Battle of Apocalypse
( It had been a couple of weeks since the return of Gignata. Since then Erica has gotten in contact with Katie and Vega. She was told that they were closing in on her dimension and would be there within 4hours. With this in mind, Erica went and alerted the league and the rest of her friends about what she was told. This had given the Justice League, Young Justice, and the Teen Titans the given information needed on what to look out for. That was until the Watchtower sensors picked up something on its radar. That something had turned out to be the planet of Apocolypse now hovering over the earth. The surprising that about this was the fact that Grail had come running through a portal. She had told the league about how she had been trying to wage war with her father and was losing ground until she had learned about a new god on Olympus, that new god being Troya. She even went as far as to claim, that she was trying to bring a new form of world order to Apocalypse. With this information and the Watchtower scanners picking up multiple portals opening up. The league and its many allies prepared for war. Meanwhile, Erica and Diana had gotten a transition saying that there would be two different portals, a red one for Ryan and Chaos and a blue for her group. Katie even told them to try and keep Chaos in an unpopulated area to give Vega enough time to reach him. Thanks to this, The mother-daughter group and their friends and family designated a spot where Vega could handle chaos without any need to worry about civilian casualties. Once that was done the battle against Darkside commencest)
" Our scans show two signatures with Darkside's DNA going in two separate dimensions. ( Looks at Grail who is sitting in a chair while holding her damaged right arm). Mind explaining that to us?" Said Batman. " The second Darkside signature is a clone that he had created to maximize his forces. He calls him Ozul and he is slightly stronger than Darkside. He's the one that attacked me when I tried to reach you. ( Looks at Nera). He has even fully rejuvenated Dominion. While everyone was morning your death. He had snuck onto the earth to retrieve the body. Now he has a three-women squad of Doomsdays if you put her together with Domma, and Domination." Said Grail. " Me, Supergirl, and Donna will handle them. ( Looks at Cassie). Cassie I'll need you to go with Nera and Vex to handle Ozual since Nera will need to keep her eyes and ears open for her dimensional others." Said Diana. " It will be done sister, But we will need to call upon our sister to help the soldiers and Servants evacuate the civilians. " Said Cassie. " I heard Nyssa is having her people help the servants and Soldiers as well. I guess with Ras gone, she's given more freedom to help us out." Said Erica.
" What did happen to Ras anyway, we haven't heard a hair or seen him for the longest time?" Said Nightwing. " Oh um, well I guess you could say that Krona paid him a visit and destroyed n\the Lazarus pit along with him." Said Erica. " She did what? Then that puts you as the new league of assassins erica. " Said Damian. No thanks, plus Nyssa said that Talia is still trying to claim it for herself. So Nyssa could only send two squads to help us while the rest stayed with her. " Said Erica. " We'll take any help she can give us. Now let's move out people, you each know your assigned task, let's show Darkside why dangerous to cross the Justice League." Said Superman as he and the rest of the justice league went off to combat the forces of Apocalypse while teams like the teen titans and Young Justice helped defend the civilians.
( Wonder Woman's new outfit)
( Donna's new outfit)
( Wondergirls new outfit)
( Seven hours later and the war has begone with Superman and many of the Justice league attacking the Apacolyptian's main force. Elsewhere Diana was leading her small team through Apocalypse to try and reach The female doomsday squadron before they reached Nera's team. Luckily, Donna was able to spot The doomsday squad flying just ahead of them)
" There they are up ahead. ( Points to Domination flying with Dominion and Doomma right behind her). They making a b-line for Nera's group. ( looks up to see a red portal open and spots Ryan and Ultraman Chaos jumping out of it). Oh no, it looks like those two made it here as well." Said Cassie. " I'll let Erica know and besides. ( points to a blue portal appearing diagonal from the red one). It looks like the other versions of her are right behind them. ( Contacts Nera). Nera the other versions of you and their enemies are here, let Donna and Vex handle Ozual for now while you go rendezvous with the other you's ok. We've just spotted Dominion's group, good luck my daughter. ( Ends the transition and then looks at Supergirl and Wondergirl). Ok you two. Nera is counting on us to take these three down. Let's not disappoint her." Said Wonder Woman as she flew at Dominion and punched her in the face while Wondergirl attacked Domination and Supergirl attacked Doomma.
( Elsewhere with Nera)
" ( Spots Katie, her Arcee and a green-skinned girl jump out of the portal with another Arcee). You guys sure know how to time your jump. Your guys had just jumped out of their portal seven minutes before you. ( Points to Ryan and his machine armada attacking members of the league that were fighting perademons). Though I don't see the giant. " Said Nera as she blasted a perademon that had tried to sneak up on her. " Don't worry about him. ( points to the second Arcee ) she and Vega can handle him and to not confuse our Arcees, why don't we call your's Sasha and mine Anya? " Said Katie. " That sounds fine with us, but first we gotta get you to them. ( Hears an explosion and looks to see Chaos destroying a couple of cities). Oh, so that's where he went. "Said Nera. " Don't worry about him. ( Points to the blue portal as a giant white light flies out of the portal and knocks Chaos away before dimming to show Ultraman Vega). Me and Vega will deal with him" Said Luna as she ran towards the battle between the two giants and hold up an aqua pendant as a blue light shines on her as she suddenly grows and changes form into a female giant the same size as the other two before Kicking Chaos away.
