Cheap Perfume

"It's like you're always there in the corner of my mind

I see a silhouette every time I close my eyes

There must be poison in those fingertips of yours

'Cause I keep coming back for more~"

Troublemaker - Olly Murs, Flo Rida 


Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doing fine

You guys are on my mind

You asked me what I wanted to be

And I think the answer is plain to see

I wanna be famous

I wanna live close to the sun

So pack your bags 'cause I've already won

Nothing to do, nothing in my way

I'll get there one day

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

I wanna be

I wanna be

I wanna be famous

I wanna be

I wanna be

I wanna be famous~


On one side of the mess hall, campers were happy and lively and talkative, enjoying their pathetic and gross excuse of a breakfast.

On the other side, the campers were miserable and tired, dark eyebags indenting themselves into their skulls.

Y/N was on the side with the horrible eyebags.

The last challenge left her awfully tired, her feeling like dying was better than what she and the other campers went through.

She felt kind of guilty, because if it wasn't for her, The Killer Bass would of won the challenge.

Nobody blamed her though, (except Courtney) understanding that if they were in that position, they would have also caved in.

Unfortunately, even after all those hours of staying awake, Y/N still didn't get any sleep, thanks to Harold's constant snoring the night before.

She could tell the rest of her team felt the same way.

Y/N and Duncan were the most miserable, them being the last two on the Killer Bass to stay awake.

Y/N's head was propped up on her hand, her eyes closed, trying to get some desperately needed sleep.

"Duncan, Y/N," Chris smirked. "You two look like death,"

"Eat shit," Y/N glared.

"Harold snored all night," Courtney groaned.

"Wow," Chris laughed. "Four nights with no sleep? How much are you guys hurting?"

"Wanna find out?" Duncan lashed out.

"Hey, no, it's cool," Chris backed up.

Suddenly, the mess hall door slammed opened, making everyone turn their attention to the door.

Everybody gasped when they saw Harold standing in the doorway. He had a drawn on mustache on him.

Everybody started to giggle as he walked to the Killer Bass table.

If Y/N wasn't on the brink of death, she probably would have joined in.

"Okay, what?" Harold asked, sitting down at the table.

"Someone messed with your face, dude," Geoff laughed.

Harold grabbed a spoon and looked at his reflection. "Hey, sweet 'stache,"

"Hey everyone, it's Gwen!" Chris called out.

The Screaming Gophers started to cheer as Gwen walked into the mess hall, looking like she was going to pass out any minute.

"I'm so tired, I can't feel my face," she said before her head slammed on the table.


"We are so stinking right now!" Courtney whined. "Okay, yes, Eva was a psycho, but at least she was an athletic psycho!"


"I want to go home," Y/N groaned.

"And miss out on hanging out with me?" Duncan smirked.

"Your the number one reason why I want to go home,"

"Hey fish heads!" Heather yelled from the other side of the room. "Way to kick out your strongest player! Why don't you just give up now?"

Courtney flung over some mushy oatmeal, but instead of landing on Heather, it landed on Gwen at the last second.

"Missed me," Heather smirked, making Courtney glare at her.

"Okay campers, listen up," Chris said. "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes. And be prepare to bring it!"

"If it's anything like the last challenge, I'm killing Chris," Bridgette mumbled.

"I'll help," Y/N replied.


All the campers made their way onto what looked like a gym in a regular high school surrounded by glass walls.

Even though she was tired as hell, she wanted The Killer Bass to contribute and try to help the Killer Bass win the challenge. Unlike Duncan, who as soon he got into the gym, he plopped himself on the bleachers.

"Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do," he announced before closing his eyes.

Tyler gulped, already scared of what he might do. Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing that it was just an empty threat.

"This is all your fault, you know!" Courtney yelled at Harold. "You and your snoring face!"

"It's called a medical condition, gosh!"

Chef Hatchet, dressed in a referee uniform, blew a whistle, signaling that it was time for the campers to pay attention.

