( It has been a couple of weeks since the Star Saber incident. Since then, the autobots have been receiving good things in their battle against the Decepticons. Such as more autobots joining their ranks. However, so have the decepticons. Currently, the autobots, Fowler and the military, The Avengers, and the Justice League. Are in a battle against The Decepticons, Mech, The Cabol, and the Injustice League. The battle had taken place at a Research facility that was far out in the woods of Metropolis)
"What's your game this time Luthor? A research facility is a little bit below your Emo, don't you think?" Asked Superman as he dodged a beam of kryptonite that was fired at him by Lex Luthor. " Oh but Superman, you haven't heard. This particular facility has unearthed something of both power and magic on a grand scale. More powerful enough to match or even destroy the gods themselves. " Said Luthor. " What could possibly be here that would rival the gods Luthor? Anything of that magnitude in your hands would be catastrophic. " Said Wonder Woman as she blocked a blast of magic from Circe using her shield. " Why that's quite simple Amazon. This tablet holds the language of the ancient celestial dragons. We know them as Bahamut and Tiamut." Said Silas as Wonder Woman, Thor, Loki, and Circe looked at him.
" The tablet of the dragons. But that would mean that the mortals have." Said Thor. " Found the tablet to awaken the last child of the Celestial Dragons. Not only that, it would gain the attention of the others as well. Mortal, you do not know the power that you trifle with. That tablet must not be read aloud. It could endanger us all. The gods themselves would not dare read it. For it would bring creatures equal to chaos itself. You must leave it where it be or destroy it." Said Loki." He speaks the truth Luthor. Let us focus on the battle and leave that tablet. I would be willing to allow Wonder Woman to destroy it if need be. But you must not read it." Said Circe.
" ( Laughs). If even the gods fear this tablet then the legends are true. Maybe the final child would be willing to join us in creating a new world order." Said Silas as he looked to ward the main room to see two of his men carrying something." ( Looks at what the soldiers are carrying and then recognizes the symbols on the tablet). NO, LUTHOR, SILAS, DON'T YOU DARE READ THAT! SHE WOULD KILL US ALL!" Yelled Circe, Thor, Wonder Woman, and Loki.
( Far behind a steel wall. Three human autobot allies hide behind the steel wall in order to stay hidden)
( Desera Darby)
" This is the worst Idea that you've ever had Miko. Not only do we have the Decepticons and Mech to worry about capturing us. We now have to worry about the Cabal and the Injustice League." Said Desera in irritation. " Hey, I'm not missing out on this smackdown of the century. If you didn't want to come then you both should have stayed behind." Said Miko. " And what have your death on our conscious? I don't think so, but now. Because of you, we're all about to die." Said Raf, just as irritated as Desera. " ( Grabs the tablet, with Silas standing next to him). Now, let us begin. ( Watches the symbols on the tablet begin to glow a bright white light). I call apon the final heir to the celestial gods of the sky. The beings of Destruction and Rebirth. For whoever finds this tablet. Shall awaken the two that sleep within their mortal shells." Said Luthor. " LUTHOR NO, STOP READING THE TABLET! THE CESTRIAL GODS THEMSELVES WILL BE ON OUR VERY DOORSTEP IF YOU DO!" Yelled Circe in fear.
( Dragon Tablet)
" ( Suddenly feels a strong pulse emanate from within her body as she falls to her knees). What is, happening?" Said Desera as she struggled to breathe. " This the table of the final heir to the celestial throne. The final daughter of the dragon gods themselves. The child of Bahamut and Tiamat." Said Silas as he read the next part. " MORTALS STOP, YOU WILL GAIN THE ATTENTION OF THE DRAGONS THEMSELVES. IF THEY FIND OUT THAT THE GODS HAVE BEEN DOING THEIR JOBS OF BEING TRULY PURE AND GENEROUSE. OR THAT YOU HUMANS HAVE BECOME POWER-HUNGRY AND CORRUPT. THEY WILL ERASE US FROM EXISTENCE! Said Loki. " What have we to fear, this tablet will give us the instrument to make our world come true." Said Silas. " Because she may be the one that destroys us all." Said Loki. " You must listen to him. The dragon gods are a danger to your world far more than we gods are. They will erase your very existence across every dimension of time and space." Said Thor.