( Ultra Woman Luna )
" When she said that she and Vega would handle him I expected to see her shoot at Chaos from rooftops, not be able to turn into a similar giant compared to the other two. " Said Sasha. " You and me both, but so in a way she and the kaiju version of us have us beat." Said Anya. " You got that right, but now it's time for me, Katie and Katie to go deal with Ryan. He needs to be taught a lesson." Sasha, as she transformed into her motorcycle mode and drove off after Katie and the green girl whose name Nera learned, was Shela. " While they are doing that, Anya I'll need you to help Raf and the rest of the younger heroes protect the citizens. No doubt The rest of team prime is doing their part back home. ( Looks over towards Donna and Vex to see them starting to struggle against Ozul). I gotta go back and help my team." Said Nera as she flew off to help Donna and Vex.
( Ozul)
"( Blocks and omega beam from Ozual using her bracers and watches Vex punch him in the face only to watch as a silver lighting blast knocks him away before looking at where the blast came from to see Nera fly up to them). I'm guessing that the other you's have gone to handle their respective opponents. ( Watches as Neroa points to two humanoid giants fighting another giant). Well, there is something that you don't see every day. ( Looks to where Nera is pointing next to see Katie fighting Ryan while Shela and Sasha are destroying mechs ) and now I feel like I may just lose my mind when the kaiju version of you gets here. " Said Donna. " You think you're gonna lose your mind, Arcee was going like a fish watching a version of her turn into that blu giant back there. ( Looks at Ozual and launches a blast of magic at him in order to counter his omega beams as the two attacks clash ). First things first though. Let's deal with him." Said Nera as she put more power into her blast and knocked Ozual away before flying at him and punching him in the face.
" This will make things easier. ( looks at Vex). Hey vex, let's triple whammy this guy." Said Donna. " You got it. " Said Vex as both she and Donna combo punched Ozual before letting Nera ax kick him to the ground. " Your friends fight well for mear mortals, but I am only here for you Amazon. ( Flies at Nera and tackles her to the earth's core and throws her into a wall). You are the reason why I was created, for I am far superior to the creation called Dominion. " Said Ozul. " Is that so? ( hears the sound of a crash and looks to her left to see Dominion and Wonder Woman crash right next to them before seeing Wonder woman spot her and fly over to her before looking back at Ozul). Well, then why don't you prove it then hu." Said Nera as she and Wonder Woman fly at Ozual and Dominion as their opponents do the same.
( Six hours later)
( The battle against Apocalypse is nearing its end with the heroes and their allies coming out as the victors. Superman's team was able to defeat Darkside and Steppenwolf while the other teams were able to complete their task. Elsewhere, both Katie and Vega's teams were able to force their adversaries to retreat. Once those things were done. everyone had wondered where Wonder Woman and Nera had gone. Their question was soon answered when Wonder Woman came out of a hole with the decrepit body of Dominion)
" ( Flies over to Wonder Woman). Diana what's happening down there, where is Nera?" Said Donna until she feels the ground shake. " She's still done the fighting Ozual. ( holds up the decrepit body of Dominion). the mad man even dared to absorb this one's life force energy and since she had pieces of an amazon in her." Said Wonder Woman. It's made Ozual strong enough to kill a god. ( Feels the ground rumble before sporting Ozul come flying out of a hole in the ground with Nera punching him in the face but notices how both their outfits are torn). It looks like it didn't make him too strong. Nera seems to be handling it well. " Said Donna. "
" ( Kicks Ozul away and into space). It's over Ozul, your forces are defeated and your army is shattered. Give up not and I will let you escape with your dignity. " Said Nera while she secretly generates a ball of magic in her left hand. " You think that just because my creature lost, that I would just surrender. You truly do not know the extent of my power Nera. I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL ALL OF YOU ARE DESTROYED!" Said Ozul as he launched a huge Omega beam at Troya and the planet earth. " YOU FOOL, I WAS GIVING YOU A CHANCE TO LIVE AND FIGHT ANOTHER DAY YOU MORAN! ( Launches a huge blast of magic to counter Ozul's Omega beams and watches as the two attacks clash). Turn back now Ozual or you will be destroyed. ( Looks to see another beam head towards the current beam struggle before watching it push back Nera's blast). Oh no, not good. ( watches as two blue beams fly past her and watches as it helps her blast push back the other two before looking to her left and right to spot Luna and Vega). Thanks for the help you guys, now let's send these two home. " Said Nera. " Consider it down, and Chaos. We'll see ya soon. " Said Vega as he, Nera, and Luna put more power into their blast and watched as their beams overpower Ozul and Chaos before watching as the two then teleport away). They'll be back someday but for now, we can rest for a bit and wait for the others to get here." Said Veg as he, Nera and Luna headed by to earth as the planet Apacolypes explodes behind them
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