6. All About Trust.
You and Vaggie were woken up by loud drilling and construction noises, so you went to see what was up, Charlie was having a banner made for Sir Pentious, congratulating him on his stay so far at the hotel.
"Charlie?." Vaggie asked, however, she was busy hammering a nail into the banner while listening to music. "Charlie!?."
Charlie continued to hammer away at the nail before you paused her music.
"CHARLIE!!!." You shouted, making her turn around.
"Oh, morning, you two!." She smiled. "Hey, can one you hand me a nail from the toolbox, please?."
"What exactly are you doing?." Vaggie asked as you handed her a nail from the toolbox and she began hammering that nail in as well.
"I'm making a banner for Sir Pentious!." She smiled. "I'm just so excited that he is staying at the hotel!."
"Um... Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago." You looked at her confused. "Also, do you want me to put on some coffee, you look like you've been up for four hours."
"Well first, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here." Charlie smiled looking down at you. "And yes, coffee would be great, I stayed up for six hours."
That's when you all heard something being rolled into the room, Sir Pentious was working on one of his new machines.
"What the hell is that?." Vaggie asked, gesturing to the large-looking ray thingy he had constructed, and by he, I mean his egg bois.
"Oh, hello, purple female, kind princess, and...whoever you are because I forgot your name." Sir Pentious waved. "It's my new invention, the "Skin Flayer 11,000" I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents."
"What?." Charlie's eyes widened. "Why?."
"Everyone is being too nice." Sir Pentious folded his arms over his chest. "Obviously, it must be a lie!."
He looked around frantically.
"I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when? how?." He asked. "I must be prepared!."
There was a knock at the hotel door.
"I'll get it." You went to open the door, and right as you reached the handle, the door swung open and hit you right in the face.
"Y/N!." Charlie and Vaggie ran over to you and helped you up.
"OW!." You held your jaw.
"Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here." Sir Pentious smiled as he slithered over to a woman holding a clipboard.
"Sign, please." She held out the clipboard to him as he signed it. "Thank you for your business, enjoy your Carmine purchase."
"Carmine?." Vaggie's eye widened as she glared at Sir Pentious. "As in Carmella Carmine!?."
She walked right up to the Serpent.
"You are buying parts from an overlord!?."
"Err, of course." Sir Pentious rolled his eyes. "She's the top weapons dealer in Hell."
"Okay, well, that stops right now." Vaggie began wheeling his giant machine away. "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel, no one is trying to kill you, people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome!."
"Hmm." Pentious scoffed. "I have my doubts."
"Well, it's true." You stood beside Vaggie. "You have to trust us."
"But I don't." Pentious glared at you.
"Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?." Charlie smiled.
"Not before we lay some ground rules." Vaggie folded her arms. "No more building weapons, no more plotting against other guests, and you need to get rid of these...things..."
She gestured to the egg bois that were fighting over different parts, one of them accidentally fired the ray gun and it blew a hole in the ceiling.
"Ugh!." Vaggie shouted. "What did I just say-what did I just say!?."
"What?." Pentious frowned. "Not my little egg boys, they do my evil bidding for me!."
"Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?." You asked.
"Yes." Sir Pentious nodded.
"Then no more eggs." Vaggie glared at him.
"All right, eggies." He sniffled. "You've got to go...I can't keep you anymore!."
"Okay, boss." One of them said.
"No, don't resist." Pentious teared up. "This is how it has to be."
Vaggie led the eggs out of the room as Sir Pentious started crying.
"Great..." You looked up at the ceiling. "Can we go one day without having a new hole somewhere!?-"
"Someone say new hole?." Angel smirked.
"Shut up Angel!." You glared at the adult star who winked at you.
"Y/n, you go with Vaggie, I'll gather everyone for today's activities!." Charlie smiled.
"Roger that, Your Highness!." You saluted her than ran down the halls to find Vaggie.
"Ya know toots, while nobody's around..." Angel smiled at Charlie. "We could have some activities of our own?-"
"No thanks." Charlie walked up the stairs to gather everyone else.
