3. Friends, Foes, and Forgiveness (Republished Chapter)
A/n: Hey, so for anyone confused as to why this chapter was republished twice, the third chapter, was accidentally deleted and so I had to rewrite it... I found the original part that got deleted but it wasn't complete so I just copied and pasted the other third chapter into this part, the views are still there, however, all the comments have disappeared, you can find them at the bottom of the chapter...
Actually, I just had an idea, can everyone who left a comment on this part before it was deleted scroll down, find their original comment, and retype it?. I just want things to go back to the way they were, and it took seven hours to rewrite this so please, for my sanity, can we just bring this back to normal? I will be removing the other third chapter shortly so I can keep this one up with all the views and comments...for anyone who does this, Thank you, you mean the world to me, and I am grateful...
You walked down the stairs, still feeling a little tired and hurt from yesterday, seems Lute threw you a little too hard.
You saw Charlie pacing back and forth, Vaggie next to her, and Angel on his phone.
"Okay, so the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year." Charlie worriedly said. "No big deal, just a little setback, nothing we can't handle-just angels cutting our timetable in half, but who needs a whole year to save souls?."
"Hey..." You walked over to Vaggie. "How long has she been like this?."
"Sixteen hours," Vaggie whispered to you. "She barely got any sleep last night."
"And then next time when they cut the time in half again, and again, and again, we'll just handle it, right!?." Charlie began screaming before Vaggie hugged her.
"Yes, we will." She then looked over to you, as if she wanted you to cheer her up.
"Of course we will, I mean come on." You smirked. "This is nothing for us right?."
"Oh please." Angel scoffed. "You had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit, ain't no silver lining."
"Sure there is." Vaggie glared at Angel. "We just have to look harder for it."
"Well, while you're lookin', the rest of hell is going nuts." Angel showed you his phone. "People are already freaking out about the news, look what's going on in the doomsay district."
You saw a message on Angel's phone pop up.
"What the hell is this talk about a donkey show?-" You read the text before Angel brought his phone away from your face.
"Nothing!." Angel quickly put his phone away. "My boss Val is freaked out about the news, like I said, everyone's losing their shit."
"Yeah, that's true." You thought. "Sinners are desperate, maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?."
"This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!." Charlie beamed.
"Cute idea and all, but are you really going to go out in all of this?." Angel showed his phone again, showing a man running around on fire.
"Well, it's not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep." Charlie spoke before an explosion was heard, a cannonball came flying in through the wall, causing a massive hole in the wall.
"Damnit!." You groaned. "We just repaired that!."
You all looked outside to see the commotion and saw a massive airship coming towards the hotel.
"Oh great..." You groaned. "This scaly prick again..."
"Show yourself, Alastor!." Sir Pentious shouted.
"Oh, there you are." Pentious said before continuing his evil speech. "FACE MY WRATH!."
"Who are you?." Alastor asked.
"Who am I!?." Pentious growled. "I'm the great Sir Pentious, Inventor, architect or destruction, villain extraordinaire!."
"Oooh." Nifty smiled. "He's a badboy!."
"Well, if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you." Alastor smirked.
"I attacked you literally last week." Pentious looked surprised as Alastor just continued smiling. "We've done battle, like... 20 times."
"Well, you must have been really bad at this." Alastor chuckled and nudged you.
"Silence!." Pentious snapped. "Now cower, for when I've slain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal!."
"Oooh." Nifty smiled again. "Wait, who are the Vees?."
"Oh." Alastor smiled again. "Nobody important."
"New VoxTek designer voyeur scopes." A TV Announcer spoke as people were watching an add. "Peeping on the neighbors has never been more stylish."
People flooded the stores, quickly walking out with the drones as the voice continued speaking.
"This week's episode of "Yeah I fucked Your Sister So What?" is brought to you by VoxTek." The voice spoke again as an episode of the previously mentioned show played on the screen. "Trust us with your entertainment."
There was then a giant tower showing multiple screens surrounding on man sitting in a chair.
