Death of Giganta

( It has been a couple of weeks since The arrival and death of Lord Wonder Woman. Since then Diana and Erica have filled Lois and Miko in as to what is coming to help them prepare. Elsewhere,  Giganta and Cheetah have been patrolling the streets of Chinatown on their motorcycles. Ever since it was found out about their turn away from the life of crime. the two have been getting a lot of respect and admiration from the people they protect. That admiration grew every time they were seen fighting with heroes like their once-time enemy Wonder Woman. While the people of Chinatown were glad to have new heroes besides Ember and Zora there to protect them,  people like Circe were furious at the notion of watching people who she had once shared the same hatred with, now become heroes, and work with the one person they once hated. With this In mind,  She and Airachnid had devised a plan to be rid of one of them. Their chosen target is Giganta. Elsewhere Vex and Troya's friend Raf was chosen for a new purpose while his friends were busy)

" ( Sits on top of a rooftop in Metropolis with Vex). So Miko,  how do you think Raf is doing while we're here? " Asked Erica. " I don't know, he's probably fine since he's the only one the bots had to worry about. Plus with all the cons gone, he can return to his normal life while we're stuck here. ( spots someone flying towards them). Hold on a second,  whose that coming our way." Said Miko. " I don't know, but he's wearing the same symbol as the Shazam family and black Adam." Said Erica as the unknown person landed next to them as they stood up to greet them.

" Pretty cool right Miko, Erica." Said the person. " Who are you and how do you know our names?  Also, why do you have that symbol?" Asked Vex. " Oh, right I almost forgot. ( Yells the word shazam and turns back to Rafael). Does this help you guys figure out who I am, as for why I have shazam's symbol? Well, I was approached by a wizard that said that I was worthy to wield this power. I asked if he could change my lighting color to gold since shazam and his families were white. He did so and here I am." Said Raf. " Well, this was something that I did not expect. ( Presses a button on her comlink to hear the voice of Cheetah). Woo, slow down untie Ann. who is attacking momma Doris. ( gives off a shocked look before immediately flying towards where the transition was coming from). Tell her to hang in the untie, I'm on my way." Said Troya as she flew to where Giganta was currently fighting for her life against Circe, Black Adam, and an army of Beast-men and Airachnid.

" ( Watches Troya fly off before contacting Wonder Woman and Superwoman). Mom, miss Diana. Giganta is in trouble. Troya just got a call from Cheetah saying that Giganta was under attack." Said Miko. " We're on it,  in the meantime. Take Raf to the young Justice HQ." Said Superwoman as she ended the call.

( Six hours later)

 "( Throws a miniature off of her before punching a cyclops away). What's your game here Circe? What  do you hope to gain from attacking me?" Said Giganta as two Cyclopses grabbed her arms and forced her to her knees. " What else is there to gain but to rid this world of a nuisance like you? Cheetah may have gotten away but she won't be able to call for help. I had Airachnid jam all frequencies." Said Circe." ( Looks up to see a tow different colored silhouettes flying towards them).  Are you sure about that Circe, especially since there are two different com signals?" Said Giganta. " ( Looks up to see the two silhouettes coming towards them).  How is that possible? She shouldn't have been able to call someone. ( looks at Giganta). You said there are two com signals. What is the second one? ( Watches as Giganta doesn't say a word). No matter.  Airachnid,  give her seven bolts to the cheast. ( Watches as Airachnind lifts both her hands before watching as she shoots seven Energon bolts at  Giganta's cheast at point-blank range). Are you ready to talk?" Said Circe unto she was interrupted by a double to face before she quickly gets back onto her feet to see both Troya and Krona.

