Troya vs Grail
( It has been a week since the confrontation with Suprena and the information that humanity has begun to create its own superheroes. Since then, the league has been doing what it can to figure out who else has made their own hero. They at first had gone to Star Labs who had admitted to creating their hero. This however was left alone after learning that their created hero was not yet ready for the real world and was only making her to be a helper for Troya. They solidified this statement by suggesting making a new young team of heroes consisting of Troya, Arcee, and some other young superheroes. This suggestion had sat well with the league, especially with the rise of the first two heroes that had recently appeared; Ember and Zora. Currently, the league was going over a video of the titan's fight against Suprena until Ember arrived. They even had the Titans and the Young Justice there too)
" ( Watches, as the titans try to contain the battle until watching as Beast boy, is hit in the back and then knocked into the air by Cyborg who was thrown at him). You guys are doing well so far, though Garth. I'd advise that you keep your eyes on your surroundings. ( Watches as Starfire and Cyborg both blast Suprena only for her to counter with her own as Robin tries to get behind her only to blast the building he was on and force the building he was on to collapse until Red Robin saved him). That was a nice plan you three." Said Flash as they continued to watch the video. " ( Watches as Kid Flash tries to hit Suprena with a concentrated lighting bolt only for Her to catch it with one hand and through it to raven who was trying to hit her with a blast of magic only to get hit by the bolt and hit Kid flash with her magic). So where is Donna at this point? She has not appeared yet." Said Black Canary.
" She was dealing with the Hive member known as Mammoth at that time. She was alerted to the battle however and tried to end her fight quickly before getting there; as you see here." Said RedRobin as he points to the video screen showing Donna flying in and punching Suprena away from a downed Cyborg. " With her there. the battle seemed to even out slightly until Beastboy and raven were taken out. During that time, it was all about trying to find a weakness. This is the time when Ember came in. ( Points to the screen showing ember Kock Suprena away from Donna before watching Ember and Donna have a better time-fighting Suprena). We were even lucky that she had healed our downed teammates." Said Robin as he continues to watch the recording.
" Though there is something I would like to point out. ( Pauses the video and zooms in on Ember when she raised an eyebrow). It took her 10 minutes to notice something, even after just arriving. ( Listens to Suprena tell Ember and Donna why she was created). We should have known Waller would try something like this. Though from your face Donna. there is more to this." Said Martian Manhunter. " Indeed John, It was when she told us her directive. She told us then and there that she had attacked my team to get my attention while making sure my team was incapable of fighting. ( looks at Wondergirl and Supergirl). She even said that she would have targeted you two but Cassie to a lesser extent. At that time, was when Ember had chosen to take the fight to the sky to minimize the damage to the city. However, this is where things got a little out of hand." Said Redrobin. " Explain For us Tim, what exactly happened for things to get out of hand. ( Unpauses the video as Redrobin points to the screen to watch Cyborg call the titan Jet and get init along with Beastboy, robin, and Raven with Redrobin getting in reluctantly and watches the jet fly off from Starfires point of view). You chased after them even after Ember told you to stay away. ( looks at Robin, Beastboy, and Raven). I'm disappointed in you three. You put yourselves in mortal danger with that stunt." Said Batman.
" Not only that but you also missed Ember's key warning to stay away from the battle. ( looks at Donna). I'm surprised that you missed it Donna. I would have thought you would have spotted it. You were lucky enough to have Ember make room for herself to warn you of the sphere. Though what has me interested is how fast Troya was to arrive at your aid. ( Rewinds the video to the time were a white lighting bolt had dashed down behind Ember and towards Donna and the Titans and then watches a piece of the lighting wrap around Donna and Starfire as the rest solidifies to form a woman with one hand grabbing the Jet while the other holds the lasso). It is interesting how to see that you only sustained minor injuries due to Troya absorbing the Sphere to save you." Said Hawkgirl.
