Chapter 7: Dark of the Night

Chapter 7: Dark of the Night

Zundar groaned as he stood in front of a fire and gasped as it grew, "Zundar-channnnn!"

"Lo-Lord Hireashi!" Zundar gasped out and the demon groaned as he spoke again, "This is dumb, I hate being sealed away! Hurry and get me out!"

"I-I'm trying!"

"Well try harder!" The fish demon screamed, "How could he still be alive?! I swore the heir was dead!"

"He...he isn't! He sealed you away in a sword-da!"

"Dammit!" Hireashi hissed, "I'm so mad right now, Zundar-chan, once I free myself I'll kill the heir!"

"Y-yes, Lord Hireashi!"


Yumoto sighed and glared at Wombat, who frowned, "What?!"

"Why don't I have any powers?! I'm useless!"

Wombat sighed, "Your father has made it so."

"Yes," Araki hissed, "You are to remain powerless until you are ruling."

Yumoto turned to Araki, "What is your problem, lately?!"

"What?!" Araki gasped and Yumoto groaned, "You've been grumpy lately."

"Yeah," Ryuu replied, "You angry that you haven't gotten any from Yumo-! OW!"

Io growled as he jabbed Ryuu in his stomach and the boy hissed in pain, "Dammit, Io!"

"Enough!" Io hissed, "We do not talk about that!"

"Why? The heir is already married so whatever!"

Yumoto sighed and looked up, "Why must we argue?"

Io looked at him and groaned, "I'm sorry, Yumoto."

"Yeah." Ryuu replied and the heir looked away, "I'm sorry for upsetting you."

Io shook his head, "You're fine."

Yumoto groaned and looked away as he saw Araki standing there, "Yumoto..."


Araki spoke, "You are to come home."

"Home? Why, my home is here."

"No, to the Palace of the Gods."



"I said, my home is here now." Yumoto hissed and Araki spoke calmly, "An underhanded heir, with an act of could I have ever let you go?"

Yumoto shook his head, "This is my home!"

Araki sighed, "The mortal world is no place for you!"

"It is too! I'm not who you think I am!"

"You are too!" Araki told him and the heir spoke shakily, " careful of what a dream can bring..."

"What is wrong with you?!" Araki frowned, "Why are you so upset to go home?"

"My brother isn't there!"

"I know...but you'll be safe there! Tamotsu Yuji is there! He is the God of Honor! He...he..."

"He what?!"

"He loves you, dammit!" Araki hissed and Yumoto blushed, "Is that what's bugging you? You think I love my guard!?" Yumoto smacked his forehead, "Keishi Araki, you idiot! We're married!"

Araki sighed, "You don't get it!"

"No! You don't get it!" Yumoto hissed, "I...I'm annoyed now!"

Araki sighed and Yumoto turned from him, "I'm done with this, Araki!"

Araki looked away, "Yumoto...!"

"Enough!" Yumoto hissed, "You will leave my sight!"

Araki turned from Yumoto, "I'm sorry." He hissed and walked away.

Io and Ryuu turned to one another, "Yumoto," Ryuu hissed, "That was uncalled for!"

"Yes," Io frowned, "You were very rude to him!"

Yumoto froze, "I...I was...!" He looked away with tears in his eyes, "I've been so stressed out lately...!"

Io looked at his heir, "You don't need to cry." He spoke, he was uncomfortable with the situation.

Yumoto looked at him, "I-I want to cry! I'm upset!"

"You used to never cry."

"That was before!" Yumoto screamed, "That was before I knew who I truly was!" He stomped his foot as Ryuu held him to his chest. "Hey..."

Yumoto looked up, "Se-Senpai...?"

"Little One." Ryuu spoke, "Please, don't get upset."


"I know, you want to."

"I don't know why."

"You are confused over what has happened." Io replied, "You had no idea about this."

Yumoto nodded, "Yeah!"

Io smiled at the boy, "You are very brave."


"Yes! You faced an entire clan alone!"

"They did try to behead me last week though!" Yumoto cried and Ryuu looked at Io, "Wait...what!?" The pink haired boy cried and Yumoto sighed, "Go ask Kinosaki about it. He's the God of Writing."

"Oh." Ryuu spoke and Yumoto sighed as he backed away from him, "I'm sorry I upset you two."

"Don't worry about it."

Yumoto looked away, "I know."

Ryuu rolled his eyes, "Don't. You try to guilt trip us."

"I do not!" Yumoto cried and Io shook his head, "Ryuu please. He's tired."

"Oh, now you sound like Kinugawa-senpai!"

"I do not. Yumoto has been through a lot." Io replied and Ryuu shook his head, "Whatever! I'm sick of this shit, Io!"

"Oh whatever, Ryuu. I'm done with you scolding him." Io grabbed Yumoto's hand and a blush traced across his face. "C-come Yumoto, you're coming with me."

Yumoto nodded and let Io take him away.

Ryuu growled as he watched them, "Dammit Io...I don't even care if anything happens with us. I'm done with this."


Yumoto looked away as he was sat in the clubroom, "Senpai? Are you mad at me?"

"No." Io replied, "Just Ryuu."

Yumoto sighed, "Because of me."

Io shook his head, "Why are you saying that?"

"Because," Yumoto explained, "you were acting like I slapped you when Ryuu said I was guilt tripping you both."

Io groaned, "We could never hate you!"

"I know, but..."

"No buts."

Yumoto groaned, "You're not my teacher!"

"I am too!"

"Not in this life!"

Io's face contorted and Yumoto frowned, "What?"

"You..." He looked away, "Nothing."


"Yes, nothing."

Yumoto rollled his eyes, "Sure."

