2. Hell Is Forever?.
You woke up and yawned, quickly stretching as you began your day, slowly getting out of the giant bed that you shared with Charlie and Vaggie.
You walked into the lounge where you saw Husk at the bar, drinking some cheap booze.
"Don't you think It's a little early to be drinking?." You asked rubbing your eyes.
"Are you my fucking mother?." Husk snapped at you before raising the bottle to his lips again.
"Of course, he ain't Husker, baby..." Angel smiled, looking over at you. "He's obviously daddy...right, sugar?-"
"Angel, shut up." You groaned. "It's way too fucking earlier for this shit."
"It's never too early for this baby, I can go all day-"
"Please don't." You rubbed your eyes. "Have either of you seen Charlie and Vaggie?."
"Eh, they went outside trying to recruit sinners to stay, if you ask me, It's a waste of time." Angel shrugged. "I mean, we're in hell for a reason, we're already at the bottom...in more cases than one, if ya catch my drift."
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Alastor appeared behind you, spooking you.
"Greetings Y/n." The Radio Demon grinned. "How are you doing this hellish morning?."
"Good, until five minutes ago." You yawned. "How's your morning been?."
"Oh, it was simply delightful!." Alastor smiled. "I just did my simple morning routine, had breakfast, went for a peaceful walk, ēłīᵯⱥꞥⱦēđ ⱥ ӻēⱳ ꞩꝋᵾłꞩ ħēɍē ⱥꞥđ ⱦħēɍē..."
His voice suddenly changed to a creepy and unsettling tone, which made you back up slightly.
"But all and all it was just a regular morning." He smiled, his voice now back to normal. "Thank you for asking!."
"Yeah...no problem..." You slowly backed away before the doors opened, Charlie and Vaggie entered the lobby.
"Ugh, I can't believe it..." Charlie frowned. "Not one recruit."
"It'll be okay Charlie, people will come around." Vaggie put an arm on her shoulder.
Charlie smiled at her before looking over at you, she walked over to you and wrapped her arms around your neck.
"Hey!." She grinned. "How's your morning?."
"It's better now that you are here." You kissed her cheek which made her blush slightly.
"Awwwwww!." Charlie smiled. "That's so sweet of you to say!."
"It's not as sweet as you." You hugged her tightly.
"Oh stop it!." She blushed harder. "You're making me blush!."
"Is that a bad thing?." You asked, a smirk on your face.
"Of course not." She put her hands together, then her eyes widened. "Oh, I nearly forgot, I've got to show you something super cool!."
"What is it?." You asked as she took your hand and led you over to one of the couches.
"So, as you know we've been trying to get sinners to come to the hotel, but it seems we aren't having any luck..." Charlie began.
"So, we enlisted the help of Alastor to make a commercial for the hotel." Vaggie smiled looking at you, coming over as well.
"Really?." You looked shocked. "Can I see it?."
"Why of course." Alastor smiled. "Feast your eyes..."
"So, what do you think?." Alastor asked as he turned off the old TV.
"I'm sorry," Vaggie growled. "What the fuck was that!?."
"Uh yeah..." Charlie spoke. "First off, Alastor, thank you so much for making this, seriously, amazing...but...maybe the tone was a bit...off?."
Alastor tilted his head to the side as Charlie struggled to get the right words out.
"We want people to want to come here, this makes it look...um..."
"Bad." Vaggie answered.
"Eh, I'd say more sad than bad." You chimed in.
"Funny, I was going for hilarious." Alastor smiled.
"It didn't explain anything about how we're trying to save demons from extermination-which is the whole fucking point!." Vaggie shot him a glare.
"Vaggie is right Alastor." Charlie nodded. "The commercial was to let sinners know we are trying to help them."
"Well, my dear I haven't been active in hell for some time," Alastor replied. "And everyone remembers me from my radio show, the proper medium to express oneself!."
He then tapped the tv screen with his radio staff.
"But you insisted on this noisy picture box advertisement, so I had a little fun with it."
"Oh fun?." Vaggie got up, glaring at him. "You had a little fun with it?."
"Vaggie, settle down." You tried to sit her back down but she slowly looked over at you, a mad look in her eye, you slowly sat back down. "Never mind."
"This is not what we want to represent us." Vaggie glared at Alastor again. "When you showed up here a week ago, you told us you would help run this hotel and instead you're mocking us."
"And?." Alastor smirked.
"Nobody's gonna want to come to a place that a powerful overlord like you thinks is a waste of time." Vaggie growled before Angel raised a hand. "What?."
