5. Food, Fun, & F-ing (Original Chapter)

Hey, sorry for the wait, I hope this chapter is as good as the last one (seeing as it's my most-read chapter) and a few things.

1. If you go back to my next Author notes chapter titled "Something Cool" I got something very cool from one of the voice actors for the show.

2. The next chapter may have us back on the show's story...but I could always think of more original chapters to write, as well as using some of your creative ideas.

You opened your eyes, tired from last night, not only did Charlie make you watch 666 episodes of Fizzie's Funhouse, but you also spent the last few hours getting it on with Charlie and Vaggie, Vaggie was awake and she was caressing your cheek, Charlie was out like a light, still asleep.

"Hey." Vaggie smiled, still caressing your cheek. "You're finally awake."

"Why are you so happy this morning.?." You asked, rubbing your eyes. "Did Hell finally freeze over?."

"I just had a great time last night." She kisses your lips. "I was delighted with you..."

"Who are you and what did you do to Vaggie?." You asked before Vaggie's smile turned into a glare, rolling over away from you. "Aww come on, I was kidding, baby..."

Vaggie didn't respond, luckily you picked up a trick from Charlie...being annoying to her to get her attention.

"Vaggie..." You poked her arm, she didn't respond, so you kept poking her and saying her name. "Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie....Vaggie...Vaggie....Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie....Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie....Vaggie...Vaggie....Vaggie....Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie....Vaggie...Vaggie...Vaggie-"

"WHAT!?." She rolled over, glaring at you.

You kissed her on the lips.

"Love you." You smiled.

She growled and her eye twitched but she slowly inhaled and nodded.

"Love you too..." She gritted her teeth and snuggled up to you as Charlie yawned, her hair was all over the place, she woke up and smiled at the two of you.

"Hey..." She rubbed her eyes, beaming with joy. "How did you two sleep?."

"Great." You smiled, kissing her on the cheek. "How about you?."

"Oh, I slept like a baby." She giggled. "How about you Vaggie?."

"I slept fine," Vaggie responded with a grin. "So, what do you two want to do today?."

"Well, I don't have any meetings." Charlie smiled. "That means we have the day to ourselves!."

"Hell yeah." You smiled. "Round two?-"

"Maybe later." Charlie winked. "Right now, maybe we can get some breakfast and I want to try this new restaurant for dinner-"

"You're already planning dinner?." You looked at her raising an eyebrow. "We haven't even left the bed yet."

"I know, I just like planning things out." She blushed, rubbing her arm. "So, what do you guys want for breakfast?."

"Can I cook?." You asked.

"No." Vaggie rolled her eyes. "We've been over this, babe..."

"Oh come on Vaggie." You frowned. "Please?..."

"Y/n, you threw half of the kitchen trying to get one pancake down-"

"I'll cook something else." You quickly responded. "Just give me another chance-"

"Y/n." Charlie put a hand on your shoulder. "I was planning on the three of us going out for breakfast, we haven't done that in a while."

"What, you mean like a date?." You asked.

"Sure." She beamed. "I just want to spend time with the two people I love more than anything."

"Aww..." You smiled and kissed her, she kissed back and the two of you engaged in a full-on make-out session.

"Hey!-" Vaggie frowned before Charlie started making out with her for a few seconds before you and Vaggie began making out, after a while, Vaggie broke and got out of bed.

"I'm going to take a shower." She grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom.

"Okay..." Charlie smiled and looked at you. "So, baby, do you want to wait for her to get out?."

"Not this time..." You smiled. "I've got an idea."

"Oooh..." Charlie leaned and you whispered it in her ear. "Wow, you sure?."

"Of course." You smirked. "I'm going to fuck the dragon-"

"Hahahaha!." The princess laughed. "She's going to kill you for calling her that-"

"I know." You got out of bed and kicked the bathroom door open. "Hey Vaggie!-"

"GAH!." She screamed and decked you across the face, then after realizing it was you, she paused.  "Oh hijo de puta, Y/n, you can't scare me like that!."

"Ow..." You rubbed your eye. "I'm sorry-fuck-it hurts-"

"Estupido idiota." She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "What is it you wanted?."

"I wanted to shower with you." You continued to rub your eye before Vaggie looked surprised.

"You...want to shower with me?..." She slowly smiled. "Alone?..."

"Yeah." You nodded. "What, is that a problem, mommy?-"

She cut you off by crashing her lips against yours, pinning you to the wall for a few seconds.

