Chapter 5: Murder Family
A/n: Hello! my fellow readers, here is the next chapters to this story now I'm sorry for not updating this story in awhile, but I'm going to be thinking over on adding Stella and Verosika to the harem. Now let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
As I wake up in the morning, I was about to rise up from my bed and stretch, but I notice a slight heavy weight on top of me. Me being slightly curious on who or what could be on top of me under the covers, and once the covers were lifted up I see a sleeping Nifty on top of me sleeping rather cutely.
Y/n: [How cute.]
I then gently rubbed Nifty's head, making the said mall cyclops girl to start waking up and look straight into my with with her single large eye.
Nifty: Good morning, Y/n.~
Y/n: Good, morning Nifty, but do tell me. Why are you in my bed on top of me?
Nifty: Well, I was going to sleep in my room, but I thought why not surprise you by sleeping in the same bed as you. You aren't opposed to this are you?
Y/n: No, but you might want to get off me before-
As soon I was going to say something, my door opens revealed to be Charlie who does not know Nifty was on top of me.
Charlie: Hey, Y/n I hope your wake, cause you got a call from a-
Once Charlie finally sees us, she quickly rushes to us and grabs Nifty off of me and allowing me to sit up.
Charlie: Nifty! Why are you in Y/n's room and not yours?!
Nifty: I was about to sleep in my room, but noticed that Y/n's room was unlocked, so I slept in his room instead.
Charlie: You two didn't-
I noticed Charlie's aura was slightly different, indicating she might be slightly jealous which honestly confused me, cause aren't her and Vaggie in a relationship.
Nifty: No, we just cuddled and slept, well me doing most of the cuddling. And I will tell you, the feathers of his wings are so soft.~
Charlie: I know right.
Y/n: *clears throat* sorry to be rude ladies, but you were calling me for something Charlie?
Charlie: *snaps out of her thoughts* Oh! Right sorry, but you got a call from a Mister Blitzo with a silent O? Anyway, he's asking you to come to the office for something important.
Y/n: I see, guess I'll be heading there now.
Charlie: Okay, just please be careful.
Y/n: *smiles* I'll be sure to do that.
I then boop her nose, which earns a blush from Charlie and both her and Nifty leaves the room, while I chuckled at the cute reaction from Charlie and start to get dressed. Once that was done I teleport to the I.M.P building and enter the office, once there I saw Loona laying down on the couch holding up a human family picture, while Moxxie and Millie were at the desk with Moxxie holding a crossbow.
Y/n: So, what going on here?
Millie: Morning Y/n! The boss is meeting with the client right now, and I'm helping Moxxie with shooting a target.
Y/n: Cool, do your best Mox.
Moxxie: Thanks, Y/n.
I then went to the couch to sit and Loona lift her head up a bit to let me sit down, then she lays her head down on my lap and pulled out her phone.
Loona: You don't mind do you?
Y/n: Not at all.
Millie/Moxxie: [Oh, I wish I could take a picture, just to mess with them.]
3rd pov
-in Blitzo's office-
woman: I was a good person, before it all went down. I was good, my entire life.
An Image of a children's school in the human world is then seen, with bright colors and a playground next to the school building. The scene change again revealing inside of a classroom, with a beautiful blonde teacher wearing a blue dress and white top with cherries on it, and faces her students with a smile.
A/n: I don't own this, but she is in the harem cause after the first episode she deserves better.
teacher: Good morning! I hope you all did you're homework.
All the students sit at their desks, while one kid with a cone on his head sits at a corner next to the door leading out of the classroom. as both teacher and students sing along with one another, from their usual studies to the current date and everything was fun and hopeful, until the kid wearing the cone on his head opened his mouth.
kid with a cone on his head: And it's your husband's birthday.
A/n: Okay, now I'm sure that I'm not the only one on how the hell this kid knew his teacher's husband's birthday, I'm calling suss on that.
As soon as the kid said that, the teacher stops writing on the board while the students continue singing, and the teacher gained a worried like expression from forgetting an important day for her husband.
teacher: Oh my stars! Stop singing children, hush up now.
The students stopped singing and look to their teacher with confused expressions, and see her lean against her desk.
teacher: I forgot it's my husband's birthday. I didn't get him anything special.
girl: Maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!
-scene change to Mayberry's house-
In a bed room, with a computer that has clothes scattered around hit and a woman's underwear is thrown at it, with two voices of a man along with another woman's voice is heard while the computer is shown to be getting a video call with the words "wifey."
