Chapter 6: The Turning Point

Yumoto growled as his hand hit the mirror, they had it against the wall now, he was completely annoyed. How dare they keep him here! 

Yumoto gasped as he just fell forward into the wall of glass in front of him, "ow!" He hissed and gasped as he saw someone. "Araki...?" He gasped and shook his head, "No...wait...! That's...Cerulean...!"

"Kid, stay quiet!"

"Why are you here?"


Yumoto groaned and gasped as the mirror was picked up by him and another one, "Argent came with me, we're going with you."

Yumoto nodded and gasped as they teleported away with him.

Zundar gasped as he heard the sound of water and chains, "Wha-what...?"

He ran out to the main room where the heir had been kept at and froze. "No...! H-how?!"

"An-chan?" Dadacha groaned and the demon gasped as he saw a cerulean colored water puddle on the ground. "NO!" He screamed, "How did they get him!?"

Zundar looked at his brother, "Send the clan out to them!"



Yumoto groaned, "How am I getting out of here?"

"Uh...any ideas, Io?" Ryuu asked and Yumoto gasped as Ryuu held a rock in his hand, "Vesta! Don't break me out! I'll die then, you dummy!"

"Hey, Scarlet, don't be a brat to me!"

Yumoto's eyes began to glow as his expression darkened, "Why you stupid...stupid guardian!"

"He-Hey....I-I was kidding!"

"I out to make papa throw you into dungeons for what you have done to me!"

Ryuu hid behind Io as Atsushi groaned, "Child, calm down, please."

"Mama, make him stop!"

"Then don't call me mama!!"


"Don't 'hmph' me mister!"

"I will if I please!"

"Fine, then you're grounded in the mirror for the rest of eternity!"

"How dare you!"

"Hakone Yumoto!"

Yumoto shook his head, "Oops..."

"Yeah, oops." Atsushi sighed and Yumoto turned away sheepishly, "I...I'm sorry."

"Yumoto, how can we get you out of here."

"Ummm, not sure!" He laughed and En groaned, "This sucks."

"You try being stuck here, I'm hungry and I really, really need to use the bathroom!"


"It's not ew! Help me!"

"Yes, so let's stop messing around!" Io groaned, "Let the poor heir out."

"Yeah!" Yumoto cried and Kinshiro placed his hand onto the mirror's surface, "Hmm, this is a portal into a small my calculations are correct..." the Student Council president traced over the surface and the others gasped as his hand sank into it.

"Grab my hand, your majesty."

Yumoto blushed and did so, the boy gasped out as he was pulled out slowly, he cried out as he landed on top of Kinshiro and turned bright red.

He looked up as Ibushi helped him stand slowly. "Tha-thank you."

"You must be very hungry and tired."

"Y-yes! I am!"

Ibushi smiled, "Then let's go get some lunch and then we'll go rest."

"Sounds good!"

"Wait." Kinshiro hissed, "The mirror. We must destroy it."

"Easy." Ryuu smirked, "We throw it out from the school roof!"

"No," Kinshiro growled, "We cannot do that."

"Why?!" Ryuu groaned and Kinshiro shook his head, "Because, it is magic, we must dispose of it properly!"

"And how do we do that?"

"Why we take it to the World of The Gods." Ibushi smiled and Yumoto groaned, "Can't we go eat first?!"

"Of course, how about you and I go to lunch and the others will go with Kinshiro?"

"Sounds lovely!" Yumoto giggled and Ibushi grinned, "Come then, Little One."

Yumoto clung to Ibushi and the duo walked away as Kinshiro gasped, "I know now what they wanted to do..."

"Hm?" Atsushi asked and Kinshiro looked at the mirror, "Hireashi..."

"Hire-who-shi?" Ryuu asked and Kinshiro turned to him, "The demon who haunted the heir from birth..."

En froze, something the boy usually never did. "Wait...shit!"

Atsushi was next, he looked dumbfounded, "...Oh..."