"Oh, it's no problem at all, sweetie..." She removed her towel and opened the shower. "Get in, now!."

You and Vaggie were in the shower, she was washing your hair, leaning against the wall, and then a dirty thought ran through your mind as you slowly looked down at her chest.

"Y/n..." She looked down for a second before gripping your chin and making you look her in the eyes. "I know what you are looking at."

"Am I not allowed to admire the body of one of the two women I love?." You asked, a shit-eating grin on your face, you saw her slightly blush, and she was quickly trying to hide it.

"No, I don't mind it." She sighed. "Just don't get any ideas, alright?."

"I've got several running through my mind." You responded as your eyes wandered downwards again. "Goddamn, Vaggie...how do you fit into your clothes with that ass?-"

Your comment made her face turn completely red, which you've never seen before.

"Y-Y/n!." She stopped washing your hair, she was completely flustered.

"Are you...blushing?." Your smile got huge and she tried to cover her face.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up." She tried to hide it but it was no use, you laughed and picked her chin up and looked into her eye.

"Aww, I think the dragon's lost her fire." You laughed. "What happened to you being the dominant one?-"

Before you could finish that she lunged herself at you and began making out with you, being very aggressive with her kisses which threw you off as her lips crashed against yours and you slammed into the shower wall.

"Don't ever say that again, I've never lost my fire!." She spoke in between breaths. "Now, give it to me!."

"But you said to not-" You asked before she started aggressively grinding against you.

"Forget what I said-give it to me-Y/n-give it all to me!." She moaned right in your ear, which made you get flustered now. "I'm going to make you scream!."

"In pleasure or pain?." You stutter as she smiles dominantly.

"Both, sweetie..." She smiled. "Now...get it to me!."


After your love/shower session with Vaggie, you were gripping the railings of the stairs to walk down them, you were still covered in sweat and your legs were shaking.

"The fuck happened to you?." Husk looked over at you as he was wiping down the counter.

"I just had the best time of my afterlife..." You smiled before your right leg gave out and nearly fell down the stairs. "Can I get a hand?."

"I'm cleaning." Husk continued to wipe down the bar counter. "Get one of your women to help you-"

"I'll help you babycakes." Angel leaped off the cough at the chance, he smiled at you and ran a hand through your hair, winking at you. "Do ya got any stamina left for me?-"

"Piss off Angel." You walked down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen, where Charlie and Vaggie were, Vaggie was sipping her coffee, giving you a certain look.

"Hey baby!." Charlie waved you over and kissed you on the cheek. "Are you okay, you're walking weird."

"Just fine, Charlie." You smiled at her, then looked at Vaggie. "Vaggie and I got a little "distracted" during this morning shower-"

"Wait, you two showered without me?." Charlie frowned. "Aww..."

"Don't worry." Vaggie kissed her cheek. "We'll both give you special attention after today, right Y/n?."

"Oh yeah." You nodded, sitting down in between them, holding your right leg. "Ow..."

"How's your leg?." Vaggie smirked at you, sipping her coffee.

"Numb." You replied. "I can hardly walk down the stairs."

"Good." Vaggie winked at you. "That means you know not to question me about my dominance-"

"HA!." Angel laughed. "I KNEW SHE WAS THE TOP!-"

"Shut up Angel." You groaned. "And for the record, we switch-"

You started yelping a bit when Vaggie gently began pinching your leg.

"Okay-okay-ow!." You groaned. "We don't switch, she's always the one in control!-"

She smirked and stopped pinching your leg.

"Good boy-" She sipped her coffee then blushed again. "Oh goddamnit-"

"Oooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!." Charlie and Angel both said at the same time.

"Callense la boca." Vaggie huffed and avoided your gaze.

"Aww, someone's blushing." Charlie nudged you and you leaned into Vaggie.

"Y/n, stop." She tried to look away from you but you kissed her cheek and her face turned red.

"But I don't want to." You kissed her cheek again. "I just want to keep kissing you-"

"Y/n." Vaggie groaned before you started kissing her on the lips which made her softly moan before she started kissing you back now. "mmm-more-more-"

"Oh my." Charlie began fanning herself. "Is it getting hot in here?-"

"Sure looks like it." Angel sipped on his booze. "You all ever consider having a foursome?."