Man: Okay, oh yeah!
woman's voice: *moans* I told you, we're not going to be needing these things.
Then a wrapped condom is thrown at the computer and lands on a key to accept the call, which reveals the teacher and her students on the other end of the call, but once the teacher sees what her "husband" is doing a shadow covers her eyes and starts walking towards the door. But the girl who suggested the idea runs up to her teacher and grabs her by her hand.
girl: Wait, Mrs. Mayberry. Remember what you taught us, think before you act.
But the now named Mrs. Mayberry grabs the girl by her neck and tosses her up through the roof and out of the school, and proceeds to leave the school and drives her car towards her home. While the rest of the students look back at the video call on the computer to see what's about to go down.
Mayberry's husband: Okay, oh*hears the door being kicked open* Shit! Sweetie, what are you doing here?
Mayberry: Shut up, Gerald! *revs up a chainsaw*
Gerald: *screams like a bitch*
Mayberry: You scream like a bitch!
Then with a sound of a chainsaw being reeved up and cutting the woman that Gerald was cheating on with his wife, then Mayberry fired a gun at the woman spraying her blood on the side of the computer monitor.
Gerald: Oh my god! Sshe had a family!
Mayberry: We could've had a family!
As Mayberry's students watch in horror and hearing a gun shot with blood covering the scene form the other end, Mayberry then realized what she did and turns to the blood covered computer and uncovers it to see the call still going.
Mayberry: Oh my god?! What have I done. In front of you all, I'm so sorry my children, don't forget your time tables.
With that said, Mayberry pointed the gun at herself and killed herself by pulling the trigger of the gun, upon from what the kids saw they faint from shock and the scene changes again to Blitzo's office.
Mayberry: You do everything right in life, play by all the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and and epstein's of the world. After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage, So that's why I'm here, to get my revenge.
One of the two people in the office is Mayberry, but now a demon with horns and goat legs while her top that used to be white was now red along with her glasses being red and her dress now black instead of blue.
Blizto: I mean, was she hotter?
Upon hearing that coming from the Imp, Mayberry gives an "Excuse me?!" look on her face practically taking offense of Blitzo's words.
Blitzo: I'm just saying, I'm having a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me tits.
Just from blitzo's words alone was slowly angering Mayberry, causing her hair to flow around with a slight red aura generating from her body.
Blitzo: Anyway, I don't think you quite understand how we're operating down here. See we take revenge out on the living and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of a death frankly are all down here in Hell with you. *boops Mayberry's nose* Boop!
Mayberry: Not all of them, that whore survived. Now they all call her a "hero."
The scene changes to multiple scenes, from the woman in the hospital, on the news, jogging, in a grocery store, having sex with her husband, being at a church, being in the same class that Mayberry was in and finally cheating on her husband again. Everyone that she saw from random people and her son calling her a "hero."
Mayberry: She is not a Hero!!!!!
Slamming her fist down on Blitzo's desk and leaning in close with a pissed off look, while Blitzo was leaning back against his chair for space.
Blitzo: Mhm, yeah my thoughts exactly.
From under his desk, Blitzo was rapidly pressing one of many buttons that has for emergencies, while the scene change to a pad with red lights and names of what each light was for, mainly ones for Stolas, client giving birth and Ghost. But the one that was blinking rapidly with was for, derange client.
While behind the desk was Moxxie holding a crossbow, trying to focus on the target but is shaking a bit, while Millie is leaning against the desk looking at her husband.
Millie: Moxxie, quit shaking your going to shoot our only Hellhound and Fallen Angel.
Over at the couch was Loona holding a human family picture as Moxxie's target, while Loona was on her phone and laying her head on Y/n's lap, while the said Fallen Angel wason his phone as well, but texting a certain female Overlord.
Loona: Wow, I feel so loved here.
Y/n: Don't worry about me, Millie I'm a lot more durable than you think.
Y/n then proceeds to rub his hand on Loona's head and rub her ears, making the female Hellhound blush a bit and leans into the feeling.
Millie: Now just take a deep breath *breaths in* and let it out.
Moxxie: But it's a family, under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family.
Millie: I mean if that's what the client wants.
Moxxie: Maybe a shitty dad, or a mob family that's understandable. But to eradicate an entire innocent, seemingly innocent in this upper middle class family bloodline.