Io shook his head, "Why do we not...wait...! I took his place the last time he attacked us!"

Ryuu growled, "Damn fish demon...the heir fought hard to contain him..."

"Yes, he is truly the destructor of worlds." Araki's voice hissed and he stood there, "Aurite, how dare you speak of his name."

"Tungsten, silence, you brat." Kinshiro hissed, "Speaking without permission and why weren't you helping find the heir?!"

"I was, I was talking with Yukiteru-sama, the God of War."

Kinshiro nodded, "Yes?"

"He wants his son home. He said as long as the clan is here, then his son will be safe there."

"We can protect him!"

"The heir's father told me what he desired and besides, our children want him home."

"Ch-Children?!" Atsushi shrieked and En paled, "What-what the hell?!"

"No way!" Ryuu screamed and Io looked at Araki in pure horror, "H-how...?"

Araki sighed, "It's complicated, but really, please, Aurite, why don't we let the heir go there for a few days? While he's gone we can stop the clan!"

Kinshiro sighed, "I will think about it."


"Little One, have you decided on what you'd like to eat?"

"Hmm...yeah! I want that!"

"Alright." Ibushi grinned and ordered it for the boy, Yumoto sat there kicking his feet and humming to himself.

"You're in a good mood."

"Why of course, I'm not trapped now!"

Ibushi nodded and Yumoto looked up at the sky, "Ibu-chan-senpai, have you ever wondered what the world would be like if I were not in it?"

"Yumoto...? Why on Earth are you asking that?"

"In the mirror...they were talking about how if I would die, the world would turn dark. Is that true?"

Ibushi looked down, "To an extent, yes."

Yumoto sighed, "So, I really am just a pawn in their game..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that everyone looks at me funny now! I...I don't know...what to do!" He whimpered and Ibushi looked at his heir. "Little One..." he whispered and grabbed his hand. "You mustn't cry."

"Wh-why? I...I'm upset!"

"You need to be brave. You have all of your guardians once more, and even your suitor."

Yumoto sniffed, "I...I know."

"Please, when you cry, my world goes dark." Ibushi smiled and Yumoto blushed, "'re so poetic..."

"Am I?"

Yumoto giggled and their food arrived, "Thank you for taking me here!" Yumoto smiled, "Let's eat!"

He began to stuff his face and Ibushi smiled as he ate with him. Yumoto looked up after he ate, "Hey...who is...Hireashi?"

Ibushi froze, "You must not speak his name, we do not talk about him often."

Yumoto sighed, "They told me I'd be sacrificed for that...thingy."

"He is a terrible demon, he is merely powerless without your power, he once tried to get your brother's powers but when that failed he moved onto you."

Yumoto frowned, "Why me?"

"You are the heir, and you are powerful."

Yumoto nodded, "I mean I guess I understand, I'm not really sure...!"

"It will all make sense soon, for the clan could be let me walk you home, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Yumoto sighed, "Yes Ibu-chan-senpai."



"You are wanting to be with your suitor."

" did you know?"

"I have my ways, come, I will take you there."

Yumoto blushed, "Thank you..."


Yumoto smiled at Araki the next day, he spent the night at his house and things had gotten...interesting.

Yumoto found more about his past and Araki had shown and told him many things they had done in the past.

Yumoto couldn't help but wonder...what could have been with them.


"Find. The. Heir!"

"We-We've looked master!" Zundar gasped, "He is gone!"

"Look harder!"

"We have been our lord!"

"Lies, Dadacha!" The person in the mirror screamed, "Bring me the heir's lifeless body!"

"How should we kill him?!"

"Hmm...drowning. Drown the heir in ice water and let his guardians watch helplessly! Send out my monster...! Ice Glowia, murder the heir of love!"

"Of course!"

Dadacha growled as the monster disappeared and the person in the mirror laughed, "Once he is dead, I am free! Hireashi and I both will be free!"

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