Battle of Themyscira

( Previously on  Heir of the Bat and the Amazon)

( War has come to Themyscira;  after the deadly battle with the doomsday family. The heroes had begun to work harder in order to keep their world safe. Unfortunately, soon after the death of The newest Hero known as Jade during her battle with the female Doomsday that called herself Dominion. The queen and Princess of Themyscira were warned of a war that would come to their home. In order to combat this threat. They called on the many friends and allies that the princess and future princess had gained over the years.  With their help, the amazons prepared for a war that they were told was coming to them.  Once they knew the enemy and his army had arrived.  The army of Amazons and their friends marched towards battle; that was until a yellowish-white lightning bolt slammed into the god of war and his generals before materializing into the woman that the world had once known as a young girl named Jade. The newly aged woman then begins to lead the Charge against the god of war)

" ( Looks towards Donna and Cassie). Untie Donna and Cassie, handle Vex and Malice. Powergirl you'll need to occupy Superwoman so that my mom can deal with Circe; Arcee you know who you got. I'll deal with Ares,  he and I have a score to settle." Said Troya as she flies toward Ares and tackles him into the clouds. " Well, you heard her people, let's not disappoint her." Said Donna as they each attacked their respective opponents.

( With Donna and her battle with Vex)

" So you're the one my niece calls Miko hu. I still don't understand why you disliked my niece. All she did was try to keep you guys safe, after all neither of you had awakened your powers yet." Said Donna. " I will admit that I still do hold a grudge against her though. However, I don't hate her as much as I used to thanks to my mother. Now I guess you could consider me the Vegeta to Erica's Goku. ( Blocks a punch before being to trade blows with Donna and continues to talk while doing so). Though you may wanna prepare for what's to come. ( Hears a shockwave and looks to the clouds to see Troya kick Ares 10 feet away before launching a black lighting bolt at him). Though it looks like you'll have your hands busy very soon if that black lighting is anything to go by." Said Vex. " ( Looks at the black lightning surrounding Troya's hands while entering a grapple power struggle with Vex ). That lightning looks like the same that I saw in a vision a couple of days ago. ( Looks shocked at the realization). Wait, hold on a moment. ( Kicks Vex away). When Ares sent Dominion and Domination after Troya,  he had gifted them  with Dark magic didn't he?" Said Donna as she glared at Vex. " Wow, you sure figured that out quickly. But you are correct in your assumption. There was just one slight detail; Troya was supposed to die and be taken to Ares. The problem with that was that her power was temporarily unlocked during her fight with Dominion thanks to three of the gods. I'm amazed that she was able to defeat Dominion like she did." Said Vex until she is kicked hard in the gut which knocks her into a mountain on an island twenty feet away. " If that's the case then we need to finish this war now. I better warn Diana and the others." Said Donna as she flew over to where she had seen Diana fly off to.

( Over with Cassie and Malice)

" ( Blocks a kick from Malice before Knocking her away). I still don't get why you're so angry at my cousin so much. Don't tell me it has something to do with boys." Said Cassie. " Oh no, it's far more than that.  Ever since we met I've always had a higher grudge against her. So in other words, she may not know it, but I've always hated how selfish she was when we were growing up. She always to things for granted and when something amazing was given to her,  she'd just throw it away and settle for something so petty. The icing on the cake was during your fight with the legion of doom." Said Malice as she grabbed a left huck from Cassie with her right hand. " Wait a second,  the only reason you would bring that up is if you were there during her school field trip. Does that mean something happened inside the building you were all staying in?" Said Cassie. "That's right Wondergirl. ( kicks Wondergirl away before flying at her). When she smashed that debris,  the pieces that broke off flew into the building and killed a lot of innocent people. She should have just blocked the  rock and taken it head-on." Said Malice as she traded blows with Wondergirl. " It's not her fault for what happened to your fellow classmates as well as the people inside. If anything, you should be blaming Vex. She's the one that choose to run outside to get what she calls a live show to our smackdown with the league of doom. All Erica was doing was trying to make sure that they stayed safe. You should know this just as much as Erica since you two went to school with her. Besides, Vex know what she was doing. She is a thrill junkie after all." Said Cassie as she shows the video of Miko leaving the safety of the building to record the fight forcing Erica to go after her and then ends the video. " ( Thinks about what she saw in the video before looking to her right to see Donna kick Vex far away). She must have opened her big mouth about Ares's little surprise. ( looks back at Wondergirl).  I will concede this fight in order to teach my partner  a lesson about obedience and  thinking her actions through." Flies off to where she saw Vex crash. " Well that was eventful,  now I better go meet up with Pwergirl and Donna if we wanna help Diana with her fight." Said Cassie as she flys alongside Donna towards Wonder Woman and spots powergirl helping her.

