Fall of an Angel, Rise of a Monster
(It has been a couple of weeks since Angel's confrontation with Grundy, Killer Croc and Poison Ivy. Since then she has been recuperating thanks to her accelerated healing that works even when she is depowered. Else were, Poison Ivy or Pamala Ivy along with a healed and restored Harvey Dent aka Twoface; have recently made a declaration of starting a fresh new life. They stated how they were given a fresh start with the help of Gotham's Crimson Angel. This live audience declaration was attacked by Bizzaro, Airachnid and Black adam but was saved thanks to the intervention of Powergirl, Arcee and Shazam. With this Declaration and the knowledge of fellow villains Cheetah and Harleyrenouncing their ways of crime thanks to Troya. The world began to wonder what its two new heroes would do next. Elsewhere, the villains of Gotham and some from Chinatown have gathered together to rid themselves of the Crimson angel).
"That Ark Angel is becoming a real problem for us, it's thanks to her that this place becoming less and less fun. Top that off with the fact that many of our villainous colleagues have decided to become boring or join those do-gooders." Said Joker. " Not only that, but her so-called servants have even put Penguin and Riddler out of the game to where they can no longer join our fun parties. I've even heard that Ark Angel bested Ras 'al ghoul before she destroyed the laserus pit along with him." Said Deadshot. Not many of us left in Gotham have the drive to continue to do what we do with people like her in town. Said Deathstroke.
" Then it is a good thing that you called when you did Joker. ( walks into the room with Malice, Vex, Superwoman and Airachnid right behind her). I for one can not stand people such as her and my troublesome pain; that cursed Amazon called Troya." Said Circe. " Actually to be completely honest with you, I don't mind Troya, it was thanks to her that my daughter was able to start school along with an actual life." Said Deadshot. " Have to agree with you there. She's doing the stuff that those so-called heroes claim that they are striving to do. I even admire her tenacity, especially since I was able to test her skills and resolve myself " Deathstroke. " All that aside, what do you have in mind Circe? Is it something we can smash?" Said Joker.
" More than that Joker, I was able to shall we saw. Steal an orbital satellite from Luthor. With it, I can summon an orbital laser strike on any target. Add that with my magic and all of you and we will be able to destroy Ark Angel and turn her into what she is. A crimson stane on the floor." Said Circe as all of them but Malice, Superwoman and Vex; chose this time to leave the room while the rest made their plans for the crimson knight.
( Meanwhile with Erica, her mother and Untie had finally found where she was, after the news of the crimson knight having a through down with Killer Croc and Grundy being recorded by a security camera)
" So how long have you known about my daughter Cheetah. Although, this would explain why you never attacked Troya back when she was Jade or why you're no longer seen doing any crime. ( Hears her phone vibrate before taking it out and pressing a button that pulls up a live image of Superwoman, Vex and Malice). Hey there Lois, how are you guys. " Said Diana as Erica and Donna walked up next to her while Cheetah and Doris stayed out of sight. " You wouldn't happen to know who Ark angel is would you?" Asked Lois. " That depends, is there something that I should know?" Asked Diana. " Well, it's mostly that the remaining supervillains in Gotham have asked for Circe and our help in destroying her. They plan on using a satellite to do it." Said Superwoman. " ( Points to Erica and watches as Superwoman, Vex and Malice look in shock). Ark Angel is a persona that Erica uses when she's with her father." Said Diana. " Well, then I guess you'll have to find a way to make it look like she died. ( Watches the Ark Angel suit separate from Erica, leaving her amazon armor ). Since when could you do that." Said Lois.
" ( Looks at the Ark Angel Clone as it stretches ). I can't, this is something new even for me. ( Watches as the clone walks over to a sandbag and starts to punch and kick it). Hey, how is it that you are able to split from me?" Asked Erica. "It's because Athena made me more sentient than the armor you were. Where it can heal both itself and you, I can separate myself from you in case of emergencies or if need be. It was something Athena did when she warned you of your last day as me. ( Looks towards Superwoman on the screen). This should help make things easier. Plus, I'm what you can call a sidekick. I can even appear while wearing Erica's old armor. ( sends magic to the suit as Erica's old Jade armor appears on her before watching the Ark Angel suit reappear on her). They want Ark Angel dead, well let's give them what they want. ( Opens a nearby window and places her left knee in it before looking back at Diana and Erica). I'll go inform Nyssa of the situation if we know her she'll want to send a few servants to help make it look good. That and it will make passing the torch to Rose a whole lot easier. ( Shoots a grapple huck onto a building three buildings away). Oh and Diana, you three might wanna come along since Circe will be there and make sure to call Arcee. She'll be needed to handle Airachnid. As for when I supposedly die, call me Anna ok. " Said Ark angel as she swing on the grapple huck.
" This is sure going to be an eventful day. (Looks at Superwoman). You three should end this call just to be safe. ( Watches as the call ends while Diana puts her phone down on the counter). Hey, mom how's that superhero that Star Labs was making? I heard that she's the polar opposite of me. You could say that we're children of the trinity." Said Erica. " They said that she's going through her final stages. So she'll be ready for when we need her. For now, let's all get some rest. We'll need it for what's to come. However, I do have one question hunny. Why is it that you don't use the built-in bracers in the gloves? ( WAtches Erica smack herself in the face). You forgot about them didn't you." Said Dian as she smiles at her daughter. "It's more on that and the fact that there never really was a need to use them. The servants and Rose's team always handle the grunts or extra villains while I'm busy fighting someone else. " Said Erica as she headed to the garage to tell Arcee the plan.