"If'n ya filming a commercial, can I suggest you take a better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?." Angel pointed to himself.
"Where?." You began looking around. "Oh, you meant you...pfffffft!."
"Yea, I mean me." Angel smiled at you. "I'm famous, dollface-"
"Angel..." Vaggie groaned. "You're a porn star-"
"A famous porn star!." Angel smiled. "I'll have the horniest sinners knocking down these walls to get in."
"We are not filming a porn as a commercial." You face palmed.
"Why not, sex sells don't it?." Angel winked at you. "I swear, if you film me going at it with Mr. Fancy Talk creepy voice here, you'd be rolling in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel."
"Never going to happen." Alastor shook his head.
"Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your "special" skills to attract folks to the hotel..." Charlie spoke up. "But...I really...uh...don't want to exploit you-"
"Oh please, baby..." Angel smirked. "This body was made to be exploited, I got the arms, I got the stamina, I've got the legs, I've got the lung capacity-ohohoho-I got the legs!."
"You done?." You asked.
"The gag reflex, the holes-" Angel continued before Charlie's phone started going off.
"I've got to take this." She got up and went over to the other room.
"Hey, I've got a question." Angel took a sip of his beer. "If freak face over there is so powerful, why can't he just make people stay here?."
"Oh trust me," Alastor smirked. "I can..."
"Why do you think I'm here?." Husk said, wiping down the bar counter. "You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listen to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcing me?."
"I liked being forced." Nifty smiled.
"Keep that to yourself Nif." Husker responded.
"What, you don't love being here with me whiskers?" Angel spoke in a sexy voice.
"Call me whiskers again and I'll jam that bottle down your throat!."
"Kinky." Angel smiled. "Come on, keep talking dirty-"
"Angel, let Husk do his job." Vaggie glared.
"And, we're not forcing people to stay here." You added, putting an arm around Vaggie. "They have to choose."
"I'm choosing to stay here and I think It's all stupid." Angel scoffed. "We're in hell, that's kinda the end of the road ain't it?."
"Well, maybe it doesn't have to be." You sighed. "Just because nobody's made it out before doesn't mean it's not possible."
"Hey, whatever means I can keep crashing her rent-free." Angel put an arm around your neck. "Crack is expensive."
You pushed Angel's arm off you and then Charle began screaming cheerfully in the next room.
"What!?." Vaggie shouted.
"COME HERE!." She grabbed both of you and dragged you into the next room. "YES YES YES YES YES!-"
"Alright, Daniel Bryan, what's got you so happy?." You asked. "Well, more than you are normally."
Charlie took a deep breath before running around the room excitedly.
"My dad just called, he said that the leader of the angel army wanted to meet, he asked if I could go instead!." Charlie hugged you happily, out of breath.
"Wow!." You smiled. "That's great Charls!."
"But the extermanaton just happened." Vaggie looked confused. "What could they want this soon after-"
Charlie began hugging both of you before stepping aside, she began to sing.
"I can do this, somehow I know it...I'll get heaven behind my plan."
"Charle, hold on-" Vaggie reached out for her.
"There's just no way I could blow it...not this once-in-a-lifetime chance."
"It's just a meeting!." Vaggie tried to tell her.
"To change their minds, and touch their hearts-or whatever angels have-"
"This could be bad-" Vaggie looked at you.
"Cheer up Vaggie..." She gripped her hands, then smiled at you. "This could be swell..."
She then started dancing with Vaggie, spinning with her around the hotel.
"Something tells me that today will be a happy day in hell!."
She then let her go and you managed to catch her.
"You okay?." You asked Vaggie who rubbed her head.
"Charlie wait-"
"That bitch is halfway down the street." Angel smiled.
"Is she?-"
"Oh she's dancing!."
"Oh no!." Vaggie groaned, before looking at you. "Y/n, go with her."
"Why?." You asked. "She'll be fine"
"Go with her or you're sleeping outside instead of on the couch like last week for you comments!."
"All I said was Angel's friend was hot-" You said before Vaggie pointed her spear at you.
"OUT, NOW!." She shouted.
"Yes babe!" You quickly put on a jacket and grabbed your guns before racing after Charlie.
A/n: Here are your guns, and yes, I drew these.
"Charlie!." You shouted, trying to catch up with her. "Slow down!."
However, she couldn't hear you as she was too busy singing and skipping across hell.