" What has me concerned is what happened afterwords from Donna's point of view. ( Raise the volume to where Suprena explains how she knows who Troya is). The fact that Waller had taken action and done this is concerning. from what Suprena had said. Waller had done this as soon as Jade showed up a second time. This means that She was waiting to activate this program. This also raises an alarm in Mrs. Darby's security. ( Looks at Wonder Woman). Were you able to move her to a safer location?" Asked Superman. " I had My Sisters move her to Themyscira as soon as we learned this information. Though I assume you're curious about something else Clark." Said Diana. " Indeed I am Diana. ( Raises the volume to where Troya tells Wonder Woman that she best handle what she had learned). This part has me interested; but only because if the difference in tone. As you can hear, her tone sounds different from what we're all used to. Our main question now is how we will handle Waller's little problem. ( looks at Flash). Not trying to be rude but, how is Star labs hero coming along Barry?" Said Superman.
" She's coming along greatly, though I'm surprised we're letting them do this. I even figured you'd be angry at this Clark." Said Flash. Whys that Barry and the only reason we're allowing this is because Star labs is the only one we can trust with something like that." Said Clark. " Well I'd figure that you would be mad when you learn that the hero that they're creating is made from the blood of both you and Diana. ( Looks at both of them to see shocked looks on their faces). I guess neither of you heard this part, but then again you both were called away to handle those incidents. The lab guys said she would be ready in five weeks." Said Flash. " (Gets out of shock to focus on the meeting ). That will give us some time to form a new team of heroes. Though I think it's about time we had an all-ladies team this time. ( Hears the cheers from all the fellow female heroes). I think it would be a nice change of pace. It will also give Giganta to chance she needs to reform thanks to Troyas help." Said Wonder Woman until they hear an alert go off in the watchtower.
" ( Presses a button on a control Consul to spring up the image of Shazam and Wondergirl standing in front of a portal). That's a boom tube; someone from apocalypse is coming to earth. ( looks at the roster of available heroes only to quickly turn around to see Superman, Wonder Woman and Donna Troy fly to a teleporter in the watchtower before seeing them appear behind Wondergirl and Shazam as a woman appeared in front of them as she exits the portal). This is not good. ( looks at Flash). Put out a level nine alert now, we don't know what we're dealing with here." Said John Stewert.
" ( Looks around her before spotting the five heroes in front of her). Oh, you are the first to greet me as I step foot on this pitiful planet." Said the woman. " What business would someone from apocalypse have for coming here?" Asked Shazam. " That is for me to know and for you to never find out. ( Looks at Superman before looking up to see Supergirl and Powergirl flying towards them). Looks like we have two more to join us in this little battle." Said the woman. " We asked you a question. what are you doing here on earth." Said Superman. " Fine Kryptonian, since you asked so nicely. I'm here to find the person that destroyed my two creations, Domination and Dominion. Those two were copies that were made based on my father's doomsday with a little bit of help. ( Points at Wonder Woman). A little bit of help from your god of war Amazon." Said the woman as Powergirl and Supergirl land next to them. " If you're looking for the people that defeated your creations, then you're looking at them. ( points to herself, powergirl, Supergirl, Wondergirl and Shazam). We're the ones that defeated your creations." Said Donna.
" Well, then you wouldn't mind testing yourself against another one of my creations and the return of another while I go visit this god of War. " Said The woman as she stepped to the side as something walked out the portal to reveal Domination and another female doomsday.
" However to make things interesting. ( looks at Domination). I will let the Younger one pick. ( Watches Domination fly off and tackle Supergirland Wondergirl through six buildings). Well, I guess that answers that question. ( looks at the taller one). Doomma, be a dear and occupy them for me would you and for the record Kryptonian; you may call me Grail." Said Grail as she stepped through the portal again, not knowing that Donna and Wonderwoman had followed hr through while Shazam, Powergirl and Superman handled Dooma.
(On Olympus)
"( Walks through the portal and ends up in the realm of the Olympians). So this is the realm of the gods. Their empire doesn't seem so special. ( Watches as a red cloud heads her way before it lands and forms Ares). Well this is a surprise. I didn't expect to see you out and about." Said Grail. I almost didn't, I'm just glad my brothers can be easily tricked. However, I can't say the same for my sisters. The minute someone knows that I escaped I'm. ( Looks behind her to see Wonder woman and Donna Troy). You fool, you were followed. (Summons a sword and shield before immediately turning around to block a swing from a spear and looks to see Athena with Artemis, Hera and Hestia right behind her). How did you find me so quickly." Said Ares as he battled with Athena. " You should watch your friend's surroundings brother. We spotted a second boom tube opening over in New York and decided to have Our two new warriors investigate. Image our surprise to find a hord of perademaons attacking the city." Said Athena.
