hurt me with those... big guns of yours."
"Don't move, you spicy little, uuh, cock sleeve or else I'll..." Rocky growled before he was distracted by someone...
"...We do trust exercises every day in the morning..." Charlie was whispering to some of the crew people about the hotel. "I think you all should give it a shot-"
"Cut!." Valentino shouted. "What the fuck is going on with this?."
"Ooh, I'm sorry." Charlie gasped. "Were we too loud-I was just telling him about the Hazbin Hotel."
"Not at all, Princess." Valentino gave a forced smile. "It doesn't bother me one bit."
He then sat back down in his chair as the scene continued.
"You know, this scene feels awfully violent." Charlie continued whispering to the crew. "If you want help with the script, maybe I can pitch some scenarios that are more..."
Your eyes widened as Charlie tripped over an electrical wire that caught the curtains on fire, actors started screaming and the crew began running around as the flames grew larger.
"Oh shit..." You started looking around. "Does anyone have a fire extinguisher?."
As the fires crackled and roared, Valentino's smile shattered and was replaced by a look of rage.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck." Angel quickly got off the bed, looking worried as he got out of his chair and started walking over to her.
"Oh, my gosh." Charlie panicked. "I am so, so, so, so sorry."
As he got closer to her, you got in front of her, protecting her.
"We can clean this up." You tried to calm him down. "We can fix this-"
"Don't you worry your pretty little heads about it." Valentino's forced smile returned. "We have people for that..."
He then walked right past Angel.
"Angel, can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?..."
Valentino walked into another room with Angel following quickly behind, you and Charlie looked at each other...worried and upset by everything that had just happened.
"Val, I didn't know that..." Angel stuttered before Valentino backhanded him across the face. "Val, I..."
"You really think you can have Lucifer's little bitch fight your battles for you?." He slapped him again. "Her, and her little fucktoy!?."
"Arrgh!." Angel recoiled from the slap. "Val, please... I'm sorry they..."
"You bring them here to protect you?." He growled. "To fuck with me?."
He lifted the pornstar up and slammed him on the couch.
"Ow!." He screamed. "Val, stop!."
"You think they can get you out of work?." He shouted. "You think they can get you away from me?."
"No!." He stuttered again. "No, that's not what I'm trying to do-"
Valentino tossed him to the floor, making his chair fall over and he started crawling to the mirror.
"You know they can't do anything." He growled. "I own you, or have you forgotten that?."
"No." He whimpered looking at the mirror. "No."
"When I say "come", you say?."
"Yes, Valentino."
"When I say "you are fucking 20 guys before lunch," you say?."
"Yes, Valentino."
"When I say "you better get that fucking cunt and her fucktoy out of my studio." you say?."
"I..." Angel stuttered. "I..."
"You say!?." He shouted aggressively.
"Look, Val, they just get involved in everything." He put his hands up. I'll tell them to leave, just don't hurt them."
"I have killed bitches for less than this attitude you're giving me!." He gripped him by the throat. "You're lucky you make me money, now, you're going to go get rid of them, and then you are filming all night...get me!?."
"Yes, Val." He sniffled.
"Good." He smiled menacingly before picking him up and carrying him out of the room, shattering the mirror behind him.
The door opened and Valentino tossed Angel across the room onto the floor.
"All right!." He shouted. Get your asses back on set, and we are taking this from the top!."
"What makes you think you can treat him like that!?." Charlie snapped and ran at him angrily.
"Charlie!." Angel got in front of her. "Just stop!."
"Angel, what are you talking ab..."
"Charlie, Leave!." He pointed at the door. "And take Y/n with ya!."
"But..." Charlie looked sad. "But..."
"I didn't want you to come here!." He growled. "I already asked you to leave and you didn't listen, you made things worse!."
"I just wanted to help you." She sniffled.
"Well, you ain't!." He shouted louder. "You actually want to help me?- get the fuck out of here right now, and let me finish my work!."
"I... I didn't...mean to!." She started sobbing. "I... I'm... I'm so sorry!."
Charlie ran off, crying, pushing past everyone, including you.
"Charlie?." You looked back at her, then at Angel then Valentino before giving them the middle finger and running after her "Charlie!?."
Angel frowned and looked down as the doors slammed behind you.
"Good boy." Valentino smiled at him before he sat down in his chair again. "And action!."
