Chapter 4: a meeting with the King of Hell and a night with a hellhound

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now I'm glad to say that I'm almost close to finish up my female indoraptor x male reader x Blue story and that this one should be good to enjoy to read. Now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

After giving the kid a worthy punishment from him insulting not only my friends/coworkers, but me and nobody insults me and lives to tell the day. I let Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie handle the kid and any other job they can handle without me, but before I could leave to head back to the hotel where Charlie and the others are Loona stops me for a moment.

Y/n: Hey Loona, what's on your mind?

Loona: I just want to say.... Thank you, I now it's shocking cause I don't say that too often.

Y/n: *smiles rubs her head making her have a small blush and unknowingly making her tail wag* No problem Loona. It's what a good friend and coworker would do.

Loona: Still thanks. *gets an idea* Hey are you free tonight?

Y/n: Yeah, why do you ask?

Loona: Well... I was wondering we could hang out after my shift is over.

Y/n: Sure, should be fun.

Loona: [Oh, you have no idea.~]

I then leave the building and was about to teleport back to the hotel, but then I get a call on my Hell phone. I picked it up to see a name of the person who I trust the most like Alastor, which I answer the phone to see what he wants.

Y/n: *on the phone* Hello! Hell's badass fallen angel here speaking!

????: {Your jokes never get old Y/n.}

Y/n: So I have been told. So how can I help you?

????: {I need to talk to you in person actually. I'm sure you know where I live?}

Y/n: Yup, I'll see you before you could say cheese.

????: {chee-}

I then teleport to where the person I was talking to live, but behind him making him jump and turn to me, which he gives me a look that said "really?" I was looking at a man with blonde hair similar to Charlie's in a white suit.

A/n: come on you know he was going to make an appearance now and than. also in this story angels are not really siblings, but they treat each other as such.

Y/n: Heya, Lucifer!

Lucifer: Sometimes Y/n, you can be unpredictable.

Y/n: *smiles* That's just part of my charm. So house the wife?

Lucifer: She's doing fine, though sometimes her work as an Overlord can be stressful.

Y/n: I can see that, kinda similar to how presidents and mayors in the human world can be stressful for humans.

Lucifer: Very much so, indeed.

Y/n: So what did you need me for?

Lucifer: Well, first off I've been trying to sue Mammon cause he made Loo Loo Land. Which is a poor knock off of my own theme park Loo Loo world.

Y/n: And I can guess that we're in Hell and no one gives a damn about that sorta thing.

Lucifer: Pretty much, so I was s\wondering if you ever find the time to destroy it and make it look like an accident?

Y/n: Eh, sure since me and you go way back.

This caused the both of us to let out a chuckle or laugh as we both had good times when we were both Archangels.

Lucifer: Oh, those were the good times.

Y/n: definitely.

Lucifer: And the second thing is I want you to keep my daughter Charlotte, even though I am the Kind of Hell but my daughter's safety comes first.

A/n: I'm not too sure what the relationship is between Lucifer and Charlie is in canon yet. so in this story he will be somewhat a protective and supportive father, but has too keep a serious look in Hell.

Y/n: Don't worry, no matter who tries to lay a finger on her especially a Overlord... they will know the meaning of fear.

I say releasing some of my power and making my serpents manifest with their glowing eyes and sharp teeth being shown.

A/n: this is what they look like and just like the sword they used to be white and gold colors, but the glow changes based on how the reader sees some people like blue and green means they are friendly red means they are hostile.

Lucifer: I'm glad to hear that.

Y/n: *calms down* Now I'm going to go, but it was nice seeing ya Luc.

Lucifer: Same here.

I then teleport away to Charlie's hotel and upon entering I see that the hotel is getting some people to join, though they doubt that it would actually work. I then see Vaggie and Charlie walking up to me which made a bit curious.

Y/n: Hey girls you need something?

Charlie: No, just wondering on how your meeting went.

Y/n: It went well, but a certain prick had the balls to not only insult me, but my coworkers so I had to show him not to mess with me or them.

Vaggie: You didn't kill this prick, did you?

Y/n: Oh, no that would be too good for him. I just showed him something no person should ever see.

Charlie: Which is?

I then whispered into their ears to tell them in silent, but once I did their faces were priceless that they had a cringed faces with a small blush.

Vaggie: Okay, yeah what you showed him is a lot more worse than death.