Io shook his head, "Enough."

He gasped as screams filled the school courtyard and Yumoto ran to the window to see what was wrong. "A monster!" He gasped, "We have to go!"

"No, I will. You will stay here, I will pretend to be you." Io hissed and ran out. Yumoto cried out as the door locked and he watched as Io and the others were down there. He had to get out of here and help!


"Snow Glowia! Drown the heir-da!"


"Vesta Ignit!"

The monster growled and dodged as Vesta ran up to it, "I am Battle Lover Vesta, the God of Fire and Guardian to the heir!"

The monster laughed, "Where is your heir? I want to see his face for my masters!"

"He is gone!"

"No! I am here!" Sulfur, disguised as Yumoto hissed and walked forward, "Get me then! Bring me to the Clan and I'll destroy them!"

The Monster laughed, "Heir, so noble."

Sulfur gasped as a portal appeared beneath his feet and an orb surrounded him. Vesta gasped, "NO!"

Sulfur screamed as water filled it, "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" He cried and the monster laughed more, "Goodbye heir."

Sulfur looked at Vesta, "Ry-Vesta! Vesta, I...I love you!" He cried and Vesta growled, "I'll get you out!"

He glared at the monster, "Vesta Ignit!"

Yumoto froze as he watched from the clubroom, he ran to the student council office and threw himself into the arms of Ibushi. "Sulfur! He-He's drowning! He's going to die!" Yumoto screamed and Kinshiro growled, "Hurry, Arima! We must help!"

He looked at the heir, "Stay here. If you're found then it's game over!"

The boy looked down as they all ran out and he watched from the window. "Papa!" He called, "Papa! I need my powers!"

He growled as Yukiteru didn't answer, "PAPA!" He shrieked and stomped his foot, "Sulfur will die!" He cried and gasped as he didn't get a reply again.

He held his hand up, "Love Making!"


Yumoto growled, "LOVE MAKING!"

He hissed as nothing worked. He looked out the window, "Oh to hell with it!" Yumoto hissed and ran out.


Sulfur coughed as he inhaled the water and the monster laughed more.

Cerulean gasped as a thought came to mind, "I can control water! I am the God of Water!"

He looked at the monster and smirked as he held his hand out as he focused on the water.

The monster cried out as the water inside it began to move. Cerulean smirked and looked at it. "Stupid monster."

Sulfur cried out as the water pressure increased and it hit the orb around him. He gasped as the orb shattered and Vesta ran to catch him, "IO!" He panted and Sulfur groaned as he coughed water up.

A shrill gasp was heard and a scream, "SULFUR!"

Red ran past Epinard and Cerulean.

"NO!" Perlite hissed and Yumoto sobbed as he hugged Sulfur.

"Get the hell away!" Vesta hissed and pushed Yumoto away, "Get the hell back!"

Yumoto gasped and Vesta barked, "You! You did this!"


Yumoto stood with tears in his eyes, "I...I...!"

"Enough!" Vesta hissed, "You let your guardian almost die!"

"I-I didn't!"

"Bullshit." Vesta hissed again, "Get the hell out of my sight!"

Yumoto looked away and turned to the monster. He felt himself become dizzy from heat.

Tears threatened to spill.

"I'm sorry!" He screamed and ran away.

"Your majesty!" Perlite cried and the monster growled, "Pay attention to me!"

Aurite growled, "Go back to your clan." He spat, "Or..." He threw an attack at it and it disappeared. "Leave."

"President!" Argent frowned, "The heir can't be alone."

"I know." He glared at Vesta, "How dare you yell at your heir." He spat, "Your heir is the one you protect."

"Go to hell, Aurite."

"Fine, once you calm down, you go find the heir and apologize."

"No." Vesta hissed, "Fuck him!"

Epinard gasped, "Ryuu!"

The green guardian turned from him, "I will go find him, En-chan and I will."

Cerulean glared at Vesta, "Calm the hell down. The heir was scared and you yell at him!"

"Io almost fucking died!"

"Yes, but the heir wanted to help!"

"I refuse his help!"

"You sound like a mortal now."

Vesta rolled his eyes and Sulfur groaned as he turned back into his own uniform. "R-Ryuu..."



Yumoto sobbed as he sat behind a tree and a hand laid on his shoulder, "Little One." A sweet voice spoke and Yumoto tensed as he turned, "Ep-Epinard..."

"shh, you mustn't cry."

"Why?!" Yumoto screamed, "I did that!"


"Me being the heir! I am the reason why you are all in danger!"

"So? We don't mind." Cerulean smiled, "We love you."

"Ryuu-senpai doesn't."

"Nevermind him."

"NO!" Yumoto frowned and looked down, "I tried...I tried to transform! Nothing worked!"

"Duh, you have no bracelet."

Yumoto sighed, "Oh...yeah." He looked up, "Hey..."

"Hm?" Epinard asked and Yumoto looked at him, "Can we go home?"

"Yeah, are you wanting a bath?"

Yumoto nodded and Cerulean held a hand to him, "Come, let's go."

Yumoto smiled and walked with his two guardians.


Zundar growled, "We still did not get the heir!"

Dadacha frowned, "How will we?!"

"Well..." They looked at each other, "Lord Tungsten!" they cried in unison, "He is the heir's suitor! Lord Hireashi can corrupt him-da!" Zundar smirked and the fire grew.

"Tungsten cannot be corrupted! He is too full of love! You must find someone else!"

Zundar bowed, "Lord Hireashi! Who do we use!?"

"Battle Lover Vesta. He is furious at the heir...use him to kill the heir!"

"Yes! Lord Hireashi!"

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