♪ I'm not above
a love to cash in ♪
♪ Another lover underneath those
flashing lights ♪
♪ Another one of those
ruthless nights ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ I shoulda guessed that this
would happen ♪
♪ I should have known it when
I looked in your red hot eyes ♪
♪ Spewing all
your red hot lies ♪
♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪
♪ What's the worst part
of this hell ♪
♪ I can only blame myself ♪
♪ Cause I know you're poison ♪
♪ You're feedin' me poison ♪
♪ Addicted to this feelin'
I can't help but swallow up ♪
♪ Your poison ♪
♪ I made my choice and ♪
♪ every night I'm living
like there's no tomorrow ♪
♪ Ohhhh ♪
♪ Any way you want me baby ♪
♪ That's the way
you got me I'll be ♪
♪ Yours ♪
♪ My story's gonna end
with me dead from your poison ♪
♪ I got so good
at being untrue ♪
♪ I got so good at tellin' you
what you wanna hear ♪
♪ I disassociate,
disappear ♪
♪ Yeah-yeah-yeah ♪
♪ So far beyond difficult ♪
♪ To resist another gulp ♪
♪ Yeah I know it's poison ♪
♪ You're feedin' me poison ♪
♪ I'm choking from the taste ♪
♪ And I can't
help but swallow up ♪
♪ Your poison ♪
♪ I made my choice and ♪
♪ every night I'm wasted
like there's no tomorrow ♪
♪ Ohhh ♪
♪ Any way you want me baby ♪
♪ That's the way
you got me I'll be ♪
♪ yours ♪
♪ My story's gonna end
with me dead from your poison ♪
♪ Poison ♪
♪ I'm drowning in poison ♪
♪ I'm fillin' up my glass
♪ But it's always hollow ♪
♪ Full of poison ♪
♪ I'm sick of the poison ♪
♪ Wish I had something
to live for tomorrow ♪
"Eugh, I need a drink." Angel walked back into the hotel and put his head on the bar counter. "The hardest you can make."
"Hmm." Husk began pouring his drink. "You look like shit."
"Pfft." Angel quickly straightened up and fixed his hair. "Not possible, just a long shoot, nothin' new."
"You sure about that, hombre?." You spoke up, walking into the room, causing both of them to look at you. "Because I think I saw something new from you this morning..."
"Oh, hey handsome." He smirked at you. "Where's Charlie and Vaggie?."
"In the bedroom...Vaggie's comforting her...she's a blubbering mess now..." You sat down at the bar and Husk poured you a drink. "Ran right past me, into the bedroom, and locked the goddamn doors...she hasn't come out all day..."
"Eh, she'll be fine." He slammed the shot back and groaned. "Eugh, I said a strong one."
"Excuse me?." Husk poured him another drink. "Didn't realize this was a "drinking to forget" kind of night."
"Oh, I forgot, you're the wise old bartender who's seen it all." He rolled his eyes. "Get the fuck over yourself and pour me a real drink."
"Look, if you got a problem, you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle." Husk sighed. "I should know, I've been looking there a long time."
"Oh sure, and where should I look?." He smiled. "In your bedroom, maybe, under the covers?."
He then looked at the two of you.
"Maybe we can go and look together."
"Don't even start." Husk growled.
"Shut the fuck up." You sipped your drink.
"Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those big boys of yours hard!." Angel leaned closer. "Let's make a meat sandwich!-"
"Stop!." You both shouted at him, with you slamming your glass down so hard that it shattered. "Fucking Christ!."
"You can cut the act already!." Husk glared. "It's never going to work on either of us, so all you're doing is makin' an ass out of yourself with this fake bullshit!-"
"Call me fake one more time, mother fucker!." Angel shouted angrily. "I dare you!."
"Fake." Husk poked his chest.
"Fuckin' asshole!." He got up from his chair but hit his head and fell on the floor. "Arrgh!."
"You done?." You glared down at him. "Or do you want to ruin our nights even more?."
"Ya know what!?." He glared at the two of you angrily. "You both would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me!."
He then started laughing.
"Ya know how much I'm worth!?." His eyes widened as he kept laughing. "Ya know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them!?."
"Oh, I'm just sure everyone's lining up for miles on end so you can suck their dicks!." You got up from your chair, getting in his face. "If anyone's the asshole here, it's you, for the many times you've insulted and harrassed everyone here when we have told you countless times we don't want you to fuck us...and after how you yelled at Charlie this morning when she there to help you get out of work...I've only got one thing to say to you!."