You, Charlie, and Vaggie were sitting down at a diner for breakfast, since Charlie's the princess of hell, they had a special table reserved just for you three to enjoy your meals, with waiters on hand 24/7.

"I like the look of the place." Vaggie looked around. "Still debating on what I want to get-"

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!." Charlie squealed. "They have the fun crosswords I like to do-"

"Charlie, those are for the kids here." Vaggie groaned. "Wait, did you order a kid's meal?."

"No, they gave me one." Charlie smiled as she began working on the crossword. "Oooh, they even have cute little stickers!."

"Well, at least I can talk with you about this place Y/n-" Vaggie sighed. "I mean who would want to do a crossover made for children besides Charlie-"

She turned to look at you, but you weren't in your chair.

She then looked back over to Charlie and saw that you were leaning over her shoulder, helping her with the crossword, she even put a heart sticker on your forehead.

"Sweetie, what's a six-letter word for a creature with wings that can breathe fire?." Charlie asked you with a smile.

"That, Charlie, is a dragon." You smiled. "But it can also be known as Vaggie in some cases-"

You both laughed before looking over at Vaggie, she didn't look happy.

"Stop calling me a dragon." She glared at you with her teeth clenched.

"Aw, come on babe, it's funny." You laughed. "To me at least-"

She glared at you harder and gripped her fork so hard, she bent it.

"Y/n..." She gritted her teeth harder. "I love you but if keep calling me a dragon, I'll-"

"Okay, okay..." You sighed, kissing Vaggie on the cheek. "I'll stop calling you a dragon."

"Good." She smiled and relaxed. "So what are you thinking about getting?."

"Don't know." You shrugged. "Their pancakes sound nice but the "triple stacked, double chocolate syrup drizzled, heart-shaped pancakes" sounds like it'll give you a heart attack, the first bite tastes like heaven and the second one sends you there."

"I was debating getting them too." Charlie smiled as she looked over her menu as she was drawing a picture on a piece of paper with crayons.  "They have a five-patty burger, five meat patties in between two buns with cheese in between each patty."

"One, Charlie you know you aren't going to eat that." You looked at her. "Two, whatever you order, you're just gonna take a few bites, not want it, then take half of whatever I get instead."

"N-No I'm not." Charlie blushed embarrassingly. "It's just that your food always looks much better than what I order..."

"Then why don't you just order what I order!?." You shouted. "It's not rocket science, love."

"I know, I know." Charlie rubbed her arm. "I'm sorry, look, I promise, It won't happen again."

You calmed down, rubbing your temple as a waiter approached the table.

"Ladies and Gentleman." He nodded before looking at Charlie. "Your Highness, it's an honor to have you dine at our restaurant."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine." Charlie smiled at the waiter. "I can't wait to taste the food!."

"Well, we can assure you that our food is better than the rest here in hell." The waiter nodded. "Now, would you all like to order or need more time?."

"Do me last." Charlie smiled.

"If you say so..." You smirked as she playfully punched your arm, her face bright red and embarrassed now. "I'll have the chicken and waffles, and just get me a water."

"I'll have the same as him," Vaggie answered. "What about you Charlie?."

"I don't know." Charlie continued to look at the menu for a few minutes. "You know what, I'll have the triple stacked, double chocolate syrup drizzled, heart-shaped pancakes, and chocolate milk please."

"Excellent choices!." The waiter took the menus. "We'll get those right away for you!."

The waiter walked away from the table and into the kitchen.

"How long do you think it will take?." You asked looking at both Charlie and Vaggie.

"I'm sure they're just busy today." Charlie smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder. "So, it could be a while-"

"Charlie, we're the only ones here." Vaggie gestured to the rest of the diner, nobody else was there...a random tumbleweed rolled in the door...

"That means we'll be getting the best service." Charlie beamed happily before continuing to draw with the crayons.

"What are you drawing, hun?." You looked over at her picture.

"Just a little drawing..." She smiled, you looked over her shoulder but she covered it up. "Don't look, it's bad!."

"Aww come on." You smiled. "Let me see-"

"N-No!." She continued to blush. "It-It looks horrible!."

"Come on, babe." You tried to peak at the drawing. "It can't be that bad."

"N-No, it's terrible." Her face was bright red. "Please, don't look at it."

You sighed, then got an idea, and started ticking her.

"HAHAHAHA-NO-NOT THE TICKLES!." She laughed as you quickly looked at the drawing she was working on.