"VoxTek." The man smirked. "Trust us. Trust us. Trust us. Trust us. Trust us. Trust us..."
The man laughed manically as he looked at all of the large screen.
"Now that's good television-"
"Hello there, Velvette." Vox smiled, stirring his cup of coffee. "How are you this hellish morning?."
"Oh, cut the shit, Vox." Velvette spoke. "I need you up here now!."
"Whatever could be the problem my dear?." Vox asked.
"Your little boy toy is wrecking my department." She shouted. "While I'm trying to pull together a show and-"
"Fucking bitch!." Valentino shouted as he threw a chair across the room.
"Just get your ass here, now!." Velvette shouted at Vox through the phone. "Dammit Valentino!."
Vox sighed and got out of his chair, walking to his elevator.
"Oh god, here I go, Valentino-just another fuckin day with Val." He groaned. "Hey, hey, hey, fuck my life."
Vox walked out of the elevator to a sea of clamoring reporters and journalists from various news companies
"Mr Vox!." They began shouting. "Mr Vox!."
"Mr. Vox." One of the reporters asked. "What are your thoughts on the new extermination deadline?."
"My dear people, we at VoxTek Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation." Vox smiled and adjusted his tie. "And now with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus to your protection."
He paused as a screen came down showing a new product.
"We are pleased to announce VoxTek Angelic Security is coming soon." He smiled before his eye began....buzzing out...and making weird sounds... "Trust us with your safety."
Suddenly, everyone went brain-dead, like they were... hypnotized.
"Sir?." One of his assistants came up to him. "Uh, when did we begin working on Angelic Security?."
"30 seconds ago." Vox told him as he walked away. "Try to get that bitch Carmilla on the books and cancel all my appointments today, I have a fire to put out upstairs."
Vox was now in Velvette's studio where various girls showed her different dresses.
"Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired." Velvette groaned before looking at one dress in discuss. "What is this, wrist ruffles, Is it 1750?."
She shoved the woman away.
"Burn it like the witches who wore it!."
"Oh, Velvet. I can see you're busy." Vox chuckled. Tell me where's our hot-headed friend now?."
"Up in his tower, waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down." Velvette glared at him.
"And uh, what's got him so out of sorts today?." Vox asked as he looked at all the different dresses.
"Who knows, but he tore up my best model!." Velvette snapped. And you know, the show can't wait for that unlucky bitch to pull herself back together."
She then shouted for one of the workers to come over.
"Melissa, get over here!."
Melissa quickly ran over to her and stood on a platform where Velvette snapped her fingers to have Melissa in different dresses.
"No. No. Hideous. I want to die. Eww-Oh, yes that's the one."
"Well, looks like you have everything under control here." Vox smirked.
"Of course I do, fuck you, now shoo!." She flipped him off. "Take care of the piss baby.
"Fuckin' finally!." Valentino shouted as he threw a glass on the floor, shattering it. "Kitty, another drink!."
Kitty ran off to get him another drink while Valentino looked at Vox.
"Can you believe what that piece of shit did?." He walked up to him. "The ungrateful whore!-"
"Um, which whore are we talking about this time?." Vox looked confused.
"Fucking Angel Dust." Valentino said. "Who the hell else would I be talking about?."
He shattered another glass and walked over to the window.
"That fucking slut walked out on me!." He growled. "I fucking made him, without me, he's just a bag of meat with some mildly entertaining holes."
"Angel quit?." Vox looked surprised.
"No, he didn't fucking quit, It's worse." Valentino grabbed Vox's phone and threw it at the wall, breaking it. "He moved!."
He started stomping around angrily.
"He thinks he can just walk in here, work, and then go home somewhere else." He growled again. Can you fucking believe that?!."
Kitty brought him another drink, which he downed in a second and smashed that glass as well.
"He thinks he can run off and shack up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter?."
"Angel is living with Lucifer's daughter now?." Vox's eyes lit up, surprised.
