
Did We Win?

Hermione and Sam walked into the Great Hall and they are overwhelmed with what they see. So many bodies, whether living or dead, covered the floor, laying side by side. Sam broke away from Hermione looking for his brother, hoping he is not amongst the bodies. He is walking down one of the further aisles when Sam spots Dean speaking with Molly. He exhales a sigh of relief.

Sam approaches his brother, "Dean." Dean turns to his brother, "Sammy. I thought you were right behind me?" Sam nods his head, swallowing the lump in his throat, "I was. But I came across a man, at least I think he was a man. He... He was tearing apart a young girl with his bare hands and his teeth. I was going to shoot him but forgot to reload. He dropped the girl and started running straight at me. Hermione had to kill him before he got to me." Sam is trying his best not to shed tears, lifts his head up to look for Claire, "Have you seen Claire?" They both scan the room separately. Dean finds her hugging Theo, surrounded by everyone from the bunker minus Narcissa. She is currently healing a young wizard with a broken arm, and a bleeding gash above his left eye.

Draco can feel eyes on him and his friends. Looking around he sees Dean scanning their group, knowing Dean was internally doing a headcount making sure they're alright. Dean had become the father figure the Slytherin boys so desperately needed in their lives. Draco gets up and walks over to Dean, his voice cracking and low from screaming hexes the past few hours, "Potter is missing. And I haven't seen Hermione." Dean pats him on the shoulder, "We'll find them. Let's take a look around."

Dean's eyes searched the great hall, spotting Hermione he walked Draco towards Remus and Tonks. Hermione was sobbing near their friends' corpses. Draco sped up to get to his girlfriend. He knelt down next to Hermione, letting her know he was there. Holding back his own tears seeing his cousin and Remus. Draco wrapped his arms around Hermione, bringing her closer to him. She continues to sob into his chest, clutching his shirt in her fist.

While holding Hermione, Draco looks around the room for Potter, "Hermione, I can't find Potter." Hermione lifts her head off his chest, wipes the tears from her eyes, also looks around the room for the familiar mess of dark hair. "I don't see him either. I just hope he isn't doing something idiotic." Draco rolls his eyes, "Knowing Potter, he is doing just that."

A/N: I'm skipping over the forbidden forest, and Harry's death. Shifting to the Death Eaters entering the school with Harry's body.

Sam and Dean sat with the group from the bunker when Voldemort's voice echoed through the school grounds, "Harry Potter is dead!"

Several people started crying, hoping he was lying. Others, including the Winchesters and the bunker group, walked towards the front of the castle. They could see Voldemort and his Death Eaters walking across the main bridge heading for them. Amongst them was a shackled Hagrid carrying Harry's body. Voldemort is leading the group, with a very excited, obnoxious Bellatrix on his right side and Lucius Malfoy on his left, the final horcrux Nagini slithering in front of them.

"Harry Potter is dead." Voldemort chortles. Harry's girlfriend Ginny runs towards Hagrid to get to Harry, "NO! NOOO!" She is stopped by Sam grabbing her before she gets too close.

The brothers take a closer look at Voldemort and Dean could not stop himself, "Ugh, guess some people do resemble their pets." Sam rolls his eyes, "Not now Dean."

The Death Eaters stopped walking before they reached the open courtyard. Voldemort stood in the center, "Harry Potter is dead. Bow down and I shall let you live." Voldemort scans the crowd, seeing Draco, "My my Lucius. Your son seems to have joined the wrong side." Lucius steps next to Voldemort, "He is no son of mine. Both he and his mother have betrayed me."

Crowley has been staying close to the action, he steps out from behind the Winchesters, "Good to know. See you on the racks Lucius." Crowley brings his right hand up, ready to snap his fingers. Sam covers Ginny's eyes. Crowley snaps his fingers causing Lucius to explode into a messy pile of blood, spraying Voldemort and any Death Eater standing nearby. Crowley turns to a shocked Draco, and winks.

The Death Eaters stood in Awed silence until Voldemort spoke, " You killed Lucius. Who are you?" Crowley slides both hands into his pockets, "The name's Crowley. I'm the King of Hell."

Voldemort throws his head back and laughs maniacally. All the rest of the Death Eaters join in. "Well now, are you sure you're on the right side?" Voldemort asked. Crowley sighs, and turns towards the Winchesters, "I'll be back when he's done with his monologue. He bores me." Crowley turns back to Voldemort, "If your death wasn't prophesied, I'd kill you now just to shut you up." Several people on the light side laughed under their breath.

Voldemort casually points his wand towards Harry, "The light has lost their hero. You will serve me or die." He continues to watch the crowd, waiting for someone to come forward.

Someone has come forward, not to join, but destroy. Neville Longbottom has stayed in the back, fighting to stay alive during the battle when the sorting hat was tossed upon his head. He slowly limps his way to the front of the crowd to approach Voldemort. Neville has a death grip on the sorting hat, it is heavier than it should be.

Voldemort laughs when he sees Neville, "Well, not what I was expecting. What is your name boy?" Neville stops a few feet shy of Nagini, "Neville Longbottom." The Death Eaters all laugh at the boy. "I'm sure we could find a place for you in our ranks." Voldemort states.