"Awwww." You smiled as you looked at her drawing. "It's cute!."

"N-No it's not!." Charlie blushed. "I-It's bad, I'm not good at drawing!-"

"Nonsense!." You kissed her cheek. "You're a great drawer-"

"You think so?..." she blushed madly, her face red as her suit jacket.

"I know so, love." You smiled before she tackled you into the chair and kissed your face.

Vaggie let out a light chuckle seeing her on top of you, leaving several red kiss marks on your face.

"Charlie, you're gonna suffocate him, let him breathe-"

"Hey, if this is how I go, I'm happy!." You smiled before Charlie kept kissing your face.

"You are so adorable!." Charlie smiled as she kept kissing you. "And kissable."

"Mmm..." You chuckled as she continued kissing your face. "Thank you, princess."

After about ten minutes of lip-locking later, the waiters brought you all the food and drinks.

"Enjoy." The waiter smiled and walked away.

"Thanks." Charlie smiled and began eating her pancakes.

You and Vaggie also started eating, and it took you a few seconds before you realized Charlie was eyeing your plate.

"Charlie, please..." You facepalmed. "Not again..."

"That looks good." She smiled looking at you. "Could I have a bite?."

"Charlie..." You groaned. "You always do this-"

"Please?." She looked at you with a face you couldn't say no to.

"Fine..." You sighed and offered her a bite of your food.

"Thanks, honey." She kissed your cheek again. "Did I ever tell you how handsome you always look?."

"Many times." You sighed as she took a bite of your food, smiling at you, she seemed to be enjoying it a lot.

"Can I have another bite?." She asked.

"Just take the plate." You pushed the plate over to her and you took hers. "Just like I said, this happens everytime-why don't you just order what I order?."

"I wanted to get the pancakes." She grinned. "But yours just looks really really good!."

"Charlie." Vaggie sighed. "You say that every time we go out, you get something you think is good, then find whatever Y/n or I get more appetizing!."

"I know, I know." Charlie frowned. "I'm sorry..."

"You're fine..." You took a bite of one of the pancakes she ordered. "...Okay, these are really good..."


You had all finished eating, Vaggie and Charlie were discussing how to spend the rest of the day, they both looked over at you and started laughing.

"What?." You looked confused.

"You've got a little chocolate sauce on your face, Hun." Vaggie laughed.

You took a napkin and wiped under your chin, there was some chocolate sauce on it.

"So it seems." You continued wiping away the chocolate sauce. "So, what's the plan for the day?."

"Well, Vaggie and I talked about the three of us going down to the beach-" Charlie smiled before you stood up.

"Perfect, let's go!." You smile as you grab her hand. "We can swim, build sandcastles-"

"Y/n, we all know why you want to go." Vaggie sighed. "You just want to see us in swimsuits and not get in the water."

"Yes." You nodded. "Your point being?."

"My point being that I want to do something that we all can do and enjoy, I don't want to go to the beach if you're just going to admire Charlie and I like we're paintings in an art gallery."

"But you are-" You smiled and she quickly looked away, blushing slightly, despite her best attempts to hide it from you and Charlie.

"Aww." Charlie smiled. "She's blushing again-"

"SHUT UP!." Vaggie put money on the counter and walked to the door. "Come on, let's just go to the beach."

"YES MAM!." You saluted then grabbed Charlie and followed her out of the diner.


You, Charlie and Vaggie were all at the beach, you were waiting for them and you had already picked a spot right by the water.

"Y/n..." Charlie smiled, walking up to you.

You slowly turned your head and smiled, seeing them walk up to you.

"How do we look?." Charlie smiled brightly at you, she was wearing a tight red two-piece bikini which left little room to the imagination, Vaggie was wearing a white two-piece bikini, but she also had a white sun hat which you found very attractive.

"Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana-" You stared and both of them blushed, however, Vaggie kept trying to hide hers while Charlie's face was bright red. "Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana, Humana-"

Charlie very gently slapped you, making you snap out of your trance.

"Thanks." You smiled before Charlie kissed you, tackling you into the sand. "Woah-"

Charlie started covering you with kisses, leaving more red lipstick marks on your cheeks.

"So, you like this on me?." She asked, giving you an ear-to-ear smile.

"Uh, yeah!." You smiled back. "I love it!."

The princess let out an adorable little squeal and kissed you on the lips again while Vaggie smiled, she sat down on a towel and watched the waters come in and out...along with the large amount of trash in the ocean...after all, you are still in hell, what do you expect a beach in hell to look like?.