( Several hours later at midnight)
" ( Drive her motorcycle through the streets with Several Servants and Rose's team driving their motorcycles right behind her). Keep your eyes peeled ok. We never know where or when crime will strike. ( Suddenly feels herself get launched off her bike before flipping in the air to right herself and then landing in a crouch position before looking up to see Killer Croc, Bane and Deathstroke). Well well, don't I feel special, I didn't expect to see you three here." Said Ark angel. " We're here to make sure that you no longer get in our way Angel. We have enough trouble with the Bat and his sidekicks. " Said Deathstroke. "( Looks at Rose, Cane and Rick). Cane, can you handle Deathstroke. Rick go find that sniper that shot my bike. ( Watches As Cane attacks Deathstroke while Rick goes to complete his task before spotting an army of Joker goons running towards them). Rose, you're with everyone else, take those goons down and then give me a hand when you can. ( Watches Rose lead the rest of the crimson servants against the joker goons before getting into a fighting stance). so which one of you two wants to go first." Said Angel.
( The battle between the two groups is a hard one since the Joker goons were given weapons to help them against the servants of the crimson angel. Meanwhile, Rick had found the shooter to be Deadshot before engaging in hand-to-hand combat with him. Elsewhere back down below, Ark angel battled Killer croc and Bane. That was until a type of grenade was thrown next to her and knocked her away. This allowed Croc and Bane to kick her away as she was then knocked into a wall by a blast of magic. Once she was able to stand up, Angel had to then roll out of the way in order to dodge another blast of magic that exploded the wall behind her. She then slowly got up and then looked at her new attacker to see Circe standing in front of her).
" Circe, what is someone like you doing here. I thought you stay at Chinatown worrying about how to deal with wonder woman." Said Angel. " Oh don't act surprised Angel. You should have known that we villains tend to help our own when good do-gooders get comfortable. Besides, this will allow me to test out my new spell ." Said Circe as her hands begin to glow. " (Begins to question what spell she talking about only to get kicked away and through a building before looking up to Vex). So she brought the whole crew hu? ( months the words: everything ready and watches her nod). Well, then this just makes things more interesting. ( Goes to run at Vex only to look down to see that her legs have been wrapped around by a lasso before getting tossed through seven walls and then looks to see that the culprit is SuperWoman). Shouldn't you be of battling Woderwoman or Troya." Said Angel. " ( Flies at Angel before grabbing her by the front of her suit and then flies off into the air). I would but Circe wanted to get this out of the way. ( Whispers to her: The laser will hit once Malic attacks you next. when she does, use those bracers to cushion the punch). So I figured why not humor her and help out. " Said SuperWoman as she throws Angel on top of a building rooftop. " ( Watches Angel try to battle Vex and Superwoman before looking at Malice). Your turn now my dear and make sure it hurts. I'll have the laser ready by then. ( Watches Malice fly off to join the fight before lifting up a remote control and presses a few buttons on it). This will finish off this hero for good. ( looks up to see Wonder Woman, Donna and Wonder girl fling towards them). The brat must have contacted them when I showed up. No matter. ( Presses a button. She has failed to save this hero." Said Circe as she Flies off to watch the fall of Ark Angel.
" Looks like everything going according to plan, Bane and Killer Croc were knocked out by Rose while Cane and Rick dealt with Deathstroke and Deadshot. ( Looks towards were Angel is fighting Superwoman, Vex and Malice). All there is left is the laser." Said Wonder Woman. " Well we won't have to wait long Diana, Cause look up there. ( Point to a red beam in the sky above the cloudes). Here it comes now." Said Donna as they watched it zoom down towards the ground and heading straight for Ark Angel. " Well, we might as well make it look like we're trying to save her, though I was told by Erica that Layla can feel when a piece of her is in danger. So she'll be coming here soon." Said Cassie as she, Donna and Diana fly semi quickly towards Ark Angel.
" ( Watches as the beam crashes down on Arkangel and listens to her scream in pain). Goodbye Ark Angel, may you live forever in despair. ( Looks up to see the moon turn from white to blood red). What's going on? Why is the moon turning red? ( Looks toward where the orbital satellite is and watches it explode before spotting something fly quickly towards them). It must be Troya, this will allow me to be rid of two thorns in our side." Said Circe. " Um Circe, that's not Troya. Her armor and style is different. " Said Vex as she watches whatever destroyed the satellite quickly head their way. " ( Looks over towards Wonder Woman). You know who's coming, don't you Diana? " Said Superwoman.
" Indeed we do, what is coming was caused by Circe and Aries during your attack on Themyscira. Ares had tried to corrupt Troya only for the evil within to be trapped in a cheast. A cheast that until recently had held a new form of warrior. " Said Wonder Woman as She watched Layla slam into Circe and repeatedly punch her in the face using her right hand while holding onto her top with her left.
" YOU DARE TO USE AN DISHONORABLE WAY TO DESTROY YOUR ENEMY. LET ALONE A PIECE OF ME! I WILL SHOW YOU THE MEANING OF PAIN!" Yelled Krona as she began to punch Circe through four buildings and then throw her through six more and then grabbed her again to repeat the process. " She is furious at what happened to Angel, though we can't let her kill Circe. " Said Donna as she goes to stop krona only for Krona to throw a beaten and bruised Circe into a wall. " The next time you wann come up with a scheme similar to this one, don't" Said Krona as she flies away.
" Well that was certainly interesting, Malice. Take Circe to her throne room so she can heal up. (looks at Wonder Woman). We'll see you soon. " Said Superwoman as she, and Vex Fly off as Wonder Woman, Donna and Cassie Take Ark Angel to the batcave, While Rose, Cane and Rick and the Servants of the Red Angel help the GCPD take the remaining criminals to prison.
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