" That and the fact that one of our own had felt Wonder Woman and Donna's signature dissapeare off the mortal plane until recently." Said Artemis as she fired her arrows at Ares, every opening she got. " You've gone too far Ares, this partnership will destroy us all because of who her father is. Stop this now and you may be given a leaner sentence." Said Hera as she watched the battle from afar. " ( Steps to the side to avoid a left huck from behind before blocking a right straight punch and jumps back while looking at Diana and Donna standing in front of her). I see you two left your friends to deal with my creation. It matters not, for soon another shall return stronger than ever thanks to the energy I took from this fool. ( looks at Ares before activating another portal only to get tackled through it by Wonder Woman and Donna). You two sure are relentless. No matter, I will find the one that killed my Dominion." Said Grail as she punches Wonder Woman and Donna away once they exited the portal.
" ( Looks up to see Superman and Shazam battling Dooma while Powergirl gets the civilians to safety). At least there's less destruction than there was last time. ( Looks at Grail). Also didn't you hear us earlier Grail? If your looking for the person that destroyed your Dominion then look no further. besides, I'm the one that fought her while my friends fought Domination. ( Points to Supergirl and wondergirl holding their own against Domination). So if you wanna fight someone then fight us." Said Donna as she got into a fighting stance. " As you wish amazon, but do not say that I didn't give you a chance to retreat. ( Fires an omega-beam from both her eyes at Donna only to have Wonder woman black it with her bracers). I will enjoy making you both feel pain." Said Grail as she Stopped firing her omega beam and tackled Wonder Woman and Donna.
( Meanwhile over with Powergirl)
"( Presses her left hand to her communicator in her left ear). This is Powergirl, whats the situation Johhn? " Said Powergirl. " You must get that fight away from that vicinity, Troya is in the area and From what I could gather, this Grail is after her. I've asked Ember and Zora to occupy her by having her occupied her time dealing with Superwoman and Vex. Still, you must end that fight quickly." Said Martain Manhunter. " ( looks over towards Supergirl and Wondergirl to see them Fly over to help Superman and Shazam after dealing with the returned Domination). We'll see what we can do Johhn, and have Zora and Ember take Troya to any emergencies further from this location. That should give us the time we need." Said Powergirl as she ended the transition and flew to help her friends against doomma.
( Over With Superman)
"( looks over to see Supergirl and wondergirl fly in and double punch doomma). I guess that training with the danger room did you two some good. ( Blast Dooma with his heat-vision in order to counter a blast from her own). This battle has gotten a little bit easier." Said Superman as he looks to see Shazam help Powergirl with getting the civilians to safety. " ( looks up after hearing something get hit and pulls Powergirl and a civilian out of the way as Donna troy crashes into the ground where they once stood and then sets the two back on the ground before running over to Donna). Donna, are you ok? ( Watches her slowly get back onto her feet). Listen, You two are lucky that Troya isn't in the vicinity at this time. ( Watches her look at him). She was here not four hours ago, Ember and Zora are trying to keep her busy by having her deal with any emergencies that are further from this area. We need to handle these fights quickly." Said Shazam as Doona looks at him in worry.
"Where is she now, that'll tell us how much time we have. " Said Donna as she quickly use her lasso to pull Wonderwoman out of the way of a double hammer fist from Grail. " Toya is currently in Chinatown, which means we have exactly 15 hours before Johhn, Ember and Zora will run out of missions to occupy her time." Said Shazam as he blasted Grail away. " ( looks at Shazam before looking towards Supergirl and Wonder girl helping Superman against Doomma). Then we'll need to divide it into two teams. Have Wondergirl head over here to help us while you and Powergirl help Superman and Supergirl. Hopefully, this will give us a boost in this fight." Said Wonder Woman as Shazam flew off to do what she asked before watching as Wondergirl flew over to them.