"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball," Chris explained. "The first rule of dodgeball is-"

"Do not talk about dodgeball?" Noah interrupted, making Y/N let out a tiny giggle.

"As I was saying," Chris continued. "If you get with the ball you're out."

Chris threw the ball as hard as he could to Y/N. She caught it but it knocked all the wind out of her, the force pushing her back a little.

"Jeez!" she gasped. "Give me a warning next time, asshole!"

She threw the ball back, hoping it would hit Chris in the head, but to her disappointment, he caught it.

"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court,"

"Throwing balls, gee, another mentally challenging test," Noah remarked.

"I know right!" Lindsay frowned, making Y/N have to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing out loud.

"Okay, now, Geoff, try to hit me," Chris says, throwing a ball to Geoff, who catches it easily.

Chef tossed another ball to Chris. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out!" he says.

"So, what do I do again what the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked.

"You dodge!"

Geoff throws his ball at Chris, who deflects it with the ball he's holding, causing Geoff's ball to bounce back and hit Lindsay right in the face.

Y/N cringed as the ball made contact with Lindsay's face.

"Ooo, you were supposed to dodge!" Chris winced.


Y/N grimaced as Lindsay removed her hand from her forehead, revealing a large purple lump.

"You have one minute until game time," Chris says. "Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game."

"Oh boy," Y/N mumbled.


It was standoff between DJ, Katie, Y/N, Tyler, Harold, and Heather, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody.

They were all staring at the other team, glaring at each other with smirks on their faces.


"I'm not the best at dodgeball," Y/N said. "But I have a pretty good feeling about this challenge."


"Bring it on fishies," Heather bragged. "Otherwise winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying."

"Oh! You're going down!" Tyler cried. "We're gonna bring the dinner to the table and then we're gonna eat it!"

"You really need to work on your trash talk," Y/N whispered to him.

"Both teams ready?" Chris asked. "Best of five games wins. Now. Let's dodge some ball!"

Y/N deadpanned.

Chef blew his whistle, and Y/N, and everybody who was playing rushed for the balls, either teams cheering for their teammates.

The first one to throw a ball was Cody, the ball going in between Tyler and Harold's heads. Tyler snarled and Cody grinned sheepishly.

In a really dumb move, Tyler spun around and threw his ball, but instead of hitting anybody on the opposite side of the court, he hit Sadie, who was sitting on the bleachers.

"That'll smear the makeup," Chris grinned.

"Nice job," Courtney frowned from the bleachers.

"Now let's see if you can hit someone on their team!"

Owen ran forward, ball in hand. Tyler gaped in fear.

Owen ran right in front of the line before throwing the ball hard as he could at Tyler, hitting in right in the stomach and sending him flying into the glass.

"Ow! Damn it!" Tyler whined.

Chef blew the whistle, making the other team cheer.

Y/N sighed and went to go help Tyler up.

"Maybe next time you should try and dodge," she joked.

"Yeah, I know," Tyler mumbled before going to sit down on the bleachers, Sadie giving him a dirty look.

Chef blew the whistle again.

"Time to unleash my wicked skills," Harold said.

"Yeah?" Leshawna rose one eyebrow. "Then bring it string bean! Let's see what you got!"

Harold did a ninja pose, the ball balancing between his knee and his stomach. He then dropped it into his hand with one foot in the air. Then he leaped forward and slammed the ball into the ground.

It ricocheted upward before bouncing gently onto the other teams side.

Y/N rubbed the bridge of her nose, wishing she had just decided to sleep like Duncan did.

Leshawna picked up the ball unimpressed.

Harold ran away, screaming like a girl as Leshawn hit him in the head with the ball, causing the Screaming Gophers to cheer.

He skidded all the way on the floor until his face smashed against the glass, making Chris and Y/N wince.

Chef blew the whistle.

The score was now 5 v 3.

"And that's how we roll!" Leshawna boasted, high fiving Owen.

Wanting to get somebody on the other team out, Y/N reeled the ball back and threw it as hard as she could, not caring who it hit.

