Chapter 2: the Hotel and the Radio demon

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter for this story now after this chapter the next one will be when the reader heads to the I.M.P as an employee for how should Loona act around the reader is up to you now let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

after we head back to Charlie's hotel by Limo I was sitting in between the seats of Charlie who is softly rubbing my wings. you may as why is she doing that well...

-small flashback-

Charlie: oh my! your actually a Fallen angel?! *gives a cute face* do you think I could...feel your wings?

-flashback end-

damn cute faces their always my weakness! anyway that's why she's rubbing my wings which I don't mind Vaggie was busy glaring at Angel Dust for the whole gang war thing while Angel is playing with the Limo's window. but he then notices the glare that Vaggie was giving him which this is going to be bad.

Angel Dust: what?

Vaggie: what? what?! what were you doing?!

Angel Dust: *sighs* I owed my girl buddy a solid! isn't that a "redeeming Quality"? helping friends with stuff?

Vaggie: not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!

Y/n: plus you are a patron of the hotel. so yeah that didn't help too.

Angel: win some you lose a few hundred *laughs* it wasn't that bad.

he then goes to play with the window again but that get's cut short when Vaggie threw a dagger at the switch making both me and Angel Dust flinch as Vaggies glares at him.

Y/n: [note to self do not piss off Vaggie even though she looks cute when angry.]

Angel Dust: oh come on! I had to! My credibility was on the line. I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was trying to go clean? *brings up his furry chest* it just throws out my entire persona.

Vaggie: your credibility? what about the hotel? your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!

Angel Dust: no, no, no jokes are funny. I made you look , uh...sad. and pathetic! like an orphan with no arms....or - or legs....uh oh with progeria!

I then notice Charlie's face goes uneasy and she shoves her face in my wings for comfort which I don't mind her doing.

Y/n: that was un called for Angel.

Angel Dust: great! now I'm bummed thinking about it. does this thing have any liquor?

I just breathe in and put my hand on my face shaking it side to side while Angel Dust looks around in the limo for liquor.

Vaggie: can you please just try to take this seriously?

Angel Dust: fine, I'll try. just don't get your taco in a twist, baby.

Vaggie: was that you trying to be sexist or racist?

Y/n: probably both.

Angel Dust: that or whatever pisses you off more. is there seriously no liquor in here?

Vaggie: I'm gonna kill him.

Y/n: uh about that...

Angel Dust: too late toots. wait, would that make me double dead? where exactly do I go to double Hell?! *laughs* sorry your stuck with me bitch. get used to it.

Vaggis: *in Spanish* eat shit, bastard son of a-

Angel Dust: listen who cares if some jack-offs got hurt? most of them are ugly freaks. look around, you got buncha fucken harlequin babies down here.

Y/n\Vaggie: your one to talk

I chuckled as Vaggie smirks and lowed fived me since we both said the same thing. then Angel Dust says that his body his is flawless and brings out a fan letter which literally grossed me out.

Charlie: that was really uncool y'know Angel.

Y/n: "uncool" is an understatement.

Vaggie: "uncool"?! after THAT train wreck, there is no way anyone is staying at the hotel! all thanks to you and your selfish bullshit!

Angel Dust: does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?

Y/n: duh....

Angel Dust: tsk ah well shucks. *snaps his fingers*

Charlie: hey come on. we don't know if things are over yet. try to relax, Vaggie i-it'll be okay.

Y/n: you can say that again since I'm also helping the hotel for a girl like Charlie. who I'll bite may be a princess of Hell she's got a bright personality and this is coming from a guy who used to be AN angel.

Vaggie: good point. 

once the limo came to a full stop we got out and I got a good look at the hotel's appearance which is not bad. but once we got inside everything is a work in progress with a welcome sign me and Vaggie sat at the couch as Vaggie let out a frustrated sigh and Angel Dust got a popcicle and made a comment about getting some food for the wayward souls only to make Charlie feel more down. when he got the memo he left her alone I pulled out my sword and use my power to summon some sword polish for my sword.

Vaggie: hey Y/n I got to ask why is your sword like that?

Y/n: well it was once silver and gold filled with holy energy. but since I became a fallen angel and slayer of the exterminators which I'm calling them exterminator angels my sword changed color like my wings.

Angel Dust: huh neat so since your a fallen angel do you still have your regular angel powers or no?