" Shazam told me the plan, but are you sure we'll be able to do this Diana?" Said Wondergirl as she looked at Grail as she floated in the air. " We've got no Choice Cassie, We're lucky that Superwoman brought Malice and Vex with her. That will hold Erica off for a while. ( Looks at Grial). We just need to finish this fight quickly." Said Doona as she, Wonder Woman and Wondergirl flew at Grail.
( From then on the two-way battle raged for nine hours with no end in sight. While the heroes were able to destroy the newest female clone Dooma, they were unable to force grail to retreat. This became a battle that the heroes did not believe they would be able to win. This became the case when Grail had Struck Supergirl and Shazam with her Omega beams when Shazam had gone to try and save her from getting hit. With to of its group down. The team Knew that they would have to not hold themselves back. The problem with this; was concerning the warning that they received again from Martain Manhunter stating that they must keep the damage to a minimum or else it would alert Troya to the current danger. That warning sadly went on death ears, for the longer the battle continued. The more havoc it would insure. Wondergirl had tried to bring the fight to a more secluded area. However, that plan had gone out the winder when Superman was knocked into the statue of liberty after getting punched in the face by Grail. This act by Grail caused the Statue to collapse before then falling to the ground. This left Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, Wondergirl and Powergirl as the only ones still standing to continue the fight with Grail)
" This is getting us no were; We need to figure out a place where we won't endanger civilians. " Said Donna as she looked towards Grail who was fighting Wonder Woman and Wondergirl simultaneously. "Where would we go, we'd be bringing her straight to Troya. We need to hit her hard and fast. (Looks up to notice the clouds Start to form). We better do it fast too, it looks like Troya is on her way." Siad Powergirl until she quickly looked towards the fight in order to catch Wondergirl while Donna caught Wonder Woman. " ( Looks up at the sky before activating her comlink). Zora, how far are you three from our current location?" Asked Wonder Woman. " We'll be on you in three hours. Be aware Diana, that We just left Olympus to help deal with Ares and Troya is furious. She pulverized Ares and made him fade, Olympus will be without a god of war for a while. " Said Zora.
" ( Looks at Wonder Woman in shock). That's not good, it means that we had less time than we originally thought. ( looks up at the clouds and spots a white lighting bolt as it is being followed by a red and a blue one twenty miles away). We need to hurry, she's right on top of us." Said Powergirl. "It's too late, Wondergirl, Donna; bracers up now. ( Points to Grail Charging en even bigger omega beam). It looks like we'll have to leave this to my daughter, no matter how much it pains me to do so. " Said Wonder Woman as she, Wondergirl and Donna held their arms up in the shape of an x as Grail fired her Omega beam).
( Time seemed to slow down as the Omega beam sped straight for The three amazons and Kryptonian. But before the beam could hit the group of four, something had flown in front of it and formed a barrier around the four heroes; the barrier dissipated to reveal, Erica, Kim and Katey, otherwise known as Troya, Ember and Zora)
" ( Lowers her arms after watching the Omega beam be blocked by the barrier before looking to see Troya, Ember and Zora in front of them). Troya, We thank you for the assistance, we need you to get Superman and Supergirl to the Sun to help them heal. ( Watches Zora and Ember look at her with sadness on their faces before they look towards Troya). We don't have much time, the longer we wait the greater the danger that they're." Said Wonder Woman until she is spin kicked By Troya and knocked to the ground. " Zip it Wonder Wonder Woman, I'm already aggravated as much as it is. ( looks toward Ember and Zora). Ember, I'll need you to put out the fires in the city. ( Watches her nod her head as she flies off to complete her task before looking towards Zora). Zora, I'll need you to grab Superman and Supergirl and heal them as best as you can. ( Watches her nod her head as she flies off to complete her task before looking at Grail). So you're the one that partnered with Ares to take me down? I guess I finally get to have my payback. I hope your ready Grail because I'm not holding anything back." SAid Troya as she quickly flew at Grail and then tackles her into the sky.
" ( Thinks about the red lighting that was crossing through Troya's eye and remembers the conversation that she and Diana had with Athena and Artemis concerning the box that is holding Troya's dark power and how her anger can still be channeled through it). What have we done? In trying to keep Troya away from this fight, we may have just released the evil energy that was once within her. ( Looks to Wonder Woman who had slowly floated back up to the rest of the group). We have just given the dark energy it needed to escape its prison Diana. We can only watch and assist Troya with whatever comes her way." Said Donna as they Watched Troya battle Grail.