"Hey, I got an idea." Charlie smiled looking at you and then at Vaggie.

"What's that, hun?." Vaggie looked over at her.

"We should build a sandcastle!" Charlie beamed. "It'll look so cool, we could have little seashells on it-!."

"Charlie." Vaggie put a sunhat on. "Let's just try and relax, we just got here, plus I want to watch the tide moving in and out."

"Perfect." You smiled. "You watch the tide, and I watch you-"

"Shut up!." Vaggie blushed and lowered her sunhat so you couldn't see her cheeks.

"Why do you always hide your blushing?." You looked confused.

"Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing." Charlie nodded, now looking over at her. "Is it because you don't want to be seen embarrassed-"

"Yes, it's exactly that!." Vaggie immediately answered. "I-I just don't like getting flustered, okay!?."

"Why are you being so aggressive?." Charlie looked worried. "Is everything alright?-"

"Yes, everything is fine!." Vaggie nodded. "A sandcastle doesn't sound like a bad idea...why don't you two start on the base, and I'll...gather some...seashells...yeah..."

Vaggie quickly got up and walked away from the two of you...you were looking right at her backside as she walked, Charlie noticed this and giggled.

"Hey, you have some admirers, babe." You smiled as you saw people checking out Charlie, who after realizing what you meant, started blushing madly.

"Oh!." she looked down. "Well, you're getting some looks too..."

She was right, a lot of women were checking you out, and a few guys as well.

"Seems so." You chuckled...then you got an idea, an awful, disgusting, horny idea. "Hey...you wanna go find someplace private?."

"What?." Her blushed increased by ten, making her cheeks turn red  the red sky. "R-Right now?."

"Sure, why not?." You smiled. "I know you want to..."

"I-I-I do..." She nodded. "But shouldn't we wait for Vaggie to come back with the shells-"

"Charlie, we both know she's not looking for damn seashells." You smirked and got up. "Come on, I see a place where we can get all kinds of nasty..."


Vaggie was looking for you and Charlie, it had been over five hours since you two suddenly disappeared from the spot and she was worried.

"Charlie, Y/n!?." She called out. "Damnit, where could they be, I've looked everywhere on this goddamn beach!."

She continued to walk around, frantically looking for the two of you, and that's when she heard moaning and grinding sounds coming from one of the empty bathrooms, the door was locked, but it was shaking every few seconds.

"What the hell!?." Vaggie ran over to the door, it was locked but she heard noises inside of it.

"OH, YES, OH-OH!." Charlie groaned. "YES, Y/N, YES, OH MY GOD, YESSSSSSS!."

The door stopped shaking and Vaggie's eye widened as she realized what you two were doing in there, she started pounding on the door.

"Occupied, asshole!." You shouted out, panting.

"Open this fucking door before I come in there and drag you two out of there myself!." Vaggie shouted back.

"Vaggie?." You and Charlie both gulped nervously...you both quickly got dressed and opened the door, she looked pissed, VERY pissed.

"So, this is what you two have been doing?." She glared at both of you. "I was looking for you two for five hours, I thought something happened to you two!."

"Well, something did." You smirked and nudged Charlie who kissed your cheek. "Sorry, did you want to have a go?."

"Yeah." Charlie nodded. "We can gladly let you in on this, baby!."

"No, I don't want-" She paused, thinking about it for a second. "Fine...but I'm still pissed."

You pulled her into the bathroom and Charlie followed, shutting the door and locking it.

Six more hours later...

The three of you came out of the bathroom, covered in sweat, panting, and blushing.

"So." You panted, looking over at Vaggie. "You still mad at us?."

"Not anymore..." Vaggie smirked then kissed you on the cheek. "Come on...let's get back to the hotel, it's a quarter past eleven..."

"R-really, it's that late?." Charlie asked, leaning against the wall, she looked like she was about to pass out.

"You okay?." You looked over at her.

"Y-yeah..." She nodded. "I-I'm fine..."

She then passed out but you caught her before she hit the ground.

"Is she okay?." Vaggie looked over at her.

"Yeah, she's just tired from all that fun...I mean...she got the front and the back of it-"

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel..." Vaggie put her now torn bikini top back on and started walking back, you were following her, carrying Charlie over your shoulders, she was out like a baby, a smile on her face.

