Chapter 15: Destiny's Arrival

Chapter 15: Destiny's Arrival

Yumoto sighed as he sat up in his futon, he rubbed at his eyes. "Ah, Saturday...Araki was going to come over today..." He looked over at Wombat and smiled, "Hey..."

"How are you?"

"I'm okay."

"Just okay?"

Yumoto shook his head, "I guess?" He sighed, "I'm sorry..."

Wombat smiled, "Don't worry, you've been through a lot, your majesty."

The blonde frowned, "Don't call me that...I...I'm just Yumoto!" He shook his head, "I'm sick of everyone calling me that!"

Wombat jumped, "Yumoto-san, please!"

Yumoto stood up, "Enough." He spoke as he began to dress, "I have to get to breakfast...and help the bathhouse."

"But your ribs..."

"They're fine!" He replied and rushed out to breakfast, "Morning!"

Gora smiled, "Good morning, Yumoto. Your friends will be here soon."


"They wanted to come over."


Gora smiled as he sat the plate in front of Yumoto, "Have you been feeling okay?"

"Of course."

Gora nodded and Yumoto looked at his food, "Thank you for making breakfast..."

"Will Araki be coming over today?"

", he has to stay home today."

Gora nodded again, "Alright," He smiled, "I hope that everything is alright."

Yumoto ate his food in silence and Gora hummed, "If these things keep happening, he'll have to be taken home..."

En frowned as he walked with Atsushi, "This sucks..."

Atsushi nodded, "I know..."

"Hmm," En hummed, "do you think..?"

"Think?" Atsushi repeated slowly.

"Think we should get Satoru?"

"Huh?" Atsushi pondered for a moment, "Maybe...we'll have to see...if Araki-kun shows up when we fight next, we'll have to see."

En sighed, "Yumoto was really upset..."

"I know." Atsushi replied and looked down, "We'll save Araki-kun..."

Yumoto stared down at his cup as his friends all chatted in the room with him, he felt empty.


"Yes?" He spoke softly, "I...I'm fine, you know."

"Are you sure?" En asked and Yumoto nodded, "Yes..."

The heir looked down as he thought to himself, "Araki better be okay...he has to be!"

"Lord Tungsten!" Hireashi yelled, "What monster do you want today?"

Tungsten shook his head, "Sir, I'll do as I please."

Hireashi groaned, "I hate this..."

Seiji shook his head, "Lord Hireashi, Tungsten is defiant as always."

Tungsten glared at Seiji, "Shut up, I could kill you, you know!"

"Oh really?" Seiji scoffed and Zundar frowned, "Lord Hireashi...please..."

"Enough Zundar, you three can attack the heir and get rid of him!"

Tungsten growled, "I'd rather kill him myself!"

Zundar glared at him, "Fine, you go after him."

"I will!" Tungsten spat, "Lord Hireashi, let me get a monster out and I'll follow it."

"Of course. Choose one and you can go."

"Yes sir."

Yumoto sighed as he sat on a bench in the park, his friends were sitting in front of him. He looked up as he saw someone walking by, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Satoru!" He laughed and Keishi Satoru sighed as he stood there. "...hey..."


Satoru groaned, "'re lucky that I don't do much on Saturdays."

"Hey," En frowned, "your brother is in trouble."

"Yeah I know! Hiroyuki wouldn't shut up!"

Yumoto laughed, "Where is he?"

"Hiroyuki ran back to the world of the Gods in a panic."


Satoru shook his head, "It's really stupid, okay?"


Satoru sighed, "I'll help you save Araki."

"Thank you."

They all looked up as they heard screaming, Satoru gasped, "He's coming...he must have sent a demon."

He held up a small item, "Conquest!"

Yumoto gasped as Satoru slowly transformed, "The God of Chance...Cobalt!"

Cobalt looked over at Yumoto, "Listen, Araki and I have fought this way before...Hireashi is going to be hard to beat."

Yumoto frowned, "I can help!"

"No." Ryuu spoke, "You'll be hurt.."

"SO!?" Yumoto growled and En grabbed him, "Your ribs are broken! You're hurt!"

Yumoto gasped and En frowned, "You're sore...please...sit out of this."

Yumoto looked down, "I..."

"Please..." En whispered, "You're hurt."

Yumoto nodded slowly, "Y-yes..."

En nodded back, "Good, sit here, okay?"

"I..." Yumoto sighed, "Yes I will."

The heir looked up as his guardians left, Wombat smiled, "I am going with them, stay here, okay?"

Yumoto nodded, "Okay..."