"Aww come on!." Angel frowned. "What does Y/n got that I don't!?-"
You were now walking with Vaggie through the halls of the hotel, the eggs were following you.
"So, what's the plan?." You asked Vaggie who kept walking forward.
"This may not be wise, but I'm sure he'd be willing to help us out." Vaggie sighed. "Besides, I'm sure Alastor wouldn't mind it."
"Only one way to find out." You opened the door and were about to speak before your jaw hit the floor at what you saw.
"Alastor!." You and Vaggie both shouted.
"Do you mind?." The Radio Demon asked. "I'm in the middle of breakfast."
"Pentious's eggs are all over the place, and we need you to get rid of them-" Vaggie said.
"Oh, well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!." Alastor quickly got up from his table and walked over to the two of you.
"Humanely!." Vaggie added.
"Hm." Alastor sighed. "Well, that's a lot less fun, but I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today!."
Alastor then walked out of his room, the eggs following him now as you and Vaggie looked back at the deer on the table.
"That looks disgusting." Vaggie groaned.
"...I know..." You nodded. "...You wanna try it?..."
Charlie and Vaggie set up a stage in the hotel's lobby, while You, Angel, Nifty, Husk and Sir Pentious sat on the couches.
"Hi, guys." Charlie smiled. "Thanks for coming, It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little... tension in the hotel."
"Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here." Vaggie added.
"We think that this group could really benefit from..."
"Trust exercises!-" Charlie excitedly announced.
"Trust exercises!." Vaggie spoke up a few seconds later, before landing on her ass. "Ah shit!."
"Vaggie, we rehearsed this." Charlie sighed and helped her up before looking back at the rest of you. "We're doing trust exercises!."
"So, what's with the whole, uhhh..This?." Husk gestured to the stage. "I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps."
"Oh, I will, but it's cash up front." Angel smirked then pointed to Pentious. "And I know that one, can't afford me."
"Gross!." The Serpent cringed. "I'd never think of it spider!."
"Now, for you Y/n..." Angel winked at you. "Ohohoho, I'd let you do me for free."
You got off the couch and stood over by the walls.
"Well, let's get started." Vaggie looked over at Charlie. "Charlie?."
"Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one." Charlie smiled. "I trust everyone, so maybe you know better about how to build it properly."
"What?." Vaggie looked shocked. "Uhh, I don't know if I'm qualified, uh..."
"Oh, come on." Charlie smiled again. "It'll be easy. I'm sure you can handle this."
"Yeah, Um... Sure, I can handle this." Vaggie nodded. "No problem."
She quickly cleared her throat before looking very serious.
"All right, so we are starting with trust falls." Vaggie now started speaking like a drill sergeant. "Each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards, while the rest of the group catches you."
"Yes, General Vaggie, mam." You jokingly saluted, which made Charlie let out an adorable chuckle.
"Who wants to go first?." Vaggie looked around.
"Oooohh, ooohh, me me me!." Charlie shouted, waving her arm frantically. "Me!."
"All right." Vaggie smiled. "Get on up here."
Charlie got on stage and smiled, looking at everyone.
"I love you guys." She smiled with happy tears in her eyes. "Like really, really love you."
With that, she turned around and fell backward...you caught her.
"Gotcha." You smirked.
"That felt good!." Charlie clapped. "Why don't you go next, hun?."
"Do I have to?." You asked before Vaggie nodded. "Fine..."
You got up on stage and thought for a moment.
"This time everyone needs to catch him." Vaggie pointed her spear at everyone. "Unless you want me to hurt you."
"Okay...something about myself..." You thought. "Alright, well...I get nightmares a lot...it's mostly about my life before I came to hell...I went through a lot and I didn't have any way to deal with it, so I went down a very dark path..."
You frowned, now revealing something about yourself, you jumped off the stage and Vaggie, Charlie, and Husk were able to catch you.