Neville gathers the courage to keep speaking, feeling the weight of the sorting hat shift. "I like to say something." Voldemort motions for the boy to continue. "Harry may be dead, but his death will not be in vain. This war is not over." Neville reaches into the sorting hat and pulls out the sword of Gryffindor. He grips the sword, swings it downward taking Nagini's head off.

The battle starts again. Some Death Eaters run, others aim unforgivables at anyone from the light side. Hagrid is still standing in place, confused. "Where's Harry? His body's gone."

In Between throwing hexes, Ginny tries to locate her boyfriend, "Harry! Where are you?" Ginny is just as confused as Hagrid. How can Harry be alive? She is still looking around when she is hit with a Cruciatus from behind. Ginny falls to the ground screaming while a cackling Bellatrix stands over her. "BLOOD TRAITOR! You're just as filthy as a MUDBLOOD!" Bellatrix cast the Cruciatus a second time, not paying attention to what's going on around her.

Castiel has taken out several dark wizards when he hears Ginny's screams above all others. He drops the Death Eater he just killed, his eye sockets are still smoking, and walks over to Bellatrix. Cas shoves a few people out of his way to get to her. Bellatrix is still not paying attention, keeping her eyes on Ginny's writhing, screaming body when Cas steps in front of Bellatrix, as well as standing protectively over Ginny. Bellatrix quickly looks up in time to see who is stopping her fun. Cas wastes no time, he puts his hand on Bellatrix's forehead, his palm covering her eyes, and smites her. Bellatrix screams as her soul is burned from her body, her eyes and mouth exuberate a bright white light as she dies. Cas drops his hand and 'Bellabitch' falls to the ground lifeless.

Somehow throughout the battle Harry and Voldemort have been fighting each other. When Harry woke up in Hagrid's arms, he threw himself to the ground and scrambled to a wand that was lying nearby. It must have been Lucius' but Harry didn't care. The wand was not resisting him, so he gathered the strength to finish this fight. The only way the Wizarding World was going to be free is when Voldemort died.

"Let's finish this Tom! You and me!" Both men circled each other in the center of the courtyard. Others around them stopped fighting, waiting to see who was going to be victorious. Simultaneously, Voldemort casts "Avada Kedavra!" While Harry casts "Expelliarmus!" Green meeting Red. Both casters are expelling every bit of energy into their spells. Since the wand Voldemort is using did resist him, every spell he cast was not as powerful as they should be. Harry's Expelliarmus was slowly overtaking Voldemort's killing curse. With one final push, Red beats Green.

Voldemort falls.... Dead!

Harry has both wands, one in each hand. He is panting, sweating, tired, but grateful it's over. Finally able to take a deep breath, Harry tilts his head towards the sky, exhaling a sigh of relief. His friends run over to him, pick him up off the ground and congratulate him on his victory.

The Winchesters stand off to the side with Crowley and Castiel watching the teenagers rejoice. Without saying a word, Castiel nods his head at the brothers and vanishes. Crowley has his eyes on Narcissa, looking her up and down marveling at her beauty. Narcissa is covered in dirt, dried blood, cuts and bruises, hair a mess and clothes torn but Crowley only sees the beautiful woman that he fell in love with. "Moose, Squirrel. It's been a pleasure."

Crowley moves away from the brothers and over to Narcissa. "Hello beautiful." Narcissa's smile reaches her eyes and she is blushing. "Hello Love. Looking handsome as ever." "Why don't we get out of here? Give the kids some space." Crowley extends his hand for her to take. "I'd love to." She takes his hand and they vanish without a trace.

The rest of the Death Eaters that are still alive are arrested and rounded up to be taken to the Ministry pending trials. Members of the Order of Phoenix are preparing the fallen ones to be transported as well. They were not present when Dean was discussing the deal with Death, so they don't realize what's going to happen next.

"I see you kept your end of the bargain." Death snuck up on Dean.

The Winchesters jump at the sound of Death's voice. "We really need to get you a bell. You can't keep sneaking up on us like that." Dean is trying to play it cool but his racing heart is betraying him. Death turns to enter the Great Hall, "Let's get this over with."

Death walks into the center of the massive hall, surrounded by bodies on all sides. His black leather satchel appears out of nowhere. He carefully opens it, all the souls inside the bag are so bright, everyone but Death has to shield their eyes. Several bright, shining orbs the size of baseballs float out of his bag and into the chest of their designated person. The Great Hall is silent for only a moment, the living holding their breath waiting for something to happen.

One by One, the fallen take a breath and slowly sit up, whatever injuries they sustained have been healed. All but one have been brought back.

"Death? Why about Remus?" Sam asked.

Tonks is looking down at her lifeless husband, hoping the reaction has been delayed. "I could not retrieve him from Heaven." Death snaps his satchel closed. "Well why not?" Dean asked angrily. "Because he was not in Heaven." Death answered snidely. "Then where is he?" Dean is getting frustrated. "He's a werewolf. Where do you think he is?" It only took mentioning Remus' conditioning for the brothers to figure out where he ended up.


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