The boy gasped as he heard footsteps shortly after Wombat left, he looked up as he saw a man.

"A-Araki..." He spoke and the boy smiled down at him, "Hello, darling."

Yumoto's eyes widened as he stood. "Y-you were taken away!"

"Yes, I know." Araki replied and slowly grabbed Yumoto's hand.

Yumoto gasped as Araki looked into his eyes, "Y-you aren't right!"

"Don't worry." Araki spoke coolly as he stroked the boy's cheek, "I know that I love you."

Yumoto's breath hitched, "No!"

"What do you mean?" Araki smirked and Yumoto tried to push away, "Y-You...!" He looked up, "Help! Let me go!"

Araki held him tighter, "Don't worry. Just sleep..."

Yumoto gasped as he felt his body become heavy, his eyes slowly began to shut. Araki smiled as the boy became limp, "Good~ Lord Hireashi will be happy."

He slowly picked the heir up and smirked as he transformed. He disappeared with the boy and smirked as he appeared back in front of the Battle Lovers and laughed, "Hello Battle Lovers..."

Cobalt gasped, "Araki!"

" dear brother."

"What are you doing!?"

"Easy, my job!" Tungsten spat, "I am to bring the heir to Lord Hireashi!"

"No!" Cobalt hissed and Tungsten smirked, "I already have my prize too." He snapped his fingers as he made a mirror appear and he laughed as Wombat gasped out, "Yumoto-san!"

Vesta growled, "Let him go!"

"He's just asleep." Tungsten replied, "I put him here because I didn't want you to grab him back." He placed a gloved hand onto it, "You all fail again."

"You won't keep him long!" Vesta hissed, "He won't let you!"

"I don't care~" Tungsten hummed, "He's going to let Lord Hireashi do as he pleases and I'll help."

Cobalt growled, "Why are you doing this Araki?! You always talk about how much you love him!"

"Enough, Satoru." Tungsten spat, "You know nothing!" He pointed his sword out, "You all think that you'll win..."

"We know we will!" Epinard cried, "The clan has already been failing!"

"The clan is weak." Tungsten replied, "They are only good for resurrecting demons."

"What does Hireashi plan on doing?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"We want to know!"

"That's no fun," The silver haired boy chuckled, "That's a surprise, was my demon fun to play with~?"

Vesta growled, "We got rid of it."

"Ah...well it was a diversion~" Tungsten looked into the mirror, "The heir makes a beautiful image...doesn't he? Just be glad I didn't trap him in a painting~"

Tungsten snapped his fingers and the Battle Lovers gasped as the mirror and him disappeared.

Epinard froze, "He...he's deeply brainwashed..."

Cerulean growled, "We have to get them both back..."

Sulfur nodded and Vesta growled, "We'll do it."

"Good work, Tungsten." Hireashi spoke as he watched Tungsten lift the heir out of his mirror prison.

"Thank you, Lord Hireashi." Tungsten replied, "It was easy. His guardians are very angry."

Hireashi laughed, "No matter~" He stood, "Lay the heir down if you want, you can take him too."

Tungsten nodded and looked down at Yumoto, "I'll lay him here..."

"Good..." Hireashi smirked as his golden eyes watched, "His energy is strong..."

Tungsten nodded and Hireashi slowly placed a hand down onto the heir's cheek.

The heir twitched as his eyebrows knitted together and Hireashi smirked, "Oh're in my clutches once again~" He stroked his cheek, "Your blood will spill and you will die." He looked down at the heir's face, "I bet you're in pain, I shall always torment you..."

Tungsten smirked, "Lord Hireashi...his strength is just what you need."

"Yes," The demon laughed, "I know. He's just who I want..."

Tungsten bowed, "I will do whatever to please you with him...."

Hireashi smirked, "I know you will...why don't you keep watch over him?"

"And if he wakes up?"

"He won't....maybe" Hireashi laughed, "I need to prep his soul for draining."


"Just you wait...I'll have to get Seiji back and we'll start another ritual..."

Tungsten smiled, "Yes sir."

"Do as you please with him, he may wake up can easily make him fall back asleep."

"But you just said he wouldn't..."

"I know what I said! He may though, his body is easy to recover...."

Tungsten nodded and looked back down at the heir as Hireashi began to hum as he placed a hand over the heir's face again. The demon muttered something and Yumoto began to whimper as Hireashi began to drain some of his energy.

"Shhh heir~ You're just giving me some power...I have some people to visit~" He stopped slowly and smirked, "I am leaving now, Lord Tungsten, keep your promise."

"Yes sir!"

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