Charlie: Agreed. Please don't ever show us that.

Y/n: Oh, don't worry I only show "that" to people who deserved it. so you guys need any help around here?

Vaggie: yes actually if you don't mind helping.

Y/n: *sweet smile* Of course, anything for you ladies.

Vaggie/Charlie: [Oh lord, he is so perfect!]

-time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/n helping Chibi Charlie in putting a box up-

3rd pov

After some hours helping around the hotel and making sure that no demon or sinner insults Charlie and her ambitions, as Y/n finished with placing one last supply box in storage he check the time to see it was about time to meet with Loona.

Y/n: Well, better meet up with Loona.

He then makes his way to leave the hotel, but before he does he goes to let Charlie know so she doesn't worry about where he's going. As Y/n enters the lobby he bumps into the said woman that he was looking for, due to the sudden bumping into one another which almost makes Charlie fall to the ground. But thanks to Y/n's fast reflexes catches Charlie before she could hit the ground.

Y/n: Well, that was close. *helps Charlie back on her feet* You Okay?

Charlie: Yeah, thanks Y/n.

Y/n: No problem. I was actually looking for you.

Charlie: *blushes* r really? what is it you need to find me?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm gonna be meeting with a coworker from the meeting awhile ago. I also I have finished with what I had been tasked to do.

Charlie: Oh! of course and thank you for letting me know. You can go since we don't have a lot of people coming in so yeah you can go. I hope you have fun.

Y/n: *smiles* thanks Charlie.

Y/n then leaves the hotel, but unknowingly  that Charlie is admiring being in Y/n's arms when he caught her from falling. Once Y/n was out of the hotel he teleports back to Imp City in front of the I.M.P building, but as he did he was met with Loona nearly getting a his face into her chest luckily she stopped just as Loona saw Y/n.

Loona: You know. You should really put a bell on you when you teleport like that.

Y/n: Yeah, I get that from time to time. *playful smirk* But good luck in trying to get a bell on my.

the two give each other a smirk, but then let out a laugh knowing that the two were messing with one another. But then Loona got back to the topic at hand before she ran into Y/n who teleported in front of her.

Loona: So... You ready?

Y/n: *smiles* You know it.

The two then went to around Imp City rearing form having some food with one another cracking some jokes when it comes to their coworkers and teasing one another in Loona's way swaying her hips and tail to divert Y/n's attention to her ass. While Y/n uses this to his advantage which catches Loona off guard like Y/n messaging her shoulders and pet her tail which always got a moan from her.

but as time went on it nearing to the point where Loona has to get home which Y/n did so that no wanna be thug bothers them, but as they do two said wanna be thugs stop the two by getting in front of them.

Y/n: *obi-wan voice* Hello there.

Loona: What is it that you two want?

Thug1: Give us your money. * points a dagger at them*

Thug2: *sees Loona and points his gun at Y/n* and the Hellhound.

Thug1: Dude! No!

Thug2: Dude! Yes!

Y/n: *looks at Loona* You go this way I go that way.

Loona: *smirks* Yeah, I can work with that.

then in an instant both Y/n and Loona knocked the two thugs weapons out of their hands while Y/n pushed the thug in front of him and pulls out his shotgun

A/n: I don't own this.

and aims it at the thug who was too slow to even realize that he fucked up.

Y/n: Next time, don't fuck with someone who is packing.

Y/n then pulls the trigger firing his weapon and makes the thug's head explode and falls to the ground dead, Y/n then turns to see Loona and sees that she had already killed the second thug by ripping his heart out and clawed his face. Once the two killed the thugs Y/n removed the blood that was on Loona with his power and continued on to get Loona back home.

After they got to Loona's home that she lives with Blitzo, Loona was about to head inside but stops and turns to Y/n with a small smile.

Loona: Thanks for today Y/n, it was fun.

Y/n: *smiles* No problem Loona, plus I had fun too.

Loona: Well, I'll see ya tomorrow at work.

Y/n: Yup! see you then.

Loona then went inside as Y/n then teleported back into his room to take a shower and put on some sleep wear which was him being shirtless and wearing sweat pants, but what he doesn't know is that a certain small cyclops enters his room and sleeps with Y/n.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, what? You thought I was going to make a lemon with Loona? Ha! Nice try that's going to be saved for a later chapter, but do let me know in the comments on what you guys think of this chapter and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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