To her surprise, (and guilt) the ball hit Lindsay, causing a purple bruise to form on her cheek.

Lindsay sulked off and sat down on the bleachers.

Even though her team cheered for her, Y/N did feel bad, but decided she would apologize after the challenge.

Suddenly, Heather picked up a ball and threw it at Tyler, who wasn't even on the court.

"Mommy," he whimpered, holding his privates which had just been hit hard with the ball.

"What the fuck was that?" Y/N yelled. "He wasn't even on the court!"

"Oopsies! Slipped!" Heather grinned innocently.

"Ugh!" Y/N grunted, taking DJ's ball and hurling it towards Heather as hard as she could. Heather shielded her face with her arms, but Owen rushed forward and caught the ball.

That meant that Y/N was out.

Y/N scoffed and sat down on the bleachers next to Bridgette.

"At least you scored us a point," Bridgette said.

"I won't be happy till Heather gets out," Y/N grumbled.

Chef pointed at Gwen, signaling that it was her turn to get onto the court.

Owen threw a ball at DJ, but missed. DJ threw one towards Owen, but Owen ducked at the last minute, making the ball hit Gwen in the head right as she was walking on the court.

"Oh! Sorry!" DJ winced.

"Oh, it's cool, trust me," Gwen grinned.


It was now between DJ and Katie, and Leshawna and Cody.

The whistle blew. Katie and DJ both threw their balls at Leshawna, who deflected one with her ball, but got hit in the stomach with the other one.

Now it was just Cody that was left for The Screaming Gophers.

Y/N thought that her team was guaranteed the win for this round.

"Easy out, guys. Easy out," Courtney said.

Cody spun his ball and grinned. He threw the spinning ball at DJ, who dodged, but the ball managed to whip around and hit DJ in the butt.

"That is one tough ball to dodge!" Chris exclaimed.

Now it was just Katie left for the Killer Bass. She threw a ball at Cody, but he dodged. He picked up a ball and rubbed it rapidly against his shirt, creating static electricity, and then threw the ball.

Katie tried to run away, the Killer Bass (besides Duncan who was still asleep) could only watch with their mouths agape as the ball chased Katie around, eventually hitting her.

Chef blew his whistle, signaling that the round was over.

Y/N sighed as the other team cheered.


The next round was about to start. The Killer Bass were currently in a team huddle.

"We can do this!" Harold encouraged. "We just have to believe in ourselves!"

"Oh, I believe," Courtney said. "I believe you suck!"

"Yeah, you throw like a girl!" Tyler remarked.

"Oh, like you have any room to talk," Y/N said.

"It was a warm up throw," Tyler defended himself. "Look, I can dominate this game, just give all the balls to me."

Y/N had doubts, but everyone else was going along with it, so she decided to go along with it.

Chef Hatchet blew his whistle

"Fine," Courtney agreed. "Just try to aim for the other side, okay?"

Now it was Katie and Sadie, Tyler, DJ, and Geoff going against Owen, Lindsay, Beth, Trent, and Izzy.

Everyone on the Screaming Gophers was confused to see Tyler holding all the Killer Bass' balls.

Tyler started to spin around again, throwing the balls as he did.

One of the balls hit Chef in the stomach.

One goes towards Chris but he dodges ("Hey! Watch the face dude!")

One flew towards the Screaming Gopher bleachers, forcing the campers who were sitting there to jump away.

And the last one hit Lindsay in the face (again).

"Nooooo!" Tyler ran over to Lindsay.

"Finally!" Courtney said.

Lindsay was knocked out, but she awoke after a moment.

"Uhmm, hmm, Tyler?" she murmured. "Oh my gosh, my face. How's my face?"

She took her hand off her face, making Tyler jump.

"It's really...not that bad," he grinned, lying.

Y/N also jumped when she saw Lindsay's face. Along with bruises on both of her cheeks and her forehead, she also had a fucked up eye.

"You still look great,"

"Really?" Lindsay asked.

"Yeah, really," Tyler grinned.