( Surprisingly, The battle between Troya and Grail seemed to be on a much more even footing than when Wonder Woman and her team had tried to battle Grail. The main thing is that whenever Grail would try to Knock Troya to the ground. She would miss due to Troya reacting fast enough to dodge the attack before countering with her own. For every step from one, the other would counter. For every attack made, the other would match it. This went on for about seven hours until Troya was able to take Grail by surprise and Slam a hard fist to her face and knock her into the water below. With this done, the young warrior floated down and hovered fifteen feet above the water only to immediately dodge an omega beam and then look down towards Grail as the water waved outwards away from her)
" I must say Troya, you are truly a warrior to be feared. So much so that I believe that you may be able to hold a candle to my father. ( Holds up a knife with blood on it and looks at her to see a shocked look before pointing to a stab wound that was slowly closing). The question now is which piece of you is the better half. ( throws the knife in the air and watches it fly away). Till we meet again Troya. " Said Grail as she activates a portal and flies through it.
" ( Watches Grail go through the portal as it closes before looking at Wonder Woman and Donna before glaring at them and then quickly flies off while dissipating the clouds and restoring the destroyed building and statue to before they were smashed). They can handle the next battle on their own if this is how they will act every time an enemy comes to find me. Better yet, I might as well go to Gotham and help dad defend it or I could hang out with Momma Doris and see how she's doing. Especially since I recently found out that My mom's third mortal enemy Cheetah had helped her in raising me. Something that mom doesn't even know about." Said Troya as she flies off.
"( Watches Troya fly off before going to check on Superman and Supergirl ). Are you two ok, how are you feeling?" Asked Wonder Woman. " We're fine Wonder Woman, the question is. ( looks at Wonder Woman). Are you ok, I may have been out of it for a bit but even we saw her kick you away. I warned you what would happen if you tried to keep her safe after what happened with Dominion." Said superman ans Supergirl stood up. " I was trying to keep her safe Superman. We don't know the extent of her abilities yet." Said Wonder Woman. " Um Wonder Woman. ( walks over to them with a group of kids). Thes kids say that they were in the vicinity of Troya before she got her. They said that She let a blast from Malice and Vex hit her in order to protect their plane from getting hit. ( Watches Wonder Woman quickly turn her head to them). That was I did when I first heard it." Said Donna as Wonder Woman Walked towards the kids and Kneeled in front of them.
" You kids were on the plane that was on its way here. If you don't ,find me asking but. I would like to know if you saw anything strange during her fight t with them." Said Wonder Woman. " Well, she mostly left Ember and Zora to deal with Malic and Vex while she went after Superwoman. Though there was a time were the three villains had knocked Zora and Emeber back before trying to blast our plane." Said The kid in front. " Ya, and then after that, Troya flew in front of the combined blast and somehow absorbed it. Though she did release that energy by send the three away with a blast of her own before she and the other two heroes helped guided our damaged plane to our airport. After that it looks like she rocketed off here. I gotta say this, it looked like she was going mock 20 as she flew off to get here." Said the second kid. " Thanks you two, that really helped answer some questions that I had. ( Stands up from her kneeled position before beginning to flote into the sky with Donna and Wondergirl following close behind and then looks at Superman). We'll meet you at the Watch tower you two, there is someone we must speak with." Said Wonder Woman as she, Donna and Wondergirl flew off
( Somewere deep with in the savanna jungle the box holding Troya's darkness has finally been broken and the dark power realieased)
" ( Takes a look around her surroundings to see where she is as an etherial image of Ares appears). Save your breath ghost, I know the real you is dead." Said the woman. " How in my fathers name could you know that?" Said the ghost of Ares. " Its simple really, because like a fool you angered the other me. A mistake that had costed you your life. That however is of no consequence to me since we both don't like you. Now begin before I make sure that you never return. Oh and by the way, you may call me Layla dark goddess of war seeing as how my twin now has your total fool. ( Waves her hand and destroyed the remains of Ares). Now then sister. Let us see which one of us is Stronger." Said Layla as she flew off into the sky.
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