You looked him dead in the eyes, not skipping a beat.
"Fuck you, Angel...I hope you're having fun being an overlord's boy toy because I-"
Angel didn't hesitate before decking you across the face and storming out of the hotel, just as Vaggie came downstairs.
"Woah, what the hell!?." Vaggie ran over to you before glaring at him. "Angel, where are you going!?."
"Out!." He shouted, slamming the door.
"What the hell happened?." She looked between You and Husk.
"Made him a drink," Husk shrugged as he cleaned another glass. "You alright, Y/n?."
You got off the floor, holding your cheek.
"Fucking asshole!." You took out your guns and started walking to the door. "You better fucking run!-"
"Oh, no!." Charlie came running down the stairs. "He looked really upset!."
"It's just Angel." Husk continued cleaning the glass. "He'll be fine."
"I'm not so sure." Charlie frowned. "I really messed up at the studio today and he got...Ugh, it was...it wasn't good, okay?."
Vaggie pulled her into a hug, which she accepted without hesitation.
"Gee, sounds like someone should go after him..." She looked over at Husk. "Someone named "Husk"."
"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me." He groaned. "Why don't you go if you're so worried?."
"Because I'm not the one who sent him storming out." She pointed at him. "You caused it, you drag him back-"
"Y/n sent him storming out!." Husk pointed at you. "He should be the one going to get his scrawny ass back here-"
"I'm not going after him!." You shook your head. "Not after what he just did!."
"Stop!." Charlie begged. "Look...don't force him back...just make sure he's safe."
She then sighed.
"I pushed too hard earlier and...I only made things worse." She looked between You, Husk and Vaggie. "Look, he'll come back when he's ready, I just don't want anything to happen to him until then."
She then gave a smile, going right back to her cheerful.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write 100 apology letters and a lesson plan for tomorrow about...boundaries."
And with that, after kissing both You and Vaggie on the cheeks, she went upstairs to grab some paper and a pencil.
"Alright, Husk." Vaggie pointed to the door. "Go make sure he's safe."
"Oh come on!." He groaned. "This is bullshit!."
"Y/n, you go too!." Vaggie looked at you as well.
"What!?." Your eyes widened. "Oh come on, babe, I'm sure Angel will be fine, plus I'm tired and want to go to bed-"
"Y/n." She gritted her teeth, making it clear she wanted you to go as well. "Go. Outside. Now."
"Fine, goddamnit!." You twirled your guns before putting them in the holsters. "But you still owe me dinner, and a massage, and sex, and-"
"Come on, kid." Husk grabbed your arm and started dragging you out the door. "Let's just go find him and get this shit over with."
You and Husk had followed Angel to a club where there were drugs, booze, and assholes galore...and not the good kind of assholes either.
You both sat down at the bar counter away from Angel's table as he was with some sharks wearing suits and slamming back drinks.
"Sharks with suits?." You look at Husk. "What kind of shark would wear a suit or be able to talk and drink?."
"We're in hell, L/n." He shrugged. "Don't think too much of this shit."
"Oh, yeah." Angel drunkenly laughs from across the bar. "I'm so fucked up!."
"Gimme a whiskey." Husk looked at the waiter who poured him a shot before he swiped the bottle. "I meant the whole bottle, jackass."
As Husk started downing the bottle, you look over at Angel was drunk and high off his ass.
"Haha, ya, ya, so I said, "You couldn't afford me in a million afterlives!" I got better options, right boys?."
"You got that right!." One of the gangsters laughed.
"Hey, baby, be a doll and bring me another one?." Angel gave one of the sharks his glass. "Daddy's outta juice!."
He got another refill for Angel but You and Husk both saw that he pulled a bottle out of his suit and put some of the liquid in Angel's drink.
"Goddamnit..." Husk groaned as he got up and followed him. "You better be a good shot, kid, because it's gonna start raining blood."
"Here you go, darling." The shark handed him his spiked drink. "Just for you...Woah!."
"Nice try, fuckhead." Husk grabbed him by his suit and threw him through the jukebox before grabbing Angel. "Let's go!."
"What the?." Angel shouted as Husk threw exploding poker cards at the sharks and you shot most of them. "Hey!."
They started firing bullets at Husk but you shot a rope which dropped a mountain of crates on the remaining gangsters.
