Prologue: Driftmark
ages of the characters appearing in this chapter:
Rhaenyra ~ 16 (going on 17)
Laenor ~ 20
Laena ~ 22
Vizzy ~ 37
Crispin ~ 21
Joffrey ~ 22
It was the last day of the eighth moon of 114 AC. The King - her father - was in a rather... foul mood. He coughed and wiped his mouth with a cloth every few minutes. Rhaenyra kept her eyes on him throughout the carriage ride, as they headed toward Driftmark. The purpose of their visit being finalizing the marriage pact between her - the Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, and Laenor Velaryon - the son of Lord Corlys Velaryon and his heir.
When they arrived at the castle's courtyard, Viserys and his Hand passed through the gates, their retinue flanked on every side. Two knights sparred in the courtyard, their swords clashing in the cold sea air. One had flaming ginger hair, while the other's locks were the unmistakable silver of Valyria.
Rhaenyra smiled under her breath. She hadn't seen her dear cousin in a long time, but she would have recognized him anywhere. Both knights inclined their heads respectfully, though it seemed no one, but Rhaenyra, noticed. Her father, preoccupied, scanned the grounds impatiently.
"Where is Lord Corlys? He should be here to receive the King," remarked Lyonel Strong, the Hand, his voice tinged with displeasure.
At that moment, the castle doors opened and Laena Velaryon descended the stairs with much grace. Rhaenyra's smile softened at the sight of her favorite cousin - she loved Laena deeply and missed her as much, as she did Laenor, if not more.
"Welcome to High Tide, Your Grace," Laena greeted, curtsying deeply - far more so than her brother had earlier.
"What is the meaning of this, Lady Laena?" Lyonel demanded, clearly displeased that Lord Corlys himself had not come to greet them. "Is this how House Velaryon greets its King?"
"My father has but just returned from his long journey," Laena explained smoothly, "and he has hastened to the Hall of Nine to await Your Grace's arrival."
Rhaenyra's attention drifted to Laenor, who stood by the ginger-haired knight, their posture suspiciously close. The way they leaned toward one another, arms brushing, their glances electric - it was unmistakable. When Laenor caught her gaze, Rhaenyra quickly looked away, focusing on the scene ahead.
"Let's just get on with it," Viserys grumbled, weariness evident, as he made his way toward the stairs. The rest of the retinue followed, leaving Laena to approach Rhaenyra.
"Rhaenyra, how wonderful to see you here!" Laena exclaimed, embracing her cousin warmly. Rhaenyra returned the hug, wrapping her arms around the older girl's waist.
"It's good to see you too, though it's not as like I had any choice, but to come here," Rhaenyra replied with a chuckle.
"Oh, ever so polite!" Laena teased, linking arms with her cousin, as they trailed behind the others. "I missed you, cousin."
"I missed you too, Lae."
"Ah, so you can be nice, when you want to!" Laena laughed, bumping Rhaenyra lightly with her elbow.
"I have to be sometimes... but only when necessary," Rhaenyra quipped as they climbed the stairs. Inside, they tried to follow the King into the Hall of Nine, but were stopped by the guards.
"I'm sorry," one of them said apologetically.
Rhaenyra frowned - her disappointment evident - which Laena noticed and quickly tugged her cousin's arm. "Come, cousin. Let us discover what might be had for breakfast. You must try our shrimps - they're divine."
Rhaenyra hesitated, glancing back at the closed doors, but relented, letting Laena lead her away. "If you insist."
Rhaenyra and Laenor strolled along the Driftmark coast. The morning sun bathed the water in golden light, and the sea birds were mercifully quiet. Yet, their silence lingered awkwardly. Rhaenyra stared at the ground, as though expecting some sea monster to burst from the deep sand and attack her, saving them both from the tension.
Finally, she broke the silence. "In truth, if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you." She glanced at Laenor, whose eyes shimmered with unshed tears. "I know this union is not what you would choose."
"I hold nothing against you, cousin," he replied, though his voice was cold.
"No, I... Rather... Dare I say it is a matter of taste?" She met his gaze, this time finding it softened. Smiling faintly, she continued. "I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why."
Laenor's lips twitched in understanding.
"I find it a bit greasy for my taste," she stated. "I know that whatever agreement being struck up there will not change your appetites, nor will it change mine," she sighed, her thoughts flitting to her own forbidden desires. She wondered how it would all look like in the future; her with Criston, Velaryon with his knight - all together, but in the same time separate.
"And what do you propose?" Laenor asked cautiously. Rhaenyra stopped, facing him.
"That we perform our duty to our fathers and to the Realm, and when it's done... each of us dines as we see fit," she proposed, looking out for the answer from her cousin.
Laenor smiled slightly, and nodded. "I think you are right, cousin. It would only be fair that way, would it not?"
"Yes, yes it would." Her smile widened and off they went alongside the sea, talking about their agreement - stating that they shall make two heirs and that should be enough. One for the Iron Throne, second for Driftmark.
Rhaenyra and her father, after a day spent in her cousins' home, were heading back to King's Landing. Viserys almost immediately went to bed, exhausted by the escapade. She, however, unable to sleep a wink, decided to go on deck, standing at the railing and admiring the misty sea with a bit of color from the sky, looking like the sun will rise any second. She heard footsteps, but did not paid to much attention, for she knew who was coming to see her.
"Did sleep flee you as well this morning?" she asked, looking at him.