"I'm so sorry for you." Charlie teared up, hugging you. "But it's okay, this hotel can change you for the better!."
"I hope so, love..." You smiled at the princess who hugged you tightly. "Who's next?-"
"I'll go." Angel walked up on the stage. "Just to get this over with."
"Here we go..." Husk rolled his eyes.
"Somethin' about myself, huh?." Angel thought. "How about this?"
He took a deep breath.
"I love to suck-"
"I swear to fuck if you say dicks!." You and Husk both shouted at the same.
"Popsicles, ya sickos!." Angel laughed. "Get your minds out of the gutter."
He then fell backward and of course, You and Husk were the ones that caught him.
"But you know, dicks too!." Angel smiled before the two of you dropped him on the floor.
"All right, new guy, you're up." He looked at Sir Pentious.
"I... don't want to live without my minions." He turned around. "Nobody catch me-"
Pentious dove off the stage, luckily, you all caught him.
"Damn it!."
"That's great." Vaggie let him go. "Wow, you are slimy, err, Niffty?-"
Nifty bolted past everyone and ran up on stage.
"Sometimes I kill motherbugs in front of their children as a warning to others!!!."
She dove off the stage but after hearing what she said, you all backed away and she faceplanted on the floor.
"Yay!." She cheered. "Pain!."
"I don't know if this is really working the way we hoped." Charlie sighed. "Maybe we should-"
"Honey, you have to trust me here." Vaggie smiled at her. "I got this, okay, I'll figure something out-"
"Are you sure about that?." You poked your head out of a cardboard cutout before laughing. "Sorry, I had to do that, I couldn't help it!."
"If you're in the market for some ideas..." Angel smirked. "I got just a thing for some "trust" buildin'."
"What do you have in mind?." Vaggie sighed.
"Oh, boy." One of the egg bois said as the rest of them were following Alastor. "What's the plan, boss?."
"I like your suit." Another egg said.
"What are the antlers for?." Another egg asked.
"Can I touch your staff thing?." The egg in the back raised a hand.
"Hark, Alastor." Someone appeared in front of the Radio Demon. "How fare thee this day?."
"Who's that, boss?." One of the eggs asked. "Want me to rough him up for you?-"
"Follow in silence if you value your shell." Alastor glared at the egg before looking at the other man. "Greetings Zestial!."
"Ah, the weather doth become this fine day." Zestial smiled as a few demons ran away from him.
"Indeed." Alastor smiled. "Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon."
He looked over at a sinner who dumped gasoline on himself before lighting himself on fire.
"If our luck doth hold, I do revel in the screams." Zestial nodded. "How art thou, It has been an age since thou hath graced us with thy presence...some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...holy arms."
"Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious." The Radio demon chuckled. "Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes."
"There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy." Zestial chuckled. "Tell me, how does thou fall in such folly?."
"That is for me to know." Alastor replied. "But please do guess, I'd love to know the theories."
"T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor." Zestial smirked. "Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm."
"Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment." Alastor chuckled, the two of them walked into an elevator and he stopped the egg bois from following. "No, No, I have a very important task for you, stay here and guard the front until I return."
The elevator took Alastor and Zestial up to a meeting room however something was wrong.
"Oh look." One of the eggs pointed. "Frank is up there."
"We have names?." Another egg asked.
Alastor, Zestial and Frank all walked into a meeting room where a woman was standing at the head of the table.
"Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords." Carmilla Carmine spoke. "I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city, together, you own millions of souls, souls at risk with the new extermination schedule."
She then noticed Zestial smiling at her.
"Zestial, so good to see you, my friend." She nodded.
"Enchanted as always Carmilla." Zestial sipped his tea lightly as Carmilla's eye focused on another old friend.
"Alastor?." She looked confused.
"Yes, I know I've been absent for some time." Alastor chuckled. "I'm sure you've all been wondering."
"Not really." Carmilla looked away from him. "But welcome back in any case."
Carmilla then had one of her daughters turn on a projector behind her.