"Aww, they're so cute," Y/N whispered to Bridgette. "I wish I had someone like that."

"You already do have someone like that," Bridgette mumbled.

"What'd you say?"

"Huh? Nothing,"

Trent walked over to where Lindsay and Tyler were standing. Since Tyler was on their side of the court, he threw the ball gently at Tyler's chest.

"You want to go for a walk?" Tyler asked, not caring that he just got out.

"Okay!" Lindsay eagerly said.

"Hey! Hey get back here!" Heather called out to Lindsay, who wasn't listening. "You are so close to being out of the alliance!"

"Great Gatsby, that is it!" Owen yelled. "Game on!"

He got Katie and Sadie out using one ball, then hit DJ in the shoulder, and then hit hit Geoff square in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"Ow! That one's worth an instant replay!" Chris winced before smiling.

"Ooh! He dropped it like it was hot!" Leshawna grinned.

'What does that even mean?' Y/N deadpanned.

Y/N got off the bleachers and started helping people off the floor.

"Thanks, Y/N," DJ grinned, as Y/N helped him up.

"No problem," she smiled.

Everyone on the Killer Bass began to huddle up (besides Duncan, of course).

"Hey, it's 2-0!" Heather called out to the Bass. "How does it feel to suck so much?"

Y/N opened her mouth to speak but got interrupted by Harold.

"Not very good," he sighed.

"It's not over yet," Courtney huffed, not looking so sure of herself.

"It's so over," Y/N groaned.


Y/N sat on the bleachers, hunched next to Bridgette.

She didn't remember dodgeball being this hard and brutal.

"Okay, this is really bad," Courtney spoke up. "One more game and we lose the whole challenge, again! We can't let that happen people. We need someone strong, someone mean, someone who will crush those stupid gophers into the dirt!"

Everyone's eyes immediately went to the sleeping Duncan.

"Uh-uh, if we wake him up, he'll kill us," DJ said.

"He won't kill us," Y/N scoffed. "It was just an empty threat. Besides he wants to win too."

"Y/N's right," Harold agreed. "We need Duncan's fierceness to win this!"

"That's the spirit, Harold!" Courtney smiled. "Now go wake him up!"

"Why me?" Harold asked.

"Because, other than Trent, you're the worst at dodgeball. And if he does kill you, you're the only one we can afford to lose," Courtney explained.

"No way! I'm doing it!" Harold said. "Why can't Y/N do it?"

"What? Why me?" Y/N asked.

"'Cause you're the only one here he actually likes," Harold crossed his arms.

"Doesn't mean he won't kill me!" Y/N hissed.

"I thought you said it was just an empty threat?" Bridgette smirked.

Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"If you don't wake him up, I will," Courtney snapped.

"Oh my gosh, fine!" Y/N gave in. "But if I die, all of you are paying for my funeral."

Y/N very slowly inched herself towards Duncan, who was laying down on the bleachers.

She very lightly tapped on Duncan's shoulder.

"Duncan," she whispered. "Wake up."

When that didn't work, she started tapping him harder.

She started tapping him harder and harder, getting frustrated when she wasn't getting any response.

"Oh my, gosh," she grumbled, bending down to speak in his ear.

"Wake the fuck up, Duncan!"

Before she could even react, Duncan woke up, sat up, and grabbed onto her wrist, pulling her closer to his face.

Unbeknownst to Duncan, he didn't know that it was Y/N waking him up, he thought it was one of his other teammates like Harold or DJ.

So imagine his surprise when he opened his eyes, and saw Y/N, here E/C eyes wide, and a light blush on her face.

The snarl that was on Duncan's face instantly disappeared, instead being replaced by a surprised look on his face, blush also appearing on his cheeks.

Had Y/N eyes always been that bright?

Had her H/C hair always looked that soft?

Had she always been that pretty?

Suddenly, the moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Y/N looked over and saw that the the whole entire team was staring at her. Some were giggling, some of them had smirks, Like Bridgette, and one person was scowling.

You could probably guess who that was.