Loona: *sits up and looks at the picture* Hey! You don't know their innocent, *points to the boy* this kid probably sets dogs on fire, *points to the girl* maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online *points to the husband* and this guy... This guy definitely watches.
Y/n: The, first bit seemed kinda targeted, but She's not wrong many humans have dark secrets and I maybe a Fallen Angel, but I can still tell when one is innocent or not.
Millie: Exactly and just like what Y/n said, humans are full of secrets nasties it's why so many of them end up down here.
Y/n: [Or that someone in Heaven that is currently doing my job, doing some really lousy work. Cause some of them are innocent.]
Moxxie: But-
Millie: Guilty and innocent aren't our business Mox, killing who we're paid to is our business. Shoot the target. *kisses Moxxie*
Moxxie: *goes to aim the crossbow* I just think it's a bit excessive and we could be a bit more selective is all.
Blitzo: *kicks the door open* Guys I want you to meet...!
Due to the sudden entrance of Blitzo and Mayberry, Moxxie accidently fires the arrow making it fly and bounces around the room, and hits the computer screen, then hits the picture that Loona was holding making Y/n grabs Loona and wraps her around his wings to protect her from the flying arrow.
The arrow then hits the leg of a fish tank causing it to be a bit off balance, the arrow was then about to hit Mayberry, but a black like serpent grabs the arrow by it's mouth while the others turn and follow it's body to see it was connected to Y/n's back.
Y/n: Well, that was close.
Blitzo: Our newest client.
The fish tank then falls to the floor breaking the glass and spilling the water and eels that were in the tank, the eels then electrify the water and miraculously causing a fire in the room, which surprised everyone in the room, but Blitzo was pissed.
Blitzo: Got damnit Moxxie! I just bought those eels!
-time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/n carrying Chibi Loona out of the burning office-
Y/n's pov
As me and everyone else got out of the office fire, the Imps that are tasked of putting out the fire with the eels walking out of the building, while Blitz was waving the newest client who has looking at me with interest.
Blitzo: *waving the client* Bye and don't worry we'll get that skanky bitch in less than 24 hours or your first kill is free!
the taxi leaves the place heading to where the client was going, while I got a good look at the reasons to why she's in Hell.
Y/n: [I think, I've found someone for the Hotel.]
Moxxie: When did we started to implementing that deal?
Blitzo: When you set fire to my office in front of a client you fucking dipshit!!!! *pushes Moxxie back* Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still intact?!
Loona who was now leaning against the building, and out of my arms while looking through her phone.
Loona: You mean, our only ticket to the other side? *pulls out Stolas grimoire from behind her* Yeah, got it right here.
A/n: honestly, after re-watching that part it look like she pulled it out of her back pocket, but her pants doesn't look like it would have any back pockets.
Y/n: [Where the hell did she pulled that from?! cause her pants does not have any back pockets.]
Blitzo: And that's why your my favorite Loony. You get a tweet now.
He then pulls out a dog treat that humans, would give to their canine pets and the look on Loona's face appears to be of both "disgust" and "offended."
Loona: Ew, stop.
Blitzo then tosses the treat in the air, and grabs the treat with his tongue which makes Loona turn away and open the grimoire.
Loona: Your so gross!
I turn to see, that both Moxxie and Millie finishing up with a circle to open a portal to the human world, with Blitzo coming to the three of us and Loona goes back into the building.
Blitzo: Now let's go lick some ass!
Y/n: The fuck?
Millie: The expression is "kick some ass" Blitsz.
Y/n: Got to agree with Millie.
Blitzo: I like mine better, but you know the routine Y/n.
Y/n: Yup, I only step in as back up incase something on the job goes wrong.
We then went through the portal, to see a house that is next to a river and secluded in the forest with no witnesses, I lean against the tree while the three imps go towards the house. As I wait, I felt my Hell phone start to ring, so I pulled it out and see it was Velvet calling.
Y/n: *answers the call* Hello, Velvet.
Velvet: {Y/n, why didn't you answer my call yesterday?}
Y/n: Sorry, but it was really early you called me yesterday.
Velvet: {Okay, that's fair. So what are you doing right now?}
3rd pov
-with Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie-
As the three imps reach one of the windows of the house, that is above some bushes and Blitzo then goes up to look through the window to see their target in the dining room.
A/n: honestly, I'm surprised she still has the bandaged still wrapped around her head after she fully recovered. Also not in the harem cause I don't do cheating thots like this chick.
Blitzo: That's got to be her. *chuckles* This is too easy, Moxxie you want this one?