"This year's extermination was brutal, far more even than years past." She continued. "With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly I think it prudent we-"
Suddenly the door swung open and in walked Velvette, who was on her phone, chatting with Vox.
"Yes, I've got it handled, Vox." She smiled. "Are you doubting me, really, Me?."
She then laughed.
"That's what I thought, Yes, I know, they're all a joke." She looked at the overlords. "Thank you, Vee, see you soon."
She then hung up the phone.
"Nice of you to join us, Velvette." Carmilla spoke. "Will your... colleagues be joining?."
"No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit." Velvette laughed. "I'm here to represent."
"Charming." Carmilla gritted her teeth. "So, as I was saying, we need to discuss-"
Velvette raised her hand.
"On the subject of discussion..." Velvette smirked before tossing something on the table.
"Ooh shit." One of the overlords gasped.
"Oh, tasty!." Alastor smiled, looking at the head.
"Where did you get this?." Carmilla asked, looking the most shocked.
"We found it during extermination day." Velvette smiled. "If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed, we can take the fight to them, and the boys and I have come up with a full assault plan-"
"If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war, with such meagre proof..." Zestial set his cup down. "Thou art far more foolish than I be thought."
"Meager proof?." Velvette scoffed. "It's a dead fucking exorcist, I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive, you going blind, old man?."
"We know not how this perished, mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all." Zestial glared. "If we rush to war without knowing mightn't they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising!."
Everyone seemed to agree with him...that's when Velvette saw Carmilla look away, her face was slightly red.
"Oh, I get it." She smirked. "So Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?."
Nobody said anything as Zestial just glared at her.
"Oh, what's the matter, Fossil?." Velvette got right up in Zestial's face. "Too senile to make a real power grab for-"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"♪ You better show some respect, check your behavior, no one speaks to Zestial that way ♪" Carmilla began. "♪ Did you expect us to sit back and take your Insolent brazen display? ♪"
"♪ Ha-ha, you've got it twisted ♪" Velvette laughed. "I'm not the one who needs a new attitude, maybe you missed it, but I'm that hashtag bitch and I will do nothin' less than what I please woo-"
"♪ I'm the backbone of the Vees ♪" She laughed again. "♪ Mad that I acted respectless-well it's cause no one could respect this ♪"
She then got up on the table.
"♪ Sorry group attending, since when are Overlords too scared to fight ♪" She started digging into everyone now. "♪ You're long past trending, sorry babe but I ain't swipin' right ♪"
She then glared at Zestial again.
"♪ You've lost your relevance... ♪"
"♪ We can't act without more intelligence ♪" Zestial glared.
"♪ No wonder I'm so respectless ♪" Velvette rolled her eyes. "♪ I could eat you lot for breakfast ♪"
"♪ You and the Vees are inane and uninformed ♪" Carmilla shouted. "♪ Smug wannabes who don't heed when you've been warned ♪"
""♪ Oops, did I strike a nerve? ♪" she laughed again. "♪ Cause when I brought out the
angel's head, couldn't help but observe, that your wrinkled face was turnin' red ♪"
She quickly got on the table, walking towards her.
"♪ And why are you avoiding war? ♪" She smiled. "♪ That's what the guns you sell are for...Thanks to my bein' respectless, one thing I'm startin' to suspect is you know why this angel's headless ♪"
She finally got right up in her face.
"♪ Do you have a disclosure? ♪"
"♪ This meeting's over!♪" Carmillia shouted, glaring at Velvette, then...silence...
"That was a productive meeting." Alastor smirked.
"Hmmph, fine." Velvette walked towards the doors. "Safe travels back to the nursing home, fuckers."
She then flipped them all off before leaving the room.
"Kiss my ass."
"What the hell?." One of the other overlords looked confused. "We literally just got here."
Carmilla got up and went into her office with her daughters and Zestial close behind her.
"Hmm!." Alastor smirked. "Well, that's interesting."
He saw Frank on the floor, getting up to his feet.
"You little egg creature." He pointed to him with his staff. "I have a job for you."