" ( Feels the pulse turn into an extremely strong sensation and then grits her teeth and closes her eyes). It-hurts, why does it hurt so much?"Asked Desera as her eyes became slighted pupils and her skin began to become as hard as scales. " This tablet commands you to awaken from your millennia of slumber, heir to the celestials and I command you to appear before me." Said Luthor. ( It was then that Circe, Thor, Loki, Wonder Woman, and Donna Troy. Who had arrived not too long ago. Felt a tremendous amount of power suddenly skyrockets from close by.
( It was here that Wonder Woman spotted a blaze of silver fire erupt from around Desera. Acting quickly. Wonder Woman and Donna each grabbed Miko and Rafiel. Before quickly flying them away from Desera. No sooner had they done that, did the silver blazing fire suddenly shoot out a lot higher than it was before. This also got the Autobots and the Decepticon's attention as well. For they have never seen something like this before)
( As the flames grew hotter and larger. Its power also acted like a beacon. Alerting those like her that she had awakened across the galaxies)
" Someone dared to Wake up my little hatchling before I could meet her. They will have a lot to answer for. Driana, the Olympian Gods have apparently been overstepping themselves. Erase Zeus from his throne at once. The Fates seem to be forgetting their place in our world. Marry, go, and greet your little sister. Tiana, go with her. A god of mischief has let his ego and his lust for chaos get to his head. Your father and I must prepare for the coming battle that shall now take place on earth. No matter how many times we don't want it to." Said a deep and booming female voice. "Oh and when you go to Olympus, tell the gods that Athena will now rule over Olympus. It was her birthright until Zeus tried to prevent it. The fool, trying to take destiny into your own hands. We think not. " Said a male bombing voice. As a second booming voice joined in While you're at it, give Athena Zeus's domains. He's grown tiresome to watch." Said the third booming voice.
" It will be done father, mother, aunte Chaos." Said a woman's voice who had been lying down on a bed made of stars. " We'll get right on it Mom and Dad. I can't wait to meet her." Said a young younger woman. Then three bright stars suddenly zoomed toward the Earth in a flash of light.
( Back on Earth)
( Play this song for this part of the chapter)
( Everyone began to watch as the silver fire that had recently been blazing hot. Now begin to ease up on the heat. It was here that they began to see a figure kneeling in the flames)
" ( Takes a closer look through the flames, while using her shield to protect her from the heat. But as she does so. She is suddenly sent flying back. As she then falls to the ground on her back). Dear Hera, Luthor, you've doomed us all. Her sisters will be halfway here by now." Said Wonder Woman. " Not halfway Wonder Woman, Heimdal has just alerted me. They're already here. They traveled a million galaxies. Just to come here. " Said Thor as he looked up into the sky. This forced everyone else to look up into the sky as well. Only to then spot two female-like humanoid dragons floating in the air. High up in the upper atmosphere. They quickly looked back down after hearing the sound of someone Roaring extremely loud and then the sound of someone being choked. Only for everyone to see the person that was within the flames. Had revealed herself to be another humanoid female dragon with ebony black scales. And the people being choked were Silas and Luthor.
" YOU DARE TO READ THE TABLET AND AWAKEN ME MORTAL! YOU WILL SUFFER FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!" Yeled the young dragon girl. " ( Looks over at the rest of the Justice League). We need to kneel, RIGHT NOW! DO IT IF YOU WISH TO LIVE!" Yelled Wonder Woman as she and Donna immediately knelt on one knee. " ( Looks at the Avengers). DO AS SHE SAYS MY FRIENDS! OR FACE A PENALTY BEYOND DEATH!" Said Thor as all of the Avengers quickly knelt on one knee. Circe and Loki forced the Cabal and Injustice League to do the same. Optimus and Megatron both ordered their forces to do the same. It was here that the two other humanoid dragons had decided to land on the ground.