"There's a warm fuzzy feeling that wafts through the air, every street so revealing it's hard not to stare, it's a realm so appealing it beats anywhere if you don't mind the smell...it's a happy day in hell!." Charlie began dancing around the town, swinging on poles and jumping over benches.
"Hi, mister!." She waved to someone on a bench.
"GO FUCK YOURSELF!." They shouted at her and she walked away, you got behind the guy and punched him, knocking him out cold.
"There's an endless trash fire that's burning my soul-"
"And a ton of barbed wire to shove in his hole!-"
"Um, excuse me-"
"Doing what is required we all have our roles-"
"I'm not doing well..."
"Another shitty day in hell!."
"If I can show them the dream I've dreamed, that ANY soul can change!." Charlie got on a car.
"Those angel's minds are hard to change." Vaggie sang from the hotel as you continued to follow her across the town.
"Then they know everyone can be redeemed, from the evil to the strange-" Charlie sang again.
"They're bloodthirsty and deranged!." Vaggie sighed as you continued to followed Charlie, leaping over broken cars.
"I can hear all their stories, the lost and displaced, and I know that they're more of an acquired taste, but if I open the door and give them a place at my Hazbin Hotel...It'll be a happy day in Hell!."
She then caught a ride on a Helluva Post truck which drove her further into town, away from you.
"Charlie!." You called out, but she was already gone. "Goddamnit!."
You looked around and saw a taxi driver, sipping a coffee.
"Follow that truck!." You got in the cab.
"Hey jackass, I don't do rides for free-"
You took out your guns, aiming them at his head.
"Look, the princess of hell is on that truck and I must protect her at all costs, start driving or I'll put a round in your skull and drive after her myself." You turned the safety off. "Your choice."
The taxi driver was following closely behind the truck Charlie was riding along.
"From the porn studio...where the cinephiles go, to watch award-winning demon bukkake shows, to the cannibal town where they don't wear a frown cuz-"
"Holy shit-oh my gosh-why!!!?..." She screamed at the cannibals before slowly turning around and going back to singing. "And I don't give a crow that his brains got in my eye, cuz I know I can spare them, from Heaven's genocide!."
"There's an endless trash fire that burning my home-"
"I can do this, I just know it, I'll get heaven behind my plan!-"
"I kinda like the barbed wire that's shoved in my hole-"
"There's just no way I can blow this, not this once-in-a-liftime chance, to change their minds!-"
"And touch my parts!."
"Uh, no thank you, I'm just gonna..." Charlie moved away from him. "Fulfill my destiny!."
"Your loss bitch!." The trench-coated demon walked away
"I can already tell!." Charlie sang as she walked up the stairs. "Today is gonna be a fucking happy day in hell!!!."
You got out of the cab and ran up the stairs, panting.
"Y/n?..." Charlie turned around, looking happy but shocked at the same time
"...Hey Babe..." You panted as you walked up the last few steps. "...Nice song..."
"Aww, thanks!." She smiled. "So, how did you get here?."
"Followed you, tried getting your attention." You adjusted your jacket. "Didn't work, thankfully a cab came and picked me up."
"So, you came here for me?." She looked like she had tears in her eyes.
"Of course I did...I want to protect you, because one, I love you more than anything, and two, Vaggie told me I'd sleep outside if I didn't follow you to make sure you were okay-"
Before you could finish the sentence Charlie hugged you, kissing your cheek several times.
"If you were told to sleep outside I'd come and join you." She smiled, taking your hands. "Now come on, let's go inside."
You nod and got the door, opening it for her.
"After you, your Highness." You bowed, and she blushed, walking inside, but not before kissing you on the cheek again as she walked past you, you followed her inside the building.
The building was...empty...not a soul in sight.
"Where is everyone?." You asked looking around.
"I don't know..." Charlie also looked around. "Hello?..."
She started walking to the front desk.
"Hello?..." She called out again before hitting the bell, suddenly, a paper and pen floated down in front of her.
"Creepy..." She looked at you before singing the paper and it floated upwards.
"Also creepy." You watched the paper fly away before a door in front of you opened, you two of you walked inside and the room was pitch black.
"Hello?." She called out. "Anyone here?-"
Suddenly the lights flipped on and someone was sitting in a chair.
"Sup." The guy sitting in the chair said.
"Woah!." Charlie jumped, and she tripped by you managed to catch her and help her back up. "Thanks."
"No problem." You nodded.
"Um, hi, I'm Charlie." she looked at the guy with the halo sitting in the chair. "My dad asked me if I could meet you."