" YOU WOULD DARE ATTACK HER IN SUCH A COWARDLY WAY.  hAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM THE LAST BEATING I GAVE YOU? (  Looks behind her to see Troya run over a freed Giganta as the two cyclopses were killed and Airachnid knocked into a nearby pond). Is she alright yin?" Said Krona. " ( Places her left hand on the right side of Gigant's neck and looks shocked at what she learned). She's... she's gone. ( Feels a tremendous rage build within her before turning around and Glaring at Circe). I guess we were both too lenient with you Circe. You've crossed the line when you took My adopted mother from me. " Said Troya as red lighting flashed through her eyes.

" Oh, and what makes you think that you two can defeat all of us." Said Circe until she feels a gust of wind and watched as Black adam is punched with the force of a sonic boom in the face which sends him into the atmosphere. " What makes you think that we won't END YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE YOUR CURSED SORCEROR!" Said Krona. " You attack me in that state of mind and you will." Said Circe as she looked up to see black clouds form before looking back towards Krona and Troya.

( As the storm begins to grow,  the people of Chinatown who grieve with Troya at the loss of Giganta all choose to head inside of their homes, knowing that what is about to happen now will be something that they do not want to see)

" ( Watches as all the civilians run inside their homes). My loyal beastmen. your goddess commands you to capture as many humans as you can. ( Watches as half of her army goes to complete their given task only to watch as they are instantly decimated before spotting Krona standing in front of the last beast-man with her sword in his chest). I barely even saw her move. How powerful is she?" Asked Circe until she was interrupted by a punch to her face from Troya which knocked her into the sky. " I'd be more worried about yourself than your pets witch.  ( Flies after Circe before punching her in the face and body twelve times and then kicks her away and watches as she crashes lands in the Grand Canyon before landing on the ground and then walks to her slowly). Well isn't this a good place to put you down?  I that my mother would not want this said Troya as  Krona lands next to her before tossing the body of a beastman across from them. " However,  we really just don't care at this moment. ( Flies at Circe alongside Troya as the two knock away any blast of magic that was thrown at them by Circe before the two begin to punch her repeatedly while switching off every seven punches or even kicks ). This is what you get for Taking her from us. YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT HER ALONE CIRCE. mAYBE THEN YOU WOULD HAVE PROBLAY GOTTEN A LESSOR BEATDOWN!" Said Krona. 

( While the two are battling with a desperate Circe, they are being watched by the Olympian gods)

" To be completely honest,  Circe dug her own grave with that stunt. It's a shame really, that victory stone she acquired won't be able to save her this time. Those two will end her if this keeps going. " Said Apollo. " Well, then we'll just have to see what Diana does next. ( Points to Wonder Woman flying towards Krona, Troya and Circe). Here she comes now. " Said Hera. " Surprisingly, this will help the two become one.  Though it's not one of the reasons why I could figure out why they would refuse after this." Said Artemis. " You mean like that Art. ( points to Krona and Troya both glowing the colors of black and white before watching as the two colors merge into one as a new woman stands in the place). Looks like the one you saw in your vision eh Athena." Said Hestia.

( Nera)

" That is her indeed Hestia,  though all there is left is to see what Nera will do now." Said Athena as they watched from atop a mounting hill.

" ( Flies down towards Neraand floats thirteen feet above her). Listen to me you two, this isn't the right choice. If you kill her then you'll be no better than her. Is that what the both of you want? How do you think the people watching this will react?" Said Wonder Woman as she watches Nera drop Circe. " I'm no murderer. ( holds up her left hand as a stone leaves Circe's body). However, that doesn't mean that I will allow you to utilize this stone anymore. ( crushes the stone in her hand and then walks away from a beaten and battered Circe). Be lucky that a major thrashing is all you get witch. Oh and by the way Wonder Woman,  my name is Nera. Troya and Krona were just two parts of me that needed to find their way through life." Said Nera as she flew away. " ( looks at Circe). Be thankful you still have your life Circe. I could feel the power radiating from those two before the merge. You got off lucky." Said Wonder Woman as she watches Circe be teleported away by a flash of gold lightning and then went to catch up with Nera who was carrying the body of giganta.

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