"Yeah, uh," Duncan stuttered, letting go of Y/N's wrist. "Sorry about that,"

"No worries," Y/N muttered, her face red.

"But you better have a really good reason for yelling in my ear," Duncan said.

Courtney very rudely shoved Y/N out of the way.


"Courtney is literally so fucking rude," Y/N frowned. "Seriously, I don't know what her problem is."


"Look, we are down two nothing," Courtney said, ignoring the fact that she just shoved Y/N. "I can appreciate that you need a little nap time, but we need your help."

"Oh, and why should I help you, darling?" Duncan smirked.

"Because, I can personally guarantee that if we lose this game, you'll be the one going home, darling," Courtney glared.

Duncan sighed. "Fine, I'll play. On one condition, you do what I say, when I say it,"

Courtney and Y/N both nodded.

"Okay, here's a strategy I picked up during my first visit to juvie," Duncan explained.

"It's called Rush the New Guy."


The Killer Bass easily won the next round using Duncan's technique. Y/N cheered the whole time from the bleachers, deciding she wasn't going to play that round, but she would play the next round.

The Killer Bass was now in a huddle.

"I think we should do the same thing all over again," Courtney said. "So Harold, sit this one out too."

"But I sat the last one out," Harold complained.

"It's for the good of the team," Courtney reasoned.

Y/N sat back down on the bleachers, waiting for the next round to start.

"Hey uh," Duncan said, sitting down next to her. "Sorry about what I did earlier."

"I already told you it's fine," Y/N said. "Sorry that I woke you up, the team made me do it."

"It's whatever," Duncan shrugged.

"You did good out there," Y/N smiled. "For someone who spends most of their teen years in juvie."

"I'm just naturally good at everything," Duncan smirked.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself," Y/N laughed, heading onto the court for the next round.


"She is so into me," Duncan smirked into the camera.



"Pshh, in his dreams," Y/N giggled, a tiny hint of blush on her cheeks.


The next round was between Y/N, Duncan, Bridgette, DJ,and Geoff, and Izzy, Trent, Leshawna, Justin, and Beth.

The Killer Bass dominated that round, getting everybody on the opposite team out in only five minutes.

Y/N high fived Bridgette and Geoff as they cheered for another win.

"Okay, this is it," Chris announced. "The final tie breaking game!"

The Killer Bass huddled up, discussing what they were going to do for the final round.

"Okay, who's going in?" Duncan asked.

"I think it's my turn," Harold said.

"No way!" Courtney said. "We actually have a chance to win this!"

Harold sadly nodded and sat down on the bleachers.


The Killer Bass weren't doing as good as they were before. They were getting some of the other team out, but not as well as they were doing before.

Luckily, Y/N had managed to stay on the court the whole time, crying out in happiness when she managed to get Heather out.

She had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing when she saw Courtney get in the face by Gwen.

"That's for the oatmeal," Gwen grinned.

Leshawna laughed. "Oh, you messed with the wrong white girl!"

Y/N got distracted though, and got hit in the stomach by Owen, knocking her back into the glass.

"What is with people hitting me in the stomach!" Y/N gasped.

It was now between Harold and Owen.

The Screaming Gophers started to cheer, already knowing that Owen would kick Harold's ass.

Y/N felt the same way, but she wasn't going to tell anyone that.

"Sorry dude, but you've got to go down," Owen smirked.

"Goodnight, Harold," Duncan mumbled.

Owen started throwing throwing all the balls he had at Harold, but to everyone's surprise, Harold was dodging the balls very gracefully and very elegantly.

In Y/N's eyes, Harold looked absolutely fabulous.

"Time out, time out!" Courtney said to Chef, who then blew his whistle.

"Man, that boy's got dodge!" Duncan said while Harold sat down on the bleachers. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"Figure skating," Harold answered, spitting some water that Bridgette gave him into Tyler's face.

"Harold, that was awesome!" Geoff said. "But dodging isn't enough."