"Yeah, that bitch. Chalkie, or Chandler, or I don't know, something mannish like that." Valentino began searching through a closet, looking for something.
"She's got this hotel and..."
He finally found what he was looking for and turned around.
"Which of these makes me look sexier?."
"What are you doing, Val?." Vox chuckled. "You're not going over there."
"That slippery twink is going to remember who owns him." Valentino loaded one of his guns. "I'm going to fuck everyone in that rancid sh*thole, I swear to God."
"Val!." Vox shouted. "Think about it, our brand is perfection..."
He walked him towards a window.
"And what do you think chasing whores around town will do for our image?."
"Uh... fuck it up?." Valentino answered.
"Right!." Vox smiled. "Do you want people thinking you can't control your employees?."
"No." Valentino sighed.
"Exactly." Vox nodded. "And, hey, you still have him under contract, he isn't going anywhere...so you should...?."
"Do nothing?." Valentino asked.
"Great idea." Vox pinched his cheeks. "Now, that's why they pay you the big bucks."
"But I really wanted to shoot someone." Valentino sighed again.
"Well, let me call up the lowest earners this month." Vox walked over to the computer.
"Oh, you know me too well." Valentino chuckled darkly, taking a puff of his long cigar. "You know, Angel isn't the only one spending time at this ratty hotel with the devil's princess."
"Oh, who else is there?." Vox asked, typing something into the computer. "Someone who owes you money?."
"Someone who owes us much more than money." Valentino chuckled. "The Radio Demon is there..."
Vox's eyes widened and he scratched the computer screen hearing that.
"What did you just say?." Vox slowly turned around.
"You heard me." Valentino smirked.
"Alastor came back and he is with Lucifer's daughter..." Vox gripped Valentino by his coat. "And that wasn't the first fucking thing you told me?!
"Hey, killing Alastor is your kink." Valentino smirked.
Vox walked over the computer and saw what was going on at the hotel.
Alastor was laughing devilishly as he was breaking Sir Pentious' ship apart.
"Arrgh, Please, Stop!." Sir Pentious begged.
"Um, Alastor?." Charlie looked at The Radio Demon. "I think he's had enough."
"Nah, he's got a few more hits in him!." You smirked and put a cigarette in your mouth before you could light it, Vaggie turned you around. "Can I help you with anything, love?."
"Cigarette." She put her hand out, wanting you to take it out of your mouth and hand it over to her. "Now."
"Come on, Vaggie." You complained. "Just one, please, I don't smoke nearly as much now-"
"Y/n..." She gritted her teeth. "Give. It. To. Me..."
"Fine..." You sighed and put it in her hand and she walked over to the trashcan. "I swear, you can be such a bitch sometimes-"
Vaggie froze...and you realized that you just made the biggest mistake of your afterlife...
"O-Oh shit..." You backed up. "V-Vaggie, wait, I'm sorry-"
She slowly turned around...her eye showing nothing but pure rage, you saw a skull and crossbones in it.
"Y/n..." She started walking up to you, you kept backing away, scared for your life.
"Aahhh!." Sir Pentious fell out of his airship on the ground, in front of all of you.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience." Alastor twirled his cane, his smile still on his face.
"Thank... you..." Sir Pentious weakly groaned. "For letting your guard down!."
He used his tail to tear off a tiny piece of Alastor's coat.
"Haha!." He laughed. "Yah!-"
"Oh, shit..."
"Argh!." Sir Pentious screamed as he flew away.
"Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor." Alastor turned and looked at everyone. "Best of luck, chums."
"Wait." Charlie looked at him. "You're leaving?."
"Alastor, we need your help." Vaggie glared at him, but kept her eyes on you. "We need you to do your job."
"We need a wall." Angel motioned to the hole in the wall still.
"Of course." Alastor chuckled. "Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already, what would the papers say?."
The Radio Demon snapped his fingers and black shadow-like demons appeared, holding tools.
"Hey, sweet cheeks." Angel walked up to one of the muscular demons. "What are you doing later?."
He caressed his cheek and arms.