Y/n: I still have some like healing and curing diseases that any one might have along with creating holy spears.

Vaggie: well that's cool.

3rd pov

as Y/n, Vaggie and Angel Dust talk about somethings Y/n did after becoming a fallen angel Charlie got back in the hotel after leaving a message for her mother, but then before she moved away from the door she heard a knock which she cautiously moves towards then opens the door to reveal a man with a red suit and hair.

red man: hel-

gets interrupted by Charlie closing the door on him but  then opens it back up to reveal the man still there.

red man: lo!

as she closes the door again then goes over to the others at the couch with Y/n still polishing his sword.

Charlie: hey Vaggie?

Vaggie: what?

Charlie: the Raido demon is at the door...!

Vaggie: what!

Y/n: say what?

Angel Dust: who?

Charlie: uh what do I do?

Vaggie: well don't let him in!

Charlie looks at the door and goes to it and opens it up to reveal that the Radio Demon is still there at the door.

Radio Demon: may I speak now?

Charlie: you may.

Radio Demon: Alastor! pleasure to be meeting you. quite the pleasure! excuse my sudden visit, but I saw your fiasco on the picture show and I couldn't resist. what a performance! why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929 *laughs* so many orphans.

as he walks further in the hotel he stops when a sudden spear get's pointed at him to reveal Vaggie is the one holding said spear.

Vaggie: stop right there *in Spanish* bastard son of a bitch! *in english* I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show shit-lord!

Alastor: *moves the spear away* dear if I wanted to harm anyone here....*demonic radio sounds* I WOULD HAVE DONE SO ALREADY.

after doing his demonic radio static thing he looks around but stops upon seeing Y/n Alastor keeps his trade mark smile while Y/n looks with a serious look on his face making everyone else in the room shack slightly. but....

Y/n: *smiles throwing his arms in the air* Alastor!!!!!!

Alastor: Y/n my good fallen angel friend!!!!!

the two run up to each other clapping their hands together at a fast pace shocking the others on how the two know each other.

A/n: this is what you and Alastor are doing.

Y/n: hehe good to see ya there buddy.

Alastor: feelings the same now where was I....oh! that's right! I'm here cause I want to help!

Charlie: say what now?

Alastor: help! *laughs* hello? is this thing on? testing, testing.

Mic: well I hear ya just fine!

Charlie: um, you want to help with?

Alastor: this ridiculous thing your trying to do! this hotel! I want to help run it!

Charlie: but...why?

Alastor: *laughs* why does anyone do anything?

Y/n: I can see where this is going.

Alastor: sheer absolute boredom! I've lost inspiration for decades. my work became mundane, lacking focus.....aimless! I've crave a new form of entertainment! *laughs*

Charlie: does getting into a fistfight with reporter count as entertainment?

Y/n: * looks at Charlie* you did what now?

Vaggie: she got into a fight with Katie Killjoy.

Y/n: oh....who won?

Vaggie: Charlie.

Alastor: and that's the purest kind! reality! true passion! after all, the world is a stage and the stage is the world of entertainment!

Y/n: so true everyone has lives they go by.

Charlie: so does this mean that you think it's possible to rehabilitate a demon?

Alastor: *laughs* of course not! that's wacky nonsense. redemption....oh the nonexistent humanity! nononono.....I don't think there's anything left that could save such loathsome sinners.

Y/n: this may be my old angel habits, but I think it's possible.

as Alastor continued his conversation with Charlie Y/n returns to sit with Vaggie and Angel Dust. then Vaggie started to tell Angel Dust the story about Alastor due to him being curious after Vaggie told the story Angel Dust said something that made Y/n laugh.

Angel Dust: he looks like a strawberry pimp.

Y/n: *laughs* you can say that again.

Vaggie: well I don't trust him.

Angel Dust: to be fair do you trust any man? any men? men?

Vaggie: so far Y/n is one of the only man I can trust despite him being a fallen angel.

Y/n: awe thanks Vaggie~

she blushes with a small smile then she goes to warn Charlie about Alastor. while Y/n sits back to watch Charlie do her thing after talking to Alastor to make a fair agreement without the use of Charlie to make a deal with Alastor.

Alastor: so where is your hotel staff?