"Oh, yes, boss?." Frank asked.
"Follow them." Alastor motioned to where Carmilla had gone and Frankie nodded, following them into her private room.
"Angel!." Vaggie shouted. "What the actual fuck!?."
You all were in a room that was a sex dungeon, and no amount of bleach could ever make you unsee what horrors you were witnessing.
"No activity requires more trust than BDSM, baby." Angel wiggled his eyebrows. "No bond stronger than those formed through bondage...that's their motto."
"Angel, love the enthusiasm." Charlie put on a smile despite being very uncomfortable. "But umm, uh... Hmmmm.."
She saw an orgy going on and you quickly turned her around.
"Charlie, just look into my eyes, don't look at anything around you." You said, to which she nodded and you two stared into each other eyes.
"What makes you think anyone would be into this?." Vaggie shouted at Angel before you all heard a low purring sound.
"Ya know, I... I don't hate this." Husk smiled, he was getting a massage from a woman.
"I'm ready to punish some bad boys." Nifty smiled as she was now dressed up in revealing leather holding a whip.
"Never mind, I-I'm out." Husk quickly got up.
That's when some people there started getting a little too close to Charlie...
"Okay, hello, there." She looked very uncomfortable. "Hi-Um-Hm-Y/n!-"
You took out your guns and fired several rounds into the air, making everyone stop and back away from Charlie.
"Next person who touched the princess of hell will get a bullet in their goddamn skull!." You shouted, Charlie quickly ran over to you and hugged you tightly, wanting comfort, which you gave her.
"Ugh, I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here Angel." Vaggie glared at Angel. "This is disgusting-'
"It's no big deal, Vaggie." Angel rolled his eyes.
"You know, maybe I can just help-" Charlie spoke before Vaggie stopped her.
"No, I told you, you could trust me." Vaggie frowned. And I'm not going to let you down."
She just thought for a moment before smiling.
"I just need to teach them the way I was taught..."
"What way is that?." You raised an eyebrow.
"This is how you learned to trust people!?." You and Charlie both shouted from the top of a building, there was a turf war going on between a bunch of sinners, people were getting destroyed left right, and center, bullets were flying, sinners were dying, it was madness...or in other words, your average day in hell!.
"There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades and arms." Vaggie spoke now back to her general voice. "Buckle up, butter cups, because today you boys become men!."
She then lifted Sir Pentious over her shoulders.
"You-" She began.
"Wait, wait!." Pentious pleaded. "I can't fight without my minions!-"
"Are going to survive together!." Vaggie chucked him off the roof before looking at Angel. "And you-"
"D-don't you even think about it-" Angel said before he too was lifted by Vaggie.
"Are going to make this hotel work!." Vaggie tossed him off the roof now
"My turn, my turn!." Niffty began jumping up and down, wanting to be thrown, which Vaggie obliged and tossed her off the roof...then...she looked at you.
"V-V-V-V-Vaggie." You backed away. "Hold on a minute, you aren't gonna throw me down there, come on!."
"Y/n, come here." She demanded.
"Vaggie, you're scaring me-"
"GET OVER HERE!!!." She demanded lunging at you and grabbing you by the lapels of your jacket, starting to drag you to the edge of the roof.
"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, CHARLIE!!!!!!." You screamed as you gripped onto a pole.
"Vaggie!!!." Charlie separated her from you. "No!!!."
"This is the only way they'll learn, Charlie!." Vaggie glared at her.
"No, it's not!." Charlie shouted. "There are other ways, It just takes time-"
"Time we don't have!." Vaggie shouted. "How many exterminations will have gone by before these idiots get their shit together, how many times do we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway!?."
"Vaggie..." Charlie looked sad, and seeing her sadness made Vaggie snap out it...she looked down, then at Charlie, then at you, clinging to the poll like your life depended on it.
"I took charge today and it all went sideways." Vaggie frowned. "I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality, I'm supposed to protect you, I'm supposed to never fail you..."