Moxxie: *hopeful tone* Me?
Blitzo: Yeah, this one's simple enough for you to handle.
Moxxie pokes his head to look through the window, but is shock to see that the target is with a "loving" family.
Blitzo: It's just a happy mother, who just got out of the hospital
upon seeing the mother and father of the family give each other eskimo kisses, making Moxxie have second thoughts on this target.
Blitzo: *readies the rifle* You snooze you lose Mox. And I got you bitch.~
Moxxie: Wait, are we actually killing a family?
Blitzo: No, don't be a puss. We're just killing a mother, we're ruining a family.
Moxxie: But, hold on, hold on let's just think about it.
Moxxie goes to move the gun away from the target, but Blitzo fires it making the shot miss it's target and hit a picture hanging on the wall, that catches the family's attention.
mother: What was that, Ralphie?
Ralphie: I don't know Martha. *stands up and pulls out a shotgun with an evil grin* But whatever it is, they're going to be tomorrow nights dinner.
Hearing this, Martha gently puts the the covered turkey and pulls out a shotgun of her own and a glass of wine from the under the table, she drinks the whole glass and smashes it on the ground.
Martha: All right, kids guns out!
same as the two kids, the boy pulls out a revolver from under his raccoon hat, while the girl pulls out pump action shotgun and the grin evilly towards the window that the bullet was shot from. While the three imps were outside, with Moxxie heavily breathing.
Blitzo: What the fuck was that Moxxie?
Moxxie: *heavily pants* I'm sorry, they just seem so wholesome and happy. *trying to breath* I panicked.
Blitzo: Oh, who the fuck is innocent Moxxie. From the moment of your birth, you're already a parasite leaching off your mama's tits, get the fuck over yourself you baby dick pri-
Before he could finish, the wall on his left bursts open and Blitzo is shot in the arm, making him grabbed the shot arm in pain.
Blitzo: Argh! A new hole! Scatter!
With that Blitzo and Millie jump out of the bush running in two directions with Martha following Blitzo, while Ralphie follows Millie. Leaving Moxxie in the bush, who then pokes his head out and tries to run for it, but he is grabbed by his tail and taken in the house, while a shadowy figure is on the house's roof with their black wings out and black serpent creatures coming out from their back.
shadowy figure: Time to have some fun.~
-with Millie-
The female Imp is flipping away from Ralphie and dodging his shots and diving into the lake, while Ralphie walks on the dock.
Ralphie: Where you going, little critter. Y'all can't hide long from me!
Millie pokes her head out from the water under the dock, with a knife in her mouth, while Ralphie was looking around Millie jumps up breaking through the wood of the dock with Ralphie facing her. Once Millie landed with a grin of her own, Ralphie drops the shotgun and pulls outr a glass bottle, then tries to hit Millie with the bottle but she dodges the swing and gets behind Ralphie, she then jumps up with the intent of driving the knife into Ralphie. But the human male quickly swing the bottle at Millie hitting her and knocking her to the ground, Millie tries to get back up pointing the knife only to fall unconscious.
-with Moxxie-
Moxxie wakes up and sees that he is tied to a chair, then see the boy and girl looking at him with evil grins making him worry a bit.
Moxxie: Oh, well hello little ones. Aren't you cute-
boy/girl: *at the same time* It's nice to have a new critter to play with.~
Moxxie then get's a better look at the room, which is filled with messed up shit like human faces, a mounted human head and a human skin pinned to the wall, with "Bless this mess" written on it.
Moxxie: Oh... *looks to see a human like body on the table* crumbs
But then the sound of wings flapping is heard around the room, along with a sinister chuckle that puts the kids on edge and Moxxie knowing who it might be.
Moxxie: {Y/n?}
-with Blitzo-
Blitzo jumps over some bushes, while shots from Martha as she laughs evilly and echoed through out the forest, Blitzo then slides down a slope and runs ahead for a bit, but then stops to catch his breath.
Martha's voice: I know you're hurtn' little devil.
Blitzo hides behind a tree and puts both of his hands over his mouth to keep quiet, due to hearing Martha's voice being heard close by.
Martha's voice: I promise, I can make the pain go away real quick, just come let momma Martha put a bullet in your pretty little skull!
As, Martha passes by Blitzo let's out a breath of relief, but then Blitzo's phone went off and he fumbles around trying to quickly silence the ring tone, he then accepts the call knowing one person that could be calling him.
