Chapter 4: Sulfur and Vesta
Chapter 4: Sulfur and Vesta
"Calm yourself, big brother!"
"NO!" The first one hissed, "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He growled, "I wanted to get the heir before the guardians came!"
"Well, we can still get him!"
"It will be harder."
"How about we get the heir ourselves?"
"No, it's too soon." The first one smirked, "We can easily get the heir this time, our new monster can trap him! We can end him."
"Easy...we will capture him today with his animal partner..."
"Where is he?"
"He is at the palace of the Gods...we can use our monster to capture him."
The second nodded, "Let's choose our Clan Member."
He turned to the crowd, "You! Go get the heir...Dacha!" He laughed as he threw something out and it hit the member in the face and he looked at his brother, "We will win today." He giggled.
"Heir..." Kinshiro whispered, "You have been sought after by a monster."
"Yes..." Yumoto whispered back, "I have guardians have awakened."
"Two of the four."
"Yes, you have two more, remember?"
"Oh, yeah..." Yumoto giggled, "They'll be awakened soon."
"How do you know?" Kinshiro asked and Yumoto looked at him, "I can tell because...something feels like my life will change again."
Kinshiro smiled and Ibushi grinned, "Little One, you are so smart."
"Little One?"
"Yes, that is the nickname I gave you."
"Oh!" Yumoto giggled and Akoya smirked, "He's going to be great."
"Hey, I'm smart!"
"Io!" Ryuu frowned as he tackled the boy in the clubroom and the green haired boy groaned, "RYUU!" He hissed, "I am busy!"
"Whatever Io! Tell me this, hasn't Yumoto been acting weird lately?!"
"I...I guess?"
"He has! Admit it!"
"Yes, yes he has, Ryuu."
"Hah! I knew it! Even Yufuin-senpai is being weird!"
Io groaned, "What do you mean?"
"He and Kinugawa-senpai have been...doting on Yumoto lately."
"They are?"
Io sighed, "How?"
"Kinugawa-senpai is all like a doting mama and is all like 'oh Yumoto, let me help you, baby!' and Yufuin-senpai is like a dad to him!"
Io hummed, "Hmm, maybe. I'm not sure if I see that."
Ryuu groaned, "You will though!"
"Fine I'll pay attention to them next time."
"Big brother..."
"The palace is will we find the animal?"
"Our monster is here sniffing him out."
"Hey! Let-let go of me, ma-macho!"
"There he is." The older brother smirked and the duo walked to the scream.
"Good job, Cage Monster."
"You two!"
"Oh, Wombat, you're still not with the heir?" The youngest laughed, "You left him powerless."
"Why you two!" Wombat hissed, "Forcing me into my animal form once more!"
"Yes, yes." The oldest growled, "You're a stupid guardian, for the heir is already ours."
"Wh-what?!" Wombat gasped, "What have you done to Yumoto-san!?"
"Oh, us? Well..." the younger brother turned to the older one, "What...did we do to him?"
"We have him caged like you and he is going to die soon."
Wombat growled, "Why you...!"
"Don't worry...we'll bring you to him..."
Yumoto gasped as he saw Io and Ryuu come up to him, "Hey kid." Ryuu smiled and Yumoto giggled, "Hi senpai!"
"Yumoto, why have you been avoiding us lately?" Io asked and Yumoto looked at them, "I-I haven't...!"
"Are you sure?" Ryuu frowned, "You hardly are in the clubroom. I heard you've been with the student council lately."
Yumoto looked down, "Oh...I'm sorry."
"Don't be upset." Ryuu spoke, "You're alright."
Yumoto smiled at them, "Thank you." He looked away, "I..."
He gasped as a monster appeared and Io turned around as Yumoto pointed up in horror.
The monster smirked, "Where is the heir!?"
Yumoto looked at it, "A Cage Monster..."
Ryuu gasped as the monster shot off waves of energy, "What the hell?!"
Yumoto's eyes rolled to the back of his head and Io cried out as the boy fainted in his arms.
"Ry-Ryuu what do we do?! Yumoto fainted!"
"Epinard Love Hurricane!"
"Cerulean Love Aqua!"
Ryuu looked up as two guys stood there, "Who are you?"
Io frowned, "Why do they look familiar?!"
Yumoto groaned as his eyes began to glow as his eyes opened. "Sulfur...Vesta...awaken for me!"
His hand went up as he called that and Io and Ryuu gasped as they began to glow yellow and pink.
Yumoto groaned as his hand fell back down and his outfit changed as the other two transformed,
"Battle Lover Sulfur! Third Guardian of the heir!"
"Battle Lover Vesta! Fourth Guardian of the heir!"
Yumoto gasped as he saw the robe that was now on his body and he stood, he was regal...
The Cage Monster growled, "The heir!"
Yumoto gasped as a cage surrounded him and he froze as he saw a pink fluffball in the cage with him.
" dear friend..." Yumoto gasped and looked at his guardians, "Hurry! Defeat this monster...I'll be fine!"
"Your majesty!" Vesta growled, "I'll burn the cage from around you!"
Yumoto yelped as his guardian shot fire at the bars and it almost caught his robe on fire, "Excuse you!" He cried, "You're trying to burn me in here!"
"Sorry sorry!"
"Then stop it!" Yumoto screamed and gasped as Cerulean hit him with his water attack, "Now I'm all wet!"
"No one is sorry here!" Yumoto complained and the monster growled, "Pay attention to me!"
Yumoto gasped as the cage shook and he grabbed the ball of fluff and it shot up, "Prince Scarlet!"
"You're okay!"
"Why wouldn't I be?!"
"They...they told me you were being tortured!"
"Who were?!"
"The clan!" Wombat cried and Yumoto hugged him, "I missed you..."
"I missed you too, Yumoto-san."
Yumoto gasped as the cage shook from the monster, "EXCUSE YOU!" Yumoto hissed, "How rude of you, we are having a reunion!"
The monster growled, "Silence heir! You're my prisoner!"
"Am not!" Yumoto growled, "My guardians are sending the final blow...right now!"
The monster screamed as it was hit and Yumoto gasped as the cage disappeared around him and Wombat.
Yumoto ran to Sulfur and Vesta, "Took you long enough!"
Vesta laughed, "Look at your heir outfit! It's so silly!"
Yumoto turned almost as red as the scarlet robe he was wearing, "H-hey! I...I like it!"
"Sure you do kid."
"I do!" Yumoto yelled, "It's...comfy!"
Wombat groaned, "Enough! Treat the heir with respect!"
"Oi, rodent, I don't need your sass!"
"I am not a rodent! I am the animal guardian to the heir, Prince Scarlet!"
Yumoto smiled, "Hah, Wombat yelled at you!"
"Shut it you twerp!"
Yumoto gasped, "Eep! Epinard help!"
"Enough Ryuu."
Vesta rolled his eyes, "So, what does this mean for us?"
"It means that, the heir is going to need more protection. For I have met the two who are the clan leaders." Wombat explained, "But take me to the Caerula Adamas, we will discuss this further there, we cannot talk here, for we are in the open."
Yumoto nodded and Wombat smiled, "Your majesty, you are safe for now, we must keep it that way."
"Yes, Wombat.
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