"Yea, I know." The guy answered.
"Okay, well..." Charlie began. "It's nice to meet you."
"Totally." The guy put his hand out for her to shake. "Nice to meet you too!."
"Woah!." Charlie backed up.
"Ha!." The guy laughed. "I fucking got you!."
He turned to the person next to him.
"Did you fucking see that!?." The person next to him nodded. "Good shit."
"Wait, you aren't actually here?." You looked confused.
"No, you'd think I'd come down there?." The guy pointed down and then laughed. "Ha, I mean, I love the vibe, totally-I love your tunes, pretty fucking hardcore, don't get me wrong...but it's such a bummer man, everything down there is so UGH, you know?."
"Right..." Charlie added. "Anyway, I REALLY want to you about-"
"Hey, hey, hey, hey..." He put a finger up to her mouth. "Slow down, we've got time, how about we get to know each other a little, hmm, how about some lunch?."
You looked like you wanted to shoot him then and there for sooshing Charlie like that.
"You hungry?...I got you." He smirked, before holding up a plate of ribs.
"Here's my personal favorite." He held the ribs up to her. "You'll LOVE it!."
"Uh, thanks!." Charlie reached for the ribs, her hand fazed through the holographic food, and the guy laughed again.
Meanwhile, back at the hotel...
"Okay, so Charlie and Y/n are dealing with something very important, and while they're gone, we are making a new commercial." Vaggie began pacing back and forth. "One that represents Charlie's vision and what we are doing here."
Everyone else was looking very "thrilled" about this.
"So, we'll need a camera." Vaggie looked over to Alastor. "Alastor?."
The Radio Demon snapped his fingers and an old picture camera was now in Vaggie's hands.
"A video camera." Vaggie glared at him, Alastor snapped his fingers again and a video camera was now in her hands. "Alright, let's do this!."
Angel and Husk were at the bar, reading over a script.
"And...." Vaggie pressed the record button on the camera. "Action!."
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel..." Husk read the script in front of his face. "Can I help you with anything?."
"I've been a bad boy, and I need a big, strong daddy to put me in my place..." Angel said with a sexy voice before speaking normally. "On the path to redemption!."
"Grrrr..." Husk growled. "Well, you've come-"
"OH YES!." Angel moaned.
"To the right place..." Husk finished his line.
"Cut!." Vaggie shouted. "Okay, Angel, I need you to be less horny if possible, and Husk can you maybe not have the script in front of your face?."
"I ain't no actor, I can't memorize this shit!-"
"Well, we could improv this shit, baby cakes." Angel smiled. "Rawr!-"
Husk shoved Angel off the bar counter.
"Whoops." He smirked before taking a sip of some cheap booze.
"Husk, come on!." Vaggie groaned.
"So I was playing this gig and for some fuckin' reason this virtue chick was digging on the drummer-and it's like, do you know who I am?." He began ranting. "I'm fuckin' Adam, I'm the original dick, all dicks descend from me!."
Charlie looked bored as you rubbed her shoulder and Adam continued his rant.
"You think you want dummer dick, no way, I'm the dick-fuckin' master!." Adam shouted before going back to his ribs. "So, anyway, then we fucked and it was awesome...what'd you do this weekend?."
"Me." You smirked before Charlie got up.
"Wait, your name is Adam?." She raised her eyebrows. "Like the first man, Adam-that means you-Ohhh...that explains so much."
"I know, I fucking rock." Adam smirked.
"Well, Adam, sir." Charlie got up from the table. "Mr. Adam, sir-"
"Call me "dickmaster"" Adam smiled.
"Adam." Charlie continued. "You seem like a smart, swell, stand-up guy."
"Uh-huh." Adam continued to eat his ribs.
"And I know you are the leader of the angels." Charlie continued. "And you are a big thinker, a revolutionary, a genius!."
"I'm mean, your words, babe." Adam smiled again.
"Who would really love to put his name on something-"
"Fuck yeah, I love putting my name on shit." He got up. "Shit's the best!."
"It's the solution to our biggest problem!." Charlie smiled.
"Oh, herpes." Adam nodded. "Yeah, that's a bitch-"
"No!." Charlie frowned. "Our other biggest problem!."
"Oh, uh..." Adam thought for a second. "Ugly people? Math? Global Warming?-no wait, that's earth's problem."
Charlie groaned and leaned on your support as Adam continued to think of the biggest problem.