Blitzo: *whisper tone* Stolas, this is a really bad time.
Stolas: {*sighs* When isn't a bad time Blitzy}
Blitzo: What is it?
Stolas: {I've been meaning to follow up in our last little conversation, regarding my grimoire.}
Blitzo: what did you just call me?
Stolas: {My book Blitzy, the book I was given to do my job that I allowed you to use to do yours.}
Blitzo then hears a shotgun being ready to fire, so he ducks down just in time to avoid getting his head blown off while the tree gets a large hole from the fire arm.
Martha: I can hear you darling.
Blitzo: shit.
He then runs off while still on the phone with Stolas, who was taking a bubble bath on the other end of the call.
Stolas: {Anyhoo, I've been thinking. You know I've been permitting you to access the mortal realm less then, legally for some time now, but I do need it back to fulfil my own duties. I was thinking, what if we worked out some kind of exchange? favors for favors, doesn't that sound... enticing.~}
Blitzo, then hides behind another tree for cover from Martha's shots.
Blitzo: You gotta stop using your fancy ass rich people talk okay? I'm trying to concentrate on not getting fucked in my A!
the tree that Blitzo was hiding behind then get's shot making a hole into it, while Blitzo is surprised that the shot barely passed him.
Stolas: {Then let me keep it simple. Once a month on the full moon, you return the book to me followed by a night of passionate fornication~ and you get to keep it all the rest of the time. Sound fair my little Imp?}
Blitzo: Fine, whatever!
Stolas: {Oh, Blitz I'm so excited! I cannot wait to feel your slimy *beep* inside of my *beep* electrifying-}
The call gets interrupted, by Martha who pins Blitzo against the tree with the butt of her gun at Blitzo's neck while Stolas continues what he was saying not even knowing no one's listening.
Martha: So your little, huh? come to drag me and my kin to hell, well not today Satan! Gonna send y'all back where you came from.
-with Moxxie-
As Moxxie struggles to break free from his bindings, but then sees some lights come up outside of the house at a distance.
Moxxie: Millie!
the girls then brings out a knife, which Moxxie turns to glare at her but before anyone of them could do anything, a door that leads into the room burst opens catching the attention from all three in the room. they then see a tall dark figure with glowing red eyes and a row of pure white teeth being seen, the figure then enters the room with two black snake like creatures hissing at the two kids.
A/n: kinda like this, but without the gun also I do not own the art or the character in said art. all credit goes to the owner that made the art and the credit for the character goes to the original owners.
figure: Well, well, well what do I see here?~
The boy made the first move, by rushing at the figure with a knife in attempt to use it on the figure, but one of the black snake like creatures pins the boy against the wall by the neck hole of the shirt. The figure then turns to the boy with it's teeth like grin.
figure: Naughty boy.
Upon seeing the girl distracted Moxxie pushes his chair to make it fall and land on the girl, Moxxie then grabs the knife and cuts the ropes that is used to bind his arms, Onced free the figure then turns to the boy and used the ultimate move to scare the shit out of the boy.
figure: Boo.
The boy faints and the black snake like creature then lets go of the boy, and retracts into the back of the figure while the said figure walks up to Moxxie.
Moxxie: Is that you Y/n?
Y/n: Yes, who did you think it was?
Moxxie: Well, we don't see you use that appearance.
Y/n: True, but we've got important things to do.
Moxxie nods his head to him, as both broke a window and exit the house through the window that they broke, and head off into the woods right for the lights in the distance.
-with Millie and Blitzo-
In the said woods is shown a tied up Millie and Blitzo having their hands ties up to a mast, while Ralphie pouring gasoline on the two imps and Martha was holding a torch still having her grin on her face.
Blitzo: I had that fucking shot, god damnit Moxxie.
Martha: Satan! We return filthy creatures back to the pits of Hell! may the root of remain honored as we continue thy work!
She then tosses the torch beneath the two imps feet, causing fire to spread on the the imps and the mast thinking fire would still hurt them, but to her surprise....
Blitzo: Yeah, that not exactly how it works lady. Sorry, your fire doesn't really hurt us, but I can fake it if it'll get your dick hard. *gestures with his tail*
Martha: Oh, shit. Well... *brings up her shotgun* I'll just shoot you in your smartass mouths
Blitzo: That would be more effective.
Millie: Blitz!
