Chapter 13: Starstruck, Bad Luck

Chapter 13: Starstruck, Bad Luck

"Hmm..." Hara Kurou spoke, "yes, it's broken."

Yumoto looked down, "It's bad, right?"

"Just as bad as before. It's not shattered, just a break."

Yumoto frowned as a thermometer was placed in his mouth. "Why this?"

"You look warm." The nurse spoke and Yumoto sighed as the thermometer went off.


Kinshiro frowned, "What is it?"

"Very high..."

Yumoto looked at them, "Huh? I don't feel bad.."

Ibushi sighed, "The demon triggered an illness..."

Kinshiro sighed as Kurou spoke, "You have a fever of 104°."


Kinshiro sighed as Araki spoke, "We need to go home then."

The heir looked down as he felt his body become heavy and tried to stand. He groaned as he fell back. "D-dammit."

"I know."

The heir sighed, "I want to go home..."

Araki nodded, "Alright."

Yumoto groaned as he and Araki made their way to the Kurotama. Yumoto sighed, "Araki, I can get inside...I don't want to alert an-chan."

Araki sighed, "Of course. Call me if you need anything."

Yumoto nodded and slowly made his way in.

"Zundar-chan!" Hireashi hissed, "You said this demon would rid me of the heir!"

"I know sir..." Zundar frowned and Dadacha winced, "Lord Hireashi, we really have been trying!"

"I know!"

"The heir has become sick at least!"

"SO!?" Hireashi hissed, "I want more than that!"

"Y-yes sir!" The duo cried and Hireashi growled, "I just need him gone!"

Seiji looked away, "Sir, we can try other methods!"

"Like what?!"

"Well...kidnapping may be easier with a broken ankle. He's a sitting duck!" Zundar spoke and Hireashi gasped, "True..."

"Why don't you think back on what you've tried in the past?" Dadacha asked and Hireashi gasped, "Great if I haven't tried that already!"


"Why do you think I had the demon break his ankle..." Hireashi sighed, "We just need a better plan!"

"What else can we do, sir?" Dadacha asked and Hireashi smirked, "Use the clan again, we need to take the heir here and use him. He wants to stop me...we can set it up...slay the guardians one by one. Make him give up."

"Hmm...." Seiji spoke, "why kill them? Appear to do so at that rate."

Hireashi stood, "That bracelet he wears...I want it as well."


"That crystal on focuses his powers, if we take it off, he's powerless again and we have it."

"How will we get it off?"

"Not sure." Hireashi smiled, "But I imagine if we get it, we can win."

"Yes, but what if this theory is wrong?"

"Then it is." Hireashi replied, "Simple as that."

"What if his powers are just something we can't grasp-da?" Zundar questioned, "What if they're just in his blood?"

"Well I don't know!" Hireashi spat, and the brothers groaned.

"We need to prepare a monster soon! Just so we have time to figure our plan out." Hireashi groaned and the other three simply nodded.

Seiji frowned in thought, "If only I knew the secrets of the heir...this would be much easier."

Yumoto whimpered as he walked into the bathhouse as Gora called his name. "Yumoto, is that you?"


Gora peeked over at him from the doorframe, "Good, can you hurry with your bath today so you can help clean the women's bathroom?"


The blonde boy frowned as he went to change. He sighed as he kicked one shoe off and then slowly the other.

"Yumoto?" Gora asked and Yumoto shook his head, "I'm coming!"

The boy hissed in pain as he tried to stand from the bench. He yelped as he stood for a second and fell back down.

Gora looked at him, "Yumoto?"


Gora walked over to his brother. "Your ankle!"

Yumoto looked away, "Y-yes..."

"What happened?"

"Demon..." the heir hissed, "Stupid damn thing broke my ankle. Kurou looked at it and gave me medicine. I had a bad fever earlier...the medicine got rid of it, just now my ankle..."

"Yes I see." Gora replied and Yumoto sighed. "I want it healed..."

"I know, I'll have Kurou come visit in the morning before school so he can heal you up more."

Yumoto looked down as his brother picked him up. "H-hey!"

"it's off to bed with you, Mister."

"Oh..." Yumoto sighed as Gora took him to the house.

Gora sighed, "How did this happen?"

"We were called to the theater and then a demon who was disguised as papa came out, it attacked me, Araki fought it but then I fought as well with him and then the demon grabbed me and broke it."

"Ahh...well..." Gora sighed, "you must be more careful."

"I know.." Yumoto spoke softly and Gora rubbed a hand on his brother's head. "Rest, okay?"

"Yes, an-chan."

Over the next few days Kurou came over slowly healing the heir's broken ankle. The heir would kick and scream every time, but thank the God of Health shortly after it all would occur.

After about three days of this, Yumoto's ankle was healed back up. He sighed as he had to go back to school the next morning.

The heir sniffed, his nose was slightly stuffed from the short illness he had. He sighed again as he finished up his bath. He was happy to be healed but sad that he had to go back to learn.

The next day went smoothly, but by the beginning of lunch, things became different.

Kinshiro frowned as he sat in the Student Council room, he looked up as the heir came in with Ibushi.

"And then I said to Ryuu-senpai that I wanted my candy back!"


"Yeah! He wouldn't give it back until Atsushi-senpai forced him to!"

"Oh wow."

"Yeah!" Yumoto laughed and sat down on one of the sofas.

"Did you already eat with your guardians?"

"Yeah, they started talking about boring stuff and I went out for a second and saw Ibu-chan-senpai!"

His laughter was short lived as his bracelet went off and Wombat ran in. "Monster! It's a big one you four!"

Yumoto stood, "Okay! What is it?!"

"It's a straight up demon at this point!"

Yumoto nodded and the four of them ran out as they transformed.

Scarlet jumped down by his Battle Lover partners, "Alright, let's see this demon!"

"Alright." Epinard spoke and Scarlet looked at them, "What demon is this?"

"Not sure," Sulfur replied and Scarlet scratched his neck.

"Starting to hurt again?" Vesta asked and the heir shook his head. "N-no!"

Cerulean yawned, "Let's get rid of this demon fast, I wanted a nap."

"Okay!" Scarlet giggled, "I'll get it!"

"Wait!" Vesta gasped as the heir ran at the demon. "Yumoto!" the God of Fire hissed and the heir got his love stick out, "Scarlet Lumi-!" He cried out as a force hit him. He gasped as his scepter flew from his hands and clattered away from him.

His body felt heavy once more...

"OH COME ON!" He screamed, "Dammit!"

The heir gasped as the demon stood over him. "U-Um...H-hi? How are you..?" He spoke and the demon's lips curled into a smile.

"A-ah...r-really?" Scarlet gulped and he gasped as he heard Seiji's voice. "Keep him down like that! Lord Hireashi is coming for that thing of his!"

"No fair!" Scarlet screamed, "This sucks!"

Seiji smirked, "All according to plan..."

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