Nifty was running around chasing bugs when Vaggie pulled her aside.
"Nifty, nifty..." She spoke. "Your line is "we have the cleanest rooms." okay?."
"Got it, I'm ready." she smiled.
"And, action!." Vaggie pressed record on the camera and Nifty...well...
"...And cut..." Vaggie closed the camera and Nifty got out of her trance.
"Who was that?." She smiled.
"Well Nifty, you actually have to say the line so let's roll again."
"Okay." Nifty nodded, and then when the camera was in front of her, she froze again.
"You're doing great, Vagina." Angel smirked.
"Cut!." Vaggie groaned. "Okay, I guess I'll try to fix it in post-"
"Do you even know what that means?." Angel asked.
"I'll figure it out!." Vaggie growled at him before storming upstairs.
Vaggie was struggling, trying her hardest to put the film together, but it wasn't working.
"Seems you're having a bit of trouble there, hmm?." Alastor smiled.
"Ugh, este pendejo." Vaggie cursed. "Why are you even here?."
"For the entertainment!." Alastor answered. "I came here because I love seeing wasteful souls struggle to accomplish something meaningful and fail spectacularly like you are doing now, good job!."
"And here is Alastor!." Vaggie held the camera up to his face. "The egocentric piece of shit that-"
The camera began going haywire and Vaggie dropped it.
"I wouldn't try that, my dear..." He smirked devilishly. "This face was made for Radio!."
"That's it!." Vaggie glared at him. "I don't care who or what you are, if you are staying here, you are going to make this work because it won't be so "entertaining" to watch over an empty hotel will it, shitass?."
"Fair enough." He smiled. "I'll tell you what, let's make a deal-"
"You think I'm that stupid to make a deal with a demon like you?." She huffed.
"Not for your soul, just a simple deal." Alastor chuckled. "I do this for you and you never ask me to engage with this frivolous television technology ever again."
Vaggie thought about it for a second.
"Or Charlie and Y/n can come back to absolutely nothing..." He continued to smile. "Your choice."
"Ugh." Vaggie groaned. "Fine..."
Adam was still trying to figure out the biggest problem and Charlie looked miserable, you were still debating whether or not you should shoot Adam right now.
"You know when you take her out for the fifth time and she still expects you to pay the check but you're like "Hey, I thought you wanted equality-" you know?-"
"No!." Charlie shouted. "Our shared problem over the overpopulation in hell!."
"Ohh..." Adam nodded, then laughed. "Well that's not a problem, we got that covered."
He looked over at the person next to him.
"Lute, how many demons did you kill this year?."
"Got a good 275 this year sir." Lute said.
"275!?." Adam gasped. "Woah-badass, awesome job danger tits, pound it!." He gave her a fist bump.
"Uh no, not awesome!." Charlie got up again. "Those are my people, you know that right?."
"Oh yeah..." Adam sighed. "That must suck for you, pfft, HAHAHAHAHA!."
You went to lung at him by Charlie stopped you, trying to get you under control.
"Those are souls!." You shouted. "Human souls, just the same as the ones you have up in Heaven!."
"They are not the same." Lute glared at you. "They had their chance and they earned damnation!-"
"You're wrong!." Charle glared at her. "Sinners make mistakes, sure, but everyone can make mistakes!-"
"Angels don't make mistakes!." Lute glared at her now.
"You really think that!?." You shouted at Lute.
"I know that." She responded.
"Yeah," Adam added. "I've never made a mistake in my fuckin' life!."
"The only reason you are still here is because Daddy you and your hell-born kind a pardon from an exorcist blade, and we can easily kill your boy toy, right now." Lute walked up to the two of you, glaring. "How does that feel?...to know how little you matter?-"
You tried to tackle Lute but Charlie once again held you back, sitting you down in a chair and hugging you, trying to calm you down.
"Well, almost out of time," Adam said. "Guess we should get into it."
"Oh fuck!." Charlie got off you and rushed over to them, grabbing a bunch of papers for her plan. "Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time and I feel like you weren't hearing me before so here goes."
She took a deep breath before breaking into another song.
"I know Hell's population is out of control. It's a bad situation, it's taking a toll-if we rehab these sinners and cleanse all their souls at my Hazbin Hotel-wait, I'm getting ahead of myself-right extermination, I know you guys fly down just to kill once a year, and it must be annoying to schlep all the way here, if they join you in Heaven that trip disappears, you can wave that chore farewell, it'll be a happy day in he-"
"Let me stop you right, save us all precious time." Adam began to sing. "If what you're suggesting is letting them climb up the ladder, oh they'd rather cross the pearly gates?."