"Vaggie, your tops falling off." You smiled as she quickly tried to cover her chest.

"Well, maybe if you didn't rip it off immediately, then I wouldn't need to worry now would I?." She rolled her eyes, before covering herself with a towel. "Let's just hurry up back to the hotel, who knows what those idiots have done with the place."


You three arrived back at the hotel, it was one in the morning and everyone was tired as Vaggie opened the door...the hotel was fine, nothing damaged or destroyed, Angel was sitting on the couch, sucking on a popsicle.

"There you guys are." Angel smiled as he took the popsicle out of his mouth. "I was so bored while you were gone..."

"Well, we're back now." You groaned and put Charlie down gently on a chair, you looked around the room and saw 30 opened popsicle boxes, and several sticks all over the floor by the couch. "Angel, how many fucking popsicles did you eat!?.

"I don't know, I lost count after 20..." He smiled. "But, I can fit something else in my mouth if you'd let me-"

"I swear I'm gonna put my foot somewhere you won't like..." you glared at him.

"Oooh." He smiled. "Really-well come on, baby, do it, after all, I've been a bad boy lately-"

You walked away from him, disgusted.

"Hey!." Angel looked back over at you. "Get back here, it was getting good for a second!."

"You see, Vaggie!." You looked at Vaggie before pointing to Angel. "This right here is why I smoked!-"

"Aww, really?." Angel smiled again. "And I didn't even have to get you in bed to do it-"

"Angel, I swear to Lucifer, I will shove my gun up your ass and pull the trigger!-"

"Kinky..." Angel smiled, wiggling his eyebrows at you. "You're gonna pump me full of lead, baby?..."

You growled and went to grab him by the neck but Vaggie restrained you, pinning you to the wall.

"Let me at him!." You growled.

"Oooh, now you want me?." Angel laughed as he laid back on the couch. "Come on Vaggie, baby, let the big boy come and play-"

You tried to lunge at Angel but Vaggie kept you pinned to the wall.

"Y/n!." She looked you in the eyes. "Calm Down!-"

"LET ME AT HIM, VAGGIE!-" You kept struggling. "ILL PUNT KICK HIS HEAD OFF-"

Vaggie gripped your neck so you stopped struggling and she stared you right into the eyes, this made your rage slowly stop as you kept looking into her eye.

"Y/n..." She huffed. "I need you to calm down...okay?."

She slowly leaned into your face and whispered into your ear.

"Do it for me...for mommy...just relax..." she breathed into your ear and your cheeks turned red. "There we go, just relax...be a good boy for me..."

"Y-Yes Vaggie..." You nodded. "I-Im a good boy...I'll behave...for you..."

She smiled and kissed you on the lips before letting you go.

"Good boy..." she whispered into your ear, then backed away over to Charlie and gently tapped her. "Hun, you awake yet?."

Charlie remained passed out in the chair...she had drool coming down her mouth.

"Y/n, take her up to bed." Vaggie looked over at you with an expected look.

You nodded and lifted Charlie on your shoulders, you felt Charlie wrap her arms around you, grinning.

"Mmmm..." she murmured in her sleep. "No Vaggie, don't worry about it...I'll get the milk from the store and tell Y/n how handsome he is...you stay in bed and get some sleep..."

You chuckled hearing her talk in her sleep, she was always adorable when she was like this.

"C-can we go to the park tomorrow?..." Charlie continued to talk in her sleep. "I hear the weather will be nice...ooh and can we get something nice for Y/n, I want to give him something special because he's a special man to me..."

You smiled as you carried Charlie up to bed and laid her down, tucking her under the covers.

"She's in bed." You looked at Vaggie who was coming up the stairs, she walked into the room and shut the door.

"Good..." She smiled before throwing off her bikini top and bottoms. "That means you and I can have some more fun, Hun-"

Your eyes widened as your face turned a darker shade of red.

"Vaggie, can you give me a minute?." You asked. "I'm still tired after our session at the beach..."

"And I want nothing more than to feel one of the people I love inside of me..." She smiled and walked up to you. "Plus, I know you like obeying me...so...be a good boy and get in the shower-"

"The shower?-"

"Did I stutter?." She started caressing your cheek, before gripping your hand and dragging you inside the shower. "And you still owe me after calling me the b-word, so, expect me to get very rough with you..."

"Yes, Love." You nodded before she pulled into the shower and the two of you began making out.


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