"You didn't fail me, Vaggie..." Charlie frowned. "You're not-"
"If I can't help you, what's the point of me?." Vaggie looked away, getting tears in her eyes.
"Vaggie, don't say that!." Charlie shouted. "You do so much!-"
"I'm sorry." Vaggie walked away to the other end of the rooftop. "I'd like to be alone for a minute..."
Charlie looked upset, tears filling in her eyes, she slowly looked at you and you let go of the pole, just as the door swung open, Angel made his way back to the top, dragging Pentious up as well.
"Made it." He smiled.
"Let's go home, guys." Charlie sighed and walked past everyone, taking your hand and pulling you along with her.
"Ugh!." Angel groaned. "I just walked up all those stairs!."
As you looked back you saw Vaggie sitting on the rooftop, on the verge of tears...
"Charlie, you take them back to the hotel." You freed your hand from the princess. "I want to speak with Vaggie."
"Y/n, she wants to be left alo-"
"She's not in the right mindset...I can tell...I've been there once before." You frowned. "Please, let me talk to her..."
"Okay...just be careful." She touched your cheek before taking the others back to the hotel while you began climbing all those stairs again.
You reached the top of the building and Vaggie sat down, her hands in her face and quietly sobbing...
"Vaggie..." You walked up to her, her head snapped at you. "...Hey..."
She looked down at the ground.
"I'm sorry..." She weakly muttered. "I-I'm sorry for trying to throw you off the roof-"
"Don't worry about that..." You sighed. "I...I want to talk with you..."
"...W-what?..." She looked up at you again, confused. "...W-Why?..."
"Because I care about you, duh!." You smiled and sat down next to her. "I can tell you're going through a rough time, I was in that position once."
"Really?." She looked at you again.
"Yes..." You nodded, you wanted to find some way to make her feel better, you could only think of thing from today's activity...reveal something vulnerable about yourself. "...Did I ever tell you what happened to me when I was alive?..."
Vaggie shook her head but was going to listen to every word you were about to say.
"...When I was a kid...I was abused by my father, on account of me being a "mistake" as he put it..." You frowned. "That man had a mean grip on booze, he couldn't put it down, no matter what...as a result, he would get angry over the slightest of things...and he'd take it out on me...or if I wasn't around...he'd take it out on my mom..."
You sniffled a little as memories started flooding back into your head.
"He would punch, kick, grab, and even throw me around the damn house, one time he even smashed a bottle over my head because I tried to run away..." You sniffled more as you had a brief flashback...his words bouncing around in your head. "I had to endure that constant pain for years...then one day...he came home and he got into a fight with my mom..."
Tears slowly rolled down your cheeks as you covered your mouth.
"Y/n..." Vaggie put a hand on your shoulder. "I...I...I'm sorry-"
"Don't be, you didn't do anything..." you sniffled once more. "But that bastard...he killed my mother...right in front of me!..."
You broke down now and all Vaggie could do is look shocked, her jaw hitting the floor, and you just kept bawling your eyes out.
"Y/n..." Vaggie wrapped her arms around you. "W-Why are you telling me this?..."
"Because I trust you..." You looked at her. "That's what all this shit was about today, trusting one another...and I trust you, and Charlie with my life, I know neither of you could ever lie to my face..."
Hearing that, Vaggie smiled and kissed your cheek.
"I-I love you!." She kissed your cheek repeatedly. "I-I love you so much!."
"I love you too..." you smiled. "Hey...can I ask you something?."
"Of course." She smiled. "Anything."
"How did you end up in hell?." You asked. "And what happened to your eye?."
Vaggie's eyes widened hearing that, not expecting you to ask that question, her body locked up and she couldn't speak.
"Vaggie?." You looked concerned. "Vaggie, what's wrong?-"
"Nothing!." She snapped out of it. "Sorry, I just wasn't expecting that question..."
She then looked away, looking like she was thinking about something.
"I killed a few people..." She frowned. "I was in a crazed state where I wouldn't let anyone approach me....I was scared and I was afraid of everyone...until I met you and Charlie..."