"I love me a man with a giant...tool."
As the demons got to work, Charlie walked inside, Vaggie continued to watch Alastor walk away before she looked back at you.
"Y/n, you are-" She stopped when she looked back at you...you were gone. "Y/n?..."
You tried tip-toeing away from the hotel before you stepped on a stick...
"Fuck..." You said quietly but that was all it took, Vaggie swiftly turned her head and glared at you.
"Y/n-" She started walking towards you but you started booking it, running away from her.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!." You screamed as you ran for your life, you turned your head and Vaggie was right behind you, her spear in hand. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!."
You ran around the hotel grounds.
"CHARLIE!." You screamed out. "CHARLIE, PLEASE, HELP ME!."
Charlie was inside, watching the construction workers fix the wall, you continued to run around as Vaggie continued to chase you.
"Fuck!." You continue to run, looking back at her...you didn't notice that a tree was in front of you and slammed right into it, falling down and landing on your head. "OW!!!."
Vaggie pointed her spear at you, looking irate like she wanted your head.
"V-Vaggie, please..." You put your hands up. "D-Don't hurt me, I fucked up, I-I'll make it up to you, I-I-I'll do anything!-"
She raised her spear high looking right at you.
"AHHHHHH!." You covered your eyes as she swung down....but not at you...she cut your cigarette pack in half and then stood over you.
"V-Vaggie, please..." You begged. "Don't kill me, please-"
She put a foot on your chest and her spear was now inches away from your neck.
"Stop!." She commanded. "...I'm not going to kill you....you're lucky that Charlie loves you, otherwise, I would've already killed you...now...you will quit smoking, permanently...you will never and I mean never call me that word again...and if I hear you call me-or Charlie-that word, you'll wish I killed you right now-got it!?."
"Y-y-yes Vaggie." You began shaking before she got off of you and moved her spear away from your neck, she glared at you, then began walking back inside.
"Wait!." You got up and ran to her. "Vaggie, please, listen, I'm sorry-"
"Back off..." She growled softly, trying to hold her anger in.
"Vaggie, please-" You put a hand on her arm. "I'm-"
"BACK OFF!." She shouted, her anger rising again, she shouted so loudly that the workers stopped working and looked over to see what was happening.
You backed away from Vaggie who walked inside the hotel and slammed the door shut.
You sighed and went to open the door, but it wouldn't budge...it was locked.
"Hey, Vaggie." You fumbled around with the door handle. "I think you accidentally locked me out..."
You continued to fumble around with the door handle while Valentino was focused on Angel who continued to flirt with the workers.
"See?." Valentino pointed at the screen. "Look, at how he flirts with that guy, and he's not even paying..."
He watched as Angel was trying to remove the dude's pants.
"Who is that?." Valentino asked. "I'm gonna fucking kill his whole fucking family!."
He then looked back at Vox who glared at Alastor who was walking away from the hotel.
"That fucker is back!." Vox shouted.
"Yeah, I thought he was gone for good too." Valentino nodded.
"It's been seven years!." Vox shouted again.
"You still pissed he almost b*at you that time?." Valentino asked.
"Uh, fuck you." Vox glared at him.
"Just saying." Valentino smiled.
"Things have changed a lot since he left town." Vox smirked.
"That's for sure." Valentino nodded.
"I got to send a message of who's really in charge of things now." Vox walked away.
"♪ Welcome home ♪" Vox sang. "♪ I'm gonna make you wish that you'd stayed gone...say hello, to a new status quo, everyone knows that there's a brand new dawn, turn the TV on ♪"
"Camera, speeds. Rolling in 3,2-"
"♪ Welcome to the show ♪"
"♪ Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has-been who has been spotted cavorting
around town after a seven-year absence. ♪" Vox sat at a news desk. "♪ Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program. ♪"
"♪ So the Radio Demon is back in town, why is he hanging around, what does that mean for your family?." He switched to a talk show studio. "Well handily, I've got good news, he's a loser, a fossil and I don't mean to sound hostile but the demon is a coward ♪"
"You can take that as gospel, pulling my viewers? Impossible, I'm visual, he's barely audible ♪" He continued to sing. "♪ Stop giving him the time of day, don't listen to a word he'd say, I hope he had a nice vacay, but he should have stayed away♪"
Alastor walked out of the tailors, his coat fixed, he saw Vox on the screens and walked to the radio tower right behind the hotel.