Charlie: uh well....

she points to Vaggie who is glaring at Alastor while Y/n is next to here leaning back against the wall.

Alastor: ho-ho-ho your going to need more than that, but Y/n your going to be working here too? what about the I.M.P?

Y/n: I can manage plus they only need me if it's necessary.

Alastor nods then walks to Angel Dust who is sitting down on a chair next to the check in desk looking quite bored.

Alastor: and what do you do my effeminate fellow?

Angel Dust: I can suck your dick.*smiles*

Alastor: *shocked smile* HA! NO.

Angel Dust: your loss

Alastor: well this just won't do! I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up *snaps fingers*

as that happen the fire place lights up with fire and something comes out Alastor picks it up. at first it looked like a burned body covered in black ash, but then a eye comes into view then the black ash comes off to reveal a small girl in a red skirt and white shirt.

Alastor: this little darling is Niffty!

Niffty: hi I'm Niffty. it's nice to meet you. it's been a while since I've made new friends- *stops to looka at Y/n*

Y/n: sup.

Niffty: *jumps on Y/n holding on to him by his shoulders* OH MY GOD! IT'S THE ONE AND ONLY FALLEN ANGEL! IT'S SO NICE TOO MEEY YOU!

Y/n: *chuckles while patting Niffty's head* it's nice to meet you too Niffty just Y/n is fine.

Niffty: *get's off Y/n* I'm sorry if it's rude. oh man! this place is filthy! it really needs a lady's touch no offense. ohmigosh, this is awful! nope, nope nope, nope, nope. *gasps* NOPE!

then a sound of something getting teleported to reveal a blackjack table with a cat demon with a black and red top hat along with red wings.

cat demon: ha read 'em and weep, boys ful-woooooah the hell? what the fuck is this? *sees Alastor* you!

Alastor: ha Husker my good friend, glad  you could make it!

Husker: don't "Husker" me, you son of a bitch. I was about to win the whole damn POT!

Y/n: *mutters* talk about bad timing on Alastor's side but oh well.

Alastor: good to see you too.

Husker: *facepalms* what the hell do you want with me this time?

Alastor: my friend, I am doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to valunteer your services! I hope that's okay?

Husker: you thought it would be some kinda big fuckin' riot just to pull me outta nowhere? you think I'm some kind o fuckin' clown!?

Alastor: well, I figured you would be the perfect face to manthe front desk of this fine establishment! with your charming smile and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! don't worry, my friend. I can make this more welcoming...if you wish. *pulls out a bottle of cheap booze*

Husker: what? you think you can buy me with a wink and cheap booze?! well you can! * takes the bottle and starts drinking it*

Vaggie: hey! hey! hey-hey-hey no, no bar! no alcohol. this is supposed to be a place that discourgages sin! not some kind of now- cav-

Angel Dust: *tackles Vaggie* shut up! shut! up! we are keeping this *points to the bar*

Y/n: *gets Angel Dust off Vaggie* calm down you two the bar is fine just drinking alcohol is not a sin. only when you get drunk it is.

Vaggie: and you know how?

Y/n: umm....*moves his wings*

Vaggie: oh....fair point.

as that was taken care of Angel Dust heads to the bar to try to "hit" on Husker. while Charlie welcomes Husker with alot of enthusiasm once everything was set Alastor started to do something with his monocle.

-after Alastor's song Y/n's pov-

right before Alastor could finish his sentence the front door gets blown open making the door fly off whichwas about to hit Niffty. but I got in front of her and stopped the door with the palm of my hand I then place the door aside and we all look out through the hole to see the snake prick's blimp.

Sir Pentious: ha! well, well, well. look who is harboring the striped freak and the fallen prick. we meet again Alastor!

Alastor/Y/n: do I know you?

the snake prick then goes on saying he has the element of surprise. then Alastor took the lead and used what I could assume is only a fraction of his power by summoning a portal and tentacles. then once the tentacles were wrapped around the blimp Alastor closes his hand with a crazy smile making the blimp explode which shocked the others but not me.once that was done Alastor and the rest head back inside the hotel while I didn't cause I saw the snake prick come out of the hole in the ground with a surviving egg minion.

Y/n: oh don't think that it's all over~ *insert a innocent yet terrifying smile*

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I made this a bit longer so I can expand on the story also to make up on not updating this in a while so I'll see you guys in the next one  

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