She then smiled.
"What about you, what else caused you to end up down here?..."
You frowned and looked away from her.
"I murdered my father..." Your lip quivered. "It was right after he killed my mother...he tried to kill me and cover up his tracks...but I killed him with a bullet to the head...then...I fell into a deep depression...I was drinking and doing drugs like the world was ending, going to clubs, partying, and fucking any woman that I had eye contact with..."
You gripped her hand tightly as you continued to open up about yourself.
"...I couldn't handle the tramua I had experienced and the shit I witnessed when I was alive, that, combined with my depression..." You took your "Peacemaker" gun and looked at it. "...I wanted to find peace...so....I took my own life..."
You then looked back at her, frowning.
"Now, I'm stuck here, rotting in hell with the likes of rapists and extreme racists and even that Austrian painter dude who I won't name-drop...but at least with you and Charlie...hell feels like Heaven in a way..."
Vaggie lightly blushed, her cheeks turned....gold?...no, you were seeing things, maybe it was the fire from the explosions nearby that was making her cheeks look like that...or was it?...
"You're so sweet..." Vaggie kissed you on the lips before getting up. "Come on, let's go back...I want to cuddle."
You nodded and followed her back to the hotel, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.
"You want one?..." you offered jokingly, not expecting her to say yes.
"Sure..." She nodded and took one of the cigarettes, this made your mouth drop, causing your cigarette to fall out of your mouth. "What, even I need to relax after today..."
"Yeah?..." You smiled, then got an idea. "I know another way we can relax-"
Before you could even lean in, she grabbed your head and leaped on top of you, making out with you like you two never had before.
You and Vaggie arrived back at the hotel, Charlie was upstairs, leaning on the rails.
"Hey..." Vaggie walked up to her.
"Hey..." Charlie smiled.
"I'm sorry I got so crazy today." Vaggie frowned.
"No, no, I'm sorry." Charlie put a hand on her shoulder. I'm sorry I put pressure on you, we work as a team."
She then looked at you and then back to her.
"I guess I just thought all this would be easier, but we'll figure it out... together." She smiled. "I mean, look what your exercise did for them."
You and Vaggie looked over and saw Husk, Angel, Pentious, and Nifty laughing in the lobby.
"And then when that buff guy started beating the shit outta you." Angel cackled.
"Ha ha!." Pentious laughed. "Yes, with the dismembered arm, yes, that was particularly unpleasant."
"I liked that part." Nifty laughed.
"Well hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ." Husk punched the serpent on the shoulder. "You did okay, new kid."
"Really?." Pentious smiled. "Oh, well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today."
"Well, how about that?." You nudged Vaggie who smiled before the door opened...Alastor and the eggs walked in.
"Alastor..." Nifty smirked. "Failed to get rid of the eggs, I see."
"Yes, well, the little monsters proved to be rather useful." Alastor chuckled.
"Why don't you give them back to Pentious?." Vaggie asked.
"Really?." Pentious' eyes widened.
"Yeah." Vaggie nodded. "After today, I guess I
can trust you with them, but seriously, no more weapons!."
"Ahhhh!." Pentious screamed as he hugged his egg bois. "My eggs, oh it's so good to have you back!!!."
He then let them go.
"Now go clean my quarters this instant!!!!."
"Hehe, maybe things will move faster than you think." Charlie nudged Vaggie. "So, what did you two talk about today?."
"Well-" You began before Vaggie covered your mouth.
"I'd rather not talk about it." She sighed. "Look...we've all had a long day...and I really want to cuddle you two right now, so if we can do that, it would be great."
"Okay!." Charlie smiled.
"Alright..." You sighed. "Do I think I could not be the middle for a change?-"
"NO!." Both Charlie and Vaggie shouted at you.
"Worth a try..." You walked to the bedroom, the girls behind you.
The three of you got into the large bed, with you in between them and you got under the covers...and eventually drifted to sleep.
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