"♪ While he hid in radio, we pivoted to video, and now his medium is getting bloody rare ♪" Vox ran around the tower. "♪ Hell's been better since he split, where's he been? Who gives a shit? ♪
"♪ Salutations ♪" Alastor cut in from the radio tower on the hotel. "♪ Good to be back on the air ♪"
Vox's eyes widened as he heard Alastor's voice again.
"♪ Yes I know It's been a while since someone with style treated hell to a broadcast, sinners rejoice ♪"
"What a dated voice!." Vox quickly shouted.
"Instead of a clout-chasing video podcaster." Alastor quipped back.
"come on!." Vox glared at him.
"♪ Is Vox insecure pursuing allure, flitting between this fad and that-is nothing working? ♪
"♪ Ignore his chirping ♪" Vox glared.
"♪ Every day he's got a new format ♪" Alastor sang again.
"♪ You're looking at the future ♪" Vox glared at Alastor. "♪ He's the shit that comes before that ♪"
"♪ Is Vox as strong as he purports, or is it based on his support? ♪" Alastor laughed. "♪ He'd be powerless without the other Vees ♪"
"Oh please." Vox rolled his eyes.
"♪ And here's the sugar on the cream ♪" Alastor smirked. "♪ He asked me to join his team ♪"
"Hold on!." Vox tried to stop him.
"♪ I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea ♪"
"♪ You old-timey prick ♪" Vox shouted at him as he started glitching out. "♪ I'll show you suffering ♪"
"♪ Uh oh, the TV is buffering ♪" Alastor laughed.
"♪ I'll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little... ♪" Vox shouted before all the signal in hell shut down because got too angry.
"I'm afraid you've lost your signal." Alastor remarked as he started...transforming?...
"♪ Lets begin ♪"
"♪ I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone...tune on in ♪"
♪ When I'm done...Your status quo will know its race is run...oh this will be fun ♪"
"Fuck!." Vox fell back in his chair as Alastor laughed.
"We have a problem." Vox said as a waitress brought him a drink. "Alastor is getting close to Little Princess Morning Star...So our main concern now is ensuring that no deal is ever struck between Lucifer's brat and that smiling freak."
"Well, how exactly are we supposed to stop it?." Velvette asked.
"Put something inside them." Valentino answered, gluing something to his gun. "That's how I get the bitches to behave."
"Well maybe someone on the inside isn't such a bad idea." Vox thought for a moment then looked at Valentino. "Do you think Angel would?."
"That lanky prick won't even return my calls." Valentino sighed.
"We need someone who Little Miss "Bleeding Heart" would take in." Vox stood up.
"Someone pathetic, desperate, with no direct ties to us." Velvette smiled.
"I employ every down-on-their-luck loser this side of hell." Valentino groaned. "Who the fuck is left?."
"I think I have just the one." Vox grinned.
"Hmmph!." Charlie flopped onto the couch, tired.
"So how'd it go?." Angel asked.
"Not a single new recruit." Vaggie sighed.
"Aww, don't worry." You smiled. "You'll get them next time."
"Y/n..." Vaggie glared at you, you frowned and sat down on a chair.
"Well, who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting?." Angel asked before everyone heard knocking at the door.
"I'll get it-" You go up from the chair before Vaggie sat you back down and went to the door.
"Why, hello, my dear..." Sir Pentious smiled before Vaggie punched him and pointed her spear at him.
"Wait wait wait!." He put his hands up. "I come in peace."
"What are you doing here?." Vaggie glared at him.
"Vaggie what's the problem?." Charlie looked outside before seeing the serpent. "Oh, hello again."
