Just to clarify, before we go any deeper into this story, I technically decided to alter the Adam x Lute ship/cannon.
Adam sees Lute as his best chick in command and partner in crime. Lute, badass bitch, also sees Adam no more as a friend, boss with a childish high ego stubborn personality, and partner in crime.
They are besties.
Not a fling.
Now that I stated this, enjoy the story!!
Sera recently was informed of the new soul added in Heaven. She was with Emily, the exact version of Charlie only in Heaven as a Serphim, who poured each cup of tea. Fresh biscuits for both to share. Simple sister bonding time. Rare and quite sweet as usual.
Sera frowns not a second later, the letter documents in hand, reading word by word. This was something she never expected to happen. By birth or renal of life, heaven is meant for immediate pure good souls and crystal clear purity only. Nothing tainted at all with sins. This document in her hands was of news unexpected and, well, unfix able..
Emily perks up, eager to inform her sister of her new friend she made, only for the first man to fly right in unannounced. It was clear he was unhappy, confuzzled, and many things as Lute follows, not so far behind him. She looks calm yet inside she was uncertain of the rumors spreading like wild fire this morning...
"Oh, don't Adam me, Sera! I heard the commotion and all I want to fucking know is what in the living actual fuck is going on??!" Adam was officially upset by every means with Heaven, and as stupid as it sounds, began to say things he shouldn't "Like, uh, aren't we redeemed enough to thrive here in Heaven? No harm, no scars, no trauma, fucking everything should be fixed! A clean fucking slate! What in the fuck are you two cunts doing up here?! Fucking fix this unfair cruel as shit Sera or I fucking will-!"
"Commotion? Sera....I-I don't u-u-understand what's going on.."
Emily never had the chance to be informed of the new soul. All the files were in her big sisters hands. And all Sera did was tighten her grip on it, ignoring her dear sweet sister, avoiding her knowing all she knows in those very documents.
Lute eyes widen at Emily, and she is taken back, unlike Adam. She felt bad for the sweet, smaller Seraphim. "You... don't know? Aren't you supposed to know everyone here??"
Emily nods. At this point, she was the only one from knowing anything anymore..
Sera set the documents down, keeping her saved paragraph tagged with a yellow sticky note arrow, folding it neatly before she set her entire attention on the first man. She knew enough to say. That will do for now. She sat there with hands on her lap, fingers intertwined, eyes covered in fake emotions, and simply made herself while sitting the big man after a few seconds. Adam didn't back down. He knows, Sera. This was a fake version of who she wanted the public to view her as. This is why he liked Emily more. She wasn't twisted nor a fake; she was herself.
"I don't appreciate the way you came in just now, Adam, Lute. It's quite disrespectful, don't you think?"
"Disrespectful isn't my intentions here. I mean, what would you do if a new fucking soul was immediately sent to the hospital after they been redeemed for fucking Heaven? I'm clearly stating my mind, and if that was me, I'll be fucking suing you two and God for spreading false lies the moment I wake the fuck up!!"
"B-But Heaven is ment to heal those before entering the gates!" Emily gasped, deeply horrified for the new poor soul, look upon her sister that was not as worried as she was "Sera? Sera, we must do something-!"
A hand was held up, Sera's hand in fact, the glare she sent towards Emily shut her up. No words were said by either. Soon, she returned her attention to Adam and Lute. Her demeanor never changed the slightest.
"I read enough to know what I should know. As you have stated, this is by far unexpected nor fair. By what I saw, they were sent to our best healers. After time has passed, we may discuss things further." Sera voice was too calm and blunt, it just rubbed Adam the wrong way entirely.
Lute, diving ahead before Adam could, spoke her mind "This subject can't be ignored. It is by far too clear to both of us that you didn't read far enough to know jack shit of this event. If you were as concerned as we are, do you remember the other two redeemed souls with them? Two were fixed up and clothed. Only one was denied any help whatsoever." She then turns to Emily, quite yet listening, spoke more only to her."That soul was a good one. Very good. Heaven denied them without a reason. I did my research, Emily. Heaven failed this soul."
A hand was placed on Lute's shoulder, Adam agreed with her, "Like down there, we also need money to thrive up here. That soul is broke as fuck."
The older Seraphim was set up against a wall. Did those rumors spread that fast around? She expected it to be kept at an all-time low. Now, the only one who is only known half of what is going on, sit like a deer in headlights before two lower and one upper slightly ranked than her. She had to return to that document soon. Sera needed to get these two know it alls out of here.
"I see.." Sera stood up, one hand clapsed tightly onto the documents, soon approached the two that stared back up at her, smiling a sweet smile far from Emily's "I'll see what I can do. For now, as of today, you two will take good care of this soul."
Both of the eyes of the first man and his partner in crime eyes widen, taken back no doubt, as Sera slowly leaves the place itself.
"Do I look like a mother fucking babysitter?! Sera!Sera, come ooonn!!"
"We are not fit for suck task! Please! Reconsider!"
All they got was the flapping sound of wings and a blunt "Good luck, you two." Before flying off, possibly to read more of that document itself.
Lute rubs her masked temple "Fuck me!" to which Adam agrees. He was clenched his fist tightly. To the point his knuckles turned white...
Emily was still there, and with Sera gone, she could do whatever she wanted. Her attention was set on helping these two. That was her goal as of today.
"What we waiting for? Let's go make some cash!" Niether had a word to say as Emily dragged them away, flying ahead as they tried to catch up.