"Geoff is right," Y/N said. "To win this, you either have to throw them out-"

"Which we all know you can't do," Duncan interrupted.

"Or catch the ball," Y/N finished. "Think you can do it?"

"Defintley!" Harold grinned.

"Awesome!" DJ exclaimed, slapping Harold's back. "Now go catch that ball!"

Harold walked onto the court, having a stare down with Owen.

Both of the teams started cheering.

"Harold! Harold! Harold! Harold!" the Killer Bass chanted.

"Cowabunga!" Owen shouted. He winded up his arm and threw the ball.

Holding her breath, Y/N clutched onto Duncan's arm as she watched the ball make contact with Harold, sending him flying into the glass.

"Come on, Harold," Y/N and Duncan muttered.

The biggest grin appeared on Y/N's face when she saw Harold hold the ball up, both of his hands clasping it.

Chef Hatchet blew his whistle, signaling that the game was over.

"The Killer Bass win!" Chris cheered.

The Killer Bass started cheering as loud as they could.

Y/N started jumping up and down, cheering the loudest.

Duncan was also cheering very loudly, whooping and hollering.

The two of them got so caught up in the excitement that they turned to hug each other.

Just as they were about to wrap their arms around each other, they both stopped, realizing how awkward it was since their faces were so close to each other not that long ago.

Instead of hugging each other, they gave each other an awkward fist bump instead, sheepish smiles and light blush on both of their faces.

Y/N looked over and saw Bridgette wiggling her eyebrows at Y/N, making her roll her eyes.

DJ and Duncan picked up Harold and put him on their shoulders, the Killer Bass crowding around them as they walked out of the gym.

"Nice job, skater nerd," Duncan grinned.

"You are literally my new favorite person," Y/N smiled.


"I guess I'm kind of a role model now that I won the dodgeball competition," Harold said, eating potato chips. "People will probably all want my autograph when the show is over and stuff."


Y/N relaxed on the stairs of the cabin porch, glad that she didn't have to worry about getting voted out that night.

As she counted the stars in the night sky, she started to think about that moment that she had with Duncan during the challenge.

She knew that Duncan didn't mean to grab her wrist like that, that's why he apologized.

But she couldn't help but think about how he started to blush as soon that he realized that it was Y/N. And the fact that it looked like he was taking in every detail of her face.

No, it wasn't that.

Surely it wasn't.

He was only blushing because that moment must have looked super embarrassing to the rest of the team.

Yeah, that's totally the reason.

"Whatcha thinking about?" said a voice that made Y/N jump. "I bet it's about me."

Of course the voice came from Duncan. And yes, Y/N was currently thinking about him.

But Duncan didn't need to know that.

"Don't scare me like that, asshole!" Y/N snapped, smacking Duncan's arm as he sat down next to her.

"My bad, didn't know that you were such a baby," Duncan laughed.

"I hope you drown in the lake," Y/N joked.

"Oh, you say the sweetest things, Y/N," Duncan purred. "You kicked ass today."

"You only saw me play two games," Y/N giggled.

"You still kicked ass none the less,"

"Oh, that means the world coming from you,"

"Don't get used to it, you're annoying as fuck most of the time,"

Y/N scoffed. "Like you have any room to talk,"

"Hey, people love me," Duncan defended. "Especially the ladies."

He then winked very cheesily.

"Oh yeah, I bet," Y/N rolled her eyes. "And by ladies, did you mean your grandma?"

Duncan choked on his spit, making Y/N roar with laughter.

"Okay, I'm heading off to bed," Y/N said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Thanks for the good laugh, I needed that."

"Anything to help a pretty girl like you, sweetheart," Duncan smirked.

"Uh huh," Y/N said, getting up and heading into the cabin. "Goodnight Duncan, I'll see you in the morning."

Y/N walked into the cabin, she could hear Duncan mutter behind her, but she was too tired to try and figure out what he said.

"Goodnight gorgeous,"


duncan is officially down bad for you

you guys are so lucky

stay safe and drink lots of water <33

xoxo, Izzy

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