Chapter 3: meeting at I.M.P

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now I'm going to make Loona a tsundere cause she seems like the type but will be submissive when alone with the reader. now with that settled let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

I got up from my bed as I was sleeping in one of the rooms as my own in the hotel that Charlie runs. as I got my clothes back on I hear my phone go off making a ringtone sound that I regret to put on.

A/n: I don't own this, but I love this video.

Y/n: *answers the phone* hello this is the incredibly sexy badass fallen angel Y/n speaking.

????: hello N/n~ (nickname)

I froze upon hearing a familiar Overlord of hell which is one that is always trying to get into my pants.

Y/n: *hangs up* not dealing with Velvet this early in the morning.

A/n: yeah I added Velvet into the harem I'll show you a pick at the end of this chapter.

Y/n's phone: fucking! ring, ring, ring!

Y/n: *answers the phone again* hello.

????: {hello Y/n it's me Millie do you have time to come to the office?}

Y/n: ah Millie good to hear from ya. also to answer your question yes I am free today why?

Millie: {well we Blitzo is holding up a meeting and wants all of us there.}

Y/n: say no more Millie I'll be there in less than a minute.

Millie: {alright see you there.}

I then hang up the phone as I'm sure Millie did the same and went out of my room to find someone to let them know I got a meeting to go to. as I was walking through the halls I run into Vaggie.

 Y/n: morning Vaggie.

Vaggie: morning Y/n. what are you up too?

Y/n: well I got a meeting to go too at I.M.P that requires me and the other employees to go.

Vaggie: oh okay, but isn't that all the way in Imp City? how are you going to get there?

Y/n: simple, I can teleport there.

Vaggie: huh, handy.

Y/n: now if anyone ask where I am tell them I'm at a meeting also *gives Vaggie his phone number* here's the number to my phone if you need me.

Vaggie: you got it. hope the meeting goes well.

I nod to here and teleported to the front of the I.M.P building and now in the city of Imp City. upon entering the building I see Loona at the front desk minding her own business until her eyes laid on me.

A/n: not mine.

Y/n: hello Loona.

Loona: hey Y/n.

Y/n: so is the meeting starting soon?

Loona: yeah Blitzo is waiting in the meeting room.

then the front door opens again as we turn to see the married Imp couple enter the room Millie and Moxxie.

Y/n: morning Millie and Moxxie.

Moxxie: morning Y/n..*looks at Loona* morning loona.

Loona: whatever.

Millie: heya, Y/n morning Loona.

Y/n: so shall we see what Blitzo called for this meeting?

I got some nods and we head to the top floor that will lead us to the meeting room by taking an elevator. once we reached the desired floor we exited the elevator and entered the meeting room to see a tall Imp demon named Blitzo with his horns curved wearing a suit.

we then sat at the table I sat next to Loona while Millie and Moxxie sat at the other side of the table.

Blitzo: alright I know business has been a bit slow yes, but it's no one's fault okay, I'm not naming ant names here...Moxxie.

I chuckled a bit after Blitzo just called out Moxxie's name as he made a "what the fuck?" face at Blitzo.

Blitzo: now does anyone have any bright ideas on how we can get business drumming up again.

Millie: what about a car wash?

Blitzo: this is Hell Millie. no one cares about cars getting clean here. okay?

Y/n: sad, but true.

Blitzo: oh! *gets stars in his eyes* what about a billboard?

Moxxie: we can't afford a billboard sir.

Blitzo: helpful Moxxie really glad your in the room right now. *pushes Moxxie off his seat and brings out a remote* have you guys forgotten what service we provide?

he then turns on the TV in the room as it showed us killing some poor bastards that were on our hit list. with Blitzo whacking one guy with a mallet busting his head open then to Moxxie who had one guy tied up and blown his brains out with a shotgun, but Moxxie got knocked back by the force of the shotgun firing. followed with Loona mauling a guy with her mouth as the poor bastard was screaming and Millie killing a guy with a spiked weapon decapitating him. finally it shows my kill as I punched a guy through his torso then turned the guy around and spreading the hole open to the point my face could be seen.

Y/n: *on TV* here's johnny!

A/n: couldn't help myself you get a cookie if you know the joke.

Y/n: *chuckles* I'm quite proud of that one.

Blitzo: *sighs* those were the good times.

