Truth or dare..

I went a little angst heavy in some parts. ALL MY AU BTW

There is abuse in this page, so be warned.


*Scott's pov*


Nothing bad could happen right?.


"Sure i'll join this time." i said coldly- joey blinked looking surprised but smiled a bit, "I'll join too!" The codfather Said excitedly, gosh he was like a puppy at 8am (totally not the time when i'm writeing rn)  

"Great!" Joey smiled and we got up and follow'd joey over to the others, "oh you finally got Scott to join huh? this will be fun." Joel smirked, oh.. right i'd probably be a target in all this cus i haven't play'd with them before..

Gosh i did this to myself- Can't be that bad right?  Wrong.

"Scott Truth or dare?" Lizzie asked after one or two turns of it going around, "Truth." I Said, not- really trusting lizzie with a Dare. "hm, why are you so emotionless all the time?" Lizzie asked, i paused. blank eyes meeting the floor,

Memories of my characters backstory running through my mind. 

(!!!!!!if you're bad with abuse maybe skip till after the- sideways faunt!!!!!)

(cus i've never had a book to just write out all the things i think about i want My S1 Scott au to Go through, heh gosh it's Alot, And It's bad, in my mind atleast honsetly, GL to those who Read through it)

the pain after a mistake of not being good enough, The constant nagging from my mother to be her perfect baby.. The blood of my twin trying to stand up for me, The Screaming, the yelling. being grabbed until bruising on my wrist, sometimes other areas.. sometimes by my wings.,

 Thrown against the hard basement foor- the slam of the door. The starving feeling in my gut.. and dehydration feeling of my throat of being deprived of food while locked in that cold hard basement just after a few nights, even though it went on for more than a few nights...  A couple months maybe, never long enough to kill me though.. enough to make me never feel thirst or hunger again though..

sleeping on the cold floor- sometimes on empty boxes down their... the feeling of bugs and creatures that were just there around the basement.. some crawling on me and i just couldn't get them off so i had to get used to that while i tried to sleep..  

not knowing ever how long i would be down their at a time-  the unwanted tears that made everything worse when My so called 'father' opened the door and smacked me after he saw my red eyes, he always knew when i was crying down their based on how red  under my eyes where-..

More yelling after a smack... ears ringing as he sent me to my room without anything still. The collapsing on the bed as i passed out.. after that I usually would sneak into my twins room to help him if he didn't manage to bandage himself from awhile ago if he tried to stop my dad from sending me down their, or when trying to sneak me food or water...

Getting caught doing either of that meant more time for us both being hurt,... just in different ways. All Those cycles Would repeat Every Mistake, Any Small Mistake- after a bit my father would make me eat a lemon whole just to avoid the basement- 

though there was always a catch.. i wasn't allowed to show emotions during eating the lemon.. straight blank face..  though again, when was i ever allow'd emotions?.. i was never allowed emotions-.. they were all-.. unprofessional my father said.. unnecessary, Weak, A weakness to the whole kingdom as the king should only be strong and lead without scaring everyone..

 It sucked, It All Sucked, Though it happened less as my character got older and was able to make less mistakes, less emotions.. blank and cold- but his twin. or guess my twin in this, still would argue with the bastard and end up hurt.

Sometimes Father made me watch. The blood oozed down his face usually.. old wounds opening, sometimes i'd break the blank and being cold.. and just sob- scream try to get father to stop, which ended up just getting me a lemon and the basement treatment,

 cus he lied.. after i did manage to do the lemon thing-.. he never actually let me off.. i still had to be in the basement- in the dark, still srounded with bugs and any creature down there.. 

it was peaceful after sometime, and it didn't scare me anymore. nothing was scary really, only my parents were-... the basement became my safe place... the bugs and creatures where my only friends.......

Then my father kicked my twin out after a bad agruement a few months before our 13th, banished him.. i don't know if he's even alive.. fending for himself.. while covering in open wounds.. but who, knew he might of gotten help....

I was so glad when my parents died, I watched with my own eyes-.. one minute my father was talking about stuff, the next assassin's in the room, found myself backed against the wall as my fathers head got chopped off-.. smiling honestly. my mothers was half chopped- she was dead but they didn't chop the  head was- still attached. 

It made me usually made me gag at the thought of it, though not really anymore.. but what happened after- well i got a sword in my stomach, sitting their bleeding out.. vision darkening, the assassins leaving... passing out right as my fathers advisor walked in. My character Survived, by a miracle honestly, probably cus of being blessed by Aeor as the champion. . 


(Did I go over bored? Maybe, but did I Really Loved it honestly, just writing out all my angst and pain in Scott's S1 backstory in my au. Ugh i Just Love getting that all out that mainly been keeping to myself honestly. feels good to have it All Out and for others Who Love angst to enjoy.)