( Derera, Dragon form)
( Tiana)
" ( Takes a quick look using the corner of her left eye and then gasps in fright at who she sees). So, lady Tiana. The gods have chosen you and Lady Marry to greet your sister. Can I only assume that your other sisters are elsewhere." Said Wonder Woman. " ( Walks over to Wonder Woma and kneels down in front of her. Then wraps her left hand under Dianna's chin and lifts her head up. To where they are looking at each other). Thats correct, Drianna is currently in Olympus fading Zues from existence right about now. Athena will be the new Ruler of Olympus as she should have been. Chaos has even allowed Athena to obtain Zeus's domain as well. Unless you want to be the new god of Lighting, storms, and the sky. Little amazon. " Said Marry. " ( Walks next to Desera and then swings her sword at Silas and Luthor. Cutting both humans in half). You may release them, my lady. Their souls will be long to chaos now." Said Tiana as she. In the blink of an eye. Sheathed her sword and then caught a right straight punch from Superman in her left hand. Creating a large shockwave as his fist met her palm.
" you didn't have to kill them. You could have just locked them up or helped them see the better of their ways." Said Superman. Until he felt something wrap around his neck. " Really now, you're questioning a god, mortal. Do you wish to be next? I'd hate to leave a wife and child without its husband and father. Although I believe your cousins will make better role models for the young one. ( Looks behind Superman). You may pull now Amazon." Said Tiana as Superman was then abruptly yanked away from her. Before finding himself being tied up in a blue glowing lasso by Donna. " Forgive him, my lady, he does not know the way your kind do things. Now does he remember? ( glares down at Superman). What he was warned about and told not to do." Said Donna.
" It is fine Donna. His view on things has yet to break or even experience the true aspects of mortal life. He and the human calling himself the dark knight. Seem to have a short-sighted view of this. ( turns to look at Desera who is still growling while she stomps on the ground in rage). Calm yourself, my lady. If you wish, We can work on letting out some of that frustration." Said Tiana. " (Let's go of Wonder Woman as a flash of light appeared and revealed Athena. Who immediately knelt on one knee. " My ladies, it is an honor to meet you. But I to under stan the reason behind your. ( Looks to her right to see Desera looking at her). Ah, that is why you have come. Then I can assume that the dead mortals are the cause of this." Said Athena as Desera walked in front of her. " You presume correctly, new queen of Olympus. However, if you turn out to be as bad as your foolish father. My little sister, Desera. Gets to fade her first god. So what's it going to be? Do not worry, Hera will get hers soon enough. for being as corrupt and dark as her husband, She will spend the rest of her eternity as the servant to my sister Pyra. And you know how much she loves a training dummy." Said Marry.
" If that is your decree, my lady. Then I will strive to be a better ruler than my father. My first act will be to restore Hestia and Hades to their Olympion Status. We will need their help now more than ever. ( Looks at Desera). If you ever have need of anything my new lady, please let me know. ( Looks at Diana). Diana, you are now the goddess of storms, lighting, and the sky. Please do try to attend our meeting from now on. ( Looks at Circe). Do not cause us any trouble Circe. ( Points toward Tiana, Marry, and Desera). Or you will answer to them." Said Athena as she quickly flashed away back to Olympus as Wonder Woman began to glow with light blue energy.
"Now that that is over with. ( Looks at Desera). It would be best if you changed back into your human form little sister. Especially since you're the only one who can, lucky. We'll come by and get you tomorrow. Rest up for now and get used to being fully awakened ok." Said Marry as she teleported Team Prime, Miko, Raf, And Desera. Back to the autobot base. While also sending Folwer and his marines back to their military base. " ( Looks at the decepticons). Children of Primus fighting amongst each other. There's something we haven't seen in a million years. Do not grow an ego Megatronus. Or the young mistress will be your end." Said Tiana as she teleported the Decepticons back to their ship.
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