"H-h-hey, hey!." Angel shouted as Husk carried him out, you followed behind, Angel wriggled his way free from Husk but the bartender grabbed his two left arms while you grabbed his two right arms and began dragging him along.
"Husk, Y/n!." He struggled. "What the actual fuck are you doing here?."
"Saving your ass!." You responded. "You're welcome by the way!."
"Let go of me." He growled as you continued dragging him along the sidewalk.
"No, we're takin' you back to the hotel." Husk shook his head. "Whether you want to go back or not-"
"Get off!." Angel continued to struggle. "Let go of me goddamnit!."
"That fucker put something in your drink!." You glared at him. "You're lucky we were there!."
"You don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink?." Angel rolled his eyes. "I do this all the fuckin' time!."
"You just let people drug you all the time?." Husk looked dumbfounded.
"You think I ask for it?." He asked. "I don't ask for any of this shit, I didn't ask to be this way!."
He then managed to weasel his way out of your grasp and glared at the two of you.
"I didn't ask for Charlie to save me, I didn't ask for you two to save me!." He pointed at you with all four of his hands. "I can handle myself!."
"Really?." You glared at him. "Because I just saw someone self-destructing!."
"He's right, It seems like...I don't know." Husk shrugged. "You might need a bartender to talk to."
"Oh, so now you're going to act like you give a shit about me?." Angel rolled his eyes. "You think after how you treated me, I'm gonna open up to you?."
"Maybe we'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullshit version of yourself." Husk got in his face. "Always pushin' our boundaries!."
"Yeah, and lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are." You also got in his face. "How famous, how hot...so you might as well just cut the act!-"
"It's not an act!." Angel shouted at you, tears forming in his eyes. "It's who I need to be, and this!..."
He gestures around to the nightclubs, liquor stores, casinos, and all the other places where one indulges in sinful acts.
"This is my escape!." He sat down on the sidewalk. "Where I can forget about it all!."
He sniffled.
"How much I hate...everything."
Your eyes widened, now realizing that Angel was going through something similar to you...an abusive piece of shit who has all the power over the one they abuse.
"A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts." Angel sniffled again. "And maybe...if I can ruin myself enough in the process, if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore...And maybe he'll let me go."
You look at Husk who simply sighed and sat down next to Angel.
"I was an Overlord once, you know." He admitted, which shocked both You and Angel. "Yeah, and uh...It was nice to have that power."
"What happened?." You asked.
"Well when you're dealing in souls, while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high." He sighed. "And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous...so when you're down on your luck, you turn to anything to... keep you afloat, even making deals yourself...so I know what it's like to...regret the choices made and...knowin' ya can't take it back."
Angel still looked upset but Husk slowly smiled and thought of a way to cheer him up...a song...
"♪ So things look bad and your back's against the wall ♪" He started walking around. "♪ Your whole existence seems fucking hopeless ♪"
"♪ You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall ♪" He covered Angel with an umbrella while someone threw up "♪ Can't face the world sober and dopeless ♪"
"♪ You've lost your way ♪" He twirled his umbrella. "♪ Ya think your life is wrecked...well, let me just say you're correct ♪"
"Wait." Angel looked confused. "What?."
"♪ You're a loser baby, a loser goddamn baby ♪" Husk smiled. "♪ You're a fucked up little whiny bitch ♪"
"Hey!." Angel shouted.
"♪ You're a loser just like me ♪"
"Thanks, asshole." Angel flipped him off.
"♪ You're a screw's loose boozer, an only one-star-reviews-er ♪" Husk danced with the umbrella. "♪ You're a power bottom at rock bottom, but you got company ♪"
"This supposed to make me feel better?." Angel looked over at you, to which you just shrugged.
"Come on, kid!." Husk pointed at you. "You're turn!."
You thought of something to sing...but you decided it's better to sing from the heart this time.
"♪ There was a time I thought that no one could relate ♪" You leaned against the wall. "♪ To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged ♪"
You put an arm around Angel.
"♪ But lettin' walls down it can sometimes set you straight ♪" You smiled. "♪ We're all living in the same shit sandwich ♪"
"♪ I sold my soul ♪" Angel somberly sings. "♪ To a psychopathic freak ♪"
"♪ And you think that makes you unique? ♪" Husk laughed. "♪ Get outta here man ♪"
"♪ We're all losers baby ♪ You sang again. "♪ We're losers it's okay to be a ♪"
"♪ Coked-up dick suckin' ho? ♪" Angel shrugged.