Moxxie: I don't need any reminding sir. considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. one that you then additionally paid to have it run for a full three hours on a channel that nobody watches.

Blitzo: uh hey excuse me, what obnoxious about a super fun jingle alright? it's a fun distraction when an advertisement is spitting bullshit.

Millie: people love musicals sir.

Y/n: [well some people prefer other music styles.]

Blitzo: exactly! Millie and we're basically doing a musical. *points at Moxxie* are you going to crush my musical theater dreams like my dad did?

Moxxie: sir-

Blitzo: because right now. all I see is my dad's asshole talking to me. crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside.

Millie: are you trying to crush his dreams Moxxie?

Moxxie: I...what?

Millie: *flirty tone* I thought I knew you~

Y/n: [you better get your vitamins Moxxie.]

Blitzo: I can't believe you Moxxie after I made you employee of the month!

he then brings out a picture with the employee of the month frame around it, but I chuckled a bit to see it's a terrible picture of Moxxie.

Moxxie: okay! sir. I'm sorry, a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theater. nobody actually likes the jingles.

Millie: I liked it.

Y/n: it's pretty catchy.

Moxxie: *points to Millie and Y/n* do not agree with him in front of me.

-one commercial scene later with Y/n laughing at the church part-

Y/n: I still can't believe that you three ended up in a church full of humans in it! *wipes a tear away* oh the looks on their faces.

Blitzo: yeah we got out calculations wrong that time.

Moxxie: anyway, I'dlike to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. dispatch is supposed to give us the "Right" info on the target. it's very simple.

Loona: oh go sit on a dick Moxxie.

Moxxie: you sit-

Y/n: hey! that is racist! she's a Hellhound!

Moxxie: uhh...uhmm.... do your job!

Blitzo: hey now, we don't blame our screw ups on Loona okay? she didn't do anything wrong.

he then starts hugging her while Loona just growls not liking his hugging while I chuckled at how he acts like a father to her.

Moxxie: are you kidding me sir? she's awful.

Y/n: please she's not that bad.

3rd pov

-flashback #1-

Loona is seen looking at a magazine with the title called "Hellhound Monthly" as the phone on her desk starts to ring.

Loona: *picks up the phone* hello I.M.P.

Millie: {Loona I got stabbed! call Mox-

Loona then hangs up the phone and continues reading while Y/n looks up from his book that has a title called "how to pleasure a female Hellhound."

Y/n: let me guess Millie in trouble?

Loona: yup.

Y/n: *sighs* I'll be right back. *teleports away*

-flashback #2-

Blitzo: happy adoption anniversary Loonie *brings up a present to Loona* I got you a little something.

Loona: is it a cure for syphilis?

Blitzo: I...oh..

Loona: *takes the present and throws it down* then I don't WANT IT!

as the present hits the ground a bunch of spiders come out of the present and start to climb on Loona's body. making her growl at Blitzo who was now behind the window outside.

Blitzo: *outside the window* I'm sorry it was spiders.

Loona: god damnit *says as a spider is dangling from her nose*

-flashback #3-

in the I.M.P building Moxxie is looking at a piece of paper given to him as he made it to the front desk where Loona is watching a video of the Princess of Hell Charlie's interview.

Moxxie: excuse me, but did you just fax an ad for weight loss?

Loona: nooo.

Moxxie: what? why would anyone send me this?

Loona: come on *looks up making a face* you know why

A/n: I'm curious what face Loona was making when she said that. I know she was implying that Moxxie will get fat.

-flashback #4-

in the kitchen of the building Loona is going through the fridge with two notes on the side one saying "Loona don't eat my lunch Moxxie" and the other saying " if Loona eats my lunch and (favorite energy drink) she's getting punished~ Y/n."

Loona: who ever left the fucking (favorite food) with a (favorite energy drink) in the fridge. I'm taking them cause I have the worst hangover right now. *starts eating Y/n's lunch and drink*

Millie: why would you drink on a work night?

Loona: *finishes eating the food and drink* I'm hungover from this morning dumbass.

Moxxie: *opens the door* isn't that Y/n's lunch and drink?

Loona: *drops the box and can* you know what. I can't take this assault right now. I need to blow off some *kicks the box making it hit Moxxie* FUCKING STEAM!

she then runs out of the kitchen and the I.M.P building as a female Imp was alking by with her baby. but then Loona comes running out screaming and then kicks the baby carriage making the female imp stop in surpirse. then Y/n teleports next the the female imp with the carriage safely on the ground.