( With Wonder Woman and Powergirl) 

"( Punches Circe away and watches Pwergirl Kick her down to the ground hard). I'm still trying to figure out why Superwoman just let you come and join me." Said Wonder Woman as she used her lasso to throw a boulder at Circe. " Easy, she saw how Donna had kicked Vex away and decided it would be best to leave and fight another day after spotting  Malice fly away from Wondergirl. ( Counters Circe's blast of Magic with her heat vision as Wonder Woman punched Circe in the gut hard and knocks her to the ground below). This battle is turning in our favor,  all that's left is Ares once this one gives up." Said Powergirl as she and Wonder woman slightly move to the left to dodge a cyclops that flew past them and towards Circe. " ( Teleports out of the way of the falling cyclops before spotting Giganta standing next to Supergirl). So she has decided to betray me has she? No matter, her time will soon come. ( looks towards the clouds to see Troya fire a white and black lightning bolt at Ares only for him to block it with his shield before looking at Wonder Woman and Powergirl). It looks like my experiment will soon be in full effect. Soon I will have my own goddess of lighting. " Said Circe as she teleports herself away from Themyscira. " What does she mean by experiment and what does it have to do with Erica. " Said Powergirl until she looked up to see Troya gets sent crashing to the ground before watches her jump back onto her feet and then flies quickly towards Ares's but spots something strange with her lightning). Wonder Woman, was it just me, or did her lighting look black?" Said Pwergirl. " Your eyes do not decide you Karen,  her magic was black. Which may have something to do with what Circe had said." Said Wonder Woman as they heard Donna and Wondergirl land next to them before looking towards the sky to watch Troya's battle with Ares.

( With Troya)

( The Battle between Troya and Ares continues to escalate while the battle below seems to have ended in the favor of the amazons and their allies. During the fight, Troya seems to become more and more fierce with her attacks. To where she would once hold herself back in order to not kill or name her opponents, now has now such feelings toward the god of war.  Though their battle seems to cause stronger and stronger storms the more their battle continues. During the fight; One of Ares's attacks had pierced Troya through her waist only to watch as the Armor and wound healed themselves as if the wound was never there. This had shocked  Them both at first but in the end, had only forced Ares to hit harder with his attacks in order to make the wounds last longer. The Battle seemed to close in on its conclusion when Ares was knocked to the ground hard and formed a crater, only for him to find himself surrounded by the amazons and their army once he dug himself out of the crater)

"It's over Ares, your forces are in ruin and your generals have fled. Surrender now and you may be let off easy." Wonder Woman as she, Donna troy and Wondergirl pointed their swords at him. "( Looks around him to see all of his beastmen forces laying all around the battlefield dead before looking back at Diana). That may be true Diana,  however there is one thing that I question now. (  Looks at Troya and see's her summon a grey lightning bolt in both of her hands and raises them over her head). I guess this will answers my question eh new god. Will you kill me in revenge for what I had caused;  or will you just send me back to Olympus to be judged by our fellow gods." Said Ares until he is knocked back onto the ground and looked up to spot the goddesses Artemis, Athena and Hera, with Athena standing next to Troya while Hera and Artemis stand next to Diana. 

" ( Places her left hand on Troya's right arm). That's enough Troya, the battle is over and you have won. There is no need to continue this bloodshed." Said Athena as she watched Troya dissipate the lighting in her hands. " As for you Are's, it seems father needs to place you in a prison that will hold you for eternity. ( Flies up to Troya and uses her power to draw out a dark magical energy and watches it leave her body before trapping it inside a golden chest). As for this accursed thing. We will keep it under wraps for however long we can." Said Hera as she floated back to the ground. " Excuse me for questioning you lady Hera but,  what do you mean for as long as you can?" Asked Wonder Woman. " Because Ares gifted those monsters with black magic when it came into contact with Troya's magic. It left a dark imprint on her, where it would siffen off of her in order to create a body for itself. Am I right  Ares." Said Hera as she sends the box away.

" You are correct in that regard,  though I am surprised it took you this long to figure it out. Though I believe it has something to do with your vision of Troya's death." Said Ares. " Silence your tongue brother, you've caused enough trouble. ( Spots his eyes flash red before slashing his cheast with one of her knives and watches his eye stop glowing). What did you just do?" Said Artemis before looking at Athena after hearing her gasp. " He used his power to intercept the chest holding the dark magic. THAT FOOL MAY HAVE DOOMED US ALL!" Said Athena as she watched  Hera grab Ares by his left arm while Artemis grabs his right before all three gods teleport away in a flash of light. " Look to Athena in worry). What is there that can be done in order to stop what is to come lady Athena?" Asked Diana. " I am afraid that I do not know. For now, I believe that it would be best that you continue the girl's training for what she will soon face. ( Looks to Troya as she waves her hand to disperse the storm). Troya, I would advise that you prepare your court of the red angel for their leader's final stand for you will soon no longer be able to use that persona. ( Watches the Ark Angel suit cover the amazon armor before it quickly dissipates). for soon their red angel will bleed it last and all there will be left is lightning." Said Athena as she teleported away while Troya landed on the ground.

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