Chapter 23: Demon Days
Chapter 23: Demon Days
Dadacha looked up at the mirror in front of him, "Lady Kiryoku, please...we need one final demon!"
"Why would I give you that?!"
"We need it!"
"Why, Zundar, you used to be so strong."
"F-fine!" Zundar spat out, "I don't need your help anyway! C-come, Dadacha..."
"Yes an-chan."
"Oh man," Ryuu groaned as he held his math test in his hands. "why the hell are my math grades so bad?!"
The pink haired boy looked over at Yumoto's own math test, "How the hell?"
"Your grade!"
"oh! This? Math is easy for me."
"I just look at it and I know."
"W-without formulas?"
Yumoto nodded, "Yeah."
"Are you sure the God of Math isn't related to you?"
"Don't argue, you two." En spoke as he looked up from his manga, "Maybe, you should pay more attention in class, Ryuu."
Ryuu gasped, "What?! Yufuin-senpai, I thought you were on my side!"
Atsushi walked by "Only on the side of the heir."
Ryuu huffed and Io shook his head, "Play nice, Ryuu."
Ryuu groaned and Yumoto sighed, "Do you think..." he frowned, "that everything is finally okay?"
En frowned, "Why..." He looked at Yumoto, "of course it is. The twins are back and Hireashi is gone."
"But...Zundar and Dadacha."
"oh..." En sighed, "Will they even do anything? I mean, we have the Caerula Adamas, and now the VEPPer."
Atsushi nodded, "Yes, we're basically unstoppable now."
"They'll probably send out one more monster as one last attempt," Io spoke, looking up from his laptop, "we need to seal them away."
"In the past, they were in a mirror." En replied, "The Caerula Adamas shoved them there."
"And Hireashi is now sealed away." Ryuu smirked, "We just can't seal them the same way."
Yumoto hummed, "Maybe...I'll talk to the others and they can tell me what to do..."
Yumoto sat in the Student Council office and looked up from his cup of green tea. "So," He frowned, "what should I do about the other two...?"
Akoya frowned, "What you should do?" He looked away from his hand mirror, "You don't have to worry about that!" He looked at Kinshiro, "We'll take care of them, won't we, Aurite."
Kinshiro looked at him, "Of course."
"NO!" Yumoto groaned, "This is my fight!"
Ibushi frowned, "It's not your fight...we want to help."
"I just..."
"I know."
Dadacha laughed as he sat with his brother, "I have the perfect plan~!"
"What is it, Dadacha?"
"We send out our final monster to distract the guardians and we grab the stupid heir!"
"Hmm..." Zundar hummed and his brother looked at him, "Please? An-chan, we can get him and then save Lord Hireashi!"
Araki sighed as he walked next to his brother, Satoru, who was busy playing a handheld game. "Careful, Satoru, I don't need you going into the street and getting hit."
Satoru stuck his tongue out, "We don't have these in the Godly world! They're cool!"
"I know, wait. Where did you even get that?!"
"I bought it!"
"I had money and spent it on this. It wasn't that much."
"How much?"
Satoru smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Araki groaned and Satoru looked up, "Did you hear that, Araki?"
"Hm?" Araki looked at his brother, "What do you mean?"
"I thought I heard someth-"
"Dadacha, we don't want to even work with you!" A voice screamed and Araki gasped, "That sounded like Haru." He looked at his brother, "Come on, let's transform and see what's wrong!"
"Hey, our things went off." En spoke and Yumoto frowned, "I thought we were done..."
"Me too." Ryuu groaned as he looked up from his math homework. "Dammit," He grumbled, "I didn't even get that far."
Io shook his head as he stood, Atsushi followed suit. "Let's go."
Yumoto nodded and Wombat sighed, "If only you five cared more."
"Eh, we care enough." En yawned, "I just want to hurry and sleep."
"That's my En-chan." Atsushi smiled, "But we have to do this."
"Yeah, yeah."
Dadacha gasped as the VEPPer attacked their monster, "Aki-chan! Haru-chan!"
"Shut up!" Sol screamed, "We've already denounced you!"
"NO BUTS!" Luna spat, "We're done working for you! You don't know anything about us!"
"I made you what you are!"
"Sorry, but you didn't."
Dadacha gasped and he looked up as he heard, "Tungsten Metal Slash!"
Dadacha screamed as he dodged the silver beam, "Why you! That would have really hurt me! You jerk!!"
Tungsten laughed, "Whatever, Dadacha."
"You spoiled brat!"
Cobalt smirked as he stood beside his brother, "You know, we don't take kindly to demons."
"Shut up, God of Chance!" Dadacha screamed and the two brothers charged at the demon.
Zundar smirked as the Battle Lovers ran up, "Zundar!" They cried and Zundar laughed, "You all are dying here today!"
Epinard growled, "We won't give up." He pointed his love stick out at the demon, "You aren't winning."
Zundar looked at them, "I beg to differ, Epinard."
Scarlet groaned, "Gods! You are so annoying!"
The demon gasped, "H-how rude!"
"OH! I'm the rude one?!" Scarlet screamed, "You're the one who won't leave me alone!"
Vesta smirked, "You're not wrong about him."
Zundar shook his head, "W-well...I-I...I do it for Lord Hireashi!"
"Yawn." Cerulean groaned, "No one cares."
Zundar glared at them, "Why are you so rude!?"
"We're annoyed of you." Sulfur repeated, "You've done more than enough."
Each Battle Lover nodded simultaneously and Wombat laughed, "Haha, Zundar, you thought you could win!"
Zundar began to laugh, "Oh, I'm going to win. I have one last thing up my sleeve."
"He's not even wearing sleeves," Vesta whispered and Sulfur sighed, "Ryuu..."
Zundar threw his hand up, "Felis catus, come on out!"
The five students gasped as a cat demon appeared, "Really?" Cerulean groaned, "Dammit, I wanted to sleep."
Vesta sighed, "I wanted to get math homework is still incomplete!"
Sulfur shook his head, "Where are the Caerula Adamas? Usually they come running when we're in trouble!"
Zundar smirked, "I've taken care of them, Aurite and the others are with me."
Epinard gasped, "No!"
Cerulean pointed his love stick out at Zundar, "You bring them here or we'll destroy you."
"Too bad~ My brother and another monster have the Keishi brothers and the VEPPer distracted too. No one can save you five! I have more than the cat demon as well."
"This is bullshit." Vesta spat and clutched his love stick tightly, "We gotta get this done."
Scarlet nodded, "I'll seal you away Zundar, it's not that hard! I'll give you one last chance. Leave or you'll be sealed for good!"
Zundar growled, "I will never, ever leave without you, heir of love."
"Then you might as well just get my brother, oh wait. Gora-an-chan would cut you in half right away, as no one dares attack a God of Love."
Sulfur nodded, "Yes, and if you were to attack him, the gods of old would help protect him."
Zundar laughed, "They may protect him but will they protect your heir?!" He looked at the cat demon, "Attack one at a time! Make that heir give up!"
Scarlet gasped, "Senpais, we have to all attack at once! We can't lose here!"
Wombat nodded, "Yes...everyone has worked hard enough! In fact, we don't even know if Zundar is lying about having the Caerula Adamas, he's probably lying."
Epinard nodded, "We've fought without them before, we'll be fine. Come on, Battle Lovers!"
Wombat smiled, "May love keep everyone safe!"
Zundar laughed, "Let's play then~ If my demon wins, the heir dies, if the Battle Lovers win...well, let's just say that your little party won't."
Scarlet growled, "It's a deal."
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