Y/n: here's your baby back ma'am and do please forgive her she's having a rough day.

-flashback #5-

Loona: Blizto! that clingy lord asshole is on the phone says it's urgent and wants to talk to you! he sounds a little dtfe.

Blitzo: *throws his drink on the floor* oh god! it was one time! if I hadn't slept with that privilege asshole. none of us would have access to the living world. well maybe except for Y/n.

after he said that both Moxxie and Y/n who were standing next to him with their drinks with a blank stare.

Y/n\Moxxie: you what?

-flashback in a flashback-

as Blitzo gets out of bed with an owl demon he carries a large book to the balcony for his way of leaving without being seen.

Blitzo: got the book, got the book. got this fucking heavy book. *singing whisper tone*

as soon as he got to the balcony he places the book on the railing of the balcony and picks himself on the same railing. unfortunately the book tipped down ward causing it to fall with him.

Blitzo: oh shit!

luckily or unluckily he falls onto a table that had cake on it with three other owl demons sitting around it with cake all over them as Blitzo landed on the cake.

Blitzo: sorry I fucked your husband.

-back to the original flashback-

Loona: Blitzo!

Blitzo: I heard you already-!

-on blitzo's office on the phone-

Blitzo: *on his phone* so what can I do for you this time Stolas?

Stolas: {there's a political candidate causing trouble up on Earth for a few of my associates. he's trying to convince people that global warming exists.

Blitzo: *on his phone* doesn't it?

Stolas: {well yes, but more people die is nothing is done about it and it get's lonely here.}

Blitzo: *mutters while on the phone* okay, well now that makes sense.

Stolas: {you know what happens when I get lonely Blitzy.}

Blitzo: *mutters while moving the phone away from him* god fucking damnit.

Stolas: {when I'm lonely I become hungry and when I'm hungry I want to choke on that red dick of yours fuck your salad and *bleep* lick all of your *bleep*, before you taking out your *bleep* and fucking with more teeth until you scream like *extended bleep* like a fucking baby.}

A/n: honestly I had to look for the quote and I tried my best on what the bleep parts were

Blitzo then hangs up the phone with widen eyes, then breaks his phone in two placing both halfs on his desk, then grabs his office phone to smash the two pieces into smaller pieces and throws the office phone away. he then brings out a blender placing the pieces inside the blender and somehow liquefied the phone pieces then gives it to Loona who is standing next to the desk.

Blitzo: eat this and you know the bridge over the freeway?

Loona: *finishes eating the liquefied phone pieces* yeah?

Blitzo: shit off it! 

-end of flashbacks-

Blitzo: look the point is Loona is valued member of our family and we don't get rid of families.

as Blitzo said that Loona gave a small smile and looks back at her phone as Y/n scratches behind her ears making her growl at him with a light blush.

Moxxie: we aren't a family sir. *motions to Blitzo who stands next to Moxxie* you are the boss *motions to himself* we are the employees. you treat her *motions to Loona* like she's some troubled teenager. she's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman that you let man the phones. *get flipped off by Loona*

Y/n: okay now that is rude Moxxie also *looks at Loona* you have syphilis?

Loona: yeah so?

y/n then places his hand on Loona's head imitating a light green glow around Loona as the other three imps look with curious looks. once the light died down Y/n removes his hand from Loona's head.

Y/n: and now you don't.

Millie: um Y/n what did you do?

Y/n: oh nothing just cured Loona's syphilis. fun fact I still have some of my angelic healing abilites to heal wounds and cure diseases.

the three imps were impressed by the fact while Loona hugged Y/n, but quickly let go looking away with a light blush on her face.

Loona: thanks not like I asked for it.

Blitzo: without homeless people. * opens a window blind* I wouldn't have half the joy and laughter I do in this life.

as he said that he looks out the window to see a female imp on the phone as she looks behind her to see a smelly homeless imp sitting behind her. disgusted she moves forward a bit as Blitzo waves and closes the blinds.

Moxxie: while we are on the subject of "family." can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work?

Millie: come on Mox sweetie it's not that big of a deal.

Moxxie: excuse me, what?!

then more flashbacks of Blitzo finding Moxxie and Millie outside of work like Blitzo somehow inside their fridge, Moxxie waking up to see Blitzo on somehow on their bed without waking them and purring like a cat. to finally Moxxie and Millie singing their duet song about to kiss, but Moxxie caught Blitzo filming them outside their appartment.