"I didn't come looking for a fight. I uh..." Sir Pentious got up and dusted himself off. "I heard that you're helping people...people who want to be better?."
"You heard right." Charlie smiled. Welcome to our home of healing, our resort of restoration, our-"
"Are you fucking nuts?." Angel glared at her. This chump was trying to kill us, like, literally 6 hours ago...and now you want to bring him in here to live with us?."
"Absolutely!." Charlie nodded. "This place is about second chances, and who deserves one more than this...slithery... slippery...special little man."
"Aren't you two supposed to protect this place?." Angel looked at both You and Vaggie.
"I've lost my privileges of doing, well, everything..." You looked at Vaggie who glared at you still.
"I... guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine." Vaggie sighed. "Or even with the war machine."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!." Charlie hugged her. "Sir Pentious, Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!."
"Oh, no darling, thank you." Sir Pentious smiled. "You won't regret this."
"Eh, I give you a week tops." Angel shut the door after he slithered in.
As everyone followed Charlie and Sir Pentious, you grabbed Vaggie's hand.
"Vaggie, listen." You looked into her eyes. "I know you are angry, and I know I shouldn't have called you that word, and I'm very very sorry-"
"Damn right, I'm angry!." She spoke in a low growl. "You're lucky Charlie convinced me to let you back in, otherwise you'd be sleeping outside-"
"I know, I know." You nodded. "But, please, just tell me, what do I have to do to get you to forgive me?-"
"Nothing right now." She walked away from you. "I'm still very pissed off Y/n, that hurt me-"
"I know, and I'm-"
"If you say sorry one more damn, I will send you back outside!." She walked away, following the others...you frowned and sat down on the chair again.
"So... this is the bar and the bartender." Charlie showed Sir Pentious around the hotel. "This is the curtain, and this is the new wall after you broke the last one, heh, and, oh, this, this is-"
"Babe, you don't have to show him every detail." Vaggie sighed.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited to have our first real guest!."
"Uh, what the hell am I then?." Angel asked.
"Squatter." You spoke up from the chair, Vaggie glared at you and you shut your mouth again.
"No, you're an important part of our family here, Angel." Charlie began. "But you, um, uh..."
"Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve." Vaggie answered for her.
"What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once." Charlie smiled and walked to the next room with Vaggie and Sir Pentious.
"Over here we have our maid Niffty." Charlie gestured to the crazy maid who smiled upon seeing Sir Pentious return.
"The bad boy is back!." Nifty ran up to him with a crazy look in her eyes. "Never leave me again."
"We're about eighty percent sure she's harmless." Charlie nervously chuckled before moving onto the next person.
"And over here we have...Oh, uh, Alastor, our gracious Facility Manager!." Charlie nervously chuckled before looking at Alastor. "You've met our newest guest, Sir Pentious... Heh heh."
"Ah, yes." Alastor smiled. "You're the one who ruined my coat...I definitely remember you now...."
"Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson: How to apologize." Charlie smiled. "The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong, why don't you give it a try?."
"Yes, um... Mr, um, Radio Demon, sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very
lovely coat..." Sir Pentious pulled the bit of the coat he ripped off. "Um, here..."
"Oh-ho, not many people have been able to take even this much off me." Alastor smiled. "It must have meant quite a lot to you."
Suddenly, a green flame lit the ripped cloth on fire, with Alastor smiling evilly at Sir Pentious who gulped.
"Now, with a new resident, I think it's important we all get to know each other, so we are going to play a little game." Charlie smiled.
"Please don't be the exchange nice letters game again..." You frowned. "I didn't like Angel's the last time..."
"Oh come on babycakes." Angel smiled. "I saw your eyes widening."
"It was twelve pages long and described all the kinky stuff you would do to me in bed, yeah, no thanks." You looked at him.
"Don't worry baby, we won't be patting letters anymore." Charlie patted your head, smiling at you. "Everyone, follow me."
Charlie then stood in the middle of the circle.
"My name is Charlie, I like to sing." She clapped twice. "And when we get to know each other, it's the greatest thing."
She clapped twice again before pointing at Sir Pentious.
"My name's Sir Pentious, I like to build." He clapped twice. "And despite my stupid Egg Bois, I think I'm very skilled."
He then looked over at Angel.
"This is stupid." He groaned.
"♪ This is not stupid, it's just the game ♪" Charlie clapped twice again. "♪ Sir Pentious did it well so now please try to do the same ♪"
"I am too sober for this." Angel sighed.
"Well, get used to it and learn how to play." Vaggie spoke up. "This is going to be your whole day."
She then clapped twice.
Charlie was having Angel and Sir Pentious act out a play scene she created, Sir Pentious was playing the role of a child and Angel was...a crackhead.
"Oh I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs." Angel read the script in front of him. "Now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?"
"Who wrote this?." You chewed on some popcorn.
"It's great, right?." Charlie smiled. "Keep going."
"Hey you." Angel pointed at Sir Pentious.
"Who, me?." Sir Pentious smiled.
"Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some devil's dandruff-Oh, for fuck's sake." Angel groaned, breaking character after reading the devil's dandruff line.
"Not me." Pentious shook his head. "I have to go home and study."
"Come on kid, it'll make you cool like me...The crackhead!"
"The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs." Sir Pentious smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!."
"Yes!." Charlie clapped. "Oh, bravo, bravo!."
"Wow, Pentious, at this rate you'll be redeemed in no time." Vaggie nodded.
You yawned a little, rubbing your eyes.
"Aww..." Charlie giggled. "Someone's tired."
"Yeah..." You nodded. "Think I might go to bed..."
You got up and started to walk up the stairs but Vaggie stopped you.
"Yes, Vaggie?." You rubbed your eyes again.
"You're not sleeping on the bed." She pointed to the couch.
"Aww come on..." You frowned. "Please-"
"Couch...now..." She demanded.
You frowned and walked over to the couch and laid down on it, sighing.
Vaggie, Pentious, Angel, Husk, and Charlie all walked up to bed but halfway walking up, Charlie looked at you and walked back down.
"It'll be okay..." She smiled. "She just needs some time..."
You nodded and shivered a bit, Charlie looked sad then quickly wrapped you up in a nice warm blanket, which made you smile.
"Thank you..." You grinned.
She leaned over and kissed you on the lips and cheeks a few times.
"I love you." She blushed then kissed you again.
"I love you too..." You smiled and with that, she followed Vaggie up to the bedroom while you continued to lay on the cough.
You couldn't fall asleep so you tried to watch some videos on your phone to make yourself tired...
"Whatcha watching?." Angel looked over the cough. "Porn?-"
"No, Angel." You groaned. "I'm trying to fall asleep, Charlie recommended me this ASMR stuff...I don't understand it..."
"I know what that is..." Angel smirked. "Ass Sex Mostly Rough."
"Does everything have to be sexual with you?." You looked up at him.
"Of course it does, dollface..." Angel winked at you. "You know, it's probably only us up, all alone...nobody around...why don't you get out of that blanket and we could try some ASMR?-"
"I'll say this in the nicest way possible...I'd rather let Vaggie impale me with her spear than fuck you."
"Aww, ouch, you hurt my feelings..." Angel gave you a fake pouty face. "Come on baby, show me what's under that blanket...come on-"
that's when you heard something in another room upstairs...
you slowly removed the blanket, and grabbed your guns from the coffee table.
"Stay close..." You looked at Angel and started moving up the stairs.
"I thought you'd never ask, daddy." Angel coo'd in your ear.
"Shut up." You shoved him away and moved up the stairs, you walked to the reading room and looked into the peephole...Sir Pentious had set up a VoxTek spy camera behind the puts.
"That slippery little bitch." You growled and kicked open the door, pointing your guns at him. "You slippery little bitch, you're working for the Vees!."
"I knew there was something shitty about you!." Angel glared at him as well.