"Scott?.." Lizzie said putting a hand on my shoulder i blinked and looked at her, "yeah?" I said, " ok you, haven't answered- or answering to your name." Lizzie sighed with- some kind of concern.

"..I'm fine. Just- Was lost in thought about your question." I Said in my usual cold tone, "oh- you.. don't need to answer that if you don't wanna.." Lizzie smiled- weird she usually didn't like my character.

"Okay, than i won't than." I Said, She nodded and the subject changed  by picking someone else to do her truth or dare, 

We went around for awhile. everyone seemed to avoiding asking me, whatever didn't matter-, though adventually they did.

"um- Scott truth or dare?" Katherine asked. "..i'll go with truth." I Said. "Have you ever loved anyone?" She asked, i bit my lip, i knew the others were from other servers, all the main characters in a lore server are from other servers.

"pardon my question but, in this server specifically?" I Asked, Katherine paused, blinking- "oh- uh. No- it could. be any." katherine chuckled- looking- a bit surprised- everyone did, "...well, in that case i have than." I Said simply. 

She nodded with a smile. "yknow we haven't actually had someone take over Scott yet. we all have someone over the months, Scott, or guess your character was the last to get a person. But good to know you have one now-" Katherine chuckled breaking from the lore. 

i just nodded and looked away, "..Oh that makes sense on why you didn't answer earlier-.. Didn't know huh?" Lizzie snickers. "...oh trust me i know. just- Thats a hard question to explain- like gosh." i Said glancing away from her.

she nodded understanding. "Sorry i only really asked that cus we didn't think Scott had someone yet." lizzie chuckled sheepishly, and the Codfather budded in, "Oh So this is Why you Didn't ignore me today!!" he smiled- i rolled my eyes and looked away.

they all laughed, "hah- Jimmy you thought You broke Scott's character huh?" Lizzie snickered and jabbed the Codfathers arm, i froze, "Heyy!" he whined and hit her back, "jimmy?.... wha-" I Said, 

"oh- you don't know- um, Yeah so we decided to tell each other are actual names of our characters, most match tho- but the Codfather doesn't give name, so- yeah he told us his real one," Shubble chuckled,

"yeah and it's jimmy! nice to meet you-" He Said happily, " still Scott. so." I mumbled, they laughed and nodded. and all i could think is that the personality matched up- the name did too- 

i was about to pass out it felt. almost tears, but- i still couldn't just assume.. i didn't know what his face looked like, or his body... And Even then it might not be him!..

The game continued after. going on for while, i had my turn and stuff, they went for easier questions, easier dares. i gave a few truths and dares out to others then. It was fun.

after awhile the game had come to an end, and people were just talking. "Sooo... Scott, now that... it's easier per say to talk to you, maybe wanna hang out?" jimmy, or the codfather asked. "..sure, i guess." I said glancing away. 

"Yay!!!" He giggled so loudly- sounding like an excited little puppy.. it reminded me of My jimmy whenever he got happy.. i couldn't help but smile a little.  "pfttt- The person with Scott can't handle being cold and a dick  it seems-" FWhip laughed. i instantly scoffed and turned my head

"oh shush i've only been here for yesterday and today." I Stated coldly and crossed my arms- "ohh-" shubble blinked-  "FWhip knock it off he has all his reasons to not be used to it yet. Remember it took you three months to get used to yours, Scott's already doing better than you." Gem stated bluntly. 

Everyone else laughed and FWhip went silent. "i- Well- uh-" FWhip said flabbergasted.  "awe whos not acting like their character now?" Katherine giggled.  

ji- The Codfather looked at me, "so... when?" he asked- "um.. tomorrow?" I Asked, "Yeah seems good! tomorrow at yours maybe?" He said happily, i nodded and glanced at the clock.. oh it's getting late.. i should go- "it's, getting late i'm- gonna head out." I Said getting up, it was a bit late- almost 6pm, 

"oh- yeah it is getting late. huh." Katherine blinked. everyone agreed and we all left, i spread my huge ass owl wings.. 'never gonan get used to how big they are.) thought to myself looking at them, they were at least 6 feet out each long (like.. ------ ways), 4 foot wide  (like |  ways) they were pretty huge... though owls do have pretty big wings.

i hummed and took off flying home for the night. kinda Excited for tomorrow's hangout with jimmy. or- guess the codfather.


How was my Angsty backstory for Scott? i had so much fun writing that- so i hope yall enjoy'd Figuring out my au some more in a angsty way.

Word Count: 1809

Story Date: June 13th, 2021

Day Posted on: November 27th 2024

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