Moxxie: just stop doing that.

Blitzo: I don't see what the issue is or is there something you don't want me seeing?

Moxxie: no.

Blitzo *says while Y/n and Loona are stiffling a laugh* you baby wiener haver.

Moxxie: sir what you say and how you act is totally inappropriate!  

Millie: calm down Mox your going to have another panic attack.

Moxxie: I am calm!

Millie then starts to rub Moxxie's horns while the said male imp was whimpering.

Blitzo: look I don't judge the boring couple stuff you two do outside of work hours, but don't judge me.

Moxxie: oh I do judge you sir. quite a lot actually.

Millie: Mox he's our boss.

Blitzo: no, no it's fine Millie. your husband is just, how do I say this without being offensive...retarted *smirks*

Y/n: Blitz. that is offensive. -.-

Moxxie: does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life.

Y/n: *mutters* oh damn.

Blitzo: it actually does.

Loona: the only reason you have a wife is because your easy to manage.

Millie: *slams her hands on the table* no he's not you bitch! *flips off Loona*

Loona: *growls*

Y/n: now, now Loona. *pets her head calming Loona down a bit*

blitzo: do not talk to my receptionist she's sensitive!

Loona: yes I am!

????: you guys are fucking assholes.

everyone looks to one end of the room to reveal that it was the kid that walked in front of Moxxie's gun from the commercical. he was laying on a medical bed with hospital machines strapped to him.

Y/n: okay, first is that the kid that Moxxie accidently shot? if so how is he in Hell if he's alive?

Millie: don't question it.

blitzo: oh shut up kid your lucky to witness this.

Moxxie: ugh, this company is such a mess.

Blitzo: alright let's get back of talking about my outfit.

Y/n\Loona: nobody was talking about that.

Blitzo: thats why I'm trying to get that ball rolling. so how does it look? it's good, right?

kid: *points at the group* it's been litteral hell having to pretend to be paralyzed so you fuck shits wouldn't kill me. *takes off the straps of the medical machines* but now I want that I want death. *points at Blitzo* you are a selfish greedy clown and I'm a kid we're supposed to like clowns even the creepy ones.

Y/n: [I think the readers would disagree with you on the creepy clowns part kid.]

Moxxie: hey now that's not very-

kid: if I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass. I'd rip out your spine and ask you some shit.

Millie: *defends her husband* that's my husband you talking too!

kid: *annoying ass laugh* that's your husband? *get's growled at by the two imp couple* I figured you for a slut. but I didn't know you need a dick that bad.

Y/n: okay now that's too far kid.

kid: was I talking to you small dick fallen nobody? *points to Loona* and you!

Loona: what? what about me?

kid: oh nothing I don't talk to dogs, I'm a cat person.

this made Loona glare at the kid then go back to her phone while the other three were backing away upon seeing Y/n being a black figure that only his hair, clothes and a intimidating glowing red eye.

Blitzo: wow, you know kid you kinda are a piece of shit.

Moxxie and Millie agreed with him while muttering then Loona get's a notification on her phone that made her eyes widen and smile.

Loona: oh fuck. guys I just got a text from our client. guess he was the right target after all *smiles*

Blitzo: who?

Loona: him *points to the kid*

kid: me?

Loona: yup.

Blitzo: they wanted us to kill an actual child?

Loona: that's what their saying.

Y/n: *malicous voice* Blitzo....get the special room ready~

Blitzo\Moxxie\Millie\Loona: [oh shit kid's dead.]

they look to see Y/n standing up and did the one thing that would make anyone send a shiver down their spine even a Overlord level demon.

A/n: yeah this is what your doing.

Y/n then grabbed the kid walking down to the "special room" while the kid is terrified of the Fallen Angel. upon entering the room Y/n placed the kid on the chair and put on a little video and left the room. then the video played a certain song showing the title that it was...

Boku no Pico

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. please let me know what you guys think of it in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

A/n: hey guys I forgot to put the pic on who Velvet is here it is.

A/n: this is Velvet she is one of the other Overlords she was with Nox taking a selfie though I'm not sure if Valentino was there or what their relation is. also she's in the harem and I don't know why but I get a Harley Quinn vibe from velvet.

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