It took you two weeks to come out of your coma. Two weeks in heaven. It was by far unreal to find yourself there. Yet, like all souls here, why were you not healed as those before entering the gates? No nurse or doctor said much about it. All they said was it was a mere glitch in the system. Many times, you'll chat with them as they bring in new vases of flowers and treats to your bedside. Neither dare say who it was from. All you had was a small gold ink drawing of a golden halo and gutair as the other, for things like actual cooked meals sometimes, a get well soon card with a large L set in black ink once in a while.
Mysterious as it was, and being there bed ridden, was entirely grateful of the two. They must be good people..
Speaking of good people. Two nurses come in with a wagon of supplies in store.
The elder viper nurse smiles, fanges show slightly as she sets aside a bucket of luke warm water to the side, her scaly silver complection sent nothing but calmness and joy to see you. "Good morning, dear. How are you feeling today?"
"Better. Way better." Your wings were bandaged up completely, some feathers poking out sorta here and there, to smile nervously to the nurse."They been itchy for some time now. I'm not sure if that's normal, though.."
That fang filled smile was enough to calm you down "Itchy is good, love. It's far better than what it was before, and maybe it's a sign of further improvement. A good sign indeed!"
Unnoticed to you, the other nurse, humanly as possible only with one yellow eye and glasses, unwrap your wings. It seems both nurse plan to tag team their entire day on your wings.Four large (F/C) wings. Set on your lower back of all places. Big suprise on how comfortable it is to sleep with wings involved in any position. The only problem is why yours didn't match others here? Why not white??
Actually, your halo was not yellow. It was black with a broken heart and two lines on it. It was working because it held a faint (F/C) glow around 24/7.
Nothing about you was matching anyone else up here in Heaven...
"Beautiful wings. Very soft and smooth." This was the other nurse, wringing out the water from her rag, to further clean your wings with a faint normal smile "Scarred yes. Yet you should not let that bring you down. Proves you're stronger than many others here. A sign of survival."
"Besides that, your wings are extremely weak at the moment. You have been bedridden for far too long, dear." The serpent nurse points out, admiring them yes, only to start on the next wing after "After you're fully healed, we will need to have your wings tested for flight. Your food will change to. More protein and greens will help your wings from being so weak."
Your wings weren't in the best condition. Beautiful, they were only not strong enough for so many things.After cleaning was done, refusing to fall asleep numerous times for your wings were a sensitive part of you, and finally stood on two feet. Both nurses were in awe as your wings were indefinitely huge compared to your smaller petite frame.They could cover your body completely and acted more like a coat. Walking around with wobbly just like jelly legs while mere half of those four wings dragged away on cold tiled ground.Supporting your form with security and balance...
"Am I being taken to test my wings?"
"Oh no, dear! Your care will be placed under your caretaker care now. We'll keep in touch in case something goes wrong." The serpent nurse laughed with a jolly smile, the one eyed nurse also, soon leads to a red door, stepping aside for you to admire the golden details on the silver door nob "Sara chose two great people to take care of you! It was nice knowing you dear!!"
Both nurse said their farewells. Sweet as heavenly air. Soon, leaving you to the door, a simple door, waiting to be opened by your very hands.
Opening it your (E/C) hues land on one single person. Dressed in black, light grey, and white cloths. Her skin was pale as her hair. What drew your attention the most was not her feline yellow fierce eyes, but her wings and halo itself.
Her halo was black... even her medium-sized white wings held an outer rim only consisted of black..Two single black thick strips on each inner wing...
Lute didn't notice your presence nor stare of awe and some bewildered shock at all. Her very attention was set on a rather long recite. So long it could make anyone's wallet hurt. At some point, she growls in frustration, ripping it into shreds within seconds, before crossing her slim arms as she rubs her temple in frustration. She really thought Emily was going to pay for everything. Not leaving her with the mother fucking medical bill itself. Why didn't she not volunteer to help Emily with her 'welcome home' gift? She was an idiot to not volunteer first before Adam ever did...
"Are you alright?"
Lute never turned around that fast before. She honestly didn't hear you come in. As taken back as she was the extrocise angel, the badass of all badass bitches, soon stood with no signs of either emotion. She was only standing there. Waving off your question like a normal Tuesday morning routine.
"Peachy. Very much so." She eyes your wings, noticing the current state itself, frowns slightly with eyes less intimidating, softer than her own words "Quite big wings you have there. Did you try flying with them yet?"
You shook your head. Great. Even a bigger problem for Lute. How in the hell is she going to help you to your apartment complex? Fuck.
The moment Lute was about to lose her marbles was when the exact nurse came in from behind you. With them was another person yet, like Lute, he was dressed like a rock star preacher, or is it Saint? Honestly, whatever. All you could do was let out a loud surprise noise as the holy demon dude held your smaller form bridal style. He seemed to be already aware of your wings. He carefully tucked them inwards slightly, just a tad, before turning to a furious yet somewhat relived Lute. Niether noticed your (E/C) hues checking out every detail in Adam's golden wings and golden halo...
"Okay then! Let's get going danger tits!" He was eager to leave, too much deja vu here, soon sprinting away with you in arms "Last one is a rotten as fuck egg!HAHAHA!!"
Lute groans, so done with Heaven "Fucking idiot I swear." to which she instead hoped out the window, falling through many pink fluffy clouds, then flew after her boss.
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