"I needed to see you, Princess," he muttered.
"I confess I had a similar desire," Rhaenyra turned to him with a sly smile. She was expecting to tell him about the deal she and Laenor had established - that they could still freely continue their relationship, while she would be Leanor's wife in the public's eye.
"You have confided in me now and then over the years of our acquaintance. I feel, forgive me, that I know you... a bit," he said nervously, while Rhaenyra turned to him and smiled slyly.
"You know more than a bit," said Rhaenyra, having the images of their intercourses play freely in her mind. She couldn't wait for them to come back to the Red Keep, where in privacy of her chambers, they could do whatever they'd like.
"I've heard you say so many times how you loathe the lot of your position, that you are to be married off at your father's whim with no thought given to the yearning of your own heart, and now the day comes. Ser Laenor is a good and decent man, but you did not choose him. He was chosen for you."
"That's true," she agreed, waiting for him to continue.
"If there were another path... one that led to freedom... would you tread it? Rhaenyra, before I came here, I was a knight in the Stormlands. I have deep knowledge of the port at Sunspear, where I've seen the ships of Essos setting sail with their hulls full of oranges and cinnamon, and I've always wished to see where they went."
"Are you asking for leave?" Rhaenyra was confused. And disappointed - if what she suspected was true.
"I'm asking you to come with me... away from all of this. From the burdens and indignities of your inheritance. Let us leave it all behind and see the world together... where we'll be nameless, and free... free to go where we like, to love as we like. In Essos... you could marry me." The Princess chuckled. "A marriage for love, not for the crown."
She had to step back and think.
She could - in theory - do that. Like her great-aunt did, Saera Targaryen. She didn't want to marry, who her father wanted, so she run away after some time with her sister in Oldtown. But if she did that, whole realm would collapse. Velaryons livid, that Targaryens yet again rejected marriage with one of their children. A civil war, which would tear the Kingdoms apart. If she'd run away, she would be considered selfish, She would be remembered as the selfish heir, who flew away from her duties and her family. She would have to leave Syrax behind, so she wouldn't be recognised. No, she couldn't. She didn't want to. She liked her life at court, all the luxuries of a royal were too nice to be thrown way.
"I am the crown, Ser Criston." She turned around, facing her lover. "Or I will be," she added. "I may chafe at my duties, but do you think I would choose infamy in exchange for a bushel of oranges or a ship to Asshai? It is my duty to marry a nobleman from a great house and Ser Laenor will make a fine husband," she stated, walking closer to Criston, hoping what she'll say will make his mind. "But my, um... my marriage... does not have to be the end. Ser Criston, Laenor and I have an understanding. I've granted him leave to pursue his own interests... and in turn, he's granted me the same," she declared, full of hope, even though Cole's face expression wasn't promising.
"So you want me to be your whοre?" he asked, looking like he was about to cry.
"I want us to continue, as we began, with you as my Sworn Protector, my white knight! Besides, not a whore, but a lover!" Rhaenyra added, feeling like it was a necessary to point out.
"I took an oath. As a knight of your Kingsguard. An oath of chastity. I've broken it!" Criston muttered, looking like he had it all planned out, but the Princess had ruined it.
"I won't tell anyone!" she declared, but it was like it landed on deaf ears.
"I've soiled my white cloak. And it's the only thing I have to my fսcking name!" Rhaenyra genuinely thought that tears will steer from his eyes any moment. "I thought if we were married, I might be able to restore it!"
"The Iron Throne looms larger than me, larger than anyone in my family. Aegon the Conqueror united the Seven Kingdoms and put them on a path... Ser Criston!" she tried to stop him, but he was already gone, running down the stairs, under deck - like a girl with a wounded heart.
Now, she was disappointed.
Did really the thought of being her lover disgusted him that much, now, that he'd have to share her with another? Even if another is not interested in what her body can offer?
A single tear fall down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. Rhaenyra shook her head, thinking that she should paid her mind to the upcoming celebrations and the wedding, that was awaiting her back in Red Keep. She found her way to her cabin and sitting on the bed, and after a minute, laying down in her full clothes.
I will have to find another to join me in bed, she thought. Hopefully, he won't be as fragile as Cole was.
Hi, so this is for my polish friends!
Więc... Jakby to ująć... Kupę lat. O ile ktokolwiek sprzed trzech lat tu zajrzy, jak dostanie powiadomienie. Jeśli chodzi o mój poprzedni fanfik, zniknął i nie wróci. Nie ja go usunęłam, ale jak tak sobie pomyślę, to i dobrze że Wattpad go usunął. Mimo, że przyniósł mi wiele radości, jak i zapewne moim czytelnikom, połowa to była faktyczna książka kogoś innego (Sami-Wiecie-Kogo). Byłam dzieckiem jak to pisałam i podążałam za trendami 2020 roku. Ale no, cóż. Jeśli faktycznie ktoś przeczyta tę wiadomość i byłby ciekawy co miało się dziać (jeśli w ogóle pamięta coś, co czytał trzy lata temu XD) to mogę napisać na priv. Tak ogółem, bo sama nie pamiętam już dokładnie, a notatki dotyczące tego dawno zaginęły.
No to by było na tyle, moi polscy przyjaciele. Więcej fanfików po polsku tutaj nie będzie, obecnie mam zamiar publikować fanfik Rodu Smoka, a potem się zobaczy.
Żegnajcie, ponieważ nigdy się poprawnie nie pożegnałam.
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