As Martha lines up her shot at the imps, while the two said imps close their eyes to brace themselves for getting shot, but two sets of guns were fired and the two imps look to see that Martha was shot twice. One in the head losing her eye and one in the chest with a large hole to be seen, the body falls to the ground to reveal both Moxxie and Y/n with their guns while Y/n was back in his normal appearance.
Millie: Moxxie! Y/n!
Blitzo: Your not getting your goddamn paycheck for this one, Mox.
Moxxie and Y/n goes to the mast and begin to untie both Millie and Blitzo to free them, Moxxie and Millie share a moment with each other, while Y/n helps prevent Blitzo from falling to the ground.
Blitzo: Thanks, for the help Y/n.
Y/n: No problem, Blitz.
Ralphie, steps back and trips over the body of his dead wife, then runs off back to the house away from the Imps and Fallen Angel.
Moxxie: I'm sorry sir, I compromised our objective and put us in harms way. It won't happen again, I promise.
Blitzo: *hugs Moxxie* Apology accepted. *whispers into his ear* But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will fuck you and make you watch Y/n fucks your wife. *separates from Moxxie* All righty job well done, now let's get off.
Moxxie: eh, yeah give me a moment, I need to get something I left at the house.
Blitzo: okay, fine hurry up. *calls Loona with a spare phone* Loona, we're ready to come home dear!
Moxxie then heads back to the house and just runs passed Blitzo's phone that was used to call stolas, who is still on the line and not even noticing that no one was on the other end entirely, back at the house Ralphie embraces his two kids and Moxxie shoes up pointing the gun at the three humans.
Moxxie: Don't move.
Ralphie: What are you going to do little guy. Kill us?
Moxxie: I should, you people are monsters, but you should have a chance at a life and a purpose. Look at your children, they have their whole future ahead of them. You are going to face your crimes justly, I will call your Earthly authorities and they will make sure that you are dealt with fairly. I'm handling this my way.
Moxxie presses a button thinking the device he grabbed was a phone, but when he did the T.V in the next room turned on which Moxxie looks between the T.V and device.
Moxxie: Oh shit, uh do you have a phone to summon 9-1-1?
Ralphie:Yeah, it's in the kitchen. *points towards the kitchen*
A/n: I just like how this guy is just chill, that he is showing the imp where the phone is after said imp killed his wife.
Moxxie: *glances at the device* Then, what is this for?
Ralphie: It's a universal remote, got it for the kids.
Moxxie: awe.
Y/n's pov
We then waited for Moxxie to come back, from what ever his is doing right now and just as the portal came up, Moxxie runs up to us.
Blitzo: There he is, have a good wank off session Moxxie?
Moxxie: Excuse me?
Blitzo: Look I don't care where you come in the living world, just come you your job on time, alright see you in the office.
Blitzo then enters the portal going back to the I.M.P office, while I turn to see Millie and Moxxie having their little moment.
Millie: You doing okay, sweetie?
Moxxie: Better now, honey. I think I just needed a minute to process.
Millie: You have a good heart honey. Just a fluffy head.
Millie then kissed her husband's cheek and goes through the portal, me and Moxxie were about to go into the portal but the sound of human police sirens were heard, so we turn to see the police surround the house and I notice a missile strapped under a helicopter.
Y/n: [Since when do human police helicopters have military grade missiles with them?]
Then the missile was fired at the hosue blowing it up, which Moxxie was shocked and I just have a face that said "What the fuck?!" Then a burnt head of a teddy bear hit's Moxxie in the face and lands on the ground, I was about to give Moxxie a pat on the back but we were pulled through the portal.
-small time skip-
After we came back to the office, we are all around a table with a cake with Moxxie sitting at the table while I am standing next to Loona and the client, whose name is Mayberry celebrating on killing the target. Millie then hugs Moxxie proud on killing the target.
Blitzo: Well here's to another mission accomplish and Moxxie finally learned to not fuck up.
Millie: And killing people isn't that big a deal, if they try to kill you first.
Mayberry: That's messed up, but I payed for it.
We all laughed heartedly and Blitzo said something I canget behind.
Blitzo: yeah, fuck that family.
Y/n: *turns to Mayberry* Hey, can I speak to you in private?
Mayberry: Um, sure.
We both went to the door leading to the hallway out of the office, once we were in the hallway I turn to Mayberry, who looks at me curiously.
Mayberry: So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?
Y/n: Tell me, how would you feel to be getting a second chance to be redeemed?
To be continue
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think and do let me know if I should add Verosika and Stella into the harem, and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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