"♪ Baby that's fine by me ♪" Husk smiled.
"♪ I'm a loser honey, a schmooze, and a dummy ♪" Angel started hitting various poses. "♪ But at least I know I'm not alone, you're a loser just like me ♪"
"♪ I got an appetite for gambling ♪" Husk started doing card tricks.
"♪ I got an appetite for samplin' every drug and sex toy I can find ♪" Angel smiled.
"♪ Go ahead, baby, sing that song, c'mon ♪" You fist pumped.
"♪ I got no holes left to deflower ♪" Angel smiled.
"♪ I sold my soul to save my power ♪" Husk sighed. "♪ Now I'm on that demon's leash, I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour ♪"
"♪ You're a loser baby ♪" Angel smiled.
"♪ A loser but just maybe ♪" Husk nodded.
"♪ If we eat shit together ♪" You all sang. "♪ Things will end up differently ♪"
"♪ It's time to Lose your self-loathing ♪ Husk smiled. ♪ Excuse yourself let hope in, baby play your card, be who you are ♪"
"♪ A loser...Just...Like... ♪" You all were about to finish before the sharks rushed out of the club.
"There he is!." The boss shouted. "They're fucking singing!?."
"Hey, you gotta admit that for it being on the fly, that shit was top tier!" You smiled before taking out your guns. "Now, who's dying first?."
"Get em!." The boss shouted as the sharks began open firing, the three of you got behind a car.
"Shit!." Husk groaned. "Stay down, I'll deal with this!."
"Haha!." One of the sharks laughed. "You're fuckin' dead!."
"Are you sure about that?." You smiled and did a trick shot, shooting a wall, causing the bullet to ricochet off it and lodge itself into his brain. "Woo, eat that motherfuckers!-"
"We got you now!." Two sharks laughed as they snuck around the car, aiming guns at you and Husk.
"You mother fucker-" Husk growled before Angel popped out of the hood with a tommy gun.
"Eat lead, suckers!." He laughed as he mowed them down. "Hahahaha!."
And that was that, all the sharks were dead and you three were covered in blood.
"I told ya, I can handle myself, baby." Angel smirked.
"Heh." Husk smirked. "Well, that was somethin' I didn't expect to see."
"Like I said, you don't know me." Angel smirked. "Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at."
"Good to know, 'cause this guy ain't half bad." Husk nodded, however, the two of them stopped smiling when they saw you cutting up one of the sharks with a knife.
"What?." You looked at them. "You want shark fin soup or not?."
The three of you entered the hotel again, laughing your asses off.
"He had, like, three bills, and it took him, like, His eyes are so shit." Angel laughed, talking about how Valentino's eyesight is shit.
"And this is the guy you got to take orders from?." Husk chuckled.
"I know." Angel chuckled. "What a fucking joke, right?."
"I'm so sorry, Angel." Charlie hugged Angel. "I promise I won't ever, ever, ever, ever-"
"Charlie, it's fine, I get it." Angel smiled. "Thanks...for carin' about me."
That's when Charlie starts sobbing.
"Ehhhhh... I think this is yours." Angel picked her up and handed her to you like she was a child.
"Okay princess, let's get you to bed." You smiled.
"He... he... said...he... for-forgave meee!." She sobbed into her chest as you carried her up the stairs. "Oh, it's so beautiful Y/n!."
"Hey, how about that drink?." Husk smiled at Angel.
"You read my mind." He nodded walking over to the bar as Husk poured him a drink.
You carried Charlie up to bed and tucked her in and she quickly fell asleep.
"She seems to fall asleep fast." Vaggie smiled. "It's cute, isn't it?."
"Yeah..." You smiled. "Hey, Vag."
"Yeah?." She looked at you. "What is it?."
"Where the fuck is my dinner you promised me?." You looked at her. "I'm hungry."
"Ugh, I forgot, I was dealing with trying to calm Charlie down the whole day." She groaned. "Look, how about I make you breakfast tomorrow instead after I give you a massage, okay?."
"What about the sex-" You asked before she tackled you onto the bed. "Ooof, guess I'm getting it now, huh?."
"Mhm, and remember, we don't stop until I pass out." She smirked. "I'm gonna make sure you won't be able to walk normally for days, hun."
You smirked as you shut the lights off and the two of you started getting ready.
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