Pentious hissed before the two of you tackled him down but he slipped away, you grappled onto his tail and tried to swing him around but he tossed you into the bookshelf, sending all 384 books down onto your head, before the camera hit you right in the eye.
"OWWW!!." You shouted. "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!!."
Angel tackled Pentious and held him down, that's when Charlie and Vaggie entered the room.
"What's going on?." Charlie then saw you, hurt...she ran over to you. "oh my gosh-baby-are you okay!?-"
"I'm fine!." You got up, point your Peacemaker gun at Pentious. "This snake is a traitor!."
"Preposterous, I would never betray you." Pentious looked at Charlie and Vaggie. "You... are my best friends!."
"Uh-uh." Angel held him down and pointed to the camera which you held up. "Then explain this."
"Ah, Ah, Abort-Abort!." Pentious slipped away from Angel and over to the window where he tapped on a watch. "S.O.S. Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!!."
The watch turned on and Vox was rubbing his eyes.
"Pentious? Wait...You were caught?!." He then laughed. "It hasn't even been a day!."
"Please, you've got to get me out of here!." Pentious begged.
"I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple." Vox laughed again. "Do us a favor, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure!."
"I... I..." Pentious's eyes filled with tears as he looked at all of you and slowly curled up on the floor. "Just make it quick, I guess...Not that I deserve it."
"Gladly." Vaggie raised her spear.
"Wait... Pentious?." Charlie looked at him with a smile.
"♪ It starts with sorry ♪" Charlie began to sing. "♪ That's your foot In the door, one simple sorry, spoken straight from your core ♪"
She then began to dance around.
"♪ The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts ♪" She smiled at him, then looked at you. "♪ But sorry is where it starts ♪"
"♪ Who could forgive a dirtbag like me ♪" Pentious sang. "♪ I don't deserve your amnesty ♪"
"♪ Can't we just kill him ♪" You, Angel, and Vaggie all approached him, weapons drawn. "♪ shoot him and spill his blood ♪"
"♪ That's an option you could choose ♪" Charlie looked worried.
"♪ Works for us ♪" The three of you said in unison.
"♪ But who hasn't Been in his shoes, It starts with sorry ♪" Charlie helped him up.
"♪ Sorry ♪" Pentious sang.
"♪ Dig down deeper and say one sincere sorry ♪"
"♪ I'm so sorry ♪" Pentious screamed.
"♪ And your journey's underway ♪" Charlie smiled.
"♪ It'll take time to cover ♪" They both started singing now. "♪ My/Your vast multitude of sins, but sorry is where it begins...It starts with sorry ♪"
When the song ended, Niffty appeared.
"I hated that song!." She frowned. "Why are you so lame?."
She walked up to Pentious and kicked him.
"Not a bad boy."
"Good first day." Charlie let out a happy sigh. "Let's get some rest."
As Charlie and Vaggie were walking back, you grabbed Vaggie's hand, making her look at you.
"Vaggie..." You sighed. "I know, you don't want to hear me saw it again...but..."
You frowned.
"I'm very sorry for what I did..." You rubbed your now black eye. "Fuck, this hurts like a bi-I mean-it hurts a lot..."
She slowly smirked then let out a light chuckle, before lightly kissing your cheek.
"I guess I can forgive you..." She smiled. "If you promise to never use that word ever again."
"I promise, I'll never use that word again." You smiled. "...Can I sleep in the bed, it's very cold on the cough."
"Of course you can!." Charlie hugged you. "Come on!."
The three of you walked into the bedroom to get some rest but...someone was lurking in the shadows as Pentious' watch was picked up.
"WHAT!?." Vox angrily shouted.
"You'll have to try harder than that next time, ol' pal." Alastor laughed as he shut the watch off and walked away.
Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this "new" chapter, it's not really new but I'm glad I was about to get it re-written so fast...I promise a new chapter will be out soon but I've got a few good ideas in mind for original chapters, so, I'm only hoping this one doesn't get deleted now as well...fins crossed...
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