"Well, uh-"
"Sorry, sweetie, but there's no defyin' their fates." He flew up. "'Cuz Hell is forever whether you like it or not, had their chance to behave better, now they boil in the pot, 'cuz the rules are black and white, there's no use in tryin' to fight it, they're burning for their lives until we kill 'em again."
"What?." You shouted, getting over to Charlie.
"Just try to chillax babe, you're wasting your breath, did I hear you imply that they don't deserve death?." He shoved Charlie into you. "Are they winners, are they sinners, 'cuz it's cut and dry, fair is fair, an eye for an eye!."
He flew up again, still singing.
"When all said and done...there's the question of fun, and for those of us with divine ordainment, extermination is entertainment!."
He began flying around the room.
"GUTAIR SOLO FUCK YEAH!." He began playing an imaginary guitar, as golden angel people surrounded you and Charlie, you had your guns out, ready to shoot them if they tried to harm her.
"Hell is forever whether you like it or not, had their chance to behave better now they boil in the pot, cuz' the rules are black and white, no use in tryin' to fight to it, they're burning for their lives until we kill 'em again." They all sang until Adam busted out a golden guitar.
"Fuckin' Hell is forever and it's meant to suck a lot, so give up your dumb endeavor 'cuz you don't have a shot!."
Charlie growled and her eyes turned red and she began growing devil horns.
"Long as I've got your attention, I guess I should probably mention that we've made the determination..." He flew over to you and Charlie with a golden piece of paper. "To move up the next extermination!."
"WHAT!?." You and Charlie both shouted as the paper faded away.
"Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts, I know it's just been a week, but we'll be back in six months!." He tossed Charlie out of the room and Lute threw you out with her and you slammed right into a wall.
"Wait!." Charlie tried to get back in but the door shut. "No, no, no, ah shit!." She slammed her fist on the door.
"AGH!." You shouted, holding your head.
"Y/N!?." She quickly ran over to you, gasping. "ARE YOU OKAY!?."
"I don't think so...I think I got a concussion..." You rubbed the back of your head.
"Do you want a kiss to make it feel better?." Charlie asked.
"I'm not a child!." You groaned. "But a kiss would be nice..."
She smiled and lightly kissed you on the lips before helping you up, still looking upset as you two walked out of the building.
"I can't believe it...six months!?." She shouted. "I-I-How can they do this, this isn't right!?."
She began to tear up.
"Hey, hey, it'll be alright." You held her tightly. "Please, don't cry, if you cry, I start crying-"
Charlie slowly began to cry into your shoulders and you tried to comfort you as you began carrying her back to the hotel.
You walked into the hotel, Charlie beside you, looking upset.
"Charlie, Y/N!?." Vaggie ran over to the two of you, hugging each of you. "How did it go, did they listen?."
"Oh...yeah...they sure did..." Charlie frowned. "But...um..."
"Oh come here, we have something exciting to show you!." She lead you both over to the couch where everyone else was gathered. "Alastor pulled some strings and it's about to air-"
"I pulled a few limbs too, hahaha." He laughed.
"Wait, the commerical?." Charlie looked around. "You guys made a new one?."
"Yeah." Angel shrugged. "One of my better performances if I do say so myself."
"That's...amazing." Charlie got teary eyes before Angel shooshed her.
"It's starting!." He smirked as the commercial came on.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel-" Vaggie said on the screen before it cut off, now showing the breaking news.
"Breaking news in hell today!." Katie Killjoy said as she fixed her papers. "We have just received word from the heaven embassy that the next extermination will happen sooner than ever before."
She then looked over at Tom Trench.
"Do you know what that means Tom?."
"No," Tom answered. "What does it mean, Katie?."
"It means we're all royally fucked!." Katie shouted at the news now showed demons fighting and screaming in terror as the big clock went from three hundred sixty-five days to just one hundred seventy-six days.
"Wait, what?." Angel shouted. "Why!?."
"What!?." Vaggie shouted, also looking confused.
Charlie began to get tears in her eyes again and ran up the stairs and into the bedroom that she shared with You and Vaggie, slamming both doors.
"Charlie!?." Vaggie shouted before looking at you. "Y/N, WHAT HAPPENED!?."
"Nothing good..." You looked down.
"Tell me everything!." She grabbed your hand